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Maurice Jones-Drew

nj meadowlands

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I actually agree with the Jags handling of this player.

He's great but his best football is behind him. Not smart to pay 27 year old RBs with that much mileage on the odometer (about 1500 career carries).

Maybe, but will this hurt the new ownership? What FA's will want to deal with the new owner who didn't sign the #1 guy in his franchise?

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Sperm I think the biggest obstical for Sanchez was his previous coach. I also think we are going to see a miuch different QB going forward. For Him its all about limiting the turnovers and meshing well with his new teammates and I thin he will be fine as they all adjust to the new offense. Sorry but IMO Brian Shott was a complete Idiot and its a really good thing we finally got him the hell out of here.

I was (and am) no fan of Schottenheimer. But you're giving Sanchez way too much of an excuse.

I seriously doubt he was under strict instructions from BS to stare down his primary WR for the first 3+ consecutive seconds. I doubt Schottenheimer instructed him to only-rarely hit his receiver in stride without having to lunge too far, reach too far back, too low, too high, and too late.

I saw plenty of TD's where the receiver was open by a good 10+ yards in the endzone and is almost standing still. If a receiver is open by 10-15 yards and is no longer running (or no longer running hard) then he was open 2 full seconds ago and the QB is seeing him way late. An unknown dozen number of times that happened and instead of continuing to be open, the DB's recovered before Sanchez finally saw the receiver or was willing to let the ball go.

Schottenheimer didn't instruct him to not see a safety cheating over just following our QB's eyeballs. I do not and will not ever believe that this wasn't stressed over and over and over every week in practice and every offseason. He just has no swivel attached to his head.

Schottenheimer, IMO, has a bad head for strategy (particularly on the fly) but isn't duh-duh stupid. I think Paul H***ett was the same way. Smart guy in the booth or in front of a chalkboard but a mindless pu**y with the game clock running.

And it's not like Schottenheimer was an OL coach or RB coach who got promoted to OC. He was a QB coach and the last 2 QBs he coached up were Drew Brees and Philip Rivers who both had nothing but flattering things to say about him (for what that's worth). And we also had another designated QB coach on the team. And we donated our #2 QB roster spot for essentially another QB coach for 2 straight years.

You can't just say, "Schottenheimer sucked" and that lets Sanchez off the hook for the enormity of things he does so very badly despite all the help he's had.

What's frustrating, in addition to all of the above, is that Sanchez has all the physical tools needed. He's strong, has a strong arm, has a natural overhand delivery, has an adequately fast release, sells the play action very well, and (while not a burner) he doesn't have lead feet. I also think he handles the NY press well, which many can't do. His problem, to me, is he's stupid and thinks and sees things too slowly for a position that only gives you 1-4 seconds of reaction and improvisation time. That's why he doesn't see zone coverage well. That's why he stares down his receivers. That's why he has a poor internal clock (gets rid of it too fast, forcing a low-percentage attempt or check-down when he's got a great pocket with gobs of time, and holds the ball too long when he's got heavy pressure). He also doesn't create any extra time on his own by moving around or moving up in the pocket, which all good QBs do. Far too often he just stands there until it's panic time.

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And it's not like Schottenheimer was an OL coach or RB coach who got promoted to OC. He was a QB coach and the last 2 QBs he coached up were Drew Brees and Philip Rivers who both had nothing but flattering things to say about him (for what that's worth). And we also had another designated QB coach on the team. And we donated our #2 QB roster spot for essentially another QB coach for 2 straight years.

They may not have said bad things about him, but that's just being PC - name me one QB who ever said Buddy Hackett was a crappy OC? For that matter, name one player or coach that talked smack about Joe Walton or Rich Kotite? It's just good manners. And, Drew Brees SUCKED under Schotty - his numbers the three years he played for him were EXACT mirror images of Sanchez. I'm not giving Sanchez a free pass, but I think he's gonna be WAY better this year without having to think of all Schotty's ridiculous movements.

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They may not have said bad things about him, but that's just being PC - name me one QB who ever said Buddy Hackett was a crappy OC? For that matter, name one player or coach that talked smack about Joe Walton or Rich Kotite? It's just good manners. And, Drew Brees SUCKED under Schotty - his numbers the three years he played for him were EXACT mirror images of Sanchez. I'm not giving Sanchez a free pass, but I think he's gonna be WAY better this year without having to think of all Schotty's ridiculous movements.

Where do you get this from? It is 100% false. It is not true at all. It is fiction. You have made it up out of thin air.

Brees was a pro bowler in his 3rd year as starter with Schottenheimer as his QB coach. His 4th year he would have gone - I think he was voted in that year as well - except he tore his shoulder in a meaningless last game of the season so he couldn't go.

