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We got ZERO money. You just make things up bc u have no clue how the real world works. We set ourselves up as an LLC for liability issues in order to protect ourselves against billionaires. To not do that would have been foolish.

Our movement was funded by Jets fans. We profitted nothing. We spent day and night managing it. Time away from our families and our actual jobs that we make a living off of were disrupted at times. We handled ourselves like professionals the entire time and delivered on EVERY promise to our supporters. It was our responsibility since we were the ones who organized it.

I honestly don't care if you disagree with anything we did but why not pick things that are true to bitch about rather than making things up. You would get a lot more respect that way.


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Agree and great post this guy gets it!

Lose 13 games as long as they get the free bobble head or Jets seat cushion the guys who complain are happy.

Since you appear to be such an authority on Jet STHs, I'm still waiting for your answer to my simple direct question

Where are your seats, JW12?

No need for exact seat and row or even exact section. I can understand you not wanting to make that info public

Just area would be plenty....UD, Mezzanine A and B, Lower EZ, Goalline, Sideline, Clubs

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Why are you getting so worked up then?


Tired of hard workers being criticized by the lazy.  We're at a point where people who strive to achieve are frowned upon by those ashamed of the fact that they're being out-worked.  Wealthy and/or successful people used to be admired and seen as somebody to strive to be like.  Now?  Feels like everyone has fallen in to the victim trap.  If somebody is better than you, point at them as the problem.  It's a growing societal thing and I don't like it.  I don't like being trolled either, but that's way down on the list.

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We got ZERO money. You just make things up bc u have no clue how the real world works. We set ourselves up as an LLC for liability issues in order to protect ourselves against billionaires. To not do that would have been foolish.

Our movement was funded by Jets fans. We profitted nothing. We spent day and night managing it. Time away from our families and our actual jobs that we make a living off of were disrupted at times. We handled ourselves like professionals the entire time and delivered on EVERY promise to our supporters. It was our responsibility since we were the ones who organized it.

I honestly don't care if you disagree with anything we did but why not pick things that are true to bitch about rather than making things up. You would get a lot more respect that way.

Oh great

Mother Theresa is back with infomercial number 98 at JN.

Please god Woody, FIREIDZIK and make him and this great charitable movement go away

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Tired of hard workers being criticized by the lazy.  We're at a point where people who strive to achieve are frowned upon by those ashamed of the fact that they're being out-worked.  Wealthy and/or successful people used to be admired and seen as somebody to strive to be like.  Now?  Feels like everyone has fallen in to the victim trap.  If somebody is better than you, point at them as the problem.  It's a growing societal thing and I don't like it.  I don't like being trolled either, but that's way down on the list.

So, you are essentially calling me lazy? You are essentially saying that I am jealous of those that make more money than me?


Exactly how do you know me again?


You certainly seem to make many pre-judgements on people.

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So, you are essentially calling me lazy? You are essentially saying that I am jealous of those that make more money than me?


Exactly how do you know me again?


You certainly seem to make many pre-judgements on people.


You see a lot of things on this board...strange thing is, most if it isn't actually there.


I didn't say it was you since that would be a personal attack.  I did know that if I continued to explain my admiration for hard workers,  you'd eventually get defensive and accuse me of saying it about you despite the fact that I never did. 

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You see a lot of things on this board...strange thing is, most if it isn't actually there.


I didn't say it was you since that would be a personal attack.  I did know that if I continued to explain my admiration for hard workers,  you'd eventually get defensive and accuse me of saying it about you despite the fact that I never did. 

Yes, you only insinuated it. Master wordsmithing there.


You may want to take 1/2 step away from the keyboard. You are taking things a little too seriously.

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Please Woody let SG3 have his wish.That has been our one and only goal this entire time. If the only fallout is that some trolls hate us, so be it.

idsick-You accuse many others of being "trolls". 


Explain this-How much were you a member of this community BEFORE you came to us with an ask for money.


Please answer this.

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Yes, you only insinuated it. Master wordsmithing there.


You may want to take 1/2 step away from the keyboard. You are taking things a little too seriously.


I insinuated nothing.  I stated facts.  I admire hard work.  I suspected you do not.  Apparently I was right.


