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JAWS MAFIA - Game Thread


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So... ok. Thought here. Every time that DPR mentions Quint, he makes Quint a plural. And we have had a couple of people clearly mark who they want to harpoon, yet no harpoons have gone out, so far as we can tell. I wonder if any vests have made it out either. That being said, I think that the Quints are the Scum Team. They can give out vests, but then they have to lynch that person, not NK them. And, they can give out harpoons to take out the shark, but hope that we don't take out them. This is why none of them hinted at Verbal for the last harpoon. They didn't want us to figure out that Quint = Scum. Any thoughts?
Actually, my theory is kind of important, in that if I am right, the scum team knows who is at l3 and can control the harpoons. It also makes a lot of sense, and you trying to avoid it seeing light is scmmy if I am right.
Hess can only kill during the day phase he has kills on Day 1, 2 and 3 . This probably means a harpoon can kill him during one of the 2 phases. If someone has a harpoon they should use it tonight if it does not work one should be used tomorrow. If multiple harpoons are needed there should be some type of hint in the scene from DPR that more harpoons are needed to hill the shark which may be the case. In the Movie he was killed by an oxygen tank and a rifle but that would make it way too difficult since Hess would have to eat the oxygen tank townie and then the person with the rifle would have to know to shoot, thats too much involved so it must be the harpoon. IMO everyone who has a harpoon should let them fly tonight. Then more can be given out during the next day phase to finish off the shark.
yes harpoons only work on the Shark also in the movie when they harpooned the shark with the yellow barrels tied to them I think they used 3 or 4 harpoons correct ?

Christine posts something stupid.

Smash surfaces and endorses, or pushes, or whatever you want to call it the idea of aiming all harpoons at Hess, versus keeping some harpoons to use for scum hunting. Smash seems to be over-defending here, he can't be as dumb as the idea he was peddling... can he?

Also, the fact that Wombat threw a faggoty tantrum earlier in the game over someone ending day phase before Verbal handed out all of his harpoons, saying that harpoons were = lynch and should have been useful to scumhunting, and now is pushing a seemingly contradictory agenda where all harpoons get thrown at Hess instead of used for scumhunting pings like crazy.

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Hey Idiot APE is this where you think I Endorsed Christene ? You dyslexic bastard

What I was going to say was DPR is probably Quint ..... At least thats what I was thinking it may be way off base and I have not given it too much thought but the items Harpoon/Vest could very well be randomed by our MOD. if someone else said this and I missed it then oh ****ing well .

Shut up. Retard.

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A lone figure walked out to the end of the jetty with a harpoon in hand. They did not have a boat, but it didn't matter - the shark had been spotted here plenty of times, and the next time it swam by, the figure would send the harpoon straight into the devil's heart.

Islanders are stoic by nature, and this one was no different, they were content to wait for days if necessary, but as the fin surfaced and cut a path straight toward the waiting harpooner, it was clear that no wait would be necessary.

The figure took the harpoon into their grip and leaned back, waiting for the perfect moment to throw. The fish just kept coming, and the moment came...

It was a perfect throw.

The steel barb buried itself into the fish, just at the back of its head.

The shark didn't seem to notice. It just swam by and when it got close enough, it looked at the thrower with that polished coal of an eye, and there was no doubt of its intention.

The shark swam away then, the harpoon sticking out it like a second dorsal fin.

From the scene, it sounds more like harpoons are totally useless than it does that multiple harpoons will kill him. JMO though.

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Harpoons are in the game to kill a shark townies need to use their freakin heads and lync scum rather than taking pot shots with harpoons. Just because the Shark did not die from one harpoon shot does not mean multiple harpoons wont kill him.

Smash is flailing.

Really? Weird, I thought people had been shot as well. I must have been imagining that.

Anything that can kill townies is an equal threat to the town. Scum can kill townies. Jaws can kill townies. But guess what? Jaws can kill scum, too.

Since you seem to be the only one thinking pragmatically... here:

We've seen guns kill townies. Both via executioner and via NK.

We've seen harpoons kill town and scum. Not the shark.

There have been 2 people that claim backup bombs. Which means there is at least one active bomb. Why would there be so many bombs?

The harpoon/vest aspect of this game is equal to an Inventor (I think) where one role can give our 1-time use items. This is the type of thing you use instead of a vigilante. We've seen no sign of a vig, right?

It appears that docs, vest are all vulnerable to the shark, and the shark not vulnerable to the harpoons. I'm assuming docs and vest would have stopped NKs or harpoons if targeted, we've not seen it happen though.


