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NFL close to agreement to talk to Walsh


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Nobody outside of a few deluded Patriots fans is going to believe the the Patriots "video guy" was not instructed to make that tape. T\He made dozens of tapes on the Patrioots dime before that week and he made dozens of tapes on the Patriots dime after that week.

He was in New Orleans that week on the Patriots dime and with credentials provided by the Patriots. He was their VIDEO GUY for chist sakes!!!

Of course he made tapes afterward. Nobdoy knew about the tape but him. Where are all the people that have come forward and said NE had a tape of the Rams walk through and used it in preperation?

Do you mean everybody is in on this big conspiracy? Past employees? Truly laughable.

Seriously good luck trying to sell the idea that he was some kind of loose canon. I think you might be one of about five people on the planet including other New England fans who buy that.

You are delusional to believe that just because Walsh has a friggin tape, that it would automaticaly convict the Patriots. But, keep up the wishful thinking.

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Where are all the people that have come forward and said NE had a tape of the Rams walk through and used it in preperation?

That question should be reversed. No one is going to step forward agaisnt the Pats at this point since they will be smeared and sued just as the Pats are proving they are capable of with Walsh. The question is really where are all of the ex employees coming out to say this isn't true? Those people have nothign to fear, yet I haven't heard from one of them.

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I think I read today that Matt Walsh's attorney has not heard from the NFL since the 12th of February, so it appears that the NFL and Goodell are not as anxious to reach an agreement to talk with Walsh as this article alludes to.

The hold-up, from what I've read, is that the NFL wants Matt Walsh to be honest, (I don't think anyone should have a problem with that) and to hand over any material that "belongs" to the Patriots. The problem for Walsh, according to his lawyer, is that if he hands over the tapes, they can then call him dishonest, and he no longer has the tapes to prove his "honesty". His lawyer wants to keep a copy of the tapes for himself in case the NFL goes that route, and they're not agreeing to to allow the lawyer to do so.

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Are you slow or something? It was smart of him to try and get some real evidence of conversations to back up his recollections. Particularly if, as expected, the Patriots were likely to shift into full bore smear mode. Taping phone conversations might have been a smart move on his part.

Taping phone conversations is smart? HAHA

Small detail. Its against the LAW in Masachusetts. Look it up.

The real question is, does he have anyone on tape saying something that they might otherwise deny if no tapes existed?

I all seriousness I have a question for you. What is it about the clandestine taping of people in the Patriots organization that is so offensive to you yet at the same time the clandestine taping of other NFL teams is not?

My question for you is "How do you know NE authorized Walsh to tape the Rams?" What proof do you have? All you have is speculation. Nothing more. You THINK you know what went on,but in all actuality you know Jack Sheet.

So, keep spewing speculation as if it were fact. Your half baked theories and $1.00 buy a pepsi.

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Taping phone conversations is smart? HAHA

Small detail. Its against the LAW in Masachusetts. Look it up.

My question for you is "How do you know NE authorized Walsh to tape the Rams?" What proof do you have? All you have is speculation. Nothing more. You THINK you know what went on,but in all actuality you know Jack Sheet.

So, keep spewing speculation as if it were fact. Your half baked theories and $1.00 buy a pepsi.

As I said, you and around four other people on the planet will believe Belichick if there is a tape. Personally I doubty there will even be that many.

At that point he will be nailed for not only doing the dirty deed but also for covering it up and inviting congressional involvement. 31 other owners in the league are going to demand blood if that happens.

Goodell will be forced to go nuclear on his ass as a last ditch attempt to retain HIS OWN job.

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As I said, you and around four other people on the planet will believe Belichick if there is a tape. Personally I doubty there will even be that many.

At that point he will be nailed for not only doing the dirty deed but also for covering it up and inviting congressional involvement. 31 other owners in the league are going to demand blood if that happens.

Goodell will be forced to go nuclear on his ass as a last ditch attempt to retain HIS OWN job.

