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Rocky - Mafia game thread


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Hey, I know.  Let's lynch 80 or wait for tomorrow and the inevitable.

FTR...still where I left off this morning...will attempt to catch up.

Look, he's admonishing an 80 lynch... and then a couple hours before deadline, he swoops in from nowhere to jump on that 80 train.

^^^no clue

Response to me saying he's scum.

Nyn on the scumdar...fwiw

Nudging. This was a reply to Verbal, where he was suggesting 300+ posts in that Nyn had nothing to offer.


This one is on the house.

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The night was somber after losing Mickey. Rocky left early to train harder in memory of his manager. While he was out running, he stumbled upon a body. 

Crusher, Adonis Creed (town) - has a knockout punch (1x kill) - is dead.

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch. 

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The night was somber after losing Mickey. Rocky left early to train harder in memory of his manager. While he was out running, he stumbled upon a body. 

Crusher, Adonis Creed (town) - has a knockout punch (1x kill) - is dead.

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch. 

Fear me bitches!!!!!   GO TOWN!!!!!

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Vote Ape

1 out of every 4 posts. More than the next 3 combined. 

143/629 (mods removed)

Spamming the **** out so we spend the whole day decoding this crap...intentionally or not. 

You've played with me enough times to know that my post volume is not indicative of my alignment. Sorry bozo, you lose.


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much ping

Early game ping, but no vote. Didn't sit well with me, stands out even more on re-read. (this was LK reacting to Ballin's vote on 80)

oh yeah we got a noob.


Vote Ballsac

This didn't sit well either, this was Pac reacting to LK's "much ping" post. Would a town Pac jump all over someone else's ping? Not usually, he is pretty insistent on trusting his own reads and nobody else's as town. As for LK... if you follow the whole stream of logic - he chose not to vote on a ping, instead casting suspicion for others to act on, and in contrast he's actually voting me based on my post volume. So post volume outweighs a ping?

Played to type...unvote, Vote Pac.

Not sure what "played to type" implies here, but I like the vote. Little surprised that JC did nothing to follow-up on it... in fact he did nothing after I started sniffing around him, until the 80 train caught fire and he dove on it.

Interesting case.  Your failure to lay a vote, however, pings.

Unvote vote LK

Loved this, even though I grilled him over it. Truth be told, I did somewhat suspect he was riding me at that point. His responses were where I made the town read on him.

Are you getting behind the Ape? 


Hated this. This was the first time JIF pinged me. It was like he was trying to send me off on a paranoid 80 hunt, and I played into it a bit.

Not scum, muffin top.  I'll have this figured out soon enough.

Bowie's death has just distracted me a bit this morning. 

"I'll have this figured out", lol... he's not scum hunting folks. My case here is genuine, I do think JIF is scum. Not bluffing on this one.

I quoted you and commented once....case?

Maybe I was a little less consistent about being wrong then, when I nailed Ape on page 15 of the last game in the summer?

Again, I didn't case you by observing just one single quote.

However, you're flailing now so, I will vote you.

Vote 80

LK got called out by several people about not voting when he cast suspicion. Something he did with both 80 and Ballin, so twice, on D1. The other interesting thing with this post is he felt the need to confidence-build by reminding us of that one time he was right, and the semantic argument over a comment vs. a case reminds me of what Smash argued with me about later in the thread. Case vs. comments. I can't recall a game where anyone ever haggled that their case wasn't a case, but just a comment... to me it's a backpedal of sorts.

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You've played with me enough times to know that my post volume is not indicative of my alignment. Sorry bozo, you lose.


correct. It is actually about covering up your insecurities about proving you're right. 

I mean, why would you want anyone else to post, right?

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I saw 2 people randomly peel off of JiF for god knows what reasons.

I wasn't sure what to make of this post by Verbal. People usually peel off their early joke votes... but it felt like a solid townie observation.

JiF and I both saw something that pinged us about the same post.

Neither of us voted you.

You jumped on my response claiming that I was making a case on you but not backing it up with a vote - you voted me for this.

You did neither for JiF.

You are the definition of inconsistent.

You also reacted much too defensively about my single-post-observation. This was where I accused you of flailing.

I have no respect at all for LK's play, but this post did ring as a genuine townie post. If he's scum, he did a good job with this one.

did I miss anything?

Pac dead yet?

