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Been observing Idzik...

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Like many others on these forums not a day goes by without me reviewing as much NYJ information as I can get my hands or eyes or ears on. 


And the more I sit back and observe how Idzik is going about our business the more confident I am in this guy.


He appears to be very well thought out.  Very calculated.  I get the sense he is prepared.  Thinks through the various contingencies and takes the emotion out and deals in reality.  He seems less interested in sentimentality and more interested in building through a well thought out process. 


All the moves he's had to make he's made or will make (Sanchez, Cro, Holmes, etc.).  He quietly, privately and methodically executes his plan on his timeline.


I know there's nothing earth shattering here and we need to see his draft, what he produces in FA, etc. 


However, I'm casting my vote strongly in favor of how this guy has run things since he got here.


I actually trust this guy.  He's not a self promoter.  No gimmicks.  Smart.


I have high hopes.

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I prefer to take the broader view, not overreacting one way or another. So I'll reserve my judgment until opening day.


That said, if he doesn't sign a big name free agent today, I will hate him forever.

What else you have to look forward to in the offseason but a wish list for the Jets to get players.

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Like many others on these forums not a day goes by without me reviewing as much NYJ information as I can get my hands or eyes or ears on.

And the more I sit back and observe how Idzik is going about our business the more confident I am in this guy.

He appears to be very well thought out. Very calculated. I get the sense he is prepared. Thinks through the various contingencies and takes the emotion out and deals in reality. He seems less interested in sentimentality and more interested in building through a well thought out process.

All the moves he's had to make he's made or will make (Sanchez, Cro, Holmes, etc.). He quietly, privately and methodically executes his plan on his timeline.

I know there's nothing earth shattering here and we need to see his draft, what he produces in FA, etc.

However, I'm casting my vote strongly in favor of how this guy has run things since he got here.

I actually trust this guy. He's not a self promoter. No gimmicks. Smart.

I have high hopes.

Stalk much?

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he is a patient man, he doesn't make a decision until he has to.  he is building the team conservatively to be a consistent contender. he will not make a splash move for the sake of it


the thing I don't like is he has a high tolerance for thug turds who are fast

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