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Empire State Mafia: Game Thread


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Just now, AVM said:

Home slice, you've had maybe 5 people show any interest in voting you at all. Brett, IIRC, said that he agreed you seemed more genuine though.  Think it was him.

But blame me for pointing out the flaw in your "case" -- or should I say Ape's case, that you tacked on a "AVM didn't comment on Leelou" to -- on me.

Scummy play is scummy play.

And now you're trying to act like the town wasnt gearing up to lynch me.


Really wish you were the lynch today.

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Official Vote Count

Verbal (4) - Hess, Lily, decker, JiF

decker (2) - Crusher, Spoot

Lily (2) - Verbal, Leelou

Leelou (1) - No Penis

Spoot (1) - Brett

JiF (1) - AVM


Not Voting (4) - Pac, Ballin, Ape, CTM


With 15 Alive it takes 8 dumbasses to lynch.


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8 minutes ago, AVM said:


Seriously -- all game play aside, I'm quite impressed.  In retrospect considering how the game has gone, you have to notice his attempt to break his meta.  Made Verbs comment seem...odd.

It's like the time one of my office girls was having issues with her husband.  She did the Prozac.  It was like she was stuck in second gear.  React the same if lunch came to the Office or someone drove a car through the front wall.  

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Just now, JiF said:


Narrows the pool, plus boxes two people into the reveal. Scum has reason to not reveal partner, because it keeps town at bay with the reveal. Townies put the reveal out there post-haste, and remove any/all doubt about the reveal, because they know they are telling the truth.

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Just now, Integrity28 said:

Narrows the pool, plus boxes two people into the reveal. Scum has reason to not reveal partner, because it keeps town at bay with the reveal. Townies put the reveal out there post-haste, and remove any/all doubt about the reveal, because they know they are telling the truth.

I'm Jifs mason partner.  He sits on my laps while he feeds me bacon bites.  

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5 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

Narrows the pool, plus boxes two people into the reveal. Scum has reason to not reveal partner, because it keeps town at bay with the reveal. Townies put the reveal out there post-haste, and remove any/all doubt about the reveal, because they know they are telling the truth.

yes .. no need to waste investigation on jif or his bedmate..  snd both alive be can confirm one another now .. cleaner then waiting till potential end game situation and dealing with having to trust 

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I am willing to move on from Spoot because nobody really sees the same thing I did, so it's just something to keep an eye on and move back to later.

In the AVM vs Jif thing, I thought Jif was coming across scummy... But given his reveal I can leave that alone for now, since he is pidgeon-holed into someone else supporting his claim later.


Willing to go Leelou, my original scum read.


Unvote, Vote Leelou

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Official Vote Count

Verbal (4) - Hess, Lily, decker, JiF

Leelou (2) - No Penis, Brett

decker (2) - Crusher, Spoot

Lily (2) - Verbal, Leelou

JiF (1) - AVM


Not Voting (4) - Pac, Ballin, Ape, CTM


With 15 Alive it takes 8 dumbasses to lynch.


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11 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

Brett's interesting, he's not puking all over the thread like he has done as town lately. Instead, he's poking in in strategic spots to nudge things. Like with JIF, what Brett did was quietly come in with "it can't be this easy" comments. That's some dirty play. Problem is, it's Brett, and he's shown recently that he's that much of a scum helper as town.

Maybe I am tweaking my meta... Or maybe you and CTM haven't been raging twats so far this game to set me off. I am not too worried because I am sure you will regress to classic Ape soon. 

Also miss 80 </3

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3 minutes ago, CTM said:

yes .. no need to waste investigation on jif or his bedmate..  snd both alive be can confirm one another now .. cleaner then waiting till potential end game situation and dealing with having to trust 

Good call.  Just figured we didnt to go there yet. 

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3 minutes ago, StraightCash said:

I am willing to move on from Spoot because nobody really sees the same thing I did, so it's just something to keep an eye on and move back to later.

In the AVM vs Jif thing, I thought Jif was coming across scummy... But given his reveal I can leave that alone for now, since he is pidgeon-holed into someone else supporting his claim later.


Willing to go Leelou, my original scum read.


Unvote, Vote Leelou

This dude is scum

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1 minute ago, JiF said:

This dude is scum

Yea, he is.

Brett, Verbal and AVM.

I'm also torn on NoPSL, he's playing with blood lust. Could be noob, but an experienced player with bloodlust would be an SK tell. 


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54 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

1. are you voting Hess?

2. I think you're confusing personality, with gameplay meta. We'll see how it goes. There's really no harm in trying.

1.  No, I'm voting Lily, who I also called scum.

2.  Fair enough.



48 minutes ago, HessStation said:

The people voting me are scum, see!!!! 


So you think I only called you scum after you voted me?  You might want to check your timeline, buddy. ;-)  This is ironic.



20 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

I'm assuming Verbal was trying to troll me into arguing with him that I can change my meta, to which he'd reply "told you so", or something gay and Verbal-ish.

Guilty as charged, but to be fair I wasn't trying to be sneaky about it, lol.



15 minutes ago, HessStation said:

Do what you want but I'm not moving off Verb today.

Hey guys, remember that time Hess was scum and acted like it?

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I'm not going to fight a D1 mislynch, because I don't really care.  I also think you'll probably get some good info with a NK flip added in there and have something to work with tomorrow.


Besides, I'll just be SMCing the sh*t out of the dead thread once I get there.  Where the hell is SMC anyway, miss that guy.

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2 minutes ago, Verbal said:

1.  No, I'm voting Lily, who I also called scum.

2.  Fair enough.



So you think I only called you scum after you voted me?  You might want to check your timeline, buddy. ;-)  This is ironic.



Guilty as charged, but to be fair I wasn't trying to be sneaky about it, lol.



Hey guys, remember that time Hess was scum and acted like it?

I'll vote myself tomorrow if Verbnerd is town. 

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6 minutes ago, Verbal said:

I'm not going to fight a D1 mislynch, because I don't really care.  I also think you'll probably get some good info with a NK flip added in there and have something to work with tomorrow.


Besides, I'll just be SMCing the sh*t out of the dead thread once I get there.  Where the hell is SMC anyway, miss that guy.

I don't believe you are being sincere. Consider the melts you've had over blind lynches and being shot early in the past.

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40 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

No, lol

I'm perfectly capable of playing like this whenever I want. It's you all that necessitate the regression into Ape-ness. I have to Ape it up to get the games going, because otherwise you'll all just sit around staring at each other, and I have to Ape it up to stay alive... because you dopes thing any deviation from meta = lynch it.

So, since I really didn't care about the pace or progress of this game, this game presented a nice opportunity to just ease in. For once, nobody is losing their minds over it. It's nice. I appreciate not having to have to be the game engine every now and then.

That said, I'm so used to scum hunting from that approach, so ... fighting the urge to be the violent interrogator is the hardest part of this.


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Official Vote Count

Verbal (5) - Hess, Lily, decker, JiF, AVM

Leelou (2) - No Penis, Brett

decker (2) - Crusher, Spoot

Lily (2) - Verbal, Leelou


Not Voting (4) - Pac, Ballin, Ape, CTM


With 15 Alive it takes 8 dumbasses to lynch.


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Did Pac ever say he had something RL going on? I remember him saying he was on vacation last week... Not sure about what's going on today.

Ballin needs to put something out there too. And CTMs silence is pinging me, even though he will just brush that off as my paranoia 

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