Harpoons, NK, Vest all work on each other. Not on shark. They are part of the town / scum interplay. Use harpoons for scum hunting.

Bombs are meant to kill shark. He can eat through docs and vests, so the only logical thing that would stop a shark attack is a bomb. So, as anti-town as it might seem, we have to let Hess pig out on whomever he wants until he bites the big one. Literally.

The only circumstance I can think of where it makes sense to use the harpoons on the shark is IF we all agree we don't want anyone shooting blind anymore. Then I won't care if we all take a shot at the shark with them to test that theory. However, right now Wombat is pitching the all fire at shark idea, when he threw fit earlier about wanting the harpoons to use like "extra lynches for scumhunting". So the contradictory agendas from him are definitely bothersome. Smash just might not be expressing himself clearly, I don't want to get muddled with him any further right now.

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Really? Weird, I thought people had been shot as well. I must have been imagining that.

Anything that can kill townies is an equal threat to the town. Scum can kill townies. Jaws can kill townies. But guess what? Jaws can kill scum, too.

You are treating Jaws like a normal Serial Killer when he is clearly much more powerful than that. Furthermore, I am not advocating that we stop scumhunting. Whatever investigative roles we have can still investigate. If the scum continues to kill townies, we can continue to try to lynch them. I was making an overture to the scum because I think if things continue the way they have been everyone except Hess will lose. If scum don't want to listen, then I am not inclined to cooperate with them. I am not advocating that town make the first move so I don't see why everyone is so up in arms about this. Scum must show us that they want to cooperate.

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From the scene, it sounds more like harpoons are totally useless than it does that multiple harpoons will kill him. JMO though.

You call me dumb. Then express the same thoughts I've been standing up for. Got it. ****ing jackass.

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What makes you think Quint has only a limited number of harpoons?

What was the point of EP's gunsmith role if there isn't a limited number? His role basically gave him a "shot count" on how many harpoons were left in the game, right?

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Christine posts something stupid.

Smash surfaces and endorses, or pushes, or whatever you want to call it the idea of aiming all harpoons at Hess, versus keeping some harpoons to use for scum hunting. Smash seems to be over-defending here, he can't be as dumb as the idea he was peddling... can he?

Also, the fact that Wombat threw a faggoty tantrum earlier in the game over someone ending day phase before Verbal handed out all of his harpoons, saying that harpoons were = lynch and should have been useful to scumhunting, and now is pushing a seemingly contradictory agenda where all harpoons get thrown at Hess instead of used for scumhunting pings like crazy.

Shut up. Retard.

your a buffoon because you said at first I was on board with christenes Plural Quints theory which I was not. Now your changing your tune .

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Of course, Hess DID admit that there are multiple ways to bring him down. And that harpoon still seems to be stuck in the back of his head.

Hmmm... what makes more sense. Hess hinting there are multiple ways to kill him truthfully? Or Hess encouraging this sh*t show of retarded theories?

Yeah, I'm the dumb townie. Right.

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your a buffoon because you said at first I was on board with christenes Plural Quints theory which I was not. Now your changing your tune .

You were on board with the "throw all harpoons" sh*t that she was effusing, I just named it multiple quints. I don't care about that aspect of it, it's the get all the harpoons out of play aspect that is troubling. Sorry if I wasn't clear dude, not like you are always the best communicator either. :P

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The only circumstance I can think of where it makes sense to use the harpoons on the shark is IF we all agree we don't want anyone shooting blind anymore. Then I won't care if we all take a shot at the shark with them to test that theory.

This is the reason I want them on the shark and not people taking pot shots. I thought I explained this already Do I have to outline every damn detail for you ?

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The rules effectively limit the number of harpoons. Each person can only buy one item.

At a time. But let's ask DPR about this to clarify.



@DPR -- If Quint gives a harpoon to player A and player A uses it. Can quint give player A another harpoon?

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Smash is flailing.

Since you seem to be the only one thinking pragmatically... here:

We've seen guns kill townies. Both via executioner and via NK.

We've seen harpoons kill town and scum. Not the shark.

There have been 2 people that claim backup bombs. Which means there is at least one active bomb. Why would there be so many bombs?

The harpoon/vest aspect of this game is equal to an Inventor (I think) where one role can give our 1-time use items. This is the type of thing you use instead of a vigilante. We've seen no sign of a vig, right?

It appears that docs, vest are all vulnerable to the shark, and the shark not vulnerable to the harpoons. I'm assuming docs and vest would have stopped NKs or harpoons if targeted, we've not seen it happen though.


