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I Don't Give a Damn


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This team is sickening to watch and not a damn one of us know the real story. Everyone points fingers ...Must be Woody ...Must Be Idzik ... Must be Rex ... Nah its the players ...you know what ? They all suck


This is the worst time in this organizations history IMO or at least it feels that way. We have had losing trends before but it was easy to point out the problems . We knew we had talent in 96 We knew the issue was Kotite and a string of coaches that made the baby Jesus cry but now who is the culprit ?


At least in the 80's we could Craft talent that team was stacked We even had a good coach in Michaels but dumped him at that teams peak only to watch Joe Walton go 4-12 with what many deemed a SB team.


When will this Horror end ?


At the end of the day the way this team plays on the field makes me sick. Its like a big joke out there ...this organization needs to be gutted from top to bottom

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You must be young - for sheer out suckitude no time can beat the 70's - none.

Im not young at least in the 70's we still had one of the better offenses in football and the best O-Line and we always had Joe Namath. We had promise every year that usually ended with a bad defense.I remember Lou Holtz and Charlie freakin Winner I remember Losing John Riggins . I always felt optimism going into the season and could always laugh at my Giants fans friends who always seemed to be just a bit worse than us.


With this team and the Way Idzik does business makes me sick to my stomach.

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They were bad, but 95-96 was no picinic either.

In 95 and 96 this team was drafting Talent and we had good solid players on and off the field .When Parcells took over and gave us some semblance of coaching we turned it around and contended for a SB in 2 short years that certainly didn't happen because we drafted bad those few years prior. What young talent does this team currently have ?? Wilkerson Rhichardson Harrison all on the D-line I guess you can put Pryor in the promising but who else ? Kerley ? This team stinks from top to bottom and all the talent is across the D-line The coach has no control at all and the GM is really a freakin Idiot IMO.

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For many years during the early 70's, we still had a super bowl squad. We were ruined each year by a Namath injury and bad back up qb's like Al Woodal, wasted many of those years. Richard Todd IMO was bad - we had great offensive weapons and he was a wishbone qb who couldn't run. We still had the super bowl defense of '69...  There was no greater thrill as a Jet fan than to see John Riggins getting a short pass and running downfield crushing would be tacklers. There was nothing worse than letting him go... We actually had Riggins in his best years, but he'll be remembered as a Redskin. For me, he was the greatest Jet ever...

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Then there's Mike Pettine the only coach on this team who seemed to have a brain a guy Who I feel probably kept Rex in order behind the scenes. When I say that I mean from an organizational/Managerial standpoint. That same guy is now doing good things with a franchise that has never done anything since its really not the Cleveland Browns of old that's the Ravens. Of course Jets fans ripped Mike Pettine with no justification a guy who knew this was a cluster f@ck on offense . Would have made a nice HC here but we chose to keep the idiot Rex who really looks clueless at times on the sidelines going into his 6th year as a head coach. Guess the team Mangini built just needed a little coaching up now that those players are all but gone form the starters to the all important role players Rex has steadily gotten worse each year and has steadily gotten worse each year without Pettine.

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dude - there were playoffs to be had in the 90's - none for the 70's the best they got was 8-8.

Peebag is absolutely right, the 70's taught us older Jets fans that it is alright to find OTHER things to do on Sunday afternoons because the Jets were a big waste of a young man's time during the greatest sexual revolution since Ancient Rome.


Having said that this feels like the worst Jets team ever to me, granted I was already down here in Florida by the time of the Kotite disaster era and I missed it all. There was no DTV and only 2 Fins games a year and maybe a MNF game to catch-if you even knew they were going to be on that day. But I went back and looked at the numbers and that 1-15 team, as BAD AS IT WAS could still do some things offensively that this team can't touch.

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This team is sickening to watch and not a damn one of us know the real story. Everyone points fingers ...Must be Woody ...Must Be Idzik ... Must be Rex ... Nah its the players ...you know what ? They all suck


This is the worst time in this organizations history IMO or at least it feels that way. We have had losing trends before but it was easy to point out the problems . We knew we had talent in 96 We knew the issue was Kotite and a string of coaches that made the baby Jesus cry but now who is the culprit ?


At least in the 80's we could Craft talent that team was stacked We even had a good coach in Michaels but dumped him at that teams peak only to watch Joe Walton go 4-12 with what many deemed a SB team.


When will this Horror end ?


At the end of the day the way this team plays on the field makes me sick. Its like a big joke out there ...this organization needs to be gutted from top to bottom


Ultimately I blame Woody...he owns this...created a culture that never has led to a fill house cleaning...keeping Bradway all this time?  I mean really?   What exactly has this scouting department delivered?  Then we have the HC decisions...created headlines...over time...that seems to be the motivation for each and every move.  


Just a waste of effort.

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This is generally the product of Tanny. Idzik might be doing badly but it would have taken miracles for us to be contenders right now. I think we've gone backwards though, which is hugely concerning.

When we invested what we did in Sanchez it was going to dictate the long term future of the Jets, then Tanny ensured it would last long by handing out the dumbest contract in sports. Combine this with his short term spending/dealing and we were always going to be royally ****ed.

We've no chance of being competitive in terms of Superbowls anytime soon without striking gold at the QB position. A bit more investment might have got us some more wins this season but we'd still be far too short come playoff time.

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