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JetNation Masks would anyone wear these?

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Just ordered one. Figured I'd get a large, and tie up the straps if it was large. 

Even if it doesn't fit, I'll hang it up in my office space at work to taunt all the Cheats fans in the building, as I have three of the Fanatics Jets masks to tide me over in the meantime. And if anyone give me crap, suddenly their internet connection mysteriously gets very slow. Being the Sys Admin has its perks. :) 

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8 hours ago, Maxman said:

So I wore my JetNation mask for the first time today. Going on an RV trip this week, leave in the morning. Ran to Kohls to pick up some winter clothes (kidding, but that is what they still have out lol).  Anyhow I walk in, first guy I see is wearing a Jets shirt.

He gives me a long look reading the mask. You will say, you should have said hi. But no, I thought to myself this is probably Joe Willy or Jet Nut and he is going to attack me for being banned in the past.


Thank you to everyone that ordered. We ordered 50 of them initially and there are about 10 left right now. If anyone wants to order one here is the link:  https://www.jetnation.com/product/jetnation-masks/

I will be back on Sunday, they will ship on Monday.  Thanks.

Good movie with Robin Williams, funny as hell. Have an exciting adventure... Hope your kids appreciate it, like I did when my dad took us out West every year when we were young. He worked for the airlines, so we traveled cheap back then. Just the site of seeing my mom sitting on that donkey going down the trail at the Grand Canyon was worth it...

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Everything that has been ordered is shipping out tomorrow. Sorry for the slight delay.

We are sold out, but we received about 10 new orders today. So I am going to get more. If anyone wants to be one of the cool kids there is still time.  :)



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