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Is Tannenbaum the Problem??


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yes mr t. is a numbers guy we have no depth at the o line i say bring back the tuna let him gm he knows talent, cant coach but he does draft well and our o line is in trouble the D. will be fine but man we have nobody in depth HELP!!! we area injury away from another 8-8 or worst

Is this the Bizarro World?

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This is pure and utter bullsh*t. See below:


Round 1, 5th pick: Mark Sanchez, QB, USC (traded up from 17)

Round 3, 227th pick: Shonn Green, RB, Iowa (traded up)

Round 6, 193rd pick: Matt Slauson, OG, Nebraska


Round 1, 29th pick: Kyle Wilson, CB, Boise St.

Round 2, 61st pick: Vlad Ducasse, OT, UMASS

Round 4, 112th pick: Joe McKnight, RB, USC (traded up)

Round 5, 139th pick: John Conner, FB, Kentucky -- 100 % Rex pick


Round 1, 30th pick: Muhammad Wilkerson, DE, Temple

Round 3, 94th pick: Kenrick Ellis, DT, Hampton

Round 4, 126th pick: Bilal Powell, RB, Louisville

Round 5, 153rd pick: Jeremy Kerley, WR, TCU (traded up)

Round 7, 208th pick: Greg McElroy, QB, Alabama

Round 7, 227th pick: Scotty McKnight, WR, Colorado


Round 1, 16th pick: Quinton Coples, DE, UNC

Round 2, 43rd pick: Stephen Hill, WR, Georgia Tech (traded up)

Round 3, 77th pick: Demario Davis, LB, Arkansas St.

Round 6, 187th pick: Josh Bush, S, Wake Forest

Round 6, 202nd pick: Terrance Ganaway, RB, Baylor

Round 6, 203rd pick: Robert Griffin, G, Baylor

Round 7, 242nd pick: Antonio Allen, S, South Carolina

Round 7, 244th pick: Jordan White, WR, Western Michigan

21 Total Picks: 14 offense, 7 defense

FOUR times, you'll notice, the Jets have traded up to take a player on offense they really like. That hasn't happened yet on the defensive side of the ball.

What are we supposed to do; keep investing picks on offense and hope Sanchez somehow figures it out? If the very first pick of the Rex era had worked out like its supposed to, and we'd gotten a franchise QB, we wouldn't have needed to draft 13 offensive players out of the next 20.

Not to mention, its looking like Rex has hit homeruns on just about all of his picks on defense. What offensive players would you have preferred to take in the spots we were in that would have been significantly better than Wilson, Wilkerson, Ellis, Coples, Davis, and the safeties?

I thought that the front office would figure it out and invest in the offensive line. Slauson and Ducasse....really? Slauson, though a nice 6th round pick up, is okay but we can certainly upgrade and Ducasse is a total bust (our 2nd top draft pick bust since 09. It may be 3 if Wilson doesnt step it up and compete for Cromartie's spot). Not only has the Jets done nothing with this Oline since Faneca/Woody left (as you know were both FA pick ups) but outside of Dbrick and Mangold they've done practically nothing with this line draft wise for the past 13 years.....let me repeat that, 13 YEARS. Im talking high to mid range draft picks here. (1st-4th round). I'll even ask this question a different way. How do you draft a "franchise QB" yet dont draft any offensive linemen afterwards? Im not talking about "potential upside but needs work Mr. Vlad Ducasse" here, im talking about guys who have done it and can step in day one and play. How do you develop a QB yet not develop your line in order to protect him? Its not like it was a mystery that we got both Faneca and Woody on the backside of their careers. Someone at the front office had to have recognized this.

