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I can't believe people are seriously considering Chad as an option, he done.


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He better be.

If Chad Pennington is the starter for the New York Jets in 08, I will NOT watch.

I don't give a crap about all these additions if he's our guy.

It was all for nothing.

I can't believe people are seriously considering this guy as our starter.

If we can somehow trade/cut this guy, it will be the best move of this offseason.

Sorry about making another chad thread.

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He better be.

If Chad Pennington is the starter for the New York Jets in 08, I will NOT watch.

I don't give a crap about all these additions if he's our guy.

It was all for nothing.

I can't believe people are seriously considering this guy as our starter.

If we can somehow trade/cut this guy, it will be the best move of this offseason.

Sorry about making another chad thread.

you never know what he can do especially with this re-built o-line in front of him...but last year you really saw how teams learned to play him...he went from never throwing picks in the red zone to only throwing picks in the red zone

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you never know what he can do especially with this re-built o-line in front of him...but last year you really saw how teams learned to play him...he went from never throwing picks in the red zone to only throwing picks in the red zone

That's just it, we do know what he can do which has been squat from 2003 and on. The guy is a solid backup QB, nothing more. Teams didn't learn how to play him last year, they knew all along that Chad can't and won't throw deep so they stack the box and jump the short routes.

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He better be.

If Chad Pennington is the starter for the New York Jets in 08, I will NOT watch.

I don't give a crap about all these additions if he's our guy.

It was all for nothing.

I can't believe people are seriously considering this guy as our starter.

If we can somehow trade/cut this guy, it will be the best move of this offseason.

Sorry about making another chad thread.

You won't watch? I doubt that.

If Chad competes with Clemens, and Chad wins, then we have to support our QB.

With protection and a big WR, Chad could do OK. I personally want to see Clemens, but if they go with Chad, then I will support him.

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you never know what he can do especially with this re-built o-line in front of him...but last year you really saw how teams learned to play him...he went from never throwing picks in the red zone to only throwing picks in the red zone

Teams didn't learn how to play Kellen Clemens? There's a reason why Clemens looked so much better the first couple games against Ravens and Redskins than he did later on the season against the Browns and Chiefs.

Once DB's learned to stop overplaying his passes they really started to shut Clemens down.

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He better be.

If Chad Pennington is the starter for the New York Jets in 08, I will NOT watch.

I don't give a crap about all these additions if he's our guy.

It was all for nothing.

I can't believe people are seriously considering this guy as our starter.

If we can somehow trade/cut this guy, it will be the best move of this offseason.

Sorry about making another chad thread.


It's ok to make another chad thread because some guys here just don't get the fact that Chad Sucks, It needed to be said ...Good man

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Teams didn't learn how to play Kellen Clemens? There's a reason why Clemens looked so much better the first couple games against Ravens and Redskins than he did later on the season against the Browns and Chiefs.

Once DB's learned to stop overplaying his passes they really started to shut Clemens down.

Do you think that is the reason or maybe Coles not being on the field had something to do with it, or the fact it was his first half season.

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He better be.

If Chad Pennington is the starter for the New York Jets in 08, I will NOT watch.

I don't give a crap about all these additions if he's our guy.

It was all for nothing.

I can't believe people are seriously considering this guy as our starter.

If we can somehow trade/cut this guy, it will be the best move of this offseason.

Sorry about making another chad thread.

You probably won't be watching then unless they draft a QB because Clemens did nothing to show them he is an NFL ready QB and they just spent a ton on veteran starters. I'm not rooting either way but I would think they are going to give Chad a shot to win the job with a revamped line in front of him. Kellen will obviously get a shot at it too. Other than that they have Ratliff and Tui. Unless they are gonna take a shot on Culpepper (which is a risk in itself) there is no one out there to replace Chad on this team. It's just a matter of football sense and it does not make sense to get rid of Chad with what is out there as an alternative. If Clemens wins the job I am all for it and he too was not helped by that joke of an OL they fielded last year with musical Left Guards.

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Teams didn't learn how to play Kellen Clemens? There's a reason why Clemens looked so much better the first couple games against Ravens and Redskins than he did later on the season against the Browns and Chiefs.

Once DB's learned to stop overplaying his passes they really started to shut Clemens down.

When did these DBs learn to play him. His stats-like most rooks were like a pogo stick with his final game of the season being up from the prior games. yes, he was inconsistent as would be expected but he also showed a gun, pretty decent accuracy, good mobility although looked lost at times, showed the ability to bring a team back. he also had limited running attack and poor pass protection.

Is he the future???? I don't know, the coaches don't know and I seriously question whether anyone could know but he showed enough to warrant consideration.

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Do you think that is the reason or maybe Coles not being on the field had something to do with it, or the fact it was his first half season.

