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Young Guns Mafia


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We should be lynching Slats. If he was town, scum would have gotten behind my bad case on him.

That "case" was so powerful, even scum wouldn't touch it.*

Hess, Pac, 80, Ape all town. Time to look elswhere, douchebags.

Shoot Proboscis. Can't imagine a better feeling.

*important nugget of info carefully placed for re-reads.

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I agree with this. lol.

Should we push him to reveal? Does whatever he says in a reveal matter to the Lynch Wednesday mob?

Lots matters to me, personally. There is a lot to be gained by running him up...though it's starting to look like a lost cause to me.

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Mock concern for lost cause, lol

Wtf are you talking about

Everyone that's noteable (read: people who are very active) and not on the train have bitched about the train. We have a deadline in 6 hours. Just logically it would be smarter for me to move off sooner rather than later and try to scramble at the deadline.

Wtf are YOU talking about

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Leelou could claim scum right now and we still wouldn't lynch her. She's damn near unlynchable.

Yes...that's right...I'm scum. Now why exactly am I scum this time? Sometimes it's because "I'm too quiet." Now I'm what, pushing easy lynches? Can't win with you guys. I just wanted to have a little fun before getting all serious. I'm not exactly voting Nolder because he's an easy lynch. I'm voting him because he hasn't been acting like himself on Day 1. There are other people I'd be willing to look at, but unfortunately we are running out of time.

Pac for the whole bringing up the symp thing. Who says there even is a symp? And isn't pointing out possible candidates only going to help scum find their person quicker?

Heavy Fog really hasn't said much, I know he's still new but meh not getting the best feeling there.

SMC and Vic seem to be going for easy lynches.

Wombat feels mostly town but seems slightly off. Hard to say with him.

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Yes...that's right...I'm scum. Now why exactly am I scum this time? Sometimes it's because "I'm too quiet." Now I'm what, pushing easy lynches? Can't win with you guys. I just wanted to have a little fun before getting all serious. I'm not exactly voting Nolder because he's an easy lynch. I'm voting him because he hasn't been acting like himself on Day 1. There are other people I'd be willing to look at, but unfortunately we are running out of time.

Pac for the whole bringing up the symp thing. Who says there even is a symp? And isn't pointing out possible candidates only going to help scum find their person quicker?

Heavy Fog really hasn't said much, I know he's still new but meh not getting the best feeling there.

SMC and Vic seem to be going for easy lynches.

Wombat feels mostly town but seems slightly off. Hard to say with him.

First part feels like you are taking a page out of scumLily's book to defend yourself. Second part feels like you are trying. I see what you're saying on Vic. His dance off and back on Pac was odd. Care to elaborate on SMC? I have no read on him atm other than a bastard mod lawyer read.

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First part feels like you are taking a page out of scumLily's book to defend yourself. Second part feels like you are trying. I see what you're saying on Vic. His dance off and back on Pac was odd. Care to elaborate on SMC? I have no read on him atm other than a bastard mod lawyer read.

With SMC it still may be residual bastard mod lawyer sh*t, but he's also been on easy lynches today.

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GFY, WWWWhaaaambat

And Leelou is usually suspicious of me. That's why she's on my kill list.

And Nolderp isn't an easy lynch per se, although its Wednesday. I have a couple of reasons to lynch him. One being the off meta as mentioned. Another, because he wins a game and bitches about it. Second, as one of my xmas gifts was the Godfather trilogy blu ray set and I saw the Godfather the other night and Godfather Part II last night. Looks great in high-def.

Nolder said he has never seen the Godfather movies. That's deplorable.

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GFY, WWWWhaaaambat

And Leelou is usually suspicious of me. That's why she's on my kill list.

And Nolderp isn't an easy lynch per se, although its Wednesday. I have a couple of reasons to lynch him. One being the off meta as mentioned. Another, because he wins a game and bitches about it. Second, as one of my xmas gifts was the Godfather trilogy blu ray set and I saw the Godfather the other night and Godfather Part II last night. Looks great in high-def.

Nolder said he has never seen the Godfather movies. That's deplorable.

Is this something specific or is this something someone said before and now it's the hip thing to say?

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