To get back to this...Excluding 06, How do you not invest in the offensive line for 12 years? If we didnt hit it big in 06 and draft a top 5-10 LT with our 1st pick and right after the best Center in football soon afterward this team would be in complete shambles offensively. How do you go more than a decade without even looking at the offensive line until you get to the 5 and 6th round, sometimes going entire years without even drafting one late? I think 4 or 5 out of those 12 years we didnt even draft a OLineman. Whats worse is that the years that we did, 1 year we went as high as the 5th round and the rest of the years were 6 rounders or lower. Meanwhile, do you know what that approach has produced for us? Matt Slauson, thats it. Yet in one year in 2006 we decide to ACTUALLY INVEST in the offensive line and we pick up 2 probowl/future HOF'er type talents lol. This is the new york jets for you. You cant make sh*t like this up. Yet for some strange reason we continue to skip over the fact that half our offensive linemen may as well be turnstiles for the defensive and we make it seem like Sanchez just doesnt "get it".

I think Sanchez has in fact figured this part out since he's the one on the turf for half the game. I think its the fans and the front office who's having a hard time at this.

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Villain, Brandon Moore was an UDFA and has been our starter at RT for almost a decade now. Yet you are effectively holding this against the team for not seeking his replacement.

At LG they drafted Slauson while Faneca was still here. They drafted Ducacca in the 2nd round - an "investment" in the OL - with Slauson as the fallback plan. Unfortunately, as is the case with many investments, this one didn't turn out well. They had reason enough to believe Slauson didn't need replacing. He's only entering his 3rd year starting and last year he had a torn shoulder, hampering his play. And any team would seek to keep a dirt-cheap starter anywhere they can.

The way they handled RT this offseason is just inexcusable. From guaranteeing Hunter's salary to not bringing in anyone to seriously challenge him for the job. Playing this badly, if anyone "serious" was brought in, that person would have taken the job away from Hunter with absolute ease.

But the main reason for the lack of draft picks on the OL is due to the lack of draft picks period. We've traded away so many that draft busts like Ducasse get magnified because we've relied so heavily on that player panning out.

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People really think we could win the Super Bowl with these skill position players the Jets currently have if we had a competant QB?

Cmon. Shonn Greene sucks on every team in the league. Santonio Holmes is a nice #2 on every good team in the league.

The Jets havent invested any high picks at all on offense recently until Stephen Hill, who's a total project anyways. And the players they let walk, we're never replaced. They've just assumed the guys on the roster could step in and maintain the same production.

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yes mr t. is a numbers guy we have no depth at the o line i say bring back the tuna let him gm he knows talent, cant coach but he does draft well and our o line is in trouble the D. will be fine but man we have nobody in depth HELP!!! we area injury away from another 8-8 or worst

Is this the Bizarro World?

I think it is.

In Dallas, Parcells was NOT in charge of personnel, although he did have some say in personnel. He does get credit for discovering UDFA QB Tony Romo. He also has to take the blame for foisting his Dallas buddy Tony Sparano on Miami as a HC and on the Jets as an OC.

For Jorge o8 and other Tuna worshippers: Parcells got canned by Miami. Fired. Kicked upstairs. Whatever you want to call it, he was relieved of his GM duties and given the title of "consultant". Parcells "success" in Miami was limited to 2008 when he scooped up veteran QB Chad Pennington from the Jets as well as several other veteran FAs from the waiver wire. Aside from Jake Long who was the consensus #1 pick in the 2008 draft, none of Parcells picks for Miami were notable. His "crowning" achievement was drafting WC QB Pat White in the 2nd round. White lasted about year. That's worse than even Ducasse. Miami fans have absolutely nothing good to say about Parcells.

I thought that the front office would figure it out and invest in the offensive line. Slauson and Ducasse....really? Slauson, though a nice 6th round pick up, is okay but we can certainly upgrade and Ducasse is a total bust (our 2nd top draft pick bust since 09. It may be 3 if Wilson doesnt step it up and compete for Cromartie's spot). Not only has the Jets done nothing with this Oline since Faneca/Woody left (as you know were both FA pick ups) but outside of Dbrick and Mangold they've done practically nothing with this line draft wise for the past 13 years.....let me repeat that, 13 YEARS. Im talking high to mid range draft picks here. (1st-4th round). I'll even ask this question a different way. How do you draft a "franchise QB" yet dont draft any offensive linemen afterwards? Im not talking about "potential upside but needs work Mr. Vlad Ducasse" here, im talking about guys who have done it and can step in day one and play. How do you develop a QB yet not develop your line in order to protect him? Its not like it was a mystery that we got both Faneca and Woody on the backside of their careers. Someone at the front office had to have recognized this.

