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The "Mini-Camp is here!" Edition of Post of the Week - June 14th, 2007


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Thank goodness for mini-camp this week - there will be some actual news for a change surrounding the Jets. I'm getting tired of all of the speculation about the O-Line, the new defensive rookies and free agents, and good 'ole #10's arm strength. I'm also dying to hear what Pete Kendall has to say about his situation - and you know he will have something to say, he's never been one to keep his trap shut. I hope they find a way to keep him in NY - he's a valuable part of the team more as a teacher than a player.

Anyhow, back to business - here are the offerings for this week:


(Taken from the JN Chatroom)

[jgb chatroom] 4:45 pm: I created room "HOE TALK"

[joebabyny] 4:45 pm: holy #$%^&* dude

[greengal] 4:45 pm: a gardening chatroom?

[jgb chatroom] 4:46 pm: LOL nice gg

(Editor's Note: Hoe talk? I didn't know that hoe's could actually talk. Wow, you know, you really do learn something new every day.)


Topic: My New Ride

Originally Posted by Smizzy


Sweet ride. Where did you get the glasses?

(Editor's Note: Forget the glasses, where can I get me a two-tone "lemon/lime" suit? That thing would look awsome on the old 'bean!)


Originally Posted by Alk

No, he just said he had never heard of them so I posted the map of where they're located. Doesn't look like they have any up there so that explains why he hasn't heard of them. But since you asked the meat and potato burrito is the shiznit.

Originally Posted by johnny green balls

does the meat and potato burrito come with a free plunger?

(Editor's Note: Not only a plunger, but a roll of Scot's and two Imodium AD's to go with it...)


Originally Posted by #27TheDominator

I wouldn't be too hard on the kid JGB. In this thread you have claimed that the franchise tag = a contract, that the $7.9M isn't a tender (it specifically is called that), that Samuel isn't a free agent and that lost wages equal fines. If that's true, the Jets have been fining me for years because they refuse to carry me on their roster. It's all splitting hairs because deep down the owners have the players by the balls, but if you want to get specific he wouldn't do too well on his contract exam with that info.

Where'd you mention the poison pill? Hutch had one, but the Jets couldn't use that one because we wouldn't want to guarantee any DB top salary since Rhodes and Revis both might be commanding huge salaries in the future. The NFL likes to disallow those sorts of provisions, but I think they left Hutchinson's in because it is so much like the franchise tag to begin with (highest $$ at the position)

I think he was referring to me. I don't know why. I was admitted in '91.

Sorry everybody. FWIW, I think there is nothing worse than lawyers having a discussion on the internet. If it were any fun we'd be working instead of posting on a Jets message board.

(Editor's Note: Admitted in '91, committed in '04, JN member from "his resting spot" since '05)


Originally Posted by Alk

As soon as Max gets back from the Village People impersonators convention things should really pick up. Stay tuned.

Originally Posted by faba

Max is out swimming on the banks of NC- tidal wave

(Editor's Note: save_the_whale.jpg)


Originally Posted by BornJetsFan1983

-Someone tell me why Chad is so bad, and why thier are some, who are Jets fans, but yet dont even support the teams leader....I dont get that...anyone want to comment?

Originally Posted by dbatesman

Tell me about it! And what's with all these people criticizing President Bush? He's our leader, for God's sake! And you're never allowed to criticize your leaders.

(Editor's Note: Not to be political here, but maybe we should swap - the President hasa decent arm and Chad has a good brain. Could be a win-win...)


Originally Posted by Jet/BosoxFan

Curt perfect through 8. Only Automatic-Out Lugo has cost him an official perfect game...

but on this day...John Wayne Reincarnate, CURTIS MONTAGUE SCHILLING has thrown a no-no through 8 innings.

I'm calling the shot:

he's going to throw a no-hitter today and you undeserving rubes will be treated to history! Too bad the A's s*ck and have no popularity and this game isnt televised nationally!!!

BTW...has Rogah ever thrown a no-no???

Edit: 1 down!!!

Re- Edit: 2 down, sit the F*ck down Kendall!!!

Re-re Edit: F**K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! throw the damn ball to 1st base in a pickoff attempt and drill Stewart in the face!



