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Geisha Wars Mafia


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It'd better for you if you shut up and let 80 answer.

I'm not sure why you seem hell bent on deflating everything I put in-thread before it garner's response.

Hmm wonder why. Let's look back at today and see who was the main catalyst pushing my train while derailing EP's. Not my fault PE#1 was you.

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Hmm wonder why. Let's look back at today and see who was the main catalyst pushing my train while derailing EP's. Not my fault PE#1 was you.

Yeah, yeah, you keep insinuating things about me - but you are the Cop - just ****ing view me dumbass. Posts like this don't add up for a Cop.

Also, I believe your train was always the long train today, thus it never derailed EP's. Is it completely lost on you that I spent the better part of this day keeping my vote on you because I felt AVM was trying to derail your train? Try to look at things through the lens of not knowing alignments...

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I doubt it but she's still part of the equation I guess. Really can't believe JC, SMC and Lily made it easy for her. Those are probably the final 3...1 being 3rd party. (EP and Pac scum)

We heard Verbal's reasoning, but what is your reasoning behind not revealing who you viewed N1?

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Yeah, yeah, you keep insinuating things about me - but you are the Cop - just ****ing view me dumbass. Posts like this don't add up for a Cop.

Also, I believe your train was always the long train today, thus it never derailed EP's. Is it completely lost on you that I spent the better part of this day keeping my vote on you because I felt AVM was trying to derail your train? Try to look at things through the lens of not knowing alignments...

Don'tadd up!!??? You outed the town cop....AGAIN. It was your mouth and vote that changed the momentum.
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Don'tadd up!!??? You outed the town cop....AGAIN. It was your mouth and vote that changed the momentum.

Right. I didn't know you were the cop though dingleberry... I was voting for you because there were people, specifically AVM, trying to keep momentum off you. Do you not understand how that looks when AVM tries to vouch for you as town on page one when you get early pressure, then again tries to keep momentum off you when Smash asks us why we didn't at least get a reveal from you? On D1 I offered up AVM or EP instead of you and Verbal, 80, Lily all immediately dove off your train as well. Now you get early pressure again today, and again AVM goes kookoo and starts daring me to vote him instead of you... now remembering that I don't know your role or alignment, please think about how that looks.

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Top GF's are SMC or Ape. I really want Ape to be town fwiw.

Hahahahahaahahhaa... very good. Pursue this course. I'll sit back and cross my feet and watch you keep handing the town innocent readings as you push a hunt for GF and keep scums numbers primed for a win.

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So your stupid town? Or straight up scum? SK?

It's hard to take you seriously like you're actually leading something or "hinting" at something. You squirmed out of a D1 lynch (that was a BS train, BTW), and I couldn't really tell that you were lobbying for EP's lynch. I didn't see it. If that makes me stupid town, so be it. Won't be the first time someone called me dumb here.

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It's hard to take you seriously like you're actually leading something or "hinting" at something. You squirmed out of a D1 lynch (that was a BS train, BTW), and I couldn't really tell that you were lobbying for EP's lynch. I didn't see it. If that makes me stupid town, so be it. Won't be the first time someone called me dumb here.

Ok then dummy. Let's go kill some geisha's.
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i was 2 for 2 dumbass until you outed me.

Congratulations. You asked the mod someone's alignment twice, and twice he gave you an answer.

Not sure what you are sulking about. Most people know that, as Cop, once they get a scum reading they are most likely going to have to reveal themselves. All withholding accomplished was making you look less believable when you finally spoke up, and letting those of us that aren't the Cop fill the game with 20 more pages of Sherlocking... oh, and now because you are incapable of looking at the situation from the point of view of those that aren't the Cop, you are barking up the wrong tree (at least where I'm concerned).

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It's hard to take you seriously like you're actually leading something or "hinting" at something. You squirmed out of a D1 lynch (that was a BS train, BTW), and I couldn't really tell that you were lobbying for EP's lynch. I didn't see it. If that makes me stupid town, so be it. Won't be the first time someone called me dumb here.

This. Seriously.

Hess can't see the game through vanilla town eyes apparently.... ****ing snide little prick.

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