Resurfacing... inquiring about Pac... 

unvote, vote 80

have to vote scum here

and hopping right off Pac and onto the guy receiving heat from me, and the most conversationally... seemed like an advantageous vote... not thoughtful.

Pretty boring start, for sure.

Who would be the most fun to lynch?  I mean, the answer is you...but you're active, so I wont got there or the game would die.  Who's next?  Pac?  He's fun to lynch because he cries like a girl.

Smash?  He gets all emo with it too.  I'm voting him but nobody ever votes Smash D1.  He's literally allowed to avoid 2 days worth of game play for some reason.

Verb?  I could do that because I own him and he basically said I cant lead a lynch on him, so I'm up for the challenge.

Should we start there?

JF80, Nold - ///yawn!!!


Again, not scum hunting. JIF consistently side-stepped opportunities to press people, in favor of goofball sh*t like "who would be most fun" to lynch. He's either off his Batman game or scum. He's not hunting, I can assure you of that.

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vote verbal

Day 1 Ape comment was lazy scummy and a lie.   

I liked this. Now that we know Crushlove was town, I like it even more.

Let's run up Jetscode. 

This began an exchange with JIF, that I absolutely hated... 

Crushlove just moved to Verb.  I'm very tempted.  You always go for JC early I feel like.


I follow my muffin top.  Sorry!


Vote Verb

Using Crusher's vote on Verbal as a way to avoid pressing JC.

Not true, hmmm... 

I go for him if he pings me, or if I need to elicit more content in order to make a read on him. I tend to read him well. In no way have I established a pattern of "going after him early".


Also posting false meta about JC and I.

Sounds like he's due!  If not, I have a bullet for you tonight.

Unvote vote Verbal

I was fine with this vote, 80 always loves to kill Verbal.

unvote, vote Verb


I stated earlier that his Ape comment pinged me

I hated this vote. LK made early comments, what I call "influencer" comments or nudges... seeding cases for others to run with, and then he jumps to this one. It may just be his bad play style, but this is the type of subtle sh*t that scum does... they set something in motion, wait for a townie to run with it, and then pile on what it's safer.

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Hey something interesting..


Vote Liz

I felt like Pac saw what I did. He cast this on Lizzie right after the vote i just bumped.

Nice to see 80 come out of the shadows too when his train started winding down. Interesting dynamic so far- 80 on the uber defensive, which to be fair is normal considering who he is and what day it is. Ape laying votes without explanation while criticizing votes that have been explained. Verbal and 80 largely commenting at the same time of day. 

This felt like LK realized how scummy his Verbal vote looked, and so he cast aspersions at 80... 

Do you realize how bad this sounds?  You like 80 for your #1, but you'll vote me for now when your aforementioned #1 is also on my train?  I don't need "pressure" to get me to speak - have you tried asking me a question?

This... again Verbal making great observations, but not voting. I'm having a tough time reading him, legit, because they are good scum hunter pings... but, why isn't he voting? Is he just trying to seed suspicion? That's where I started to lean earlier today. Unsure right now.

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Bullsh*t.  See my response to LK above.  I said a lynch on you was boring.  Hell, you even guessed what I meant afterwards (hint: your post about the same old thing).


It appears that me saying a D1 Ape lynch was boring has caused quite the stir.  I'm wondering who else will come around to twist that into something it clearly was not.....

This felt like a townie post.

Y'all are going to kick yourself when you see that JC is scum.

So I dropped this, and JIF responded "why aren't you voting him", which I had already.

what fun would that be?

My response to JIF was almost a taunt... I'm wondering now, given the way JC opened this day phase, if I was right about him and have them WIFOMing. More on this to come...

Hey, I know.  Let's lynch 80 or wait for tomorrow and the inevitable.

FTR...still where I left off this morning...will attempt to catch up.

I don't believe the town gained anything from him "catching up". He made an opportunistic vote on 80, and stayed there.

^^^no clue


Nyn on the scumdar...fwiw

Verbal says something about Nyn, JC nudges it. Scum nudge.

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JiF is town.

Vote Ape

So, no town investigative role plays it like this. If you have a town read on JIF, you sit on it, see who goes after him and how.

JC is far too experienced for this. I'm thinking they are afraid I'm a daytime cop or something sh*t, and I got it right when I called him scum on D1. Dunno... don't want to theorize too much here, I'm done farting around like that (too much whining), so casting theories aside, the purely pragmatic way to look at this is that this is not a town play.

