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Destroying a qbs confidence


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list all of the rookie 3rd string QB's who became successful playing in their rookie year

please don't include any 1st or 2nd round draft picks who got all the 1st team reps in mini camp and training camp and were named the starter as that is not petty's case

Hardly a measuring stick, as 3rd string QBs typically only see action if there is injury to both QBs in front of him. That doesn't therefore mean all would have been failures if they got a shot at starting a game or two halfway through their rookie years. 

How about if I asked you, in July of 1999, how many QBs were kicked out of the NFL for poor play, were bagging groceries because no one wanted him until something called Arena League Football was invented; how many of them came back to the NFL, unexpectedly became the starter week 1 due to the starter breaking his leg just before the season started, and then went on to become NFL MVP, Superbowl champ, and Superbowl MVP?

How about if, 5 years ago, I asked you how many 3rd round rookie QBs, not named the starter until just before the season began, who need to wear women's heels to measure 6 feet tall, "became successful playing in their rookie year"?

Because you can't think of something happening in the past, off the top of your head, doesn't mean it can't (or won't) happen.

He'll be fine. If he isn't he can still be fine later on, and if he isn't fine later on then getting a couple of starts now won't be the reason. He's not getting permanently ruined because he's starting a game against the freaking Jaguars halfway through his rookie season.

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If the QBC and OC think he will be totally lost out there and couldn't handle even a ridiculously-simplified gameplan, then they would have already picked up someone else and announced him as the starter. They will either be right or they will be wrong. Even if they're wrong, he's not getting permanently damaged/tainted/David Carr'd because he once started a game in November of his rookie season. The very idea is just silly (not to mention, baseless). He was a QB in college, starting the last 2 seasons, and has been learning and absorbing with the Jets for the past 6 months. He wasn't like a TE or a MLB or throwing lefty until this past June.

If he still was only 5-10% into the process of changing and fixing his throwing motion & footwork & grasping a playbook, then he wouldn't possibly be considered as starter, and Flynn would have been signed and in Florham Park before midnight Sunday night. And if they don't let him go out there, then we have our answer that he's just that unready.

I'll go with what his coaches decide since they know his progress best.

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If you follow college football you know most college offenses these days are nothing like an NFL offense.  Looks at the top two picks this year struggling.  Part of the problem with Geno is he also didn't play in a normal offense and got thrown right into the mix as well.

Until college offenses change NFL rookie QBs really need to watch and learn for a year or two.  Stop the sissy argument they just don't know how to run the offense and it's not something they learn right away.  It's basically like asking someone who rode a bike with tricycle wheels for 22 years to take the wheels off and not be taught how to balance.

Winston looks just fine to me, stupid ******* Rex just had to go win those last 2 games.

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I don't think you ruin him, I would just rather have him sit for the year, watch and learn how Fitz runs a pro style offense. If he has to play for a week I can live with it.

Of course though if he did get the start on Sunday and had a bad game there would be about 40 threads about how Petty is not the answer and that we need to go out and draft another QB next year.

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I didn't have to get into the content of this thread to know how foolish it was. I just skimmed over the OP's grammar and written communication skills to know what we are dealing with here.


But, I read it anyway. Your point here is that any QB should just be thrown in at anytime and they either sink or swim. I get it. It's ridiculous, but I get it.


Players are drafted in different spots for multiple reasons. Mid round QB's are usually intended to sit and develop. It's more than mental toughness or whatever 1 dimensional thing you think a QB needs to succeed. It's also about developing a skill set.


Using your logic I can hand a 22 year old kid the controls of an Airplane and he can either fly it or he doesn't have what it takes.


And you if you don't like the analogy, or if you are not familiar with what an apology is.... Playing QB in the NFL might actually be harder than learning how to fly a plane. Actually I'm sure it is.


Petty should sit. Especially here in NY. Period.



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That is not necessarily why mid round QBs go in the mid round vs a high round. Where do you get these ideas from?

Some prospects go earlier because they're better bets to succeed, whether that's sooner or later on. Also the higher you take a QB, you miss out on the better prospect you're not drafting at another position. Next, a GM who ties himself to a very high pick QB more or less must hand the team to that QB for a year (most likely at least 2). QB's don't getA lower-pick QB does not necessarily get a chance to start ever, and the GM doesn't take as much heat for it. And unlike higher-pick players at most positions, you can't sub the player in & out like with most positions (only QB & OL don't get rotated in & out throughout ballgames; everyone else can be a situational player before becoming full-time).

