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Great Job Referees


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to put this thread into perspective the league said they would pick their better replacement refs for their more high profile games. (yes they actually said that). So this is probably the best they have to offer. That being said I thought the head ref did a fairly decent job. If he weren't a dirty scab he could conceivably keep the job when they come back. BUT as he is a scab they will probably send him back to division II or arena where they found him.

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I was on Twitter just after that no call and a lot of comments said, "announcers blew it, good no call" and the sentiment all night was that it was a well officiated game.

not bad then. Maybe im just biased towards the NFL and think they call a penalty on any play the reciever doesnt catch the ball. Id rather have it play on

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The PR battle can swing on one blown call, and it seems unlikely that the scabs are going to perform impeccably (or at least fail imperceptibly) in every single game, but it doesn't matter anyway. If Ginger & Co. are willing to sacrifice the integrity of the game to save a few bucks, they're not going to be swayed by Mark Schlereth getting butthurt. The boss never loses a lockout.

Do you even have a clue what the issues are or do you just like commissiner bashing? The NFL would like to move the refs to a 401 k plan instead of a pension like everone else in the country except govt employees. THey would also like to make the officials full instead of part time. Who the hell gets a pension for thier 2nd job working 24 days a year (and over 100k). By the way how many of you get a 20K a year contribution from your employeer for thier 401k? Why not take a look at the facts instead of just bashing away.

From a published letter to the NFL teams last week.

The NFLRA seeks both to retain the current defined benefit pension plan for the current staff for at least another 5-6 years, and to increase the amount of the defined benefit. We have proposed to freeze the defined benefit plan (preserving all vested benefits for all officials) and replace it with a defined contribution/401(k) arrangement - the same arrangement that is in place for all other league employees and which 13 clubs have adopted. We have offered a defined contribution that would average $20,000 per year, while the officials' union has proposed a substantially higher amount.

Oh good, we have an expert in our midst.


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to put this thread into perspective the league said they would pick their better replacement refs for their more high profile games. (yes they actually said that). So this is probably the best they have to offer. That being said I thought the head ref did a fairly decent job. If he weren't a dirty scab he could conceivably keep the job when they come back. BUT as he is a scab they will probably send him back to division II or arena where they found him.

Can you be a scab when there is no strike?

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The players are unionized yet continue to play. Where is the solidarity for their fellow union members?

If they arent scabs are they sores?

On more realistic note, most of the locked out refs kinda do the ref thing as side gig no? Arent they like HS principals and civil engineers, other professionals etc most of the time???

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that was bad. Refs need a good talking to after that.

Plus they need a rule like in basketball where you are penalized for calling a phantom TO. I know in this situation the refs ****ed up and didnt matter...

Seemed like it took the replacements forever to set the ball on the LOS, something the real refs do very quickly. Reminded me of a Pop Warner setup todayMike Perierra went off on Fox about the extra timeout being wrong. The NFL is very lucky the Cards still won. .
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Anybody see the extra TO they gave Seattle today? Talk about dodging a bullet.

I feel like Russell Wilson fell out of the sky for me. He vindicates everything I ever thought about football — that it takes more than just talent, that it doesn't always have to make sense, that it's more of a chemistry/personality/intangible sport than we think, that there's no safer bet than a talented kid with a chip on his shoulder who spent his entire career proving people wrong (and can't wait to do it again).


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