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Nirvana: vastly overhyped and overrated:


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I would still like to hear an explanation of why it is OK for boozers heros, AIC to make a ton of changes including the removal of lipstick but nirvana gets killed for the bleach/nevermind transition.

That's a terrible comaprison Dick, and it shows how far your reaching now. Axl Rose was covered in makeup and a perm when GNR debuted, but they weren't singing "Girls, Girls, Girls" or "She's Only 17". Their music was true to what they were, they just had to have the image of what was big at the time. Same goes for AIC. They were never glam rock in the sense that their music was different, they just had to go with what was out there as far as personal image. It didn't last very long until they threy that image out the window, long before it was cool to be "grungy".

Nirvana didn't change their personal image. The way they looked played into what people wanted. There was no issue there. What they changed, COMPLETELY CHANGED, was the style of music. It was as dramatic as Metallica deciding they were a pop rock band a few years back.

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I would still like to hear an explanation of why it is OK for boozers heros, AIC to make a ton of changes including the removal of lipstick but nirvana gets killed for the bleach/nevermind transition.

Don't forget Glamtera :)

ive only recorded an LP that sold 10,000 copies

Maybe if you'd cracked down on the bootleggers you'd have sold more. Mind you, it is better than anything that junkie ever did.

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i was thinking about pantera as well

thanks for the compliment jesper but i cant agree wih you lol

well enough of this. anything i say is getting twisted. f nirvana and f cobain. i cant believe hat boozerthinks that m comparison with alice n chainz is not approprite.

this means this will go on forever. funny thing is, bozzer says that geffen couldnt control the other bands like AIC (total assumption)but yet AIC got signed in 1989 by i believe columbia.

If you dont thnk that geffen could have approached them pre 1989 and made a pitch that would be taken, your living in bizzaro land

like i said, any unsigned band would drool and sign away their mothers for a major label deal. ANY. The premise that bozzer makees that AIC or other bands "couldnt be controlled or manipulated like nirvana could becuase tey were estblished" is hogwash.

well in the end it is all opinion, even though THAT is even being debated. so ou guys go on through life and make beleve that everything you claim is the gospel truth. Im going to into my hottub now and screw my wife.

see ya, record company execs!

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i was thinking about pantera as well

thanks for the compliment jesper but i cant agree wih you lol

well enough of this. anything i say is getting twisted. f nirvana and f cobain. i cant believe hat boozerthinks that m comparison with alice n chainz is not approprite.

this means this will go on forever. funny thing is, bozzer says that geffen couldnt control the other bands like AIC (total assumption)but yet AIC got signed in 1989 by i believe columbia.

If you dont thnk that geffen could have approached them pre 1989 and made a pitch that would be taken, your living in bizzaro land

like i said, any unsigned band would drool and sign away their mothers for a major label deal. ANY. The premise that bozzer makees that AIC or other bands "couldnt be controlled or manipulated like nirvana could becuase tey were estblished" is hogwash.

well in the end it is all opinion, even though THAT is even being debated. so ou guys go on through life and make beleve that everything you claim is the gospel truth. Im going to into my hottub now and screw my wife.

see ya, record company execs!

Was AIC changed when they signed on with Columbia? Not at all. Their music was true to themselves from start to finish. The only album that strayed at any time for AIC was their acoustic one, which still didn't mean they were suddenly going to be a different band, they just had some really good acoustic tunes they wanted to put on tracks. Other than the acoustic album AIC stayed true to their style from start to finish, never swaying from one genre to the other.

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That's a terrible comaprison Dick, and it shows how far your reaching now. Axl Rose was covered in makeup and a perm when GNR debuted, but they weren't singing "Girls, Girls, Girls" or "She's Only 17". Their music was true to what they were, they just had to have the image of what was big at the time. Same goes for AIC. They were never glam rock in the sense that their music was different, they just had to go with what was out there as far as personal image. It didn't last very long until they threy that image out the window, long before it was cool to be "grungy".

Nirvana didn't change their personal image. The way they looked played into what people wanted. There was no issue there. What they changed, COMPLETELY CHANGED, was the style of music. It was as dramatic as Metallica deciding they were a pop rock band a few years back.

