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Some small things...


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The game was an abomination and I know that means that JN is all bench everybody, fire everybody, cut everybody all the time, but there were a few things I noticed and wondered about.


Ik got on the field and hit Rivers late at least once.  Demario Davis can fly.  I think some of you guys are making too much out of his file/practice comments.  I think he is calling somebody out and trying to be a team leader by starting with himself.  My guess would be Geno.  Geno's body language tends to make him seem weak, but yesterday it was pathetic.  


Walls was getting abused early.  Did he get benched or hurt his knee before he got pulled?  I thought I saw Adams on the field before Walls went down.  I thought Milliner looked good.  I think he has looked good all season with the exception of the 2nd half against the Pack.


RIchardson gets held on every play.  I am glad that called a few.  Coples uncessary roughness?  Yes, please place the RB gently on the ground.  I'm all for player safety, but what a bitch league. 


I'm not sure why they didn't kick the FG to break the shut out, but what difference does it make anyway?


I have liked Cumberland from the start, but he was flat out slacking yesterday.  Missed some catchable balls and looked lazy running routes.  He did not seem to do Geno any favors.  


Is Greg Salas still leading the league in anything?  Are you guys off his jock now? I put him in the "Hey, at least he tries" category.  Do people still think we have "pay" Kerley this offseason?  I think not. I don't think I'd give him more than $1.5M/per.  I'm glad that we saw Graham.  I think that bodes well that he can contribute at least a little.   


Why does Hakim keep taking the ball out if he is not going to make it past the 15?  



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Walls is not a good corner. I see him get toasted all the time. I am not sure why people like him. And agreed on Milliner. Looked solid. And he showed he has some serious speed. I think it was Don LaGreca who commented that in person he is jacked. Not the typical corner slender build.


Not sure what Davis said. News to me.


I preferred going for it, instead of the field goal. Cause getting destroyed, why just take three?


Cumberland is non-existent. Amaro showed more, and that isn't saying much. Amaro had a nice sideline catch, but there was a penalty, and he may have been out of bounds. He also took a shot and kept trucking needing three guys to bring him down. I like him.


Salas is nothing. Just another name in the list of either white receivers, or local nobodies that Jets fans seek out and root for. 


Kerley, I still think he is solid especially by our standards. He isn't a real money type guy, but at something reasonable why not. 

Graham is fast in Madden. lol.


Our return game is pathetic. Hakim may be fast on paper, but with 10.5 guys running at him he has tiny strides and a tinier heart.

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Milliner looked good. Richardson is good. The entire offense is a dumpster fire. Our special teams have gone to crap. Not surprising Westhoffs protégée said F this.

Westhoff even said he would listen if the Jets came calling. We should have made an effort to bring him back. I never knew how bad special teams could be until he left.

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How can a team that professes ground and pound not invest in the OL?    the OL has been in decline since 2010 and the GM is too clever by half in selecting a DL to become an OG.   It's also time to put an end to the Willie Colon experiment and see what Aboushi has to offer - my guess is not much.   


How is it possible to have such a lack of WRs and TEs after 19 draft picks and $24M cap space?    I just don't get it.   Last season was terrible and now this season is a repeat of last season.  Sign guys Monday and play them on Sunday.   WTF?     Where is the "build through the draft" talent?    


How can a team be this non-competitive?  


Stick a fork in Rex b/c he's done but Idzik needs to go too.   he has not put a competitive team together and I don't even think he's actually improved the roster he inherited at this point.    

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RIchardson gets held on every play. I am glad that called a few. Coples uncessary roughness? Yes, please place the RB gently on the ground. I'm all for player safety, but what a bitch league.


The refeering has cost us a lot this season. Our front 7 gets held as a matter of practice.  And its not one refereeing crew, its all of them that have officiated JETS games so far.


At this point opposing teams looking at our game tape can say just hold the front 7 the refs are rarely even going to call it and have a way with their weak secondary.




Why does Hakim keep taking the ball out if he is not going to make it past the 15?


He did finally see the other side of the 20 yesterday....once. What a great improvement.

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How disengaged was Geno when he got pulled too? You'd think he's at least have a headset on and trying to still participate in the game that was going on.


But, no.  Just chill on the sidelines, not saying a word to anybody, not paying any attention at all just soaking in that Cali sun!

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How disengaged was Geno when he got pulled too? You'd think he's at least have a headset on and trying to still participate in the game that was going on.

But, no. Just chill on the sidelines, not saying a word to anybody, not paying any attention at all just soaking in that Cali sun!

totally agree , i mentioned this in another thread..even as immature as Sanchez was when he got pulled for McElroy ( not Vick ,..McElroy for Christ sake ) he acted the part, cheered , held a clipboard, talked to coaches etc etc...Genos behavior was absurd
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totally agree , i mentioned this in another thread..even as immature as Sanchez was when he got pulled for McElroy ( not Vick ,..McElroy for Christ sake ) he acted the part, cheered , held a clipboard, talked to coaches etc etc...Genos behavior was absurd

He's toast. He needs to change his image if he wants to hang around the league as a back up.

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I had a problem with Geno's attitude well before he got pulled.  There was one series where he sh*t the bed on third down, walked over by himself and took his helmet off.  No discussion with the coaches, no talking to the receivers.  Nothing.  Sometimes that is just when they happen to have the camera on somebody, but on this occasion, they went back to him after the punt and he still seemed to be sulking on his own.  He seemed that way last year sometimes.  

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I had a problem with Geno's attitude well before he got pulled.  There was one series where he sh*t the bed on third down, walked over by himself and took his helmet off.  No discussion with the coaches, no talking to the receivers.  Nothing.  Sometimes that is just when they happen to have the camera on somebody, but on this occasion, they went back to him after the punt and he still seemed to be sulking on his own.  He seemed that way last year sometimes.  

This type of QB behavior has been going on here for awhile Sanchez did the same thing. I blame the coaching staff. Even when the Patriots got blown out last week Brady was looking at game stuff on the I-pad trying to figure out what was going wrong here the QBs sit alone do nothing or eat hot dogs.

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Actually, I was not at all impressed with Amaro.  I think he will be "fine" but I have not seen much to make me all lightheaded about it.  I am pretty sure he eneded up losing that ball on the sideline and he was only open because Nelson blocked his man.  I am not sure why it is so hard to run a straight pick play by running into a CB while looking in at the QB, but Nelson just dropped his shoulder and burrowed into the guy.  

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Milliner looked good. Richardson is good. The entire offense is a dumpster fire. Our special teams have gone to crap. Not surprising Westhoffs protégée said F this.



Westhoff for HC



Westhoff even said he would listen if the Jets came calling. We should have made an effort to bring him back. I never knew how bad special teams could be until he left.



The special teams went to sh*t well before Westoff left.  

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Why don't any of these dipsh*t QBs ever throw a back shoulder pass?  There were at least 5 plays where our WRs were running up the sideline with CBs in trail and every time the QB tried to throw it over.  Seemed like we left a bunch of easy PI calls on the field.  That includes the actual PI call that Vick and Graham drew.  They all could have been easy. 

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I had a problem with Geno's attitude well before he got pulled.  There was one series where he sh*t the bed on third down, walked over by himself and took his helmet off.  No discussion with the coaches, no talking to the receivers.  Nothing.  Sometimes that is just when they happen to have the camera on somebody, but on this occasion, they went back to him after the punt and he still seemed to be sulking on his own.  He seemed that way last year sometimes.  


These Jets QB's (Geno and Vick) never talk to coaches, WR's or look at print outs of the defense when they come off the field. Both QB's didn't look like they were interested in playing football yesterday.

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