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Young Guns Mafia


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character reveals are bullsh*t and not in the spirit of the game. We have been through this before in other games where PMs dictated the outcome and I will not be a part of that. Sorry but Ive been in games that have blown up for this very reason.

I generally agree 100%. However, the mod specifically said otherwise. Should I go look up the post?

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I generally agree 100%. However, the mod specifically said otherwise. Should I go look up the post?

if he did I will gladly post my character name. Either way its bullsh*t and people who have worked for their cover can have it easily blown for crap mechanics like this.

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After I'm lynched, remember this post.

Just a goon eh? That's too bad.


Vote Wombat

I didn't realize we were that close to endgame. Damn!

More like you just realized playing the martyr is going to get you lynched.

character reveals are bullsh*t and not in the spirit of the game. We have been through this before in other games where PMs dictated the outcome and I will not be a part of that. Sorry but Ive been in games that have blown up for this very reason.

Sup bulletproof scum.

unvote Hess vote Wombat

lol nice

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if he did I will gladly post my character name. Either way its bullsh*t and people who have worked for their cover can have it easily blown for crap mechanics like this.

Like I said in the previous post, the mod can certainly plan for this. Personally with my games I have considered enforcing either a no character reveal rule or intentionally making players who wouldn't be viewed as one thing something else. I'm not just agreeing with you for the sake of agreeing...I like working for these wins, don't like them handed because I (or anyone else) found an easy way out.

Having worked on my own and one I split with Vic, I know the effort that goes into these games...not going to cheat a mod. I'll look up the quote.

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Just a goon eh? That's too bad.

More like you just realized playing the martyr is going to get you lynched.

Sup bulletproof scum.

lol nice

bullet proof scum ? your an idiot. have you revealed yet ? whats your char name ? Soon as lily posts her name with no hesitation you conter it calling lie ? Your full of sh*t and my vote stays on you.

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I respectfully disagree Smash. The reason I felt that was somewhat context too, I suppose. Immediately following that post Ape revealed to be Doc (Kiefer), and the "spirit of the game" way it's written 100% sounds like something the Ape would ask. Considering there's been no issue since then makes sense to me.

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UNOfficial Vote Count:

Leelou (2?): Verb. SMC, Smash

SMC (1): Ape

JC (1): AVM

Lily (3): Leelou, Slats, wwwwwwwwom

wwwwwwwom (2?): lily, smash (?)

With 11 players remaining it takes 6 for a hanging.

smash you didnt unvote before you voted hess... you say unvote hess and vote wwwwom so i'm showing your vote and the mod can decide if it's legal

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Me thinks Smash is SK with 1 time BPV.

Could be more than 1 time but yeah, I'm thinking SK too. Just really baffled by why he asked me what my character name was while acknowledging my counterclaim in the same breath. Also quite a hypocritical post coming from a guy who was just arguing that character claims are against the spirit of the game.

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I did that for a reason AVM hes the one pushing the issue for a few pages right now . Then when he realizes someones going to call him out on it he nails Lily claiming shes lying ? he backed himself into a corner and he certainly wont give a char name so Im not too worried.

**** it you want my character name its Buckshot Roberts ...sh*t really pisses me off

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I did that for a reason AVM hes the one pushing the issue for a few pages right now . Then when he realizes someones going to call him out on it he nails Lily claiming shes lying ? he backed himself into a corner and he certainly wont give a char name so Im not too worried.

**** it you want my character name its Buckshot Roberts ...sh*t really pisses me off

Nice. Confirmed Serial Killer.

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I did that for a reason AVM hes the one pushing the issue for a few pages right now . Then when he realizes someones going to call him out on it he nails Lily claiming shes lying ? he backed himself into a corner and he certainly wont give a char name so Im not too worried.

**** it you want my character name its Buckshot Roberts ...sh*t really pisses me off

Calm down man. We're at a critical juncture and by all accounts (in mine and obviously a couple others opinions) the mod had no problem. Idk how else to read all types of reveals other than role and character...but I understand what you're saying.

If anyone here can claim to try to follow the spirit of the game to the utmost it's me. I embarrassed the HELL out of myself a few games ago as cop (not sure if you know/were playing or not) when I was promoted from deputy. Already had results on someone that I viewed, and was offered to switch it (sort of). I'm not the type to try and screw the mod.

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Yes, I'm Tom O'Folliard. Would rather not reveal my role but I will if you deem it necessary.

wtf ? your pushing everyone else to reveal yet your immune ? please reveal thanks. Personally since you and lily have a conflict one of you has to die to vet the other because of this stupid ass character reveal bullsh*t. So it looks to me like you have no choice but to reveal since you forced yourself into it.
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Of course things heat up as soon as Hess disappears. Poor guy.

Regardless of what his reveal means, I don't think Smash is the right choice for today fwiw.

Yeah, he's not the right choice as he's not mafia whereas Lily is. But his voice probably shouldn't be given too much weight given that he wants to kill everyone.

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Yeah, he's not the right choice as he's not mafia whereas Lily is. But his voice probably shouldn't be given too much weight given that he wants to kill everyone.

Wrong call my friend on the SK.... I would guess JIF added the shotgun to the scene for flavor since I have no abilty to shoot anyone

You decided to counter Lily you can deal with your situation.From what I see lily answered the character claim question pretty quickly and you countered just as fast so I dont know who to believe but what you have guaranteed is that one of you are scum so one of you must hang.

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