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The Jets blame game shouldnt start or end with Idzik


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Good take. Rex makes people dumb.

They are certainly not savvy to relating to the media (you said this about Davis yourself), and their play certainly does not seem smart on the field-the same penalties, the same missed assignments. So yeah, they seem to be a pretty stupid football team.


And Rex seems to be the leader of that mentality.

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They are certainly not savvy to relating to the media (you said this about Davis yourself), and their play certainly does not seem smart on the field-the same penalties, the same missed assignments. So yeah, they seem to be a pretty stupid football team.


And Rex seems to be the leader of that mentality.


it worked ok when rex had that core of vets from balt or under mangini. he could be the buddy DC, while they answered to an adult HC (flawed as Mangini was, he was a professional). those vets kept the younger guys in line while rex was his ass slapping self. now with a lack of players left who have been under a real HC to help keep the team professional, what's left is a reflection of rex himself

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it worked ok when rex had that core of vets from balt or under mangini. he could be the buddy DC, while they answered to an adult HC (flawed as Mangini was, he was a professional). those vets kept the younger guys in line while rex was his ass slapping self. now with a lack of players left who have been under a real HC to help keep the team professional, what's left is a reflection of rex himself

Rex is the genius after all, that thought making Santonio Holmes a Captain was a brilliant idea.


That lets you know his expectations of players

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Rex is the genius after all, that thought making Santonio Holmes a Captain was a brilliant idea.


That lets you know his expectations of players


Rex is a little boy who never grew up. It was refreshing after Mangini but the act has gotten old and it is time to move on.

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No blame for MM.


To me MM has sheet the bed more than any other coach.


It has grown tiresome the way people here need to rationalize who does and doesn't get blamed and to what levels of appropriateness. 


Blaming Marty enables Rex to wash his hands of his true responsibilities. Of course Marty shares in the blame, but Rex is Head Coach and he pulled his failing QB from the game and put in his unprepared replacement. The whole team is a joke. Rex is the punchline. End of story.

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It has grown tiresome the way people here need to rationalize who does and doesn't get blamed and to what levels of appropriateness. 


Blaming Marty enables Rex to wash his hands of his true responsibilities. Of course Marty shares in the blame, but Rex is Head Coach and he pulled his failing QB from the game and put in his unprepared replacement. The whole team is a joke. Rex is the punchline. End of story.


Sorry to interrupt your Rex bashing. I will stand on the side. Bash away my primate friend.

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It has grown tiresome the way people here need to rationalize who does and doesn't get blamed and to what levels of appropriateness. 


Blaming Marty enables Rex to wash his hands of his true responsibilities. Of course Marty shares in the blame, but Rex is Head Coach and he pulled his failing QB from the game and put in his unprepared replacement. The whole team is a joke. Rex is the punchline. End of story.


it's all Walter Camp's fault.


The team stinks and the sunshiners feel good because Vick didn't light it up in the 2nd half. Unbelievable lol

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Sorry to interrupt your Rex bashing. I will stand on the side. Bash away my primate friend.


It's not even about sticking to an agenda, which you're obviously implying. 


It's logic.


Everything that goes wrong, and there's a LOT that goes wrong, seemingly leads to blame being case in every direction but Rex's. It is basic logic that if you replace the offensive coordinator 3 times, the quarter back 2 times, the offensive assistants, the skill position players, etc. that eventually if the results are always the same, then you have a problem at the top of it all. 


And wouldn't you know it, at the top of it all we just happen to have a guy who has spent his entire life learning to hate offense from his father. Go figure.


As for the Marty Morninwheg hire... meh, he's a putz. Why, when guys like Norv and Kubiak were available, we ended up stuck with him is beyond me. Rex loved him some Schotty until getting him out of the building extended Rex's HC career, Rex hand-picked Sporano and promptly threw him under the bus, so I wonder how much influence Rex had on the MM hire, and if Rex will be given a 3rd opportunity to save himself by selling out his offensive staff.

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It is basic logic that if you replace the offensive coordinator 3 times, the quarter back 2 times, the offensive assistants,


My focus was on MM. This had nothing to do with Rex. Most of the pro and anti Rex arguments have been regurgitated gazillion times.


I just think he has been the worst coach on this entire team and he has got a pass.


I am sick and tired of hearing i gotta get him involved more. Also he is responsible for Geno's development whether its good, bad or ugly. He is still the guy who called the timeout on the road that robbed us of a TD just because he did not trust the QB.