Any or every QB shouldn't be thrown in at any time and whatever you see now is also all he's ever going to be. Preposterous. But your logic doesn't paint all players with the same brush any less than the OP's. You're both wrong. Some players develop earlier, some later. Some learn faster, some slower. The coaches see in practices what Petty is picking up and what he isn't. There is no all-encompassing rule that doesn't get broken no matter who the player is or in what round he was taken. 

The pilot a-n-a-l-o-g-y bears no relevance. A QB can fail a good % of the time and still bounce back to be a good QB. If you fail even 5% of the time as a pilot, you're dead and the rest of the plane full of people with you, so you're either 100% ready or you're not 100% ready. Also there are no computer "QB simulator" programs that perfectly (or near-perfectly) mimic exactly what it's like to play on the field. You can have film sessions, watching & listening live from the sideline, and all the practices in the world, but once you get onto the field against live NFL opponents, it's just different. I'm not a pilot but I have to believe a good quality flight simulator is a lot closer to the real thing than a red-shirt practice QB session is to QB'ing a live game in the rain & cold.

Uh, "period" as you say. :) 

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   Petty should sit. Especially here in NY. Period.



You're missing the most important point of all:

The NFL is in the entertainment business and no one is entertained by Geno Smith.  If Fitzpatrick can't go you have to start Petty or the stadium will be empty.  Jaguars are a yawn, Thursday-nighters are tough logistically, you put Geno Smith under center you can hear those registers stop ringing and those ratings falling.

Case in point, coming out of the Washington game I had friends and family begging me for Jags and Bills tickets.  After Oakland, everyone's bailing on me. I myself am very proud of this team to date and am thrilled with what Bowles has accomplished, wild horses couldn't keep me away from both games if Fitzpatrick is starting, but I'm not investing a 7 hour Sunday and a 1AM Thursday at MetLife to watch Geno Smith and 2014 all over again.  Won't do it.

This fanbase needs Petty because Smith is box-office poison.


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because there is a reason they are 3rd string

QBs - especially rookies - get better with time (if they were ever capable of sufficient enough improvement to begin with). 

But it's also true, and understandable, that a HC will keep a veteran higher in the pecking order than a rookie purely due to the veteran's experience. Less fear of the unknown. Perhaps a lower ceiling that way, but also a higher floor. 

That doesn't always mean the guy one slot lower on the depth chart is therefore worse. I doubt Gailey's top concern, from week to week, is to keep reassessing whether or not Petty should have been promoted to #2 over Geno. I've seen enough backups turn out to be better than the starter, and so have you. Often a coach will give the rookie a shot and it blows up in his face. Other times the gamble pays off big. 

I agree 100% with not just throwing him out there week 1 when he's totally unready. He's had months of the cushy 3rd string status by now. One game, even one in which he fails miserably, isn't going to permanently stunt his growth as a QB. I don't know where this idea was hatched in the first place, but there's no basis for it. 

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keep hearing we cant start petty because we will ruin him and destroy his confidence-what a bunch of garbage you either have it or you dont as far as the mental toughness needed to make it in this league. Do you really think if Rodgers or Brady started right away it would have ruined them? I keep hearing they are the reasons to wait. It did not ruin Aikman or Peyton-Brady who  is god like , would have been the same no matter when he was given his shot-same with Rodgers.

there are have been tons of rookie qbs that were thrown into the fire and lost almost every game and it did not destroy anything if they were mentally tough-we have a fairly good line too so it is not like he is just going to drop back and get killed back there

Lets see what Petty can do-throw him out there vs the sh*tty jaqs-best chance to see what he has got-if it goes poorly you can sit him back down again but one game wont ruin anything.

I would MUCH rather see a guy that knows the offense QB our team than some ultra scrub nobody wants-or take a flyer on Kapernick for the rest of they year if Geno and Fitz are done if they can some how dump his salary







You can't "take a flyer on Kaepernick" or RGIII, or any other veteran QB at this stage of the season. We are seven games in with a full training camp, preseason and OTA's under their belts. These QB's would be far less effective than even Petty who at least knows the plays. QB's are not just interchangeable parts and we aren't playing Strat-O-Matic football here. I do agree with your point about QB's that are mentally tough. Those guys make it while the David Carr's, Ryan Leaf's, etc... don't.

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Also last year Bowles was part of a coaching staff that refused to put the kid from VaTech in at QB because they thought it was completely unfair to ask him to start in the NFL because he wasn't ready, so if Bowles feels the same way about Petty I can see him doing the same.  I forget the kids name on Arizona that I'm talking about,  but Arians thought he was by far the most talented, but still didn't think it was fair to ask him to go in their, and try, and lead the Cardinals to the playoffs with his inexperience.

You mean the kid they announced was going to start, but then changed their minds because he didn't practice well?  I'm sure that treatment did wonders to bolster his confidence. 

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