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Chris Benoit had steroids and other drugs in his system.


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I don't think this was a steroid thing.

How may athletes are on the roids? A crapload.

How many of them have committed a murder suicide?

I think 124 is right, you must be wearing a G-String :) , I'm just kidding. You have to think about it, most wrestlers are on steroids.

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I can't see Roid Rage lasting 2-3 days.

Do I think steroids were a contributing factor. YES

Was it the lone factor like the media is trumping it up to be NO.

I love this quote from the WWE. Vince really has no clue



By: Press Release

7/17/2007 10:36:59 PM

World Wrestling Entertainment Issues Statement July 17, 2007

STAMFORD, Conn., July 17, 2007

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I don't think this was a steroid thing.

How may athletes are on the roids? A crapload.

How many of them have committed a murder suicide?

But he was on a roid ****tail...numerous painkillers and all sorts of other goodies. Some people cant handle it either....My response I wanted to say....awww you don't say?....:yawn:

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