To get back to this...Excluding 06, How do you not invest in the offensive line for 12 years? If we didnt hit it big in 06 and draft a top 5-10 LT with our 1st pick and right after the best Center in football soon afterward this team would be in complete shambles offensively. How do you go more than a decade without even looking at the offensive line until you get to the 5 and 6th round, sometimes going entire years without even drafting one late? I think 4 or 5 out of those 12 years we didnt even draft a OLineman. Whats worse is that the years that we did, 1 year we went as high as the 5th round and the rest of the years were 6 rounders or lower. Meanwhile, do you know what that approach has produced for us? Matt Slauson, thats it. Yet in one year in 2006 we decide to ACTUALLY INVEST in the offensive line and we pick up 2 probowl/future HOF'er type talents lol. This is the new york jets for you. You cant make sh*t like this up. Yet for some strange reason we continue to skip over the fact that half our offensive linemen may as well be turnstiles for the defensive and we make it seem like Sanchez just doesnt "get it".

I think Sanchez has in fact figured this part out since he's the one on the turf for half the game. I think its the fans and the front office who's having a hard time at this.

Very well said. A big reason that the Bills have sucked for a dozen years has been because their previous GMs, Tom Donahoe & Russ Brandon, didn't value the OL nearly enough. You cannot build a championship team with UDFAs, low round draft picks, and waiver wire refugees attempting to protect your QB or open holes for your RBs. Bills fans have learned some very bitter lessons about NOT investing in the big uglies to man the OL over the years, the prime example being the 2003 Bills.

In 2003, the Bills had a top ranked defense, a much better QB than Mark Sanchez in Drew Bledsoe, and an excellent RB in Travis Henry who was probably better than all of the Jets' current RBs combined. Bledsoe was sacked about 50 times in 2003. The Bills finished 6-10 because they couldn't score TDs. At one point, they went something like 12 or 13 quarters without scoring a TD. Despite the defense giving up only about 12 ppg for most of the season, the Bills went 4-10 after winning their first 2 starts and being touted by some analysts as Super Bowl contenders.

A great defense and a great defensive minded coach (the Bills HC was Gregg Williams in 2003) isn't enough to win if the offense isn't at least competent. That's even more true today than it was in 2003 with the rule changes that making passing so much easier and defending the pass so much harder. A competent offense starts with the OL because no QB can succeed without protection.

I suspect that Jets fans will learn that this season. Hopefully, the FO office will as well because they are the only ones who can do something about it.

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People really think we could win the Super Bowl with these skill position players the Jets currently have if we had a competant QB?

Cmon. Shonn Greene sucks on every team in the league. Santonio Holmes is a nice #2 on every good team in the league.

The Jets havent invested any high picks at all on offense recently until Stephen Hill, who's a total project anyways. And the players they let walk, we're never replaced. They've just assumed the guys on the roster could step in and maintain the same production.

If only the Jets invested high draft picks in their current starters like Buffalo surrounds their QB with, like Fred Jackson, Steve Johnson, David Nelson, Scott Chandler, Chris Hairston, Kraig Ubrick, and Erik Pears. Well they did go OL in rounds 1-2 back in 2009 and used the 9th pick in the country on their backup RB in 2010.

Meanwhile Buffalo put more points on the board than we did. Their QB was grabbed off the scrap heap and we took ours 5th in the country and will have paid him upwards of $50M by the time his guarantees are over.

How about the Giants?