Originally Posted by PFSIKH

No....a reach around would be nice though.

Originally Posted by greengal

max is going to be bummed he is on vacation and missed this.

(Editor's Note: I hear Max needed the vacation as a result of a reach around gone bad. Rumor or truth - not sure, only one man and Smizzy know...)


Originally Posted by ecurb2369

How can you know what "good italian food" is... if you have never actually had "italian food"... its the best Italian food in your eyes... but your basing it off of what? Most everyone has an acquired taste... you like what your used to... doesn't mean that its the best... just means you like it best.

Originally Posted by SouthernJet

ya now kidding,, this braniac is telling us we cant compare any topic logically unless we have tried every variation possible of that subject,, that would be alot of fun,,it would be laughable if it werent sad

Originally Posted by jetheelz

He reminds me of Vinny at Amedeo's.

(Editor's Note: e is a mental giant compared to Vinny at Amedeos, but you get extra points for bringing Vincenzo into the conversation...)


Originally Posted by Alk

chicken fried steak > than italian. Just sayin...

Originally Posted by Boozer76

That's a totally ignorant statement. You've never been to Italy!!!!

Originally Posted by Alk

Yes but I have had chicken fried steak in a town with an italian name so my statement stands...

Originally Posted by Boozer76

No. Not true, and anyway did your town invent chickens? Or steak for that matter? And what about the breading and gravy? Until you have experience the flavor from the origins of all of the ingredients in both chix fried steak and Italian food you can't make that claim. Ignoramus!!!

(The Nomination: " Beans isn't going to know what in the f#ck all of this is about but POTW NOM!!" - Alk)

(Editor's Note: Because I have never won POTW, should I really be judging which post is the POTW each week? I mean, I really do not have the experience - I just know what I like best. Max, I think I have to resign now...)


Originally Posted by afosomf

here ya go

Max taking a break after walking 100 yards


(Editor's Note: Hey Max, don't let'em get you down, Bro. 100 yards at a time once a week and you will be at 10 miles in 176 weeks or 3.37310421 years. Hang in there, you're making good progress...)


Originally Posted by ecurb2369

You have to eat in Italy to claim anywhere is the "best" and that someone else is wrong... otherwise you can state your favorites all you want...

Originally Posted by jetheelz

Your avatar matches you very well.

(The Avatar: image.php?u=1770&dateline=1180720845)

(Editor's Note: How do you know, heelz? Have you ever been ecurb or his avatar? When are you and I going to experience lunch in Chapel Hill - I'm not sure that I know what the best lunch is there, but it might be fun anyway. Maybe Vinny can join us...)


Originally Posted by ecurb2369

I was just saying it was wrong to call joebaby wrong... thats all... its just your opinion as it was his... everybody will have a different "best" and the only real true judge would be someone who has had the "real thing" in Italy...

Originally Posted by Boozer76

What if you have relatives who grew up in the origins who cook? My grandmother makes the best pierogi's. Do they no longer qualify because the ingredients they are made with were not grown in Poland now that she's been living in the US?

Originally Posted by SouthernJet

exactly ,, ecurb is digging a hole so deep that, based on his criteria, he will be able to comment on Chinese food very soon

(Editor's Note: But does ecurb really know what a hole is? Has he ever been a ditch digger? Has he ever had a "real thing" hole to compare his with? I'll stop this now, it's getting boring - I think, at least, as I'm not sure I have ever really experienced....)


Originally Posted by ecurb2369

at least my BoomBoom-TX hybrid style of posting brought up a bunch of P OTW's .... lol

Originally Posted by johnny green balls

we're just bustin chops, if we didn't like you we'd treat you like garb does

(Editor's Note: Ohhhh, so now I see how it really is, huh? When I mentioned to you that you sounded like Garb talking to me you said it was just a joke. Right, I get it now, kid....)


Originally Posted by Bill Parcells


(Editor's Note: Poor Paris - or not - whatever.)


Topic: Paris Hilton Jail Drama

Originally Posted by Jet Moses

Look, it isn't a pleasant experience to have to take a sh*t with the guards watching. But you can only hold it in for so long.

She's just going to have to get over that initial hump.

