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The Giants Lost -- The Office Will Be Fun Today


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Yeah, the office environment. You have to love it. Well when the Jets have off and the Giants lose anyway. Been taking sh*t all year long about the Giants. It only takes a few obnoxious fans to make you root against them.

Today is payback day. What do the Jets and Giants have in common this season? Neither one of them is going to the Super Bowl.


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Yeah, the office environment. You have to love it. Well when the Jets have off and the Giants lose anyway. Been taking sh*t all year long about the Giants. It only takes a few obnoxious fans to make you root against them.

Today is payback day. What do the Jets and Giants have in common this season? Neither one of them is going to the Super Bowl.


My ofice isn't as bad as it used to be, but it feels just as good to see the Giants lose if for no other reason than to stop the Giant ballwashing in the newspapers and on tv. The second half collapse has officially begun.

T.O. is da man!

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i'm in the same boat but i have to deal with nothing but Browns fans, who for some reason think their team is going somewhere (yes they have a good offense but their defense makes ours look like the pats') and have all the ammo against me with our 1-8 record and being one of about one jets fans on my campus i am the only person to defend the honor of my favorite team. Usually only to come off looking like an idiot since they never back me up come sunday afternoon.

if we win one game the rest of this season (aside from the patriots), i would like it to be that game, that way i can finally turn the table against them and stop hearing their garbage every day, at least for a little while. It would be the best part of this awful season if that should happen, save the miracle that would occur need to occur if we were to beat the pats.

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