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Thank you Rich Cimini

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On 12/30/2023 at 6:11 AM, BurnleyJet said:

A few dick questions recently “pun intended”. Although I agree the media should keep pushing this narrative, as Bob Salad and co, need to start feeling the heat. They need to know that the gloves are off and next season no quarter will be given. 

Anytime a reporter asks a question in the post game presser that I and other fans would have asked means that reporter is aces in my book. Most of these reporters won't do it because they trade content for access, a dishonest practice that abounds in modern media. I miss guys like Dick Young, imperfect as he was, who would take people head on.  

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I’m not so sure questions like Cimini’s are any help.  It was sort of the “When did you stop beating your wife” line of inquiry.  What’s he supposed to say?  If he goes apesh*t, he’s lost control of himself.  If he maintains his composure, he doesn’t care enough.  I don’t have much respect for a lot of the sports press.  They claim they’re journalists but they give us very little insight into the game itself or the strategies behind it and instead either concentrate on personalities, speculate about internal conflicts, feelings and gotcha stuff.  For all of Saleh’s faults, one of them isn’t throwing his players under the bus.  Any fool could see the defense was guilty of poor execution in the first half.  The players said it themselves but Saleh wouldn’t.  Cimini could have asked a better, more useful question such as why didn’t you double up on the TE or have Gardner match up with him.  Instead he chose to be a wiseass.  He gets no point from me for that.
Rex was blamed for getting too emotional about stuff, while Bowles and Saleh get blamed for not being emotional.

If you don't win games, you'll get blamed for everything, however you are on the sidelines and in press conferences. At least the quiet / controlled ones don't provide so many headlines for the next ten years. People still quote Rex from his time here, and Herm's occasional outbursts, but you don't see many quotes from Bowles getting thrown around.

One exception - Mangini's "it's a process".

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On 12/29/2023 at 9:41 PM, k-met57 said:

Cimini is burned out, jaded, been there done that hack who’s been forced to become a click bait merchant on the back of his career because no one gives a sh*t about his “reporting” in 2023.

Is it clickbait, or simply questions that aren't being asked? Think it's the latter. the numbers suck. Every season under Saleh has been a disaster that gets worse down the stretch. The defense is very good, but they're behind every game and wear out as games go on. Generally though  Jets  are unprepared each week; opponent's top scoring threats don't seem to have been discussed. The offense looks often, especially when Wilson ahs played, like they met that morning at a tailgate for the first time. The Rodgers injury is only the latest BS excuse. Other teams have had similar injuries and barely missed a beat. Heck, Browns signed Jets' former backup off the couch(and lost their top RB and chunks of the starting OL) and haven't missed a beat. 

But Saleh is working to figure it out. Right. It's a joke. 

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I know a lot of Jets fans do not care for Cimini but I have always liked him. Not that I always agree with his opinions and assessments but I like that he is not an apologist for the team he covers. He also had to know when he asked that question it was not going to be well received by Saleh.
Rich is a fantastic reporter when he wants to be.. guy has written some great work.. the problem is that he repeatedly sinks to Manish level bullsh*t.

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Rex was blamed for getting too emotional about stuff, while Bowles and Saleh get blamed for not being emotional.

If you don't win games, you'll get blamed for everything, however you are on the sidelines and in press conferences. At least the quiet / controlled ones don't provide so many headlines for the next ten years. People still quote Rex from his time here, and Herm's occasional outbursts, but you don't see many quotes from Bowles getting thrown around.

One exception - Mangini's "it's a process".

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Mangini was excommunicated from the cult of clown because he was actually interested in football.

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56 minutes ago, Bugg said:

Is it clickbait, or simply questions that aren't being asked? Think it's the latter. the numbers suck. Every season under Saleh has been a disaster that gets worse down the stretch. The defense is very good, but they're behind every game and wear out as games go on. Generally though  Jets  are unprepared each week; opponent's top scoring threats don't seem to have been discussed. The offense looks often, especially when Wilson ahs played, like they met that morning at a tailgate for the first time. The Rodgers injury is only the latest BS excuse. Other teams have had similar injuries and barely missed a beat. Heck, Browns signed Jets' former backup off the couch(and lost their top RB and chunks of the starting OL) and haven't missed a beat. 

But Saleh is working to figure it out. Right. It's a joke. 

its clickbait

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2 hours ago, Bugg said:

The defense is very good, but they're behind every game and wear out as games go on. Generally though  Jets  are unprepared each week; opponent's top scoring threats don't seem to have been discussed. The offense looks often, especially when Wilson ahs played, like they met that morning at a tailgate for the first time. The Rodgers injury is only the latest BS excuse. Other teams have had similar injuries and barely missed a beat. Heck, Browns signed Jets' former backup off the couch(and lost their top RB and chunks of the starting OL) and haven't missed a beat. 

But Saleh is working to figure it out. Right. It's a joke. 

The defense does alot of mindless, drive sustaining, stupid sh*t like butting helmets, after the whistle. The team overall is over unprepared because Salad has no game plan. None. Every game, opening drive, regardless of opponent, handoff to Breece or Cook up the middle for no gain. 

It's obvious the game plan was Aaron Rasputin was going to run the show and the coaching staff could just sit back and cheerlead and take credit for whatever offensive success they would have, but we see the folly in that, because it derailed immediately. But that's all they had. That is what this coaching staff spent the entire off-season, pre-season planning on. That was the plan. LOL

In 2024, it's the same exact plan. You can't make this sh*t up.


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