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nope he is the qb on defense now and probably no one else could handle it..lets not give too much credit to the front office they are not invincible... (Kimo Schlegel etc)

I don't buy that at all. You're telling me Hobson or Barton can't call the plays out there? Thats no reason to keep a player you think will fail...

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whatever if you send him on a blitz it is next to useless

Remember that play last year in the WC game when Vilma came in untouched and instead of putting Brady into next week he tried to slap the ball out of his hand?

Brady simply stepped out of the way and threw for a 1st down.

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Vilma knows the defense better than anyone and obviously they would like a young guy like David Harris to learn the defense and become the leader in the middle, instructing players and calling some plays. He needs 2007 to learn the defense and before the 2008 season begins, Jonathan Vilma, like 4H said, will be the MLB on a great 43 defensive front in the NFC.

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Remember that play last year in the WC game when Vilma came in untouched and instead of putting Brady into next week he tried to slap the ball out of his hand?

Brady simply stepped out of the way and threw for a 1st down.

So he tried to make a big play and failed. What does that prove other than that he had a bad play?

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Remember that play last year in the WC game when Vilma came in untouched and instead of putting Brady into next week he tried to slap the ball out of his hand?

Brady simply stepped out of the way and threw for a 1st down.


That play swung momentum the Pats way big time.

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Vilma knows the defense better than anyone and obviously they would like a young guy like David Harris to learn the defense and become the leader in the middle, instructing players and calling some plays. He needs 2007 to learn the defense and before the 2008 season begins, Jonathan Vilma, like 4H said, will be the MLB on a great 43 defensive front in the NFC.

Barton and Hobson don't know the defense? I still don't see the logic in keeping a guy around if you know he is going to fail...

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Barton and Hobson don't know the defense? I still don't see the logic in keeping a guy around if you know he is going to fail...

Barton and Hobson are fringe starters at best. It is not crazy to think they passed on trading Vilma because they want Harris to learn the system under him in 2007, making Vilma expendable after the season. Its a distinct possibility.

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Barton and Hobson are fringe starters at best. It is not crazy to think they passed on trading Vilma because they want Harris to learn the system under him in 2007, making Vilma expendable after the season. Its a distinct possibility.

This QB of the Defense stuff is so frigging overrated...

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If the entire defense sucks again this year, the answer is not to trade your most talented player. The answer would be for "Mangenius" to quit forcing his players to play in a system they aren't equipped to succeed in and go back to the 4-3.

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nope he is the qb on defense now and probably no one else could handle it..lets not give too much credit to the front office they are not invincible... (Kimo Schlegel etc)

Uhhh . . . in the second and third quarters when Harris and Barton were in there one of them had to be calling the plays.

I've pointed this out several times, but I think it is very important to note that when Harris has come in in the second quarter of each preseason game it is Vilma that has gone out not Barton.

Seems like Harris not only understands the D, but he is able to make plays in it. I'm not sure you can say the same for Vilma.

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y not just move him to the outside and have harris and hobson start on the inside?with vilma speed there is no question that he can create some kind of disruption coming from the outside...

I agree with this statement 100% - Vilma is not a 3-4 ILB. That being said, once Dan Morgan gets concussed for the 27th time, the Carolina Panthers are going to come looking for Mr. Vilma - he will be the perfect fit for them next season.

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Barton and Hobson don't know the defense? I still don't see the logic in keeping a guy around if you know he is going to fail...

Barton and Hobson are on their ways out. Hobson is in the final year of his deal and Barton, well, who knows.

Also, great concept of the defense isn't the only thing. Its also because you can't just give a guy one year in a new defense and ship him out, at least in Mangini and Tanny's minds. They want to give him a 2nd year to see if he can cut it but when they see he cannot once again, he will be gone.

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y not just move him to the outside and have harris and hobson start on the inside?with vilma speed there is no question that he can create some kind of disruption coming from the outside...

Because he would be even more undersized on the outside than he is on the inside. The bottom line is that Vilma, for all his talent, is just not suited to play a 3-4. The Jets should look to trade him while his talent is high. Play Harris and Barton together in the middle. Yes, I know that rookie will make mistakes, but would the Jets D really be any worse off than having a guy (Vilma) who isnt physically capable of playing the position. I think the run D would actually improve if Harris replaced Vilma.

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So lets trade our best defensive player.....................guys dont you have grass to cut or something.

Linebackers like Vilma are hard to come by.Mangini will adjust the defensive schemes to get him involved.Have you seen Vilma lately in person the guy is a beast he bulked up immensly.

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