In terms of taking things too seriously, you're the one sitting there just waiting for me to post something so you can disagree with me despite the fact that you don't even read it. That's unhealthy.

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This year, in KC, I actually began to feel guilty/embarrassed. The local fans we sat near were so nice and welcoming to my father and I that I thought, 'I hope they never come to MetLife, because they won't get treated nearly as well... Not even close'. Hell, I'm a Jet fan and the other Jet fans are usually the worst part of the gameday experience.

Yeah, I have been treated very well in the vast majority of stadiums I have been to. That is why I am fine with visiting fans joining us on game day tailgating, to pay forward the good will that has been extended to me on my travels to other team stadiums.

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I insinuated nothing.  I stated facts.  I admire hard work.  I suspected you do not.  Apparently I was right.


In terms of taking things too seriously, you're the one sitting there just waiting for me to post something so you can disagree with me despite the fact that you don't even read it. That's unhealthy.

OK, where do I say I do not admire hard work? Especially if it is directed correctly?


Better yet, don't. We can stop this right now. You seem a touch edgy, and I will leave that sit.


Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday's and thanks for all your Hard work on the site. All the best

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You see a lot of things on this board...strange thing is, most if it isn't actually there.

I didn't say it was you since that would be a personal attack. I did know that if I continued to explain my admiration for hard workers, you'd eventually get defensive and accuse me of saying it about you despite the fact that I never did.

I have no problem with hard working people. I have a problem with you assuming that all rich people are hard workers. There are a large number of wealthy people like our own Woody, John Mara, Donald Trump, James Dolan and others who got wealthy at birth and haven't contributed much if anything and likewise a large number of not rich people who are working their asses off every day and making a great contribution to society...take your fellow air force and other armed forces people or first responders as an example.

So rich does not equal good IMHO.

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OK, where do I say I do not admire hard work? Especially if it is directed correctly?


Better yet, don't. We can stop this right now. You seem a touch edgy, and I will leave that sit.


Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday's and thanks for all your Hard work on the site. All the best


I'm not edgy at all....actually in a damn good mood considering the Casserly news.


Thanks man, same to you.  I appreciate the thanks, but really no need.  It's my pleasure to help out.

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I have no problem with hard working people. I have a problem with you assuming that all rich people are hard workers. There are a large number of wealthy people like our own Woody, John Mara, Donald Trump, James Dolan and others who got wealthy at birth and haven't contributed much if anything and likewise a large number of not rich people who are working their asses off every day and making a great contribution to society...take your fellow air force and other armed forces people or first responders as an example.

So rich does not equal good IMHO.


I don't begrudge that thought process at all because in all honesty, I used to think that way.  I thought rich people were rich because they inherited their wealth.  As it turns out, only eight percent of millionaires in the US inherit their money, while 67% of millionaires are self-made (I've also seen that number as  high as 80% but that report sounded sketchy).  So while a very small minority are born with a silver spoon in their mouths, the majority of wealthy people in this country work for it.  I admire that.

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I don't begrudge that thought process at all because in all honesty, I used to think that way. I thought rich people were rich because they inherited their wealth. As it turns out, only eight percent of millionaires in the US inherit their money, while 67% of millionaires are self-made (I've also seen that number as high as 80% but that report sounded sketchy). So while a very small minority are born with a silver spoon in their mouths, the majority of wealthy people in this country work for it. I admire that.

My point was that the vast majority of the unrich work.as hard or harder than their rich counterparts and in.most cases provide more to.the common good

So in answer to your original question, I don't hate rich people, I do hate BAD people whether they are billionaires or paupers.

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I don't begrudge that thought process at all because in all honesty, I used to think that way. I thought rich people were rich because they inherited their wealth. As it turns out, only eight percent of millionaires in the US inherit their money, while 67% of millionaires are self-made (I've also seen that number as high as 80% but that report sounded sketchy). So while a very small minority are born with a silver spoon in their mouths, the majority of wealthy people in this country work for it. I admire that.