Here are their "high" picks invested on offense (I'll go with top-40 or so since you don't consider Greene a high pick at #65 overall):

2012: Thomas, end of round 1, pick #32

2011: none

2010: none

2009: Nicks, end of round 1, pick #29

2008: none

2007: Smith, middle of round 2, pick #51

so they've used 3 "high" picks on offensive players in the past 6 seasons. Who was their last real draft investment in their OL? Chris Snee in 2004?


2012: Hill

2011: none

2010: none

2009: Sanchez

2009: Sanchez (used 2 high picks on him)

2008: Keller

2007: none (though I imagine you wouldn't fault them for taking Revis instead)

Packers offense kicks ass. Over that same span how many of their recent high draft picks have contributed to their offensive powerhouse? I count 2 (Bulaga, 2010 and Nelson, 2008 - I think this was our original slot we moved up from to take Keller)

Sanchez makes everyone we have on offense worse, Greene included. More than most realize.

And lots of teams let expensive or injured or heading-downhill veterans go and let young guys step into their positions. Problem is we've traded away so many picks for veterans and to move up in the draft that our margin of error with these young guys is so damn small. Think Green Bay doesn't whiff on high pick players on offense (either due to injury or just suckiness)? Derek Sherrod, Brian Brohm, Brandon Jackson...these guys haven't exactly been studs. On GB they are oversights; on the Jets they would be major setbacks. But GB drafts 7-10 players every single year and they have Aaron Rodgers.

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The Giants drafted David Wilson and Reuben Randle this season. They lost Jacobs and Manningham so they immediately replaced them. Novel concept. We replace guys with studs like Wayne Hunter and Joe Mcknight.

If you want to consider Greene a high pick that's fine. But he's awful.

As far as the Bills go, the drfated Spiller very high recently and happened to hit on a late round WR in Stevie Johnson. Overall though, the Bills offense scares no one.

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The Giants drafted David Wilson and Reuben Randle this season. They lost Jacobs and Manningham so they immediately replaced them. Novel concept. We place guys with studs like Wayne Hunter and Joe Mcknight.

If you want to consider Greene a high pick that's fine. But he's awful.

As far as the Bills go, the drfated Spiller very high recently and happened to hit on a late round WR in Stevie Johnson. Overall though, the Bills offense scares no one.

Greene was taken #65.

Randle was taken #63.

Huge difference, I know.

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Merely note that Tannebaum moved up to grab both Sanchez and Keller. Sanchez is paid like Tom Brady but produces worse than John Skelton. Keller is statistically average among TEs, he has a nasty habit of dropping easy ones and doesn't block at all. This is basically below JAG TE production. On the open market today Sanchez's contract would be Matt Leinart's, Keller would be way less than what Kenneth Boss got.And in both cases they cost us extra draft picks to move up to get them.

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I think it is.

In Dallas, Parcells was NOT in charge of personnel, although he did have some say in personnel. He does get credit for discovering UDFA QB Tony Romo. He also has to take the blame for foisting his Dallas buddy Tony Sparano on Miami as a HC and on the Jets as an OC.

For Jorge o8 and other Tuna worshippers: Parcells got canned by Miami. Fired. Kicked upstairs. Whatever you want to call it, he was relieved of his GM duties and given the title of "consultant". Parcells "success" in Miami was limited to 2008 when he scooped up veteran QB Chad Pennington from the Jets as well as several other veteran FAs from the waiver wire. Aside from Jake Long who was the consensus #1 pick in the 2008 draft, none of Parcells picks for Miami were notable. His "crowning" achievement was drafting WC QB Pat White in the 2nd round. White lasted about year. That's worse than even Ducasse. Miami fans have absolutely nothing good to say about Parcells.

Very well said. A big reason that the Bills have sucked for a dozen years has been because their previous GMs, Tom Donahoe & Russ Brandon, didn't value the OL nearly enough. You cannot build a championship team with UDFAs, low round draft picks, and waiver wire refugees attempting to protect your QB or open holes for your RBs. Bills fans have learned some very bitter lessons about NOT investing in the big uglies to man the OL over the years, the prime example being the 2003 Bills.