Forget all that crap above.

Once more, how do you know that Belichick authorized Walsh to tape the Rams?

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Nobody outside of a few deluded Patriots fans is going to believe the the Patriots "video guy" was not instructed to make that tape. T\He made dozens of tapes on the Patrioots dime before that week and he made dozens of tapes on the Patriots dime after that week.

He was in New Orleans that week on the Patriots dime and with credentials provided by the Patriots. He was their VIDEO GUY for chist sakes!!!

Seriously good luck trying to sell the idea that he was some kind of loose canon. I think you might be one of about five people on the planet including other New England fans who buy that.

LOL. No man you are wrong. He crawled through the heating ducts into the sky box and taped it for his own personal collection. Belly didn't want him to do it. hahaha.

I have no idea if he has a tape or not. But if he does, you are 100% right. Only the Patriots fans will be unable to see the light.

The Patriots had their most talented team this year. They were not allowed to cheat. The didn't win it all.

Seems pretty clear to anyone who can look at the situation objectively. \:D/

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Forget all that crap above.

Once more, how do you know that Belichick authorized Walsh to tape the Rams?

I don't need to prove anything. At that point the presumption would be that it was authorized unless Bill Belichick could present compelling evidence that it was not. Sorry but he is a known chaat and liar.

Walsh's JOB was to make illicit tapes against league rules.

The Patriots HIRED HIM to do that.

He was authorized to tape dozens of games BEFORE the Suprbowl and Dozens of them AFTER the Superbowl. Belichick admitted as much when he admitted to taping since 2000.

Walsh was in New Orleans on ther Pats dime, staying in a hotel paid for by the Pats and with credentials supplied by the Pat.

If a tape exists you would have more chance convincing the world that the tooth fairy exists than you would convincing them that it was not authorized.

Game over. Dirtbag Patriots do not get off with a slap on the wrist this time.

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I dont think so. At all.

They have to prove that Belichick instructed Walsh to tape the Rams walkthrough or that BB authourized Walsh's boss to do it. How hard would it be for Walsh to lag behind at the Superdome and tape the Rams completely on his own? Not very difficult in the least.

Thus far, 3 people are known to have witnessed Walsh taping phone conversations. Goodell has interviewed past and precsent NEP employees and their stories about the Rams tape are all very alike.

If I worked for a corrupt organization, I would tape my conversations too in order to cover my ass.

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Forget all that crap above.

Once more, how do you know that Belichick authorized Walsh to tape the Rams?

Up until now, Belichick was considered a huge control freak. Nothing went on without his say. Until now of course. The man tries to control everything about that team. Well, except for telling someone in his video department to videotape an opponent's walkthru. A control freak like Belichick would NEVER do that :rolleyes:

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Forget all that crap above.

Once more, how do you know that Belichick authorized Walsh to tape the Rams?

I would know because the Patriots have already admitted to being dirty scumbag cheaters. Since 2000 this cheating has been going on. They admitted to pretty much exactly what they got caught red-handed doing and then, in collusion with the commissioner, they were permitted to put the best possible spin on that. But hurry up, let's make sure to burn all the evidence why dont we so that nobody can verify for sure what was or was not uncovered.

Stinks like a cover up to me.

Now the guy who was employed by the Patriots to carry out that dirty scumbag cheating has has said, "Whoa... hold on a minute! I did far more dirty scumbag cheating for the Patriots than they have admitted to...". Wayall, the Patriots cry... Walsh is a liar and a thief! But wait, Walsh has a tape or tapes proving that at least some of what he is saying is true...

Which leaves us squarly back at the point where Bill Belichick and the Patriots are shown to be not only dirty scumbag cheaters, but also LYING dirty scumbag cheaters...


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When the spygate drama erupted after the Jet game, all the Pats fans were on

here saying "How do you know Belli has been taping the games?"

Guess what, he admitted to be doing it since he became the Pats coach.