I don't know how this myth got started that Brees was somehow terrible until he went to New Orleans (the year Schottenheimer came here) but it is pure nonsense. He was already one of the league's best QBs before he went there. That's why, even with a torn labrum that wasn't healed yet (and with his arm still in a sling 3 months after surgery), New Orleans still offered him a $10M/year long-term deal - top QB money in 2006 - when he hit free agency. Brees didn't start throwing footballs until a month after they'd signed him.

He didn't have the same gaudy yardage numbers he went on to have in New Orleans, but then they didn't run remotely similar offenses and New Orleans certainly didn't have an all-time great RB in his prime to feed the ball to 400x. They had Brees passing 400-500x in San Diego instead of 600-700x like in New Orleans. Otherwise the numbers (per attempt) weren't that different from his last 2 years in SD to NO (except that he started throwing touchdowns at a slower pace those first few seasons in New Orleans).

He had exactly one bad season in San Diego. One, in 4 years as starter. The only way he was the mirror image of Sanchez is if you're using a fun house mirror to horribly distort Brees's reflection. The one comparison you can make between Sanchez and one of the game's all-time great QBs is in the one lousy season he had as a second year starter, which sucks big-time for us.

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I agree, which is why you trade him. If you're in a rebuilding period, fine. Im not against a team starting from scratch, but when you have a guy that you have produce 50% of your total offense and he wants to be paid then if you keep him you must pay him. You cannot expect anyone to understand that you're in a rebuilding phase so you dont see the point of signing him to such a large contract, yet you want to keep him for his production. It doesnt work like that. If they're in a rebuilding phase they could certainly get at minimum a 1st rounder for this guy at 27 years old. It would in fact make sense for them to do so if they're trying to rebuild.

Its going to take them a few years to get this right if thats the case and by that time Drew will be about 30 and you could have gotten a draft pick out of him today. Let the guy leave and get his money somewhere else.

This. I agree with this entire statement. Now the question is should the Jets give up a number 1 pick for him and pay him 7 mil a year for 3-4 years?

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Where is this $7M/year coming from?

MJD is great but I think this roster is top-heavy enough as it is.

But cutting Hayden Smith. lol

Agreed. It's a nice pipe dream and all, but on a realistic level I don't see it happening. He's the kind of player I could see trying to get creative to get on a roster though. He is a vast improvement over the guys we have even though I'm really hoping to be pleasantly surprised by the relief Mcnight gives to Greene this year. I'm just about out of faith in Shonn as a game changing back who can take the team on his shoulders, but I am still hoping......

MJD is an entirely different level than what is here, but once again do not see it as a realistic option.

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They may not have said bad things about him, but that's just being PC - name me one QB who ever said Buddy Hackett was a crappy OC? For that matter, name one player or coach that talked smack about Joe Walton or Rich Kotite? It's just good manners. And, Drew Brees SUCKED under Schotty - his numbers the three years he played for him were EXACT mirror images of Sanchez. I'm not giving Sanchez a free pass, but I think he's gonna be WAY better this year without having to think of all Schotty's ridiculous movements.

Joe Klecko: "I think Joe Walton was vindictive toward me and did things that weren't in my best interests. He did it because he felt he was losing control."

Testaverde hated Paul Hackett's playcalling and it wasn't a well-kept secret.

Ditto Randall Cunningham with Rich Kotite. Gave a pretty chilling interview when Kotite was first hired by the Jets.

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Joe Klecko: "I think Joe Walton was vindictive toward me and did things that weren't in my best interests. He did it because he felt he was losing control."

Testaverde hated Paul Hackett's playcalling and it wasn't a well-kept secret.

Ditto Randall Cunningham with Rich Kotite. Gave a pretty chilling interview when Kotite was first hired by the Jets.

Im not Sure Vinny hated Hacketts play calling I think Vinny just did not fit in Hacketts WC scheme and Hackett tried to force the issue. Lets face it Vinny was not a WC QB and Pennington was thats why when Penny took over in 02 our offense improved by a fairly large amount.

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Im not Sure Vinny hated Hacketts play calling I think Vinny just did not fit in Hacketts WC scheme and Hackett tried to force the issue. Lets face it Vinny was not a WC QB and Pennington was thats why when Penny took over in 02 our offense improved by a fairly large amount.

At least until opposing coaches and defenders realized what a noodle-armed spineless coward of a QB he was.


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Im not Sure Vinny hated Hacketts play calling I think Vinny just did not fit in Hacketts WC scheme and Hackett tried to force the issue. Lets face it Vinny was not a WC QB and Pennington was thats why when Penny took over in 02 our offense improved by a fairly large amount.

I remember more than one time he said something like, "Hey I don't call the plays I just run them." What is that, an endorsement?

And besides, BS wasn't their OC he was the QBC.

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