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Jets Karma Turning?

Gen X Jet

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Of course Jets arch-nemesis Bill Belicheat's unscrupulous ways were well documented to football fans everywhere but this latest incident this week cements him as a all time cheat in the eyes of the nation.  His legacy, along with Tom Lady are forever tainted.


However, let's move to the Jets other nemesis's.. those that killed the West Side Stadium and forever ruined what could have been a truly magnificent monument to Jets fans in the greatest city in America. Can you just imagine if the Jets played in Manhattan and the Giants in the swamps, how the perceptions of the teams would be altered?  


On one hand of the WSS crusade, we had James Dolan, a man now hated and despised by NY fans everywhere and captain of the disaster that is the Knicks.  This is also a guy who is so full of himself that he pathetically opens for bands in a stadium that he owns (most likely as a condition of their performance).  A miserable human being.


And finally today we have Shelly Silver, who was in Dolan's pocket all the way back when the stadium was killed, getting frogwalked into court on federal charges.  


Could it be that Jets karma is finally turning around?  Food for thought.  


The times (and karma) they are a changin'.



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well we know for a fact IF Brady is still in NFL next year he wont be having ballboy deflating the balls..maybe we see a 'different brady'


my guess is NFL has paid employees owning ownership of balls from now on... (Since Brad Johnson said he did same thing to ALL balls in SB vs Raiders. FYI Raiders QB Gannon had career worst 5 INT day)

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No, Pats cheated their way to another SB if they win the media will forget about it when this blows over in a month and felate them all the same, They forgot about the taping of defensive signals and SB walkthroughs when Goodell told them it was all good last time and that was worse than this.

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No, Pats cheated their way to another SB if they win the media will forget about it when this blows over in a month and felate them all the same, They forgot about the taping of defensive signals and SB walkthroughs when Goodell told them it was all good last time and that was worse than this.


I disagree.  This won't blow over unless the NFL hands down a stern punishment. 


This is a "Fooled me once...." situation.  Now that the Pats have been caught cheating TWICE, and this is NOT an "everyone does it" situation in the least, they lost any benefit of the doubt they've ever had.  We can now safely assume they probably have been doing other illegal things for years.  And even if they haven't the cloud surrounding the franchise will forever be mentioned in the same breath as all their titles, regardless of the outcome of this upcoming Super Bowl.

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The NFL should place an asterisk beside each SB win, because their integrity is called into question. There is no way this was accidental. 1 or 2 balls being under inflated ok, but 11 of 12. My question is why wasn't the 12th ball deflated? I'm sure BB wants to know the answer to that one also. Brady could have been given the loaded ball and who knows what happens then? Jets karma is in their hands. My hope is that Bowles is a detailed as BB and makes the Jets a detail oriented team that play smart - not just hard as Rex always tried to convince us they did - in tough situations. I'm not looking for miracles, just a competitive football team that doesn't have to resort to cheating at ANY level.

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The NFL should place an asterisk beside each SB win, because their integrity is called into question. There is no way this was accidental. 1 or 2 balls being under inflated ok, but 11 of 12. My question is why wasn't the 12th ball deflated? I'm sure BB wants to know the answer to that one also. Brady could have been given the loaded ball and who knows what happens then? Jets karma is in their hands. My hope is that Bowles is a detailed as BB and makes the Jets a detail oriented team that play smart - not just hard as Rex always tried to convince us they did - in tough situations. I'm not looking for miracles, just a competitive football team that doesn't have to resort to cheating at ANY level.

They left one correct for if they got caught.

Ref: Hey Coach, this ball is underinflated.

BB: OMG, really? Hey ball boy give, give him a better ball.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There is never any jets good karma there is only pessimism that's for sure. There has not been any good jets karma since the 2010 season when they lost to Pittsburgh in the Conference Championship game. I'll believe there is good Jets Karma again when I see it & also when they start winning consistently and contending for Super Bowls. Right now there is no good karma what so ever. Who knows what the Bowles coaching Era will bring hopefully more then what the Rex Ryan era had.

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Should have happened two years ago, but better late than never. The Jets went wrong in 2008 when they failed to take the QB they desperately needed and decided to hitch their wagon to a guy that didn't want to be here in the first place - the immortal (immoral to females) Brett Favre. Rex Ryan was never the answer and I suffered through every year of his buffoon filled years. For me karma has changed in a big way.

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