I will hold in abeyance my "guess what" to the Pats fans who say how do we know Walsh taped the games until he shows them on ESPN in prime time.

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I would know because the Patriots have already admitted to being dirty scumbag cheaters. Since 2000 this cheating has been going on. They admitted to pretty much exactly what they got caught red-handed doing and then, in collusion with the commissioner, they were permitted to put the best possible spin on that. But hurry up, let's make sure to burn all the evidence why dont we so that nobody can verify for sure what was or was not uncovered.

Stinks like a cover up to me.

Now the guy who was employed by the Patriots to carry out that dirty scumbag cheating has has said, "Whoa... hold on a minute! I did far more dirty scumbag cheating for the Patriots than they have admitted to...". Wayall, the Patriots cry... Walsh is a liar and a thief! But wait, Walsh has a tape or tapes proving that at least some of what he is saying is true...

Which leaves us squarly back at the point where Bill Belichick and the Patriots are shown to be not only dirty scumbag cheaters, but also LYING dirty scumbag cheaters...


Even if the Patriots are as guilty as you say, do you think they would go public and contradict Tomasse's allegations if they did not know what Walsh had or did not have? No.

Much ado about nothing.

Despite the JN protests, few outside this board and boards like it, give two $hits about it.

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Even if the Patriots are as guilty as you say, do you think they would go public and contradict Tomasse's allegations if they did not know what Walsh had or did not have? No.

Much ado about nothing.

Despite the JN protests, few outside this board and boards like it, give two $hits about it.

Oh OK... None of this is getting any play outside of a couple of Jets fan sites. Who is being delusional now?

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Even if the Patriots are as guilty as you say, do you think they would go public and contradict Tomasse's allegations if they did not know what Walsh had or did not have? No.

Much ado about nothing.

Despite the JN protests, few outside this board and boards like it, give two $hits about it.

Plus they were already on record from the first time around denying any Superbowl shenannigans. They were boxed in iin that score. So if a new tape showed up then they could hardly admit at that point that one had in fact existed but that they thought it had been taped over. No, there were really no other choices other than the one they took. Reinforce the denial, and lay the groundwork for the disgruntled former employee loose-canon defense if you cannot intimidate the witness with threats of hyper-expensive litigation.

Same as Clinton's "Nuts and sluts" defense until the cum-stain showed up on the blue dress.

We have seen this all play out before.

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Oh OK... None of this is getting any play outside of a couple of Jets fan sites. Who is being delusional now?

Ok...Colts fans site also.

Outside of Arlen Specter, Jets and Colts fan, it is barely mentioned on ESPN or FOX sports.

According to you the league in on the precipe of a collapse and the more mundane things of the combine, Moss' possible extension and other things are on the top of the NFL newswire.


"Specter painted a much starker, more contentious picture than the one presented by the league and the Patriots. He said both the Patriots and New York Jets have refused to cooperate with his investigation.


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Ok...Colts fans site also.

Outside of Arlen Specter, Jets and Colts fan, it is barely mentioned on ESPN or FOX sports.

According to you the league in on the precipe of a collapse and the more mundane things of the combine, Moss' possible extension and other things are on the top of the NFL newswire.

Hey bud, with all due respect. how would you know who is and isn't talking about it?

I know that the Iraqi's even think your team is coached by a cheater.

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Up until now, Belichick was considered a huge control freak. Nothing went on without his say. Until now of course. The man tries to control everything about that team. Well, except for telling someone in his video department to videotape an opponent's walkthru. A control freak like Belichick would NEVER do that :rolleyes:

More **** - eyed theories.

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Ok...Colts fans site also.

Outside of Arlen Specter, Jets and Colts fan, it is barely mentioned on ESPN or FOX sports.

According to you the league in on the precipe of a collapse and the more mundane things of the combine, Moss' possible extension and other things are on the top of the NFL newswire.


"Specter painted a much starker, more contentious picture than the one presented by the league and the Patriots. He said both the Patriots and New York Jets have refused to cooperate with his investigation.