Harpoons, NK, Vest all work on each other. Not on shark. They are part of the town / scum interplay. Use harpoons for scum hunting.

Bombs are meant to kill shark. He can eat through docs and vests, so the only logical thing that would stop a shark attack is a bomb. So, as anti-town as it might seem, we have to let Hess pig out on whomever he wants until he bites the big one. Literally.

The only circumstance I can think of where it makes sense to use the harpoons on the shark is IF we all agree we don't want anyone shooting blind anymore. Then I won't care if we all take a shot at the shark with them to test that theory. However, right now Wombat is pitching the all fire at shark idea, when he threw fit earlier about wanting the harpoons to use like "extra lynches for scumhunting". So the contradictory agendas from him are definitely bothersome. Smash just might not be expressing himself clearly, I don't want to get muddled with him any further right now.

I suggested using the harpoons as extra lynches when I thought Jaws could be killed more easily. I was wrong. The fact that you are spinning this as "contradictory agendas" rather than a change of opinion is "bothersome."

Also, the fact that you are totally ignoring flavor is baffling and scummy. If Quint were just a regular inventor, then why is he "Quint" and why isn't he handing out guns? The fact that we have a SHARK-HUNTING EXPERT handing out HARPOONS, which IRL are primarily used to hunt LARGE MARINE ANIMALS should be pretty ****ing telling.

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What was the point of EP's gunsmith role if there isn't a limited number? His role basically gave him a "shot count" on how many harpoons were left in the game, right?

It gave you a shot count on a given day.

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You were on board with the "throw all harpoons" sh*t that she was effusing, I just named it multiple quints. I don't care about that aspect of it, it's the get all the harpoons out of play aspect that is troubling. Sorry if I wasn't clear dude, not like you are always the best communicator either. :tongue:

No Im the worst communicator ever but when I dont fully understand something someone has said, I read it a few times before jumping to conclusions. You post so damn much you dont give yourself time to think. Writing and expressing myself in the written word is a weakness of mine I fully understand that its just one of those things.

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This is the reason I want them on the shark and not people taking pot shots. I thought I explained this already Do I have to outline every damn detail for you ?

It didn't come across clearly because you are an idiot and a terrible communicator. Why else do you think are constantly entrenched in arguments?

Thank you for clarifying, anyway.

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No Im the worst communicator ever but when I dont fully understand something someone has said, I read it a few times before jumping to conclusions. You post so damn much you dont give yourself time to think. Writing and expressing myself in the written word is a weakness of mine I fully understand that its just one of those things.

I've moved on acknowledging the misunderstanding of your intent. If you want to turn this into a debate of character, intelligence and communication skills, then please, by all means... come at me. I've got nothing to lose there.

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I suggested using the harpoons as extra lynches when I thought Jaws could be killed more easily. I was wrong. The fact that you are spinning this as "contradictory agendas" rather than a change of opinion is "bothersome."

Also, the fact that you are totally ignoring flavor is baffling and scummy. If Quint were just a regular inventor, then why is he "Quint" and why isn't he handing out guns? The fact that we have a SHARK-HUNTING EXPERT handing out HARPOONS, which IRL are primarily used to hunt LARGE MARINE ANIMALS should be pretty ****ing telling.

I'm ignoring flavor?

A scuba tank shot by Brody killed the shark in movie.

Hooper's poison could have killed the shark in the movie, but that failed.

Quints harpoon gun, not the same as a harpoon, with barrels attached could have slowed the shark down, but that failed.

Hooper's shark cage got crushed and didn't protect him.

Seems to me that I'm acknowledging flavor likely inspired by the movie, while you are reaching for whatever will support your blatant contradiction.

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Hmmm... what makes more sense. Hess hinting there are multiple ways to kill him truthfully? Or Hess encouraging this sh*t show of retarded theories?

Yeah, I'm the dumb townie. Right.

lol. You were the one that seemed to think I was operating with more information than everyone else. So which is it?

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Yes Smash, like I already explained I called her theory "multiple quints" but the focus of what I objected to was eliminating all the harpoons AS I'VE EXPLAINED. Her assumption that "@quints" plural in DPRs count meant more than one quint was just dumb, can't imagine scum letting her take that to the game thread without course correcting her. She's town.

I've been over this.

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You might be telling the truth. How do you know Pac didn't rolecop you - see your role and then tell AVM to reveal as the same? HMMMMMM....???? Answer me that!!!

You are awful at this game. Just awful.

AwesomeVM out.

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