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There is a few things I noticed. Mostly skimmed tho so correct me if I'm wrong

1) Crush has posted a lot but hasn't really said much

2) Tina could be tied with me for least amount of posts this game

3) ape thinks he's the sh*t but really isn't

4) 1/2 the current votes are about as rock solid as jello

5) Wombat's comment bringing up millers and framers seems teh scummy still

6. Hess is going to win the game single handedly.

Vote Tina

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At the point we were at, it made absolutely ZERO sense that you would have swooped-in after playing a completely off-the-radar D1 and put a bullseye on yourself by calling Vic scum, if you were in fact scum.

At this point, you and JIF are my best reads for town. CTM is a close third, because there is zero point in him appealing for a Vic lynch if he's scum and the choice is Pac or Vic. He'd have just picked one and added some fluff and let town hurt itself.

This was directed a Pac, shortly after Ape voted in what might actually have been a Smash train derailment. Smash had just taken the vote lead, and a handful of posts later Ape steers away......and then follows up with this. Derail an early Smash train, and then point to him as a town read. Also jumping at little tidbits instead of letting them play themselves out, like what CTM suggested.

Smash and Ape are my best bets for scum.

Vote: Ape

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There is a few things I noticed. Mostly skimmed tho so correct me if I'm wrong

1) Crush has posted a lot but hasn't really said much

2) Tina could be tied with me for least amount of posts this game

3) ape thinks he's the sh*t but really isn't

4) 1/2 the current votes are about as rock solid as jello

5) Wombat's comment bringing up millers and framers seems teh scummy still

6. Hess is going to win the game single handedly.

Vote Tina

On #2, no. That would be myself and probably Wombat at this point. Close. It'll get better as the game goes on. I'll work my way into a late frenzy, or just get blind lynched. Or both. Assholes.

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Seeing a real pic of you doesn't help your internet machismo fyi. When the time comes I'll be here to mend.

I'm pretty right? And that was pre 2012. I'm jacked now. You are die.

There is a few things I noticed. Mostly skimmed tho so correct me if I'm wrong

1) Crush has posted a lot but hasn't really said much

2) Tina could be tied with me for least amount of posts this game

3) ape thinks he's the sh*t but really isn't

4) 1/2 the current votes are about as rock solid as jello

5) Wombat's comment bringing up millers and framers seems teh scummy still

6. Hess is going to win the game single handedly.

Vote Tina

Yep! He's my number 1. I want to kill him today. Yay!!!

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I could go Smash or Ape at this point...both most likely scum...yup...Ape its funny how you play this craaaazzzzy game. I needed a vocal leader huh?


Your not the only one who adapts...I use your vocal leadership many times and this was another...my gut said you were acting strange from the git-go...my vote off Vic was entirely based on your interpretation on Pac's motives...yes, I did miss Pac's trap...I unvoted and held my thoughts till I had a chance to catch up this morning...the other interesting aspect was bringing Smash back with you...that cinched the deal for me on both of you...Smash almost never plays Day 1 as town...doesn't like the emotional drama the normal Day 1 banter brings...I casually mention him when you scolded me for making excuses for lurkers...when I mentioned lets all move to Smash, voila he re-appears. Must be nice to have the private QT to return him to the thread.

@ Town...I'm roleless townie...just another self-projection...not the worst decision to lynch me...but if we are looking for scum...take aim at Ape and Smash.

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unvote vote Ape


vote APE

This was directed a Pac, shortly after Ape voted in what might actually have been a Smash train derailment. Smash had just taken the vote lead, and a handful of posts later Ape steers away......and then follows up with this. Derail an early Smash train, and then point to him as a town read. Also jumping at little tidbits instead of letting them play themselves out, like what CTM suggested.

Smash and Ape are my best bets for scum.

Vote: Ape

I could go Smash or Ape at this point...both most likely scum...yup...Ape its funny how you play this craaaazzzzy game. I needed a vocal leader huh?


Your not the only one who adapts...I use your vocal leadership many times and this was another...my gut said you were acting strange from the git-go...my vote off Vic was entirely based on your interpretation on Pac's motives...yes, I did miss Pac's trap...I unvoted and held my thoughts till I had a chance to catch up this morning...the other interesting aspect was bringing Smash back with you...that cinched the deal for me on both of you...Smash almost never plays Day 1 as town...doesn't like the emotional drama the normal Day 1 banter brings...I casually mention him when you scolded me for making excuses for lurkers...when I mentioned lets all move to Smash, voila he re-appears. Must be nice to have the private QT to return him to the thread.

@ Town...I'm roleless townie...just another self-projection...not the worst decision to lynch me...but if we are looking for scum...take aim at Ape and Smash.

I love it.

3 quick votes and out from under the rock crawls JC to nudge my train without voting me.

3 of the 4 people voting me have all been under my microscope today. The other is CTM who I'm reading as town so far. Shocking.

Maybe you guys might want to go back to that moment in time when I switched my vote to Vic? Maybe?

