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JAWS MAFIA - Game Thread


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Isn't it just as likely that Christine visited Hess with harpoon, and scum shot someone with a vest hence no kill?

I hadn't considered that...

Is DPR the kind of mod that will wait around forever for night actions or will he skip people if they take too long?

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if wwombat is town, i'm pretty sure SMC isn't... that being said, I feel good about wwwombat's chances of being scum

You're still stupid.

Killing the Shark in a Shark game should be the No. 1 priority. Crazy, I know.

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Wombats dig extensive burrow systems with rodent-like front teeth and powerful claws. One distinctive adaptation of wombats is their backwards pouch. The advantage of a backwards-facing pouch is that when digging, the wombat does not gather dirt in its pouch over its young. Although mainly crepuscular andnocturnal, wombats also venture out to feed on cool or overcast days. They are not commonly seen, but leave ample evidence of their passage, treating fences as minor inconveniences to be gone through or under, and leaving distinctive cubic faeces.

Wombats are herbivores; their diet consists mostly of grasses, sedges, herbs, bark and roots. Their incisor teeth somewhat resemble those of the placental rodents (rats, mice, etc.), being adapted for gnawing tough vegetation. Like many other herbivorous mammals, they have a large diastema between theincisors and the cheek teeth, which are relatively simple. The dental formula of wombats is 0eb99a496b0e8e18e4a93726f7d2117c.png

Wombats' fur colour can vary from a sandy colour to brown, or from grey to black. All three known extant species of wombats average around a metre in length and weigh between 20 and 35 kg (44 and 77 lb).

Female wombats give birth to a single young in the spring, after a gestation period, which like all marsupials can vary, in the case of the wombat: 20–21 days.[3][4] They have a well-developed pouch, which the young leave after about 6–7 months. Wombats are weaned after 15 months, and are sexually mature at 18 months.[5]

If the above statement does not make sense, well, neither did Wombat. Some tried to see his points. Some, on occasion, even agreed. But in the end, no one really cared, so they strung his ass up.


It is now Night 4. Please, for the love of all that's holy, turn in your night actions.

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