Very valid point. When i was 14, Throughout high school, I worked at places like Sneaker Stadium, Dominos Pizza & Boston Market... Absolutely hated it so I saved all of that money and started a snow removal business when I was 15. Reinvested the profits in to the business and bought a couple snow blowers. Then went out door to door and expanded the business to about 30 houses. Then I got a job at a local printing press and learned that business. With profits from my snow removal company, I bought a small silkscreening press and printed & sold t-shirts at local events. Won a partial scholarship my senior year for displaying entrepreneurial qualitites (William S Little Scholarship) and attended Drexel University for graphic design.

After graduating, I started a popular nightlife magazine which was distributed all over the tri-state area. Sold that company 2 years later and have run my current business since 2004.

I am aware that most people don't really care about the story of my life. My point is that nobody has ever handed me anything. I could have gotten in to my family's business and coasted through life but I decided I wanted to do something on my own. That is my story. The other 3 founders of our website have similar ones.

We busted our asses for this movement and our supporters because it was something we were passionate about. The results of our hard work and the faith that thousands of people placed in us to pull it off are evident. We kept constant pressure on a billionaire and his NFL megapower for almost two months on a shoestring budget.

And again... We did it and remained as anonymous as we possibly could because we only cared about one thing. The removal of this pathetically inept front office. It appears that we will get our wish. I don't care how much or how little credit we get for that. All that matters is the end result.

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again… alternate reality.. you don't deal in the real world… you just keep spinning your narrative. 

Ok, I'll bite-Show me how you applied pressure to johnson and influenced his thinking. Show me the proof.


At the same time, show me all the quality posts you had on tis site BEFORE you came here groveling for money. OR was your grovel your first post?


Now let's talk narratives.

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Since you appear to be such an authority on Jet STHs, I'm still waiting for your answer to my simple direct question

Where are your seats, JW12?

No need for exact seat and row or even exact section. I can understand you not wanting to make that info public

Just area would be plenty....UD, Mezzanine A and B, Lower EZ, Goalline, Sideline, Clubs

None of your business I purposely IGNORED you because you FAILED to answer my question in another thread who would you hire for GM and Head coach all you do is ridicule and mock others offering NOTHING to this forum.


Didn't you promise Max you were done with this subject? 

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He set himself up as a business. Taking money to do the wishes of others is a "business". So, there should not be "personal" attacks associated with people who do not agree with his business practice.


I would be much more hospitable to the business, if it was here, first, acting as a Jet fan. Instead, it came here, asking for money, to support their motives.


Excuse me if I am skeptical to their real intent.


I got 100's of FREE flags to give out yesterday and a banner to fly to support the cause and I did not contribute a dime.  Lots are trolling this guy/group, but I can tell you it was legit and they hustled to get this thing going.  In a business, the goal is to make a profit after costs and even if they "paid" themselves $10/hr, they still lost $$$. 


Will say this cause has been quite the pot stirrer here....

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Ok, I'll bite-Show me how you applied pressure to johnson and influenced his thinking. Show me the proof.


At the same time, show me all the quality posts you had on tis site BEFORE you came here groveling for money. OR was your grovel your first post?


Now let's talk narratives.


Groveling for money… lol.. you are a pathetic troll. Who cares if I was here before we started the site? That proves I am a troll? I am not a big message board guy - I choose to voice my opinions in real life. I came here to offer other Jets fans the opportunity to have their voices heard in our forum. I never "groveled for money"… We had to CUT OFF the donations at $13,120 on our original campaign because we were only trying to raise $10,000 and we didn't even have a plan of what we were going to do with it. Jets fans were so passionate about what we were doing that they didn't even care that we had reached our goal. You leave that part out. We were looking for donations for FOUR DAYS. No groveling necessary. 


You are a joke, dude… your argument is without any merit whatsoever. And again, I don't care what your opinion is about whether or not we influenced Woody in any way. At the end of the day, the results of our campaign speaks for itself.

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Groveling for money… lol.. you are a pathetic troll. Who cares if I was here before we started the site? That proves I am a troll? I am not a big message board guy - I choose to voice my opinions in real life. I came here to offer other Jets fans the opportunity to have their voices heard in our forum. I never "groveled for money"… We had to CUT OFF the donations at $13,120 on our original campaign because we were only trying to raise $10,000 and we didn't even have a plan of what we were going to do with it. Jets fans were so passionate about what we were doing that they didn't even care that we had reached our goal. You leave that part out. We were looking for donations for FOUR DAYS. No groveling necessary. 