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Rex inherited some smart and experienced players.


Has has now made all the players DUMB. They are a true reflection of their leader


that very well may be and it's surely time for rex to go.    I just don't see how Idzik gets a pass.   He has not improved the roster despite 19 picks, 10 of which were in the first 4 rounds.   Geno is clearly not the answer, I say let a new GM pick his coach and QB and just start this thing from scratch. 

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My focus was on MM. This had nothing to do with Rex. Most of the pro and anti Rex arguments have been regurgitated gazillion times.


I just think he has been the worst coach on this entire team and he has got a pass.


I am sick and tired of hearing i gotta get him involved more. Also he is responsible for Geno's development whether its good, bad or ugly. He is still the guy who called the timeout on the road that robbed us of a TD just because he did not trust the QB.


I hear you.


Like I said, it's a damn shame that in an off-season when Kubiak and Norv were available, we came away with this putz.

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They are certainly not savvy to relating to the media (you said this about Davis yourself), and their play certainly does not seem smart on the field-the same penalties, the same missed assignments. So yeah, they seem to be a pretty stupid football team.

And Rex seems to be the leader of that mentality.

Definitely. Any interactions with Rex makes you insta-dumb.

Good take.

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Gotcha. Rex should have convinced them otherwise.


If Rex was qualified for his job, he and Tanny would have replaced them with talented players. You keep using "no talent on the roster" as a crutch for your argument that Rex is awesome and the players just make him look bad, when the reality is, the reason there's no talent on the roster has a LOT to do with Rex. 


Head coach isn't just about being a "master motivator". In fact, professional athletes, like the accomplished veterans that made Rex look good in his first 2 years, don't need that rah-rah crap. There's a huge gap between pros like Faneca and T-Rich and guys like Holmes, Plax and the litany of other fake tough guys that Rex has brought in as he has shaped this team. 


This team has quit on Rex again, that is 3 times in 4 years. Even the "master motivator" line of support is a pathetic joke.

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Your trolling and oversimplifying ideas are truly astounding.


He's not good at it.


A good troll makes people lose their sh*t. JIF only seems to be able to lob up meatball pitches and have people tee off on him.

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The biggest mistake the Jets have made in recent memory was after 2007 when Woody took the reins out of Mangini's hands and gave them to Tannenbaum. Now everybody wants to do it again. Idzik has already demonstrated that he's not going to lose his sh*t when things go good and that he's not going to lose his sh*t when things go bad. Everybody wants to talk about how he's drafted bad, who cares. We missed on a crapload of picks in 2006 and 2007 too, and that's not why we're in the position we're in now. An organizational commitment to insane overreaction to short-term variance is. Halfway through the second season in Seattle, the Seahawks were 9-15 with no quarterback and Carroll looked like a buffoon. If that's the Jets, we never get to the part where you draft Russell Wilson and win the super bowl.

The undercorrections are just as baffling. Rex has to keep Schottenheimer. Idzik has to keep Rex. Bradway and Bauer are still drawing paychecks. It's lunacy.

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Bill O'Brien would LOVE to have the "problems" that Rex Ryan has.


He walked onto a team that was 2-14 last season. He lost Ben Tate, Antonio Smith, Earl Mitchell and Joe Mays just to name a few. His starting quarterback is an NFL retread in Ryan Fitzpatrick, yet, he is making it work and has bettered the record of the team last year.


Yes, he has a couple of big name players, but it is not obscene.


But, he has put his brand on the team, they understand what is expected and they go out and do it. There have been injuries. There has been the unexpected. Yet they compete.


This BS that a coach can only succeed with a roster of all-stars and all pros is purely the-BS.


Good coaching can work around a lot of things. Rex Ryan apparently can't.

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If Rex was qualified for his job, he and Tanny would have replaced them with talented players. You keep using "no talent on the roster" as a crutch for your argument that Rex is awesome and the players just make him look bad, when the reality is, the reason there's no talent on the roster has a LOT to do with Rex. 


Head coach isn't just about being a "master motivator". In fact, professional athletes, like the accomplished veterans that made Rex look good in his first 2 years, don't need that rah-rah crap. There's a huge gap between pros like Faneca and T-Rich and guys like Holmes, Plax and the litany of other fake tough guys that Rex has brought in as he has shaped this team. 


This team has quit on Rex again, that is 3 times in 4 years. Even the "master motivator" line of support is a pathetic joke.


You mistake quit for cant compete.  Huge difference.

Give Rex the talent and he wins. 

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