They're a pop band? On what planet? What the eff is everybody's problem with Metallica? They have to play the speed metal they did at 20 until they're in the grave or they aren't hard enough? I don't get it. "St. Anger" was a mishmash of choppy stuff. But to insist they have to do exactly the kind of stuff they did in 1989 is BS.

What were you doing at 20? Should you be sentenced to do that for the rest of your life? And making money isn't a crime. I really don't understand that.

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They're a pop band? On what planet? What the eff is everybody's problem with Metallica? They have to play the speed metal they did at 20 until they're in the grave or they aren't hard enough? I don't get it. "St. Anger" was a mishmash of choppy stuff. But to insist they have to do exactly the kind of stuff they did in 1989 is BS.

What were you doing at 20? Should you be sentenced to do that for the rest of your life? And making money isn't a crime. I really don't understand that.

You don't get it Bugg. People can't change on their own, they have to be changed by big business.
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They're a pop band? On what planet? What the eff is everybody's problem with Metallica? They have to play the speed metal they did at 20 until they're in the grave or they aren't hard enough? I don't get it. "St. Anger" was a mishmash of choppy stuff. But to insist they have to do exactly the kind of stuff they did in 1989 is BS.

What were you doing at 20? Should you be sentenced to do that for the rest of your life? And making money isn't a crime. I really don't understand that.

you get him bugg...the crazy pollok is killing me

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You don't get it Bugg. People can't change on their own, they have to be changed by big business.

sharrow it is common knowlege that metallica, whether you like it o not, chose to make the change.

you think a band with their pull in the industry were bullyed into changing styles by some corporate record exec?

this might be the all tme most annying thread in JN history

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sharrow it is common knowlege that metallica, whether you like it o not, chose to make the change.

you think a band with their pull in the industry were bullyed into changing styles by some corporate record exec?

this might be the all tme most annying thread in JN history

I loved the Ramones. But look at it like this-it's great to be uncompromising. But you pay a price-like towing your equipment around in the same van when your pushing 40; bad record deals and companies treating you like an oddity; producers like (Phil Spector, in their case) wasting you time, money and energy for naught;members of the band not speaking to each other for years in said van because they have a circular firing squads to assess blame for not being a being success. 2 guys in the band are dead from cancer, another from drug abuse. They missed years touring colleges, time with their families and at home that they cannot get back. They had trouble making their nut every month. All that stress, while at the same time, they're touted as icons, must've beat the hell out of them. Heck, when GNR made that cover album, "The Spaghetti Incident", the Ramones were trying to do roughly the same thing with a release of cover versions of some of the same punk songs, only to be held back by GNR and their record company.

By the same token, I don't think there's a bigger sellout that the Stones. Jagger may be Satan. But who would you rather be-Mick Jagger singing "Satisfaction" with a teleprompter like Frank Sinatra at the end with a fraction of the class, or Joey Ramone, driven practically dead into the ground by the fact that you never cut your sails a bit, made it big, took the money? It's awfully easy calling somebody a sellout. But what does selling out really mean but making a living? And if you don't after all the nice documentaries and the Rock n Roll HoF enshrinement, who's paying your bills? Who's gonna pay for your retirement, and are you gonna even be alive after all the crap it cost you to retire at all?

Point being, I don't know why you view anyone as a "sellout". It's an absurd thing to say.

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sharrow it is common knowlege that metallica, whether you like it o not, chose to make the change.

you think a band with their pull in the industry were bullyed into changing styles by some corporate record exec?

this might be the all tme most annying thread in JN history

Its called being sarcastic.
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They're a pop band? On what planet? What the eff is everybody's problem with Metallica? They have to play the speed metal they did at 20 until they're in the grave or they aren't hard enough? I don't get it. "St. Anger" was a mishmash of choppy stuff. But to insist they have to do exactly the kind of stuff they did in 1989 is BS.

Maybe if Large Oilrig and James Hetfield hadn't spent the whole of the 80's making all these promises about what Metallicash would never ever do, and going on about their integrity, there mightn't have been as much of a backlash.

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Maybe if Large Oilrig and James Hetfield hadn't spent the whole of the 80's making all these promises about what Metallicash would never ever do, and going on about their integrity, there mightn't have been as much of a backlash.

