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The price is to high for Pace and Woody


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I've been a staunch defender of this regime ever since their hiring and all through the miserable 2007 campaign. I LOVED both the Faneca and Jenkins additions and even was fine with the Vilma trade.

This FO has overstepped though with these next 2 contracts. Pace is an unknown still and to think he is anything other would be a mistake. He has the same type of potential that Coleman had coming here and Kenyon didn't really do a damn thing last season.

As for Damien Woody, holy crap that is clearly too much. The guy should be brought in here to COMPETE with Clement. I don't see him as heads and shoulders better. Remember although Clement had a bad season, no one really complained about him in '06. Instead we had over a pallet full of cash and essentially give Woody the reigns to the RT spot which he doesn't deserve uncontested.

This 2 signings have tempered my excitement of this off-season. We could have spent that cash on an explosive talent like Moss but instead hand it to a question mark and a journey man. Not good value.

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I've been a staunch defender of this regime ever since their hiring and all through the miserable 2007 campaign. I LOVED both the Faneca and Jenkins additions and even was fine with the Vilma trade.

This FO has overstepped though with these next 2 contracts. Pace is an unknown still and to think he is anything other would be a mistake. He has the same type of potential that Coleman had coming here and Kenyon didn't really do a damn thing last season.

As for Damien Woody, holy crap that is clearly too much. The guy should be brought in here to COMPETE with Clement. I don't see him as heads and shoulders better. Remember although Clement had a bad season, no one really complained about him in '06. Instead we had over a pallet full of cash and essentially give Woody the reigns to the RT spot which he doesn't deserve uncontested.

This 2 signings have tempered my excitement of this off-season. We could have spent that cash on an explosive talent like Moss but instead hand it to a question mark and a journey man. Not good value.

Koleman was probably the best defensive lineman we had this season, im not sure exactly what your expectations were for him. He was the only member of our dline that could hold the point of attack while still occupy more than one blocker.

Why don't you wait to see the official contract before you start getting all up in arms about it. If it's one thing we know, it's that tannenbaum is a cap specialist and he's not going to leave himself in the same situation that he took over from bradway. I understand your hesitation, but you should atleast wait and see the official contracts and how they play before you judge them.

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Koleman was probably the best defensive lineman we had this season, im not sure exactly what your expectations were for him. He was the only member of our dline that could hold the point of attack while still occupy more than one blocker.

Why don't you wait to see the official contract before you start getting all up in arms about it. If it's one thing we know, it's that tannenbaum is a cap specialist and he's not going to leave himself in the same situation that he took over from bradway. I understand your hesitation, but you should atleast wait and see the official contracts and how they play before you judge them.

Coleman never impressed me this season. He just played well enough that it looked good on a relatively sad defense.

I didn't realize those contracts weren't the official ones. If so I agree I will hold my reservations because I believe in MT doing the right thing. But if those are the contracts straight up then there is some explaining needed.

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This 2 signings have tempered my excitement of this off-season. We could have spent that cash on an explosive talent like Moss but instead hand it to a question mark and a journey man. Not good value.

What makes you think we could have gotten Moss when he supposedly took less money from the Pats to stay in NE? And dont say Chad Pennington.


We've heard from several readers today about reports in Philly from Gcobb.com and the radio host at WIP who hates us that the Eagles made a run at signing receiver Randy Moss.

We've looked into it, and it is 100 percent true.

The following explanation is based on our discussions with multiple league sources.

The Eagles, as reported elsewhere, offered a higher annual average than the Patriots. The Eagles also offered more guaranteed money than did the Pats.

But it was a day of high drama. The process went back and forth between the Eagles and the Patriots. At one point, the Eagles thought they had him. Then, it looked like the Pats had him. Then the Eagles. Then the Patriots.

One source said that the Pats won Moss "at the wire."

Moss, as we're told, was afraid to leave a place where he's happy after being unhappy for so many years before that.


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When I saw the "unofficial" numbers for Woody I said to myself, "who was offering the guy $4mil a year?" But, hey, its not my money.

Exactly. #1, we still dont even know if there will be a cap in 2 more years, #2, if there is it will be so high by then that these contracts will be bargains, and #3--Im willing to wait to pass judgement. As angry as I was last offseason, Faneca and Jenkins have bought my approval. I couldnt have asked for a better first and second pickup, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt on Pace and Woody---for now.

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I've been a staunch defender of this regime ever since their hiring and all through the miserable 2007 campaign. I LOVED both the Faneca and Jenkins additions and even was fine with the Vilma trade.

This FO has overstepped though with these next 2 contracts. Pace is an unknown still and to think he is anything other would be a mistake. He has the same type of potential that Coleman had coming here and Kenyon didn't really do a damn thing last season.

As for Damien Woody, holy crap that is clearly too much. The guy should be brought in here to COMPETE with Clement. I don't see him as heads and shoulders better. Remember although Clement had a bad season, no one really complained about him in '06. Instead we had over a pallet full of cash and essentially give Woody the reigns to the RT spot which he doesn't deserve uncontested.

This 2 signings have tempered my excitement of this off-season. We could have spent that cash on an explosive talent like Moss but instead hand it to a question mark and a journey man. Not good value.

I wanted to bring somebody to compete with Clement after '06. I think Clement is much worse than Moore. I'm with everybody else, the cap is going up and the money may turn out to be reasonable in a year or two. I'm not in love with these deals. Hell, I'm even worried that we may have overpaid Faneca, but I'm much more concerned with moving DRob for some value than with any potential overpayment of these guys.

