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Young Guns Mafia


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FTR I have a town read on Ape and Vic, Pac and Leelou I'm still iffy about but it's not ironclad or anything. Smash, 80, Verbal, and CTM are all far less annoying than usual so dunno what's up there but it's kind of weird.

Can I die now? Where is JiF?

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Bummer. Hopefully you kick ass on the next one, sorry to crack on you about it.

thanks dude. I usually do fine at winging with personality. But I didn't know most of the audience and my opener fell flat. Then I tightened up and stumbled through the rest. Like, at the end ill usually ask if anyone has questions..I was just like and that's it I'm done thanks and tried to rip the mic off me as quick as possible. LOL all good though sh*t happens.
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This is a public service announcement... if you see something called "Brownie Brittle" in your grocery store. Do not buy it. I do not have the flu, but I'm wearing a path to the sh*tter like it's part of my job.

Unless you are a pompous old windbag masquerading as an intellectual hippie... then I suggest every time you get munchies, you should dig in.

Lol I think I've seen that at Costco. It didn't look very appealing to me, but did it at least taste good?

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No seriously though, I'm not mad I just wanted to make the joke.

Also seriously though guys you really need to drop this joke eventually. It was funny for awhile but now it just kind of sucks for me and anyone partnered with me.


It does kind of suck, lol. Having been on your team last game, it was kind of sad to see you prepping yourself for it Tuesday night.

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