(Editor's Note: I'm sure she'll have no problem with that based on her - ahem - movie career. I'm just saying she does not appear to be the shy type, if you know what I'm sayin'. Ya know? What I'm saying?)


Topic: Yanks happy to see Stewart break up Shills no no

Originally Posted by Arsis

Nobody like schilling, schilling's mother doesn't like schilling. His own mother cheered when Stewart got that hit.

(Editor's Note: I hear that Schillings mom was rooting for old Curt to bleed out into his sock...)


Topic: What's with all the seagulls at the Mets/Tigers game today?

Originally Posted by Bill Parcells

Jesus, I know both teams suck, but seagulls just add to that smell! hahahaha!!!

Originally Posted by Scott Dierking

Global Warming.

Detroit is now Ocean Front property.

GOB's house has tripled in value. He still is complaining.

Originally Posted by Thor99

Actually, he's too busy yelling at the waitress at Red Robin to notice.

(Editor's Note: Hey, can you blame the guy. I mean, is medium rare too much to ask for these days. What's next for GOb, sugar free donuts or a 6-cylinder Mustang or something?)


Topic: Arod does it again...

Originally Posted by ecurb2369

3 run shot in the 4th inning...

Now has 23 HR's and 61 RBI's on JUNE 10th.... JUNE 10th!!!!

Originally Posted by Thor99

How does Chad feel about you cheating on him?

(Editor's Note: Probably relieved - adding ARod to the equation is almost a guarentee that Chad will look good in the playoffs - comparitively speaking, that is...)


Originally Posted by green_blood

Why does Chad v. Kellen have to be so polarized? Can't we just go with the flow over this? If Chad doesn't win the job, so what? If Chad wins the job, doesn't that mean that Chad performed better. No QB ever got better by being thrust into the fray, especially Kellen, who was pegged as a developmental pick before the draft.

(Editor's Note: That's a great point, blood - let the best QB win the job, whoever that turns out to be...)


Originally Posted by 124

You must have a lot of time your hands / money to be seeing 2 or 3 movies a week. Damn movies are expensive.

Originally Posted by SouthernJet

less expensive than 824 Replica Jerseys ;)

In other words, its all relative.

(Editor's Note: 124 got blindsided by the cagey vet on this one...ouch.)


Originally Posted by 80

No legitimate starters backing up Chad?

Dun dun dunnnnnn

Originally Posted by Irish Jet

This is true, Kellen has literally done nothing to proove he can be an NFL starter, until he does no one can say otherwise.

Originally Posted by Boozer76

True, we also didn't have a legitimate starter behind Testaverde in 2002.

(Editor's Note: It can be argued that the Jets did not have a legitimate starter in 2002 period.)


Topic: Vote how you feel about Chad

Originally Posted by green_blood

] Why the hell can't this be settled at: We'll see how training camp and the season goes?

Originally Posted by Jetsfan80

Because its the offseason, and we have nothing better to do.

(Editor's Note: charlie_brown_lucy_football.jpg)


Topic: Vote how you feel about Chad

Originally Posted by Spudicus

He's a good QB could start for a lot of teams, but he's one of those middle of the road guys who never had the one good year. All middle of the road QB's get there chance to have one really good year, and the rest of the time they are a good QB who will win you games and depending on the division get you to the playoffs. Delhomme, Plummer, Losman, Grosman, Leftwich...they are all the same, they are interchangable. I guarantee if you swapped Chad with any one of them, the Jets would have had the same record. If you put Chad on the Superbowl Bears last year, they still would have lost. They are QB's that don't make a difference, they just pass the ball, and Chad is one of them.

(Editor's Note: Good points, but I think you are wrong about Chad in the SuperBowl with the Bears. The Bears win with Chad IMO, Grossman made a lot of mistakes that Chad never would have made.)


Originally Posted by 4HCrew

the ranking was based on explosive plays...the point was that Green can get the ball down the field to Chambers and Ginn and Chad is not capable throwing down field

(The Nomination: "If that was a shot at Barton's hate fest towards Chad then POTW nom." - raffyd)

(Editor's Note: He can to throw down field, it just takes a while for the ball to come down, that's all...)


