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Jets eying RB


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Where does he fit?






Are we reallly going to carry 6 WR's?

Doubt it

He could start on practice squad but to me the WR spots really are wide open - no exceptional players there-

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If Newhouse doesn't Gessner-up his chances in pre-season games, then....

B-bye, J-Mac

come on Spermy-no way.I can see us carrying six since Dwight is also a KO/PR and Brad Smith is a hybrid player-playing the up guy on some designed fake punts-who can also play QB in a pinch(Tom Tupa anyone?).

You know how the Parcells guys love players that can play multiple roles and 4 of those guys with the exception to Coles can do just that.If Newhouse can...

A:catch the ball in game situations and NOT be a Chas Gessner and

B;also contribute on ST's he has a great shot at making this squad

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SFJ - JMac doesn't merely have to make the team. He has to make the team AND justify his salary. Not so much for this year, since we're under the cap & hardly seeking a $40M FA between now & September. But cutting him now spreads his cap hit over two years - this year & next; cutting him next year either doubles the '07 hit or spreads it through '08.

I think there's a decent chance of him getting cut. Work ethic & such may only be part of it. Remember Mangini game-planned against JMac for 4 games & may have been unimpressed before the PUP thing ever took place.

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Please...don't be an idiot all the time

You sometime bring valuable info to the board...but your agendas really get old

Everyone knows JMac is on the hot seat & it's hardly an agenda. Fat-zero wrote an entire article about it just today. Why don't you post something non-idiotic then, like how we should feed the ball to the warrior 200-300x again this year & always start/keep guys that Herm favored.

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Then it HAS to be true!

Actually, I don't find myself in agreement with him very much at all. So that is precisely the point. If I had an "agenda" about a player or coach, it would be the exact opposite of Canna-zero's.

My only true agenda is that I want to see the Jets win a superbowl.

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Where does he fit?






Are we reallly going to carry 6 WR's?

Doubt it

This is not a bad point Jonny, but for my money, T Dwight is extremely expendable. I mean, if this other guy is kicking ass in camp, why the hell keep dwight around? The guy bounces around more than my checks.

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