You are a joke, dude… your argument is without any merit whatsoever. And again, I don't care what your opinion is about whether or not we influenced Woody in any way. At the end of the day, the results of our campaign speaks for itself.

The continuing irony is that you call me a troll (oh the ignominy), yet it was YOU that came here for one reason only-To ask for money for a support.


You, would be the troll.


What were the results? Did something change?

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None of your business I purposely IGNORED you because you FAILED to answer my question in another thread who would you hire for GM and Head coach all you do is ridicule and mock others offering NOTHING to this forum.

Didn't you promise Max you were done with this subject?

You asked me a question I am not capable of answering. Unlike you I admit I am not knowledgeable to select GM'S and HCs I hope the team I root for gets the right guys.

On the other hand I asked a simple question based solely on your oft stated expertise on the subject of PSLS, tickets and the conduct and bad actions of Jet STHs.

But, never mind, you answered it by your cowering failure to answer. You don't have tickets, probably never did and watch.games on TV in your basement and spend your spare time humping the yellow towel gang and posting threats to.reveal the owners personal information in order to mail him God knows what in support of "the cause"

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You asked me a question I am not capable of answering. Unlike you I admit I am not knowledgeable to select GM'S and HCs I hope the team I root for gets the right guys.

On the other hand I asked a simple question based solely on your oft stated expertise on the subject of PSLS, tickets and the conduct and bad actions of Jet STHs.

But, never mind, you answered it by your cowering failure to answer. You don't have tickets, probably never did and watch.games on TV in your basement and spend your spare time humping the yellow towel gang and posting threats to.reveal the owners personal information in order to mail him God knows what in support of "the cause"

If thats what you think and it makes you feel like the internet tough guy you think you are more power to you. 


Do me a favor do what you promised Max you would do and STOP commenting on this subject. 

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If thats what you think and it makes you feel like the internet tough guy you think you are more power to you.

Do me a favor do what you promised Max you would do and STOP commenting on this subject.

I'm not discussing the topic of you and the movement to fire Idzik. That movement will end in a week with success

I'm discussing the topic of you attacking Jet season ticket holders for this, that and ten other things while sitting in your damp basement watching every game on your SDTV.

STH are the fans that support the team with their hard earned assets. I commend Jason and Jared--If I got the names wrong, I humbly apologize-- and the other two founders of FIREIDZIK for putting their mouths where their money is, in expensive seats at Met Life. They've paid for the right to do what they've done and that is something that even those like me who disagree with them must respect and support

You on the other hand are all mouth, no substance and no commitment. In fact, your only contribution to their effort to date was your threat to reveal the Jets owners personal information, an act so irresponsible that IDSICK, to his credit, wasted no time in condemning

If this is a real movement, as claimed, you are a large anchor dragging it backwards.

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I saw tons of  them...in the parking lots before the game and a lot of people displaying them in some way, shape, or form.  As I was leaving there was some chick who tried to convince me to give her the one I was carrying "Oh, my god, is that my Christmas gift" as she reached for it. No...no it is not.


You should have seen what she would give you give you in return. You know......

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I'm not discussing the topic of you and the movement to fire Idzik. That movement will end in a week with success

I'm discussing the topic of you attacking Jet season ticket holders for this, that and ten other things while sitting in your damp basement watching every game on your SDTV.

STH are the fans that support the team with their hard earned assets. I commend Jason and Jared--If I got the names wrong, I humbly apologize-- and the other two founders of FIREIDZIK for putting their mouths where their money is, in expensive seats at Met Life. They've paid for the right to do what they've done and that is something that even those like me who disagree with them must respect and support

You on the other hand are all mouth, no substance and no commitment. In fact, your only contribution to their effort to date was your threat to reveal the Jets owners personal information, an act so irresponsible that IDSICK, to his credit, wasted no time in condemning

If this is a real movement, as claimed, you are a large anchor dragging it backwards.

Get a life 

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