In 2003, the Bills had a top ranked defense, a much better QB than Mark Sanchez in Drew Bledsoe, and an excellent RB in Travis Henry who was probably better than all of the Jets' current RBs combined. Bledsoe was sacked about 50 times in 2003. The Bills finished 6-10 because they couldn't score TDs. At one point, they went something like 12 or 13 quarters without scoring a TD. Despite the defense giving up only about 12 ppg for most of the season, the Bills went 4-10 after winning their first 2 starts and being touted by some analysts as Super Bowl contenders.

A great defense and a great defensive minded coach (the Bills HC was Gregg Williams in 2003) isn't enough to win if the offense isn't at least competent. That's even more true today than it was in 2003 with the rule changes that making passing so much easier and defending the pass so much harder. A competent offense starts with the OL because no QB can succeed without protection.

I suspect that Jets fans will learn that this season. Hopefully, the FO office will as well because they are the only ones who can do something about it.

I remember that 03 year for the Bills. That was supposed to be a promising year, but like you said, if you dont have an offensive line then nothing else matters.

The Jets have arguably the best defense in the league yet we're blowing it away because we refuse to address the line in the draft. I said it before and I'll say it again, I really like what I see from Coples, but a RT or LG was more of a need than Coples...especially having Kendrick Ellis and Wilkerson on the line already. Im not saying that Coples isnt an upgrade, but whats the point of having a defense that can hold opponents to 6 points a game yet the Jets cant score more than 3 points a game? This is a superbowl caliber defense but our offense is barely NJCAA given critical pieces missing.

We will never get out of Holmes, Keller, Hill and sanchez what we could if we dont have atleast a decent line.

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Oh no? lmfao. You are too funny dude.

And another little factoid for your consistent Parcells bashing - only HC in the history of the NFL to lead 4 different teams to the playoffs.

I never said he was a bad HC. I was responding to jorge o8 who claimed he was a better GM than a HC, which he wasn't. He was okay as the GM/HC in NE and NY, he didn't have GM duties in Dallas, and he was solely a GM in Miami where he essentially crapped the bed when it came to drafting. Parcells was much better at picking up veterans, especially veteran QBs, and making his success with them. In NY, he had Testaverde. In Dallas, he had Bledsoe. In Miami, he had Pennington.

In 2012, Parcells' philosophy of how to build a winning NFL team is out-dated. The game has changed, and unlike his disciples Belichick, Coughlin, and Payton, he has never adapted to the change. He's like a friend of mine who doesn't own a computer, doesn't have an answering machine, runs around town paying her bills, and stands in line at the bank to cash her pay check.

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The Giants drafted David Wilson and Reuben Randle this season. They lost Jacobs and Manningham so they immediately replaced them. Novel conc e replace guys with studs like Wayne Hunter and Joe Mcknight.

If you want to consider Greene a high pick that's fine. But he's awful.

As far as the Bills go, the drfated Spiller very high recently and happened to hit on a late round WR in Stevie Johnson. Overall though, the Bills offense scares no one.

That's NOT true. A lot of Bills fans are scared that the offense won't be very good at all. :1cry:

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I never said he was a bad HC. I was responding to jorge o8 who claimed he was a better GM than a HC, which he wasn't. He was okay as the GM/HC in NE and NY, he didn't have GM duties in Dallas, and he was solely a GM in Miami where he essentially crapped the bed when it came to drafting. Parcells was much better at picking up veterans, especially veteran QBs, and making his success with them. In NY, he had Testaverde. In Dallas, he had Bledsoe. In Miami, he had Pennington.

In 2012, Parcells' philosophy of how to build a winning NFL team is out-dated. The game has changed, and unlike his disciples Belichick, Coughlin, and Payton, he has never adapted to the change. He's like a friend of mine who doesn't own a computer, doesn't have an answering machine, runs around town paying her bills, and stands in line at the bank to cash her pay check.