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I still want to reread 80 but from memory he seemed a little erratic to me. Sort of fidgety and kinda stumbling over his own words. Something feels kinda off there. So after confirming my thoughts via reread, could vote here.

Lizzie is a moron but for some reason I think he could be a douche townie here. 

Not liking Nolder pop ins to flirt and do nothing else. Ftr this is like the first time he flirts with me ever. While I'd like to think it's cause I'm awesome... I feel like he might be trying to buddy/hump my leg. Could vote here.


On the bus now. Will attempt a reread via cell. Wish me luck  :P

Ok so I got till the beginning of page 12. I'm gonna have to start getting ready soon so I don't have time to finish but these are my thoughts.

Don't like 80. A little too eager, all over the place. Bogus push on JiF for what was clearly a joke vote (4 hours into the game). Overeacts. Bogus push at LK over a "case" that wasn't followed by a vote,  that was really just LK agreeing with JiF's observation. Never pushes the same reasoning on JiF. Doesnt addreess why he didn't hold JiF accountable for his case and no vote. The whole "lynching LK is always protown move" is useless. 80 switches to Verbal when his train gets traction, his vote tying his train with Verbal's.

Will happily lynch today. 


Vote 80


With Nolder as a close second.

Never really saw much of a re-read analysis from Nyn, even though she suggested it was coming. She's basically just weighing in on established stuff at this point, nothing new. Then takes the easy vote on 80.


Vote JC

So, after not wanting to vote JC - I called him out for several things about it - and then he did it. It was like an effort to course correct after I started casing him.

I'm good with Smash or JC.  Both seem to be doing anything and everything they can to not actually play the game but just spam the thread.


Spam the thread? That's a case? JC did anything but spam the thread, all he did was make opportunistic votes... and Smash bickered with me a few posts, but they weren't spam, they were what I'd consider "feeling out" posts. 

This post by JIF felt like an attempt to distance from scum mates. Nothing about it makes sense. It also contradicts his earlier refusal to vote JC, and his statement that nobody votes Smash on D1. 

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So, no town investigative role plays it like this. If you have a town read on JIF, you sit on it, see who goes after him and how.

JC is far too experienced for this. I'm thinking they are afraid I'm a daytime cop or something sh*t, and I got it right when I called him scum on D1. Dunno... don't want to theorize too much here, I'm done farting around like that (too much whining), so casting theories aside, the purely pragmatic way to look at this is that this is not a town play.

Do you sit here and quote every post in thread and write something about it?

Seems desperate.  "Hey look at me I'm trying."  For someone new like me you're giving off a scum vibe.

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I was voting JiF early for slight suspicion, but this sounds better.  If only do come that much closer to identifying your alignment, I'm happy to oblige (but I'm probably only choosing JiF of the two).

Did you ever follow up on this? 

Never said that.  This is a straight lie.  I said you seem to always come after him early.  Which you said, you never do with anyone.  Thats was the extent of our conversation on JC.  You usually have much better attention to detail than this, blatant lie.  I even said, I have a hard time reading him and admitted you read him well. 

I moved to JC for his vote on Nold because its lazy and stupid and he's clearly avoiding any actual game play. 

But this sh*t you just posted, is the biggest ping so far in the game.  Plus, you're stringing together multiple players on D1 off some bull sh*t.  Yeah - 


Vote Ape


Lynch all lairs ^^^^^

JIF's OMGUS retaliation was that he caught me in a lie... 


Vote Smash

and just like every time I catch him as scum, his OMGUS rebuttal is always an absolute that I'm scum, but then as soon as I leave him alone... he moves right along. It's one of the biggest scum tells I know for him.

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Do you sit here and quote every post in thread and write something about it?

Seems desperate.  "Hey look at me I'm trying."  For someone new like me you're giving off a scum vibe.

lol, good grief... are you being tutored by LK? 

Effort is not a scum tell for me. The play being made by scum today is to get me lynched, so, I'm trying to provide town every bit of help I can before my game ends.

You're focusing on the wrong things.

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lol, good grief... are you being tutored by LK? 

Effort is not a scum tell for me. The play being made by scum today is to get me lynched, so, I'm trying to provide town every bit of help I can before my game ends.

You're focusing on the wrong things.

I'm focusing on the wrong things because you tell me I'm focusing on the wrong things?  I'm making observations off of what I know.  

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I like Ape's posts over the past few pages.  Sometimes I have to prod him to get a good read.  Feeling good about him now.