Originally Posted by Garb

Good thought, SJ. It's my favorite place in the USA. One issue though, for those of us who are not in sales, what type of industry is located on the Caroliana's Coastline? An industry that pays well enough that you can live comfortably in this "cheaper" home? It's not a heck of a lot cheaper if your income gets slashed by a third, you know?

Originally Posted by joebabyny

No worries garb, i am sure you own a computer, just get a broadband connection and I will send you some webcams and you can be up and in business in no time from anywhere! And if you take in a female roommate, you can cut your rent in half and probably quadruple the money you bring in!


(The Nomination: "POTW NOM , Garb is Sooo Hot ,Just sayin' lolsc" - L.I.MikeBleedsGreen)

(The Response to the Nomination: "this is POTW worthy? Wow. POTW has gone down the crapper. I apologize in advance, GB and GG. Your job(s) have definitely become a lot tougher." - Garb)

(Editor's Note: One thing I like here - Garb is looking out for me and we all know that I think she is SEXY, SEXY, SEXY! L.I.Mike agrees with me also, as you can see. One thing Garbie is failing to consider here is that she could do tech support from the beach provided she could convince people that she was actually in Bangalore.)


Originally Posted by johnny green balls

careful bugg, some people think the word "turd" makes you a racist. thought police are everywhere.

Originally Posted by Bugg

Randy Johnson-TURD

Mitt Romney-TURD

True Turddom knows no color nor race nor creed.

(Editor's Note: How about fake turddom - racist and sexist there, perhaps?)

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Originally Posted by Boozer76


Originally Posted by johnny green balls

thug turd mentality invading all. you listen to enough crap you glorify and romantisize dope slingin and hoe bangin. i have no problem with rap-- for adults. these kids can't differentiate a fiddy cent song from reality. saw an 8 year old wearing a "STOP SNITCHIN'" shirt walking with (presumably) his parents down the street. who the hell in their right mind would let their kid wear that? parents bear the ultimate responsibility--and blame--even though society has made it easier for kids to be corrupted by TTS (thug turd syndrome).

JGB, I am certain you are not a recist and I completely understand that you direct the above towards all races equally. But for you to write that and expect people who don't know you nor anything about you to not in insinuate what 80 insinuated, you're naive. You're a lawyer, you have to know that.

Originally Posted by 80

Getting back to the original tune of this thread -- drugs and America's youth.

JGB went on a rant about the "THUG MENTALITY" (as he always likes to call it) that breeds drug use in this country.

Ummm...how about we look at the facts (from the Centers for Disease Control, in case you're curious)

- WHITE high school students are seven times more likely than blacks to use cocaine.

- WHITE high school students are more than eight times likely to have smoked crack, seven times more likely to have used heroin, and ten times more likely to have used LSD.

- There are more white students who have done CRYSTAL METH, the most dangerous and addictive street drug there is, than there are black kids who smoke CIGS.

- WHITE youth age 12-17 are 35% more likely to be dealing drugs.

- WHITE youth are more than twice as likely as blacks to be binge drinking AND twice as likely to be driving drunk.

And yet, these statistics go largely unrecognized by most people. Despite all these statistics, black youth are more than twice as likely to be thrown in jail for drugs as whites are.

Now, I know SJ is gonna reply to this post with something akin to me "blaming the man", but people should know the stats and the facts before placing some kind of sweeping sociological blame on the "RAP MUSIC" culture. The fact is that YOUR KIDS, not the urban ghetto, are more likely to be doing and selling drugs.

As for this response, it was clearly directed with the assumption that JGB was insinuating Thug turds are black. Don' t try and back out of it now.

I love a good argument, but both of you are arguing for the sake of arguing knowing exactly what each other actually thinks AND insinuated, which there is a difference. The argument is pointless.

(Editor's Note: Good work keeping the peace here, Booze. Good points by you for both people to consider.)


Topic: It's rainin' me Halelujah!

Originally Posted by Verde

Well not really, darn. But it *is* pouring here.

Originally Posted by joebabyny

Great thread, now who will be at the controls of this psycho ward school bus while smizzy is standing outside with his head up and his mouth open for the next hour??