Here's Mustaine's ode to his buddy Hetfeild:

Something That I'm Not

Music & Lyrics - Mustaine

Your mind tells you that you've lost your confidence

You're drifting and ya don't believe in anyone

To lose what little you have left to be proud of

Afraid you can't do this again, ah! You said that nothing come in-between us

The way of getting things we wanted done

Then enissophobia held you under its influence

Until you compromised your style

Everything about you has been one big charade

What will you do now that the well's run dry? Cry?

To sell out all your friends and stab them in the back

It's something that you are; it's something that I'm not

When you forced me into doing what you love

Mark my words no one loves you very much, yeah mark em'

And when you tried to change me and tried to replace me

I couldn't help but end just hating you, hmm!

Being a fraud can only last so long, you should know

Till what ya sensed as a child returns, you little baby

To choke out the voice that told ya

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Maybe if Large Oilrig and James Hetfield hadn't spent the whole of the 80's making all these promises about what Metallicash would never ever do, and going on about their integrity, there mightn't have been as much of a backlash.

So again, you're going to hold a guy to everything he says in his late teens/early 20s until he died. Very practical. I don't a single human being who could live up to that. Nobody.

You may not know it now, but when you're in your teens and early 20s, you really don't know sheet, but you think you know it all, and you also think your parents are full of sheet.

When you get to your mid-late 20s, you start to see that you really didn't know sheet at all and that your parents aren't as dumb as you thought they were a few years ago.

In your 30s, you understand that a lot of what you thought was genius way back was in fact utter useless crap.

And by the time you're 40, mom and dad usually look like sages and you kinda wonder why you didn't listen the first time they told you something. And that it might be fun if you could time travel with your 40-year old brain and put it in your 16-year old head. But then you might really conquer the world, so it isn't allowed.

No regrets mind you. But understand -everyone changes over time. I mean, that first chick you said "I love you" to to..., should you be bound to that for eternity too?In what other parts of your life are you obliged to live up to what you said when you were young and less wise?

One thing I don't get-what's harder to do-getting thrown out of Metallica for being a drunk like Mustaine or gettig tossed from GNR for being a heroin junkie like Steven Adler? Discuss-

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Nirvana was OK. They were part of the MTV machine that wanted to get rid of the Brett Michael's and Joe Elliot's of the world.

I saw Pearl Jam in 1990 or 1991 at UMass-Lowell. They opened for the Alarm! The only reason that Nirvana is put on a pedastel (sp) is because their lead singer blew his brains out.

AIC & Soundgarden didn't do it for me either.

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Nirvana was probably the best band ever.

Them and Pearl Jam orcourse.

Agreed. I like all the grunge bands from that era. The Bleach album happens to be one of my favs just because i really like Kurt's scratchy voice and enjoy the seemingly spontaneous instrumentals. Nirvana was the anthem band for a whole generation. Alice in Chains was great as well, but Nirvana and Pearl Jam were the leaders of the pack IMO.

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Agreed. I like all the grunge bands from that era. The Bleach album happens to be one of my favs just because i really like Kurt's scratchy voice and enjoy the seemingly spontaneous instrumentals. Nirvana was the anthem band for a whole generation. Alice in Chains was great as well, but Nirvana and Pearl Jam were the leaders of the pack IMO.

They did a nice cover version of Kiss's Do You Love Me.

I guess Kiss had the last laugh.

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That song was "Last Kiss". The second song, on that single, Soilder of Love... which I think is another cover, is also a good song. I stopped following Pearl Jam after Vitology came out. I like Immortality. That's about it. That and Once, off of Ten.

Soldier of love is a beatles cover man, don't hate on the beatles when you don't have a large enough grasp of their music.

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Soldier of love is a beatles cover man, don't hate on the beatles when you don't have a large enough grasp of their music.

Hmmm... it seems I like the Beatles music, when it's not the Beatles playing it. Go figure. And don't tell me what to do. You don't know a damn thing about me, and my grasp on music. Why don't you go back to your Paul worship, ok?

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Hmmm... it seems I like the Beatles music, when it's not the Beatles playing it. Go figure. And don't tell me what to do. You don't know a damn thing about me, and my grasp on music. Why don't you go back to your Paul worship, ok?

did i strike a nerve?

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