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This was directed a Pac, shortly after Ape voted in what might actually have been a Smash train derailment. Smash had just taken the vote lead, and a handful of posts later Ape steers away......and then follows up with this. Derail an early Smash train, and then point to him as a town read. Also jumping at little tidbits instead of letting them play themselves out, like what CTM suggested. Smash and Ape are my best bets for scum. Vote: Ape

Yes. Anyone that has seen me play as scum, knows I stick my neck all the way out there to rescue my fellow scummates... oh wait, no I don't.

Worst case I've ever seen you clump together.

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Yes. Anyone that has seen me play as scum, knows I stick my neck all the way out there to rescue my fellow scummates... oh wait, no I don't.

Worst case I've ever seen you clump together.

I thought you were always changing it up, purposely.. making the slow play

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CTM (2) -- JF80, WWWombat

JF80 (1) -- Christine

Smash (1) -- JC

Verbal (1) -- Nolder

JC (2) -- Ape, Smash

Ape (3) -- Hess, CTM, Verbal

Tina (1) -- Jack

WWWombat (2) -- AVM, JiF

With 16 Robert Fischers, it takes 9 to lynch out of the dream level

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I love it.

3 quick votes and out from under the rock crawls JC to nudge my train without voting me.

3 of the 4 people voting me have all been under my microscope today. The other is CTM who I'm reading as town so far. Shocking.

Maybe you guys might want to go back to that moment in time when I switched my vote to Vic? Maybe?


CTM (2) -- JF80, WWWombat

JF80 (1) -- Christine

Smash (1) -- JC

Verbal (1) -- Nolder

JC (2) -- Ape, Smash

Ape (3) -- Hess, CTM, Verbal

Tina (1) -- Jack

WWWombat (2) -- AVM, JiF

With 16 Robert Fischers, it takes 9 to lynch out of the dream level


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I am finding the Hess-JiF Bromance to be absolutely beautiful.

I'm finding you make tons of comments, none of them game related. I'd like to eat your face off after taking some bath salt.

jif's the most bromantic fella i know

Your just jealous you're never on the receiving end of my bromance, you snake.

I'll let you punch me in the face and then we'll hug it out.

Fine, but I'm going to squeeze your butt too.

He gets mad at me from time to time but it never lasts. I don't blame him.

You know me so well.

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I'm finding you make tons of comments, none of them game related. I'd like to eat your face off after taking some bath salt.

Your just jealous you're never on the receiving end of my bromance, you snake.

Fine, but I'm going to squeeze your butt too.

You know me so well.

You know I don't mind. I'm in this for the long haul.

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I thought you were always changing it up, purposely.. making the slow play

There's a lot of things I change about my play, and a lot I don't.

Telegraphing an attempted rescue on a scummate is just something I wouldn't do. I didn't do it for you the 2 times we were scum together most recently, and many of you have seen me bus people like Nolder without even needing to. The one thing you all know about me is I'm better on my own, and I know I am, which is why I never try to save my team when I'm scum (unless I need the extra scum for the numbers in an end-game play, like I did with AVM the time you got killed early with Nolder and I carried us to the victory).

If I were scum with Smash, his name would come out of my mouth as a vote or fos, certainly not a town read, lol. The whole premise of Verb's case is laughable.

Besides, it was me on D1 chastising JC for his top 3 list of JIF, 80 and Vic - asking him why the low-hanging fruits and not people like Smash and Sharrow? Why would I make that argument as scum with Vic so close to being lynched?

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There's a lot of things I change about my play, and a lot I don't.

Telegraphing an attempted rescue on a scummate is just something I wouldn't do. I didn't do it for you the 2 times we were scum together most recently, and many of you have seen me bus people like Nolder without even needing to. The one thing you all know about me is I'm better on my own, and I know I am, which is why I never try to save my team when I'm scum (unless I need the extra scum for the numbers in an end-game play, like I did with AVM the time you got killed early with Nolder and I carried us to the victory).

If I were scum with Smash, his name would come out of my mouth as a vote or fos, certainly not a town read, lol. The whole premise of Verb's case is laughable.

Besides, it was me on D1 chastising JC for his top 3 list of JIF, 80 and Vic - asking him why the low-hanging fruits and not people like Smash and Sharrow? Why would I make that argument as scum with Vic so close to being lynched?

I always at least read the first sentence fyi.

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If Verbal thinks I'm scum for voting Pac while others voted Smash (because I hate competing trains). Maybe he wants to vote JIF while JIF is chanting for a Wombat lynch just after Verbal made my train the longest... no? JIF and I must be a team too... Oh? What? Oh? It is the exact same premise... Garbage.

I like the pool that I've singled out today. Like them a lot.

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You know I don't mind. I'm in this for the long haul.

I ******* <3 you man.

Not liking any of these trains tbh. My top suspects for scum yesterday were Vic and Christine but now I don't really have a strong read on anyone.

Good, then we should kill you because you are worthless.

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