(Editor's Note: We have a new slogan here at JN folks - put it on the banner: "JetNation - can you post from a psycho ward school bus during a rainstorm of men?")


Originally Posted by NJ

Remember the guy on a plane with a shoe bomb?

Did you know his trial is over? Did you know he was sentenced? Did you

see/hear any of the judge's comments on TV or Radio?

Everyone should hear what the judge had to say.

The following is the ruling by Judge William Young, US District Court:

Prior to sentencing, the Judge asked the defendant, Mr. Reid, if he had

anything to say. Reid's response, after admitting his guilt to the

court, for the record, was he "admitted allegiance to Osama bin Laden,

to Islam, and to the religion of Allah," defiantly stating, "I think I

will not apologize for my actions," and told the court "I am at war

with your


Judge Young then delivered the statement quoted below:

January 30, 2003, United States vs. Reid. Judge Young: "Mr. Richard C.

Reid, hearken now to the sentence the Court imposes upon You.

On counts 1, 5 and 6 the Court sentences you to life in prison in the

custody of the United States Attorney General. On counts 2, 3, 4 and 7,

the Court sentences you to 20 years in prison on each count, the

sentence on each count to run consecutively...........80 years.

On count 8 the Court sentences you to the mandatory 30 years again, to

be served consecutively to the 80 years just imposed. The Court imposes

upon you for each of the eight counts a fine of $250,000 that's an

aggregate fine of $2 million. The Court accepts the government's

recommendation with respect to restitution and orders restitution in the

amount of $298.17 to Andre Bousquet and $5,784 to American Airlines.

The Court imposes upon you an $800 special assessment. The Court

imposes upon you five years supervised release simply because the Law

requires it. But the life sentences are real life sentences so I need

go no further.

This is the sentence that is provided for by our statutes. It is a fair

and just sentence. It is a righteous sentence.

Now, let me explain this to you. We are not afraid of you or any of

your terrorist co-conspirators, Mr. Reid. We are Americans. We have

been through the fire before. There is too much war talk here and I say

that to everyone with the utmost respect, here in this court, we deal

with individuals as individuals and care for individuals as individuals. As

Human beings, we reach out for justice.

You are not an enemy combatant. You are a terrorist. You are not a

soldier in any war. You are a terrorist. To give you that reference,

to call you a soldier, gives you far too much stature. Whether the

officers of government do it or your attorney does it, or if you think

you are a soldier. You are Not ----- you are a terrorist. And we do not

negotiate with terrorists. We do not meet with terrorists. We do not

sign documents with terrorists. We hunt them down one by one and bring

them to justice.

So war talk is way out of line in this court. You are a big fellow.

But you are not that big. You're no warrior. I've known warriors. You

are a Terrorist. A species of criminal that is guilty of multiple

attempted murders. In a very real sense, State Trooper Santiago had it

right when you first were taken off that plane and into custody and you

wondered where the Press and the TV crews were, and he said: "You're no

big deal." You are no big deal.

What your able counsel and what the equally able United States attorneys

have grappled with and what I have as honestly as I know how tried to

grapple with, is why you did something so horrific. What was it that

led you here to this courtroom today?

I have listened respectfully to what you have to say. And I ask you to

search your heart and ask yourself what sort of unfathomable hate led

you to do what you are guilty and admit you are guilty of doing? And, I

have an answer for you. It may not satisfy you, but as I search this

entire record, it comes as close to understanding as I know.

It seems to me you hate the one thing that to us is most precious. You

hate our freedom. Our individual freedom. Our individual freedom to

live as we choose, to come and go as we choose, to believe or not

believe as we individually choose. Here, in this society, the very wind

carries freedom. It carries it everywhere from sea to shining sea. It

is because we prize individual freedom so much that you are here in this

beautiful courtroom. So that everyone can see, truly see, that justice

is administered fairly,

individually, and discretely. It is for freedom's sake that your

lawyers are striving so vigorously on your behalf, have filed appeals,

will go on in their representation of you before other judges.

We Americans are all about freedom. Because we all know that the way we

treat you, Mr. Reid, is the measure of our own liberties. Make no

mistake though. It is yet true that we will bare any burden; pay any

price, to preserve our freedoms. Look around this courtroom. Mark it

well. The world is not going to long remember what you or I say here.