Parcells inherited a horrible Giants team, 4 years later, won a SB and then another further down the road.

Parcells inherited a horrible NE team, 4 years later, in the SB

Parcells inherited took a 1-15 Jets team, had them 9-7 the next season, 12-4 the following and lost in the AFCC game.

Parcells inherited a 5-1 Dallas team, had them 10-6 in the playoffs the very next season.

Parcells inherited a 1-15 Dolphins team and had the greatest turn around in NFL history winning the division the very next season.

If you want to kid yourself and say he wasnt in on personnel decisions, be my guest, but I see a trend here.

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If only the Jets invested high draft picks in their current starters like Buffalo surrounds their QB with, like Fred Jackson, Steve Johnson, David Nelson, Scott Chandler, Chris Hairston, Kraig Ubrick, and Erik Pears. Well they did go OL in rounds 1-2 back in 2009 and used the 9th pick in the country on their backup RB in 2010.

Meanwhile Buffalo put more points on the board than we did. Their QB was grabbed off the scrap heap and we took ours 5th in the country and will have paid him upwards of $50M by the time his guarantees are over.

How about the Giants?

Here are their "high" picks invested on offense (I'll go with top-40 or so since you don't consider Greene a high pick at #65 overall):

2012: Thomas, end of round 1, pick #32

2011: none

2010: none

2009: Nicks, end of round 1, pick #29

2008: none

2007: Smith, middle of round 2, pick #51

so they've used 3 "high" picks on offensive players in the past 6 seasons. Who was their last real draft investment in their OL? Chris Snee in 2004?


2012: Hill

2011: none

2010: none

2009: Sanchez

2009: Sanchez (used 2 high picks on him)

2008: Keller

2007: none (though I imagine you wouldn't fault them for taking Revis instead)

Packers offense kicks ass. Over that same span how many of their recent high draft picks have contributed to their offensive powerhouse? I count 2 (Bulaga, 2010 and Nelson, 2008 - I think this was our original slot we moved up from to take Keller)

Sanchez makes everyone we have on offense worse, Greene included. More than most realize.

And lots of teams let expensive or injured or heading-downhill veterans go and let young guys step into their positions. Problem is we've traded away so many picks for veterans and to move up in the draft that our margin of error with these young guys is so damn small. Think Green Bay doesn't whiff on high pick players on offense (either due to injury or just suckiness)? Derek Sherrod, Brian Brohm, Brandon Jackson...these guys haven't exactly been studs. On GB they are oversights; on the Jets they would be major setbacks. But GB drafts 7-10 players every single year and they have Aaron Rodgers.


Really don't want Sperm deciding to get serious about debunking your BS. (been there, done that)

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That post really didnt debunk anything though, either.

Unless the Bills offense is the bar we're setting now?

I thought it did a pretty nice job favorably comparing the Jets use of picks to the Super Bowl champs.

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I thought it did a pretty nice job favorably comparing the Jets use of picks to the Super Bowl champs.

Picks, scouting...something the Jets have failed out on offense, while the Giants have not.

When you have quality starters already(which the Giants have, all of whom were drafted by the team) you have the luxury of picking JPP. The Giants addressed offense this draft because two main contributors from the Super Bowl team left via FA.

The Jets dont have an quality starters at the skill positions aside from a moody Santonio Holmes and we take projects on offense.

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Picks, scouting...something the Jets have failed out on offense, while the Giants have not.

When you have quality starters already(which the Giants have, all of whom were drafted by the team) you have the luxury of picking JPP. The Giants addressed offense this draft because two main contributors from the Super Bowl team left via FA.

The Jets dont have an quality starters at the skill positions aside from a moody Santonio Holmes and we take projects on offense.


This is -like- an entirely new line of posting for you. I look forward to more posts that say the exact same thing in even more exaggerated terms!

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