Smash I dont like. 

JIF insulates himself for changing his mind. Bullsh*t.

I think you're making very good points on JIF he had some sh*t to say to me earlier then went in another direction I'm also leaning 80 at this stage because he seems to be purposely trying to annoy me, its obvious, and not working... Crusher I think was messing around but I can wait for a response from him.

Smash commenting on my JIF case. I guess not good enough points for Smash to vote JIF... 

ahh I see you prodded the ape :rolleyes:

and I'm surprised JIF taking credit for "prodding ape" only got an eye roll... it was absolutely bullsh*t.

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I'm focusing on the wrong things because you tell me I'm focusing on the wrong things?  I'm making observations off of what I know.  


If all you see, in the posts I'm bumping and the context I'm applying, is that I'm "trying too hard", then you're focusing on the wrong things. 

It's not a debate. You are. 

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If all you see, in the posts I'm bumping and the context I'm applying, is that I'm "trying too hard", then you're focusing on the wrong things. 

It's not a debate. You are. 

Thanks for trying to tutor me.  If I ever become a good player I'll owe it all to you.

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Vote JiF

This is stupid.  Ape keeps making up lies about how I've interacted with him.  It's all out there and everyone can see it but everyone listens to him.  He's literally tied 3 people together on D1.  How is that town like behavior?

Meanwhile, I just waste my time.

Good luck town! 


Theatrics. JIF put himself at 4 votes... total WIFOM vote. Again calls me a liar, but yet he was willing to take his vote off of me to vote others.

Oh, I didn't unvote - I'm so smaht.



Vote: 80


Why not.

All the great scum hunting style observations he made on D1, and then this... he drops a vote on 80 right after JIF self-votes. This sparked the run on 80.

2:15 minutes from deadline and no one is playing.  unvote

Time check, by a townie.


Vote Count

JiF (4) - Ape, CTM, 80, Smash
80 (3) - Nyn , JiF, Verbal
Nol (1) - JC
Ape (1) - Lizzie
Lizzie (1) - Pac
No Lynch (1) - Nol

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch

Deadline Wednesday 8 pm Eastern


vote 80

Not sure what a policy lynch is but it seems suspect to me.  Why would scum vote themselves?

4th vote.

Unvote vote 80

5th vote.

Unvote, vote 80

6th vote.

Time to Hammer 80's ass I said I could do either him or JIF so 80 its is

Unvote Hammer 80 please


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Anyway, with all of that done... I'm going to guess (no bluffing here) that the scum team is some combination of these 5: JIF, JC, Verbal, Ballin and Nyn

Smash and CTM both game me waffling impressions, but I want to say they are both town for now. If wrong, well done gents.

I get the impression that LK is doing all the thinking for himself. I don't feel his play has been pro-town, but the way he plays as town is rooted in jumping at his own shadow and making no sense. So, I think he's probably town. 

Pac doing this on D1 as scum is possible, but cowardly. I'd hope that in his first game of the season he wouldn't treat D1 like such a chicken sh*t. Nolder is impossible to read based on D1, which could be a mistake to ignore them, but again I just don't feel them as scum at the moment.

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If he's town, this is why he isn't as effective as he likes to think he is.


I'm not pinning 80's lynch on Ape.....but I am saying that the way he's changing position this often is indicative of him being scum.  Townie Ape owns up to it more readily.

this is exactly how APE got nailed the last time he was scum and I think it was day 1 as well or maybe day 2.

I will say here... this is absolutely not a scum tell for me.

I change position as a townie ALL THE TIME, because I talk myself in circles and because I like to bluff scum out. When I'm scum, I sometimes impersonate myself when I do this as town, but the difference is that as scum... well, I'm not going to give that bit away. 

You'll just have to search your feelings for the Ape. What motivation would I have to do anything the way I have in this game, if I'm scum.

You just let scum Verbal feed you suspicion to run with... as you'll see in my re-read notes, he's been seeding stuff like that all game, and then letting others run with it. Very coy scum play... but it's scum play.

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How many times did Ape say that my posts are the dumbest sh*t he's ever read? Now I'm subtle scum? Stfu dude, your caught. 

Your posts are the dumbest sh*t I've ever read. Calling one post a subtle scum post doesn't contradict that I think you're a ******* moron.

If you want to be the scum MVP in this one, go for it. I just posted my thoughts, hopefully it helps the town... you sure as sh*t won't.

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