I know you would like for this all to just go away. That has been the dearest wish of Patriots fans since all of this first started to unravel. Hey, maybe the cover up holds. Who knows? Stranger things have happened. As of now the slow pace of progress is down to lawyers being involved on both sides and becuase the Patriots want to retain the right to spend as much money as they wish to sue Walsh into the poor house.

Hey the Patriots were cheating for EIGHT YEARS, you can hardly expect to get to the bottom of it in eight minutes.

It is a very elementary strategy involving potential civil disputes between two parties, one of whom has deep pockets and the other who does not have a pot to piss in. I really does not matter a hoot whether the Patriots might have a slam dunk winner of a civil case or not a leg to stand on. If they can afford to go the full distance and Walsh cannot then that severely undercuts his position. He might be right but have to spend five million dollars to prove it. Since he doens't have five million dollars the American system says he loses.

Not giving Walsh a blanket release is the same thing as saying I don't want the evidence he has to come out.

Trust me, if Walsh's legal representation is such a connected high-priced lawyer then there is certainly no way he would involve himself in this case if there was not a tape. There surely is a tape or tapes. The dispute at the moment as I understand it is whether or not all copies of the tapes are to be handed over or whether Walsh's lawyer can retain a set in case his client need to use them to defend himslef. Certainly this particular commissioner in this particular case has not shown himself to be a trustworthy custodian of the only copy of any tapes.

We await developments.

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I know you would like for this all to just go away. That has been the dearest wish of Patriots fans since all of this first started to unravel. Hey, maybe the cover up holds. Who knows? Stranger things have happened. As of now the slow pace of progress is down to lawyers being involved on both sides and becuase the Patriots want to retain the right to spend as much money as they wish to sue Walsh into the poor house.

Hey the Patriots were cheating for EIGHT YEARS, you can hardly expect to get to the bottom of it in eight minutes.

It is a very elementary strategy involving potential civil disputes between two parties, one of whom has deep pockets and the other who does not have a pot to piss in. I really does not matter a hoot whether the Patriots might have a slam dunk winner of a civil case or not a leg to stand on. If they can afford to go the full distance and Walsh cannot then that severely undercuts his position. He might be right but have to spend five million dollars to prove it. Since he doens't have five million dollars the American system says he loses.

Not giving Walsh a blanket release is the same thing as saying I don't want the evidence he has to come out.

Trust me, if Walsh's legal representation is such a connected high-priced lawyer then there is certainly no way he would involve himself in this case if there was not a tape. There surely is a tape or tapes. The dispute at the moment as I understand it is whether or not all copies of the tapes are to be handed over or whether Walsh's lawyer can retain a set in case his client need to use them to defend himslef. Certainly this particular commissioner in this particular case has not shown himself to be a trustworthy custodian of the only copy of any tapes.

We await developments.

For what?

He can talk.

An attorney for the Patriots told ESPN.com that Walsh did not have a confidentiality agreement with the franchise or anything else that might prevent his cooperation.

Then it seems the only thing that could get him in trouble is if he lied.

If it is purely a money issue with Walsh, I am sure the honorable and pure of heart Specter could back Walsh. Afterall, he has the cash and all of Congress behind him right?

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For what?

He can talk.

Then it seems the only thing that could get him in trouble is if he lied.

If it is purely a money issue with Walsh, I am sure the honorable and pure of heart Specter could back Walsh. Afterall, he has the cash and all of Congress behind him right?

Do you understand that the Pats can spend millions attempting to prove that he lied and he would have to borrow a similar amount to defend himslef. Are you slow?

It is not about who wins the case. It is about the amount of money that is going to be spent to get there. Billion dollar New England Patrios Vs. what, $50,000 net worth Matt Walsh?

Arlen Specter said the same thing tonight. This is in the hands of the league and of the Patriots. They have not extended an offer that would make him feel safe in coming forward. More dirtbags trickery at it's finest.