The day after tomorrow, it will be forgotten, but this, however, will

long endure.

Here in this courtroom and courtrooms all across America, the American

people will gather to see that justice, individual justice, justice, not

war, individual justice is in fact being done. The very President of

the United States through his officers will have to come into courtrooms

and lay out evidence on which specific matters can be judged and juries

of citizens will gather to sit and judge that evidence democratically,

to mold and shape and refine our sense of justice.

See that flag, Mr. Reid? That's the flag of the United States of

America . That flag will fly there long after this is all forgotten.

That flag stands for freedom. And it always will.

Mr. Custody Officer. Stand him down.

(Editor's Note: Bravo for that judge....)


Originally Posted by 80


Should be a fun night... anyone else goin to the Met/Yank game this friday??

Originally Posted by johnny green balls

ecurb's going?

(Editor's Note: Duh - Robbie Cano gave up his number and everything for him...)


Originally Posted by uart

Actually, being released can only help his case. He is claiming to be PERMANENTLY DISABLED. Which, as far as I know, means that you can't do your job anymore... ever again.

Lloyds' argument against paying him probably amounts to: "Why would anyone keep you on the payroll when you can't do your job?"

Originally Posted by Sperm Edwards

I don't know what his policy states. It may or may not be more beneficial to retire due to injury instead of the team releasing him & no one else signing him. There must be a reason b/c otherwise he would have simply retired or been outright released prior to June 1st. The restructuring is just fancy accounting that allows it to take place later on with the same net effect. So there must be a reason for it beyond the cap implications.

He may very well have screwed himself over by not retiring after the '05 season. He was technically on the team, drawing a salary for all of '06 (even though he was on the PUP list). He should have retired, collected his $ from Lloyds of London, and then if he was able to come back, return the $ to them (but then he'd be making more than collecting from his policy anyway). This is what happens when lay people try to interpret legal contracts on their own.

Everyone in the world knows that Martin suffered a career-ending injury. It is obvious. But by (1) continuing to play with that injury for another 2 months in '05, and (2) working out with the team & not retiring in the spring of '06, he may have screwed himself. They may argue that there is a reasonable possibility "permanently" injured himself off the field doing his famous he-man regimen, since he was working out with the Jets in the spring, making all sorts of comments to the media that he's coming back.

He's getting screwed, no doubt. The reason I side with him is that you can't be on the side of an insurance company (who was all too happy to cash the checks for his premiums). Otherwise I hardly feel sorry for Martin from a financial standpoint. He made over $50M through age 32 (not counting endorsements & all the other things regular people pay for that star athletes get for free). Feel bad for a guy who lost his leg (or life) in a car accident, not a guy who didn't get to play 2 more years of pro football past his prime.

(Editor's Note: I just hate to see anyone of Martin's caliber get screwed - he's a good person if nothing else.)


(Runner-up of the Week Sponsored by DraftDaddy.com)

Originally Posted by #27TheDominator

I don't think Chad is bad. I'm one of his biggest supporters here. Still, he has a weak arm.

Originally Posted by bitonti

Clemens is short. Neither player is what you would call a perfect specimen.

this Clemens thing is way out of control.

This is the NFL you don't hand people starting jobs they don't deserve. When Mangini announces that Clemens is the starter, then I will take notice. Until then, he's a backup until proven otherwise.

do Jets fans really think they know more than Mangini about who should be the starter?

This coach will play the best player regardless of age or contract - if it's Chad, you should believe him. Mangini would not leave a better player on the bench for political reasons.

(Editor's Note: A-F'n-men, Bit - Mangini is not Herm Edwards. In Mangenius We Trust...)


Topic: Gay bomb

Originally Posted by mdrago4

Old news, that bomb landed on the French years ago.

(Editor's Note: I think it also landed in the mod's lounge at some point as well...)


Topic: Connecticut Jets fans could be riding the rails

Originally Posted by GREENSMACKS

this thread was like a hot chick takin off her pants and findin a pair of danglers...

(Editor's Note: walnuts.jpg)


Topic: Chris Henry in trouble again

Originally Posted by Sperm Edwards

If this imbecile could have just stayed out of trouble for a few years, he'd have secured a contract that would have had him set financially forever (or at least by most rational peoples' standards).

