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Can pizza make you sick if under cooked?  No!


Have you ever heard of bad pizza?  No!


I have had bad pizza.  In fact I had bad pizza in Italy.  Venice.  They heated it in a ******* microwave.  I saw Food of the Gods at the drive-in, sir.  You have been tainted, like the giant chicken!  In regards to pizza I shall not worship false idols and I shall not heat it in the microwave.


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only time I ever got food poisoning it was from pizza... salmonella loves pizza...

but once in all my born days are good odds, and it was dominoes in college so I was asking for it.

I make my own.

my lunch... and breakfast... almost every day... Greek yogurt and almonds.

used to buy lunch every day but I prefer to piss away my money on gas and tires and silly computer thingies and DVDs and....

but it's your money, you work miserably for it as do we all, and if you can get decent sushi every day, I have envy.

but rly, no toaster oven to reheat pizza?

my nuker is 1200 watts so no more than 25 seconds... and it's fine... but I'm not fussy except with raw fish.

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only time I ever got food poisoning it was from pizza... salmonella loves pizza...

but once in all my born days are good odds, and it was dominoes in college so I was asking for it.

I make my own.

my lunch... and breakfast... almost every day... Greek yogurt and almonds.

used to buy lunch every day but I prefer to piss away my money on gas and tires and silly computer thingies and DVDs and....

but it's your money, you work miserably for it as do we all, and if you can get decent sushi every day, I have envy.

but rly, no toaster oven to reheat pizza?

my nuker is 1200 watts so no more than 25 seconds... and it's fine... but I'm not fussy except with raw fish.


Probably involved chicken....just sayin'.


You saw it at the drive-in?  Is that supposed to make it better?  Was it in color?

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Probably involved chicken....just sayin'.


You saw it at the drive-in?  Is that supposed to make it better?  Was it in color?



plain tomato sauce and cheese.


you have no idea how restaurants, and... in this case i'm using the term loosely... handle your food.

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You keep trying to get me to bring my lunch!



no, you do what you like.  i used to work in restaurants before i got a desk.


you don't want to know what goes on.... it's enough to know that the average kitchen worker is an 18 - 25 year old male. 

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Yeah. I've worked in clubs and been in the kitchen.  Don't ask, don't tell and be courteous to the staff. 


i would sooner eat cat food than send anything back to the kitchen ...


even so... the humans can be... random.


best not to think about it.  we're eating dead animals anyway, how much worse can it get?

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i would sooner eat cat food than send anything back to the kitchen ...


even so... the humans can be... random.


best not to think about it.  we're eating dead animals anyway, how much worse can it get?


I thought we already covered you being the crazy cat lady.



but they don't have balconies anymore... drive ins are much better.


I like drive-ins, but IMAX is much better.

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driveinmovie-260x191.pngLike movies? Want to watch the latest 3-D blockbuster in IMAX but the closest theater is hours away? Well, soon IMAX theaters will come in portable bubbles that can go anywhere.

According to the Wall Street Journal, IMAX (which is also the name of the company) plans to have a few of these bubble theaters in both China and the United States later this year, with the first showing in New York City in September.

The bubbles recreate the IMAX experience – including sound quality apparently – and can fit up to 450 people. While there are a fair number of IMAX theaters in the United States, in China, there are only currently 23, so many of the dozens of cities with over a million people do not have access to IMAX theaters, and this is IMAX’s solution to this at least in the short term (the WSJ says they are planning 50 theaters by 2012).

Apparently, the bubbles are modeled very closely to portable tennis court bubbles that can be installed for winter play on outdoor courts (see below, though we imagine the IMAX theater bubbles will be higher).

So keep an eye out for your favorite movies coming to a bubble near you!

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soylent green is made out of aging baby boomers.... i'd stay away form the livers...


KH, by crazy cat lady i mean i have a riduculous attachment to my cats.  i do not mean that i am a cat.


although for the purposes of internet forums... 


um, but no... i eats people food.  not counting the yogurt. gah. blech. 

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BTW, my new favorite nickname. I am having that printed on the back of my next jersey!




there's a whole barn-full of fancy cocks at the fair, in every size, shape, and color.


and though they are all proud and all fine... i believe you are the fanciest c*** of all.

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oh, excellent news.  my electric company is planning a 7 hour service outage on monday... and i have electric heat...  


i guess i'm gonna see the hobbit after all. 






does this happen in real cities or just in west bum**** PA?

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"upgrading our service"


we've had a lot of damage over the winter, they've been patching the lines but i think they have to replace them now. 


7 hours and i'm not 1/2 mile from the substation... on a flipping holiday so i can;t even enjoy the nice free heat at work.


in all fairness most everyone else has oil or wood heat.  i'm just SOL.  

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