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Happy Birthday JoeBaby


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Happy Birthday. How many times will you have sex today, Hefner Jr?

Thanks Smizzy! Unfortunately, the family has decided to have thanksgiving at the house in the poconos, so not very much unless I hit up that "hopping" bar scene in Scranton. Next weekend I am celebrating with the gang, so I will make up for it then for sure!

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Hey, it was either this or politics.

Thanks Maxxx!

Politics - schmolitics. We need you doing just what you're doing. It's a crap, thankless job demanding long hours and sapping all of your energies. But I, for one, thank-you JoeBaby. You define the American Hero ,<enter song> and today, on your 30th birthday, I wish you all that is good and virtueous. For God's sake try and get some rest.

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Politics - schmolitics. We need you doing just what you're doing. It's a crap, thankless job demanding long hours and sapping all of your energies. But I, for one, thank-you JoeBaby. You define the American Hero ,<enter song> and today, on your 30th birthday, I wish you all that is good and virtueous. For God's sake try and get some rest.

HAHA, someone more creative than me needs to come up with lyrics to spoof that real american hero song,

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Happy Birthday mate.

I doubt Garb will be posting in this thread!


Joe and I have worked out our differences. We may not be on the same page when it comes to pornography - but we can respect eachothers views. I've apologized to him for coming off as having a personal issue with him. Shoot, I don't even know the man! Anyway:


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Joe and I have worked out our differences. We may not be on the same page when it comes to pornography - but we can respect eachothers views. I've apologized to him for coming off as having a personal issue with him. Shoot, I don't even know the man! Anyway:


Yeah, thanks Garb, we are cool.

And of course i am ALWAYS interested in the female perspective on content, any time you want to come to a shoot and give an opinion on what you think is hot just let me know.;)

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Happy birthday man and many more. Did you really get banned from the meadowlands?


Well, technically not banned, but they did kill the tunacan themed party that day. Truth be told, at this time of the year it is way to cold for these skinny cali girls to be running around in hotpants and tanktops anyway, so it is back to what we have been doing for years, just getting a bunch of jets fans together for free beer on draft and lots of beerpong in the lot for 4 hours.

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Well, technically not banned, but they did kill the tunacan themed party that day. Truth be told, at this time of the year it is way to cold for these skinny cali girls to be running around in hotpants and tanktops anyway, so it is back to what we have been doing for years, just getting a bunch of jets fans together for free beer on draft and lots of beerpong in the lot for 4 hours.

Riddle me this:

1. The Meadowlands allows people to show up 8 hours before a game and not pay the parking fee.

2. They allow old military vehicles with kegs.

3. They allow a DJ and an open fire at said vehicles.

4. The DO NOT allow hot women to be in the Parking Lot?

Correct me if I got anything wrong!

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Riddle me this:

1. The Meadowlands allows people to show up 8 hours before a game and not pay the parking fee.

2. They allow old military vehicles with kegs.

3. They allow a DJ and an open fire at said vehicles.

4. The DO NOT allow hot women to be in the Parking Lot?

Correct me if I got anything wrong!

And that ain't even the half of it dude, draw your own conclusions

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