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Here's the thing about Woody..He has extensive experience at the NFL level at 3 different line positions..center - guard - right tackle. That is a great asset.. Mangold gets banged up your not inserting practice squad player you insert Woody. Being able to play 3 line positions was a huge factor I would guess and gives the FO more flexibility.

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I was hoping Bender might emerge this year. Now he won't get a shot.

Why? Is he incapable of beating out Montgomery, Wade Smith, Turner and Odenberg? Those are the powerhouses in front of him. In fact, we should have the same amount of O-linemen as last year. Faneca for Clarke and Woody for Adrian Jones.

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Here's the thing about Woody..He has extensive experience at the NFL level at 3 different line positions..center - guard - right tackle. That is a great asset.. Mangold gets banged up your not inserting practice squad player you insert Woody. Being able to play 3 line positions was a huge factor I would guess and gives the FO more flexibility.

Good point Gleenn, you've gotta have quality depth !

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I'm not that concerned about Woody.

I don't think that he is even going to play RT. I think he is going to be RG, and a RT will be taken 2nd round in the draft.

Woody is very versatile and gives the Jets a lot of flexibility during the draft. If some one with high value falls to #2 they won't have to pass to take a "need" position.

I'm OK with that.

The Pace situation is another story. Most people are saying "He only had one good year".

When was that?

6 1/2 sacks is a good year for a guy we just guaranteed 22 million to?

I just don't get it. Did they just get into a situation that they thought "Parcells wants him, he must be good"

I don't know, I just don't see Pace being anywhere near the value they gave him.

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The cap is going up, players will demand more and more money.

Don't worry about how much is spent, worry about how much is won on the field.

Last year, a few signings and seemed like "good deals" turned out to be nothing.

This year, we go after the beef, pay the price and see if we can get into the playoffs.

Jeeze, you would think you had to write the checks.


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The cap is going up, players will demand more and more money.

Jeeze, you would think you had to write the checks.


It's not that simple BZ.

I can rationalize all the moves the Jets have made in the off season. Including Vilma, who I love.

The Pace thing just doesn't make any sense to me.

Look at the problem that D-Rob's contract is causing. The Jets have replaced him. All things considered, have made a very nice trade to unload him. I was surprised at the value he got.

He and his agent are now going to screw the trade up because the previous FO put the Jets in a situation that he is almost untradeable with his current contract. That was an error that was made several years ago that is going to bite them in the butt now.

He is probably going to walk with no compensation unless some team is willing to pay him almost 11 million.

I don't mind having the Jets hand out big contracts if there is a return on them. Anytime you sign guys the first week of FA you are going to over pay. That's OK if the guy is really needed, and it will be hard getting some one of his quality.

That's the case with Jenkins, Faneca, and to an extent Woody.

I just don't see it with Pace, and think this is one of those contracts that we a are going to be squawking about for years to come.

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These moves were Redskins like

Come on Tyson. the Jets don't do anything, and you complain. the Jets go nuts in FA, and you complain. go play some beer pong! :cheers:

I like the Jets being proactive. we will have to wait and see to pass judgment.

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It's not that simple BZ.

I can rationalize all the moves the Jets have made in the off season. Including Vilma, who I love.

The Pace thing just doesn't make any sense to me.

Look at the problem that D-Rob's contract is causing. The Jets have replaced him. All things considered, have made a very nice trade to unload him. I was surprised at the value he got.

He and his agent are now going to screw the trade up because the previous FO put the Jets in a situation that he is almost untradeable with his current contract. That was an error that was made several years ago that is going to bite them in the butt now.

He is probably going to walk with no compensation unless some team is willing to pay him almost 11 million.

I don't mind having the Jets hand out big contracts if there is a return on them. Anytime you sign guys the first week of FA you are going to over pay. That's OK if the guy is really needed, and it will be hard getting some one of his quality.

That's the case with Jenkins, Faneca, and to an extent Woody.

I just don't see it with Pace, and think this is one of those contracts that we a are going to be squawking about for years to come.

DRob's contract/situation was different:

- we used a top-5 pick on him

- we traded away TWO first round picks AND a 4th round pick to move up to #4 in the first place

- we gave him a 7-yr/$54M contract back when the salary cap was $75M. That's today's equivalent of a 7-yr/$83M contract.

- we were easily able to fit DRob under the cap this year; we simply didn't want to b/c he doesn't fit in the 3-4. He is of more use to us by dumping him off the team & spending the extra $8M+ of cap space elsewhere.

However I do agree I think this is a ludicrous amount of money for Pace. I thought it was laughable when the rumor was that he was offered $14M guaranteed from Miami last week.

There are two things that are encouraging:

1) He was in demand from two teams running the 3-4, who have seen both good and bad linebackers on their teams.

2) This was his first year in the 3-4, got off to a slow start, then over the 2nd half of the season got 80% of his year-end production (which someone just pointed out in another thread)

Yeah, it's still risky in that: how much more would he have gotten if he was a 3x pro bowl OLB'er? $12M/yr? Yeah right. So from that standpoint we overpaid for him.

But when Gibril Wilson gets $40M in a year the Giants could have franchised him for $4.5M and Tommy Kelly gets $50M, and Bernard Berrian gets the same $ as Pace pretty much, $7M/yr for this guy may not be that ridiculous. It's just that it's a new year & the first guys to get big bucks at the new levels always seems staggering.

Remember how crazy Pennington's $64M contract was? Well now teams cough up >$100M to keep their franchise QB from escaping.

It's all relative.

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