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Last to post in this thread wins

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We were been posting in this thread for years before that other thread even existed.  The 100K goal is not mine, but I'd be happy to help Cindy reach hers.  The two are not mutually exclusive.  The other thread is a bit less work friendly.  I can open it, but people may get a bit upset if they stroll in and there are boobies or butts or even feet on my screen.  Hell, some might even have a problem with the cats! 


I am a bit bothered by the fact that this thread seems less inclusive than it used to.  Lately it's just Cindy PFSIKH you and I with an occaisional cameo by Panzer.  I guess PDM, KH and I used to post in here a bunch when we were all in Europe because of the time difference.  I'd like more people to post, but who cares?  I know War can't join us as much because he is too busy studying and drinking caffeinated beverages.

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Okay.  So we are all going to try to run a 5K faster than a 100 year old man and avoid Cindy near the end of the month?  That hardly seems fair.  I think she comes here as an outlet.  It should keep unexplained killings down in her neighborhood.  It's did wonders for me in southeast.


Technically, he ran a 10K.  It took him 90 minutes.


I think I can beat him. 

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