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you base that all on last year, befor last year he had one of the best redzone/TD ratios in the NFL EVER! Almost everyone on the jets besides, harris, revis and leon were horrible, nothing went right.

No, I'm not basing it on one year where everything went wrong. It's the style of football he's played his whole career. Just before last year he was able to beat up on the real ****ty teams. Something he can no longer do. He's never done well against the top defenses. He's had great defenses and great running games and he managed to never make it that far into the playoffs. I don't want a game manager, I want a QB that can make the throws to win the game. I don't want to be down by 7 points with 5:00 left in the game and think to myself "there is no way we win this one, chad just can't make a comeback to save his life"

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No, I'm not basing it on one year where everything went wrong. It's the style of football he's played his whole career. Just before last year he was able to beat up on the real ****ty teams. Something he can no longer do. He's never done well against the top defenses. He's had great defenses and great running games and he managed to never make it that far into the playoffs. I don't want a game manager, I want a QB that can make the throws to win the game. I don't want to be down by 7 points with 5:00 left in the game and think to myself "there is no way we win this one, chad just can't make a comeback to save his life"

Chad led quite a few exciting drives to pay dirt in the fourth quarter this season...... The problem was it was never our team putting up the 6. It didn't take Bill Bellicheat and high tech video surveillance to know what pattern Chad was going to throw every ****ing play.

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Chad led quite a few exciting drives to pay dirt in the fourth quarter this season...... The problem was it was never our team putting up the 6. It didn't take Bill Bellicheat and high tech video surveillance to know what pattern Chad was going to throw every ****ing play.


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Chad led quite a few exciting drives to pay dirt in the fourth quarter this season...... The problem was it was never our team putting up the 6. It didn't take Bill Bellicheat and high tech video surveillance to know what pattern Chad was going to throw every ****ing play.

Oh yeah. And it's painful sitting there watching a game as a regular fan and you know exactly what's coming. If you know, you can damn sure expect the opposing teams DC knows and is going to react perfectly for it.

I'm not sure if I remember it correctly, but if not it doesn't matter since there were similar patterns throughout the season so I'll give you an example.

I remember watching the first game against the Bills this season, when we had to get a late TD. Twice in a row Chad threw lobs 10-15 yards to the sidelines. We could have thrown the bomb, either that or we probably had enough time to take a shot or two down the middle and run the no huddle. But I knew what was coming next: another 10-15 yard lob near the sidelines. I was right - and a Bills DB had one of the greatest jumps on a route that's ever been made, picking it off. He might as well have been in our huddle.

I know how much some here admire Chad. I do too, he's as classy and as gritty as they come and I appreciate what he has put on the line for this team, however...

The fact is that Chad's arm is compromised. He cannot throw a decent bullet over the middle. He cannot throw a bomb effectively. The fact is that the strengths that we all loved about him have also disappeared. He gets frazzled under pressure. He's not leading the team well enough. He is not as accurate as he was. He could get one of our receivers killed. Literally.

Sadly, Chad has to go. Turn the page. Not only to the bench, but to another team. He wants to be a starter, and if another team honestly believes he would be an upgrade then I'm all for it. Let them play the dink and dunk game that Chad can run. We are still contenders, and let's not compromise our chances with a noodle-arm QB.

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we will win 10 to 12 games this year. and Chadwick will be the Starter.


he's the only QB on the roster thats worth starting with all our New pickups! we can not, I repeat CAN NOT! go with clemens this year.

Right-O - Chad's D-man! Clemens has been given more than enough rope and he's hung himself. Plus, with the newly revamped O-line, Chad will have another couple of seconds to decide which check down balloon he wants to get picked. Cant wait to see him live his dream.

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Am I the only one who doesn't think you "just" make EITHER of these two the starter?

I'd like it to be Clemens b/c he has more upside - most glaringly more big-play and quick-strike ability - than Pennington. But damn, don't you want to know that he was at least able to beat Pennington out in camp?

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Am I the only one who doesn't think you "just" make EITHER of these two the starter?

I'd like it to be Clemens b/c he has more upside - most glaringly more big-play and quick-strike ability - than Pennington. But damn, don't you want to know that he was at least able to beat Pennington out in camp?

I think you just hit the nail on the head.

Neither QB was worth a damn last year. (Although you could say that about the entire team) It is time for EITHER one to step up and take control of the offense.

If Clemens doesn't win the job in camp then to me the after being there for two years and starting the last, what 8-9 games then he is never going to.

To me the only reason that there might even be a competition is that Chad knows the offense better. Clemens has the better arm, better mobility, but if you can't read a defense and make the proper adjustments then you can't play in the NFL.

There are no excuses for Clemens not winning the job. He should be used to the game speed now so now it is up to him to get in the film room and learning teams tendencies and figuring out ways to beat them.

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I think you just hit the nail on the head.

Neither QB was worth a damn last year. (Although you could say that about the entire team) It is time for EITHER one to step up and take control of the offense.

If Clemens doesn't win the job in camp then to me the after being there for two years and starting the last, what 8-9 games then he is never going to.

To me the only reason that there might even be a competition is that Chad knows the offense better. Clemens has the better arm, better mobility, but if you can't read a defense and make the proper adjustments then you can't play in the NFL.

There are no excuses for Clemens not winning the job. He should be used to the game speed now so now it is up to him to get in the film room and learning teams tendencies and figuring out ways to beat them.

The line, "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!" comes to mind. Neither of them has earned no-competition for this summer.

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