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Zander and Nyn's Ebolaids Mafia Game

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21 minutes ago, Dicetosser said:

sounds like a sunday to me

On a serious note, you're not around much. And after you lurked to a scum win after last game, you gotta figure people are noting that. The only things you've really done so far are push the Nolder lynch and defend yourself. You got anything you'd like to share with the class?

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1 minute ago, D P R said:

On a serious note, you're not around much. And after you lurked to a scum win after last game, you gotta figure people are noting that. The only things you've really done so far are push the Nolder lynch and defend yourself. You got anything you'd like to share with the class?

You are kinda sexy when you let your swagger show.

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56 minutes ago, D P R said:

On a serious note, you're not around much. And after you lurked to a scum win after last game, you gotta figure people are noting that. The only things you've really done so far are push the Nolder lynch and defend yourself. You got anything you'd like to share with the class?

dude im here. ive probably been more active already then i was last game. Dont note my post count note what i say. You cant read my alignment on activity. Trust me you used to be able to and i knew it so i worked hard to erase that.

As for thoughts  Im interested in this shad dpr ppv cause im a little sus on you dpr cause u kinda played both sides of the fence in regards to me and nolder. That could be townie looking at both sides it could be a scum looking for the best chance. So you talking more and actually talking game play would be good.

other then that im wondering if at some point visors gonna stop sheeping lissa or is he permanently attached?

Shad i liked the sound of when threatening you. its a different tone for shad but i did like it

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Wait... did you just say that you are probably more active this game, but not to check the post counts because no one can tell alignment based on activity, except people used to able to with you, just not anymore because you fixed that?

Brother, you can sit back and relax - I ain't casing you. Hell, as long as you keep posting sh*t like that, I won't vote you for any reason at all.

That's the kind of posting that makes all of this worthwhile. Seriously, that's beautiful. 

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activity can be measured by more then just post counts dpr. it can be by stances taken, thoughts given, votes made or not made. and yet you can do that and still have a fairly low post count.

and i used to SERIOUSLY lurk as scum. people started using it as meta. Unless you slank THAT hard   and i did tbh   you cant use posts counts to figure alignment.  I knew i had an issue so i fixed it. the games here? i didnt HAVE to post much  town just ripped themself apart for me so i could sit back and should have so i did

Look at Zander  he posts like 1500 times a game as EITHER alignment. his volume means nothing. Yet i have NEVER mislynched him. Why? cause I know what to look for. 


judging people on post counts is a bit of a pet peeve of mine cause ive been mislynched over it too many times. Im about as consistant about blowing up over it as nolder is for voting self voters

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38 minutes ago, Lizard King said:

Is someone going to die? What the deuce is going on?

Okay, look, it's going to be hard to make fun of the kids for their terms if you use phrases like "What the deuce". I want you to go and watch some 70's and 80's cop films, come back, and show us what you've got!


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1 hour ago, Dicetosser said:

activity can be measured by more then just post counts dpr. it can be by stances taken, thoughts given, votes made or not made. and yet you can do that and still have a fairly low post count.

and i used to SERIOUSLY lurk as scum. people started using it as meta. Unless you slank THAT hard   and i did tbh   you cant use posts counts to figure alignment.  I knew i had an issue so i fixed it. the games here? i didnt HAVE to post much  town just ripped themself apart for me so i could sit back and should have so i did

Look at Zander  he posts like 1500 times a game as EITHER alignment. his volume means nothing. Yet i have NEVER mislynched him. Why? cause I know what to look for. 


judging people on post counts is a bit of a pet peeve of mine cause ive been mislynched over it too many times. Im about as consistant about blowing up over it as nolder is for voting self voters

Keep it coming! It's like your goddamned Shakespeare... pure poetry.

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