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Do you understand that the Pats can spend millions attempting to prove that he lied and he would have to borrow a similar amount to defend himslef. Are you slow?

It is not about who wins the case. It is about the amount of money that is going to be spent to get there. Billion dollar New England Patrios Vs. what, $50,000 net worth Matt Walsh?

Arlen Specter said the same thing tonight. This is in the hands of the league and of the Patriots. They have not extended an offer that would make him feel safe in coming forward. More dirtbags trickery at it's finest.

Again safe from what? It is not like he is turning on the MOB and his life would be in danger.

He did not have anything that would prevent him from "cooperating" with the league.

He could goto Goodell right now and say, "I taped this, this and this for the Patriots. Belichick had me do this." He could goto ESPN, MSN, or any other news outlet and drop some dimes on the Patriots.

Again, why is he silent? You only ask for protection is if you are guilty of something. Or, you are lying. Then you need protection.

If you are not guilty, it should not matter if the billion dollar team can snoop around. They should find nothing.

What is Walsh hiding?

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Incidentally PFSIKH in case you missed it. You have an answer at least partially about what the interest of the league would be in defending the Patriots. Because defending the Patriots is the only way that they can defend themselves from unwanted congressional involvement and from a spate of class action lawsuits.

That's why this thing was covered up. Because nobody wants congress involved on a day to day basis in the way that a club of 32 billionaires decides to run their affairs. If holding your nose and defending the Patriots is the price to be paid for being congress-free then nose clips are likely in short supply around about now.

Does it stink? You betcha it does. Will the cover up hold? As of 3-4c\ weeks ago my money was on yes it would hold. Since the statements by Belichick and the subsequent ratcheting up of the smear campaign against Walsh, quite obviously I think there is a tape out there and we are in the endgame to see if that sees the light of day or not.

One thing is for sure. Win or lose the table stakes have been raised dramatically. There is no one year ban for Belichik in any of this. It is either nothing or substantially more than one year. Possibly permanent. I expect the full weight of punishement will need to come down on Robert Kraft however. He was the one who financed the Balck-ops department. He cut the salary checks and it was his franchise which was had the most to gain from the institutionalized cheating that was going on.

I think Kraft might end up facing what Eddie Debartolo faced.

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Incidentally PFSIKH in case you missed it. You have an answer at least partially about what the interest of the league would be in defending the Patriots. Because defending the Patriots is the only way that they can defend themselves from unwanted congressional involvement and from a spate of class action lawsuits.

That's why this thing was covered up. Because nobody wants congress involved on a day to day basis in the way that a club of 32 billionaires decides to run their affairs. If holding your nose and defending the Patriots is the price to be paid for being congress-free then nose clips are likely in short supply around about now.

Does it stink? You betcha it does. Will the cover up hold? As of 3-4c\ weeks ago my money was on yes it would hold. Since the statements by Belichick and the subsequent ratcheting up of the smear campaign against Walsh, quite obviously I think there is a tape out there and we are in the endgame to see if that sees the light of day or not.

One thing is for sure. Win or lose the table stakes have been raised dramatically. There is no one year ban for Belichik in any of this. It is either nothing or substantially more than one year. Possibly permanent. I expect the full weight of punishement will need to come down on Robert Kraft however. He was the one who financed the Balck-ops department. He cut the salary checks and it was his franchise which was had the most to gain from the institutionalized cheating that was going on.

I think Kraft might end up facing what Eddie Debartolo faced.

Again, I ask JN to answer this question?

Are the Patriots bigger then the NFL? Or is the NFL bigger then the Patriots?

The answer is obvious.

Goodell is not going to risk the NFL for the sake of the Patriots.

The Patriots are but one piece of the NFL pie. If there was this great cover-up as you think, the NFL would risk billions of dollars.

The price of the Patriots legacy versus the state of the league is a no-brainer. The league comes first.

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