F-him. This world owes him nothing.

(Editor's Note: Not true, the world owes him a swift kick in the a$$ for being a f'n idiot - he won't learn without one...)


Originally Posted by shawn306

It has gotten a bit quiet in here since the Mets have lost 8 of 9.

Originally Posted by Bob

Assmop's updates are less frequent, aren't they?

I think maybe I predicted that, somewhere in this forum. I'm too lazy to look.

Besides, I didn't pay the $55 for the search feature.

(Editor's Note: Wrong place, Bob - you're having flash-backs again. What's next, you start offering Max pancakes and flip-flops to make up?)


Originally Posted by greengal

... but the middle school boy defecation/farting stuff has to go...

clean it up!

Originally Posted by Thor99

Well said.

Originally Posted by johnny green balls

i'll leave you two ladies to discuss doileys and bikini waxes. i'm goin back to the turd thread.

(Editor's Note: So, how was it?)


Originally Posted by johnny green balls

what are you getting the old man? if anyone wants to know what i'm getting mine, you'll have to PM me.

Originally Posted by Max

Pretty sure he won't be shocked when you give him a whoopie cushion for the 27th year in a row.

(Editor's Note: That's cool, we'll have enough to start covering the seats off the main table at Amedeos on football Sundays now! Thanks jgb...)


And this week's winner:

Originally Posted by Boozer76

It's funny, everyone always wants to make Coles out to be some locker room distraction for saying things like this, however it's clear that there is a very strong mutual respect between the two. Coles has always been the one to "heckle" Mangini a bit (nicknaming him The Penguin). You don't get away with that unless there is a clear cut high level of respect both for the coach and from the coach. In fact, I'd go out on a limb and say that Coles and Mangini probably have the strongest coach/player relationship on the team. Coles jawbone is probably still in some grassy filed outside of Gillette stadium thanks to a well timed vintage Pennington floater that nearly got him killed. After taking that kind of a hit, I would venture a guess that 80% of all WR's in the league would have been done for the day and not one person would blame or pass criticism for doing so. Coles was back in the very next series. Players don't do that for coaches they don't like or respect.

(In reply to this line from a Rich Cimini blog entry: "Even Coles, who often bemoans the workload, sees a method to the madness. "He wants to see who's going to fold under pressure," he said. "All he does is apply pressure - week in, week out, day to day, hour to hour. A lot of guys can't handle it. But if they can deal with that, they can deal with game conditions.")

Image that - a football post in June winning POTW! Boozer makes some very good points about the guy who is, in my opinion, the heart, soul, and leader of this team. Coles gets a bum rap for saying what he means - something that is unheard of in this day and age - while all he does is give 100% of himself on and off the field to the team. LC can play for my team any day - he's a throwback to a better time. Nice job with this post, Boozer - I think you are spot on my friend. Wear the POTW badge with pride this week:


Assist of the Week goes to ecurb2369 for all of those POTW provoking posts this week. e was the impetus for about 15 really funny posts (most made at his expense!) this week. Thanks a bunch, e, your efforts were not in vain!

That's all I've got for this week, people. Thanks again to gg for saving my butt last week with a brilliant version of POTW. You're the best, gg. Also, Happy Birthday to 124 - hope you had yourself a great day!

Yib-bid-a, yib-bid-a, yib-bid-a - that's all, folks - see you next week...

Y'all be cool -


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But I still love you, joewilly. ;)

dang where's my blushing smiley

I wasn't here last week btw & since they were so close together on the top of page 1 I thought you put it there for me

I still can't get over how cute yer kids in the avatar are. you don't post much so I don't see it that often

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dang where's my blushing smiley

I wasn't here last week btw & since they were so close together on the top of page 1 I thought you put it there for me

I still can't get over how cute yer kids in the avatar are. you don't post much so I don't see it that often

Thanks joewilly - the kiddies are cute and mostly nice little peole. :D I appreciate you being so nice to them.

I'm hoping work will slow down so Ican start posting more again, but I'm affraid that is not going to happen any time soon. At least I keep getting a check. :)

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