I was saying Kellen looked better his first couple games and then looked worse later on. He throws alot of very interceptable passes and as a DB trying to pad stats you're always tempted to overplay those passes and try to get an INT. Once the DB's got more disciplined and started to play Kellen's throws more patiently he really got shut down.

Exhibit A: The Browns Game.

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I was saying Kellen looked better his first couple games and then looked worse later on. He throws alot of very interceptable passes and as a DB trying to pad stats you're always tempted to overplay those passes and try to get an INT. Once the DB's got more disciplined and started to play Kellen's throws more patiently he really got shut down.

Exhibit A: The Browns Game.

Yeah and maybe part of the reason for that was that our #1 wr Coles didnt play much when Clemens was starting, so who did he have Cotchery, McCareins and Smith?

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Yeah and maybe part of the reason for that was that our #1 wr Coles didnt play much when Clemens was starting, so who did he have Cotchery, McCareins and Smith?

He still had Cotchery who is a tremendous receiver and besides, Coles isn't even expected to be with the team next season and even if he is he has a concussion problem and will probably miss half the season anyway.

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In a fair competition, Chad would beat out Clemens hands down.

I'm gonna say that you are wrong. Clemens will beat out Chad this year. Hell, he beat out Chad last year in camp and preseason and Mangini still started Chad week 1. That wont happen again.

The noodle era is over.

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I'm gonna say that you are wrong. Clemens will beat out Chad this year. Hell, he beat out Chad last year in camp and preseason and Mangini still started Chad week 1. That wont happen again.

The noodle era is over.

Reality never was Barton's best thing.

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With the way the team is being revamped right now I don't see how the coach can put out Clemens to screw up the season and learn on the job. All the excuses for him last year, except for one - youth, all apply to Chad as well.

Chad can game-manage this team to a super bowl if the pieces are in place and I truly believe that right now some key pieces are being put into place.

Clemens would probably get us another 4-12/5-11 type season next year while he learns how to be an NFL QB. While he may not have the strongest arm or be everyone's favorite, Chad already is one.

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With the way the team is being revamped right now I don't see how the coach can put out Clemens to screw up the season and learn on the job. All the excuses for him last year, except for one - youth, all apply to Chad as well.

Chad can game-manage this team to a super bowl if the pieces are in place and I truly believe that right now some key pieces are being put into place.

Clemens would probably get us another 4-12/5-11 type season next year while he learns how to be an NFL QB. While he may not have the strongest arm or be everyone's favorite, Chad already is one.

Excellent post.

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With the way the team is being revamped right now I don't see how the coach can put out Clemens to screw up the season and learn on the job. All the excuses for him last year, except for one - youth, all apply to Chad as well.

Chad can game-manage this team to a super bowl if the pieces are in place and I truly believe that right now some key pieces are being put into place.

Clemens would probably get us another 4-12/5-11 type season next year while he learns how to be an NFL QB. While he may not have the strongest arm or be everyone's favorite, Chad already is one.

:rl: Maybe in madden.

You guys crack me up. Chad sh#t the bed this year in every big spot (like he always has) and went 1-9, and he can still lead the Jets to the superbowl? You guys are a cult.

Oh and he has to stay healthy too. LOL.

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well if your not going to watch becos you don't agree that the best quarterback should start, please go be a giants fan.

Clemens in not ready! at all! but you all will see that. and almost all of you will be all for chad then! and say I never doubted him! it's imbarassing somtimes to see how much some of u change your minds, like women! lol

chad will be the starter, so i suggest you start looking for a new team to root for now.

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With the way the team is being revamped right now I don't see how the coach can put out Clemens to screw up the season and learn on the job. All the excuses for him last year, except for one - youth, all apply to Chad as well.

Chad can game-manage this team to a super bowl if the pieces are in place and I truly believe that right now some key pieces are being put into place.

Clemens would probably get us another 4-12/5-11 type season next year while he learns how to be an NFL QB. While he may not have the strongest arm or be everyone's favorite, Chad already is one.

couldn't of said it any better.

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With the way the team is being revamped right now I don't see how the coach can put out Clemens to screw up the season and learn on the job. All the excuses for him last year, except for one - youth, all apply to Chad as well.

Chad can game-manage this team to a super bowl if the pieces are in place and I truly believe that right now some key pieces are being put into place.

Clemens would probably get us another 4-12/5-11 type season next year while he learns how to be an NFL QB. While he may not have the strongest arm or be everyone's favorite, Chad already is one.

The pieces weren't there when he scored three points against Pittsburgh? What was missing? A very good defense? A solid o-line? a running game? It has been proven that he can not win a Superbowl. I call in to evidence every season since 2002 where he hasn't won a Superbowl. There is always excuses for this chad guy and never any results. He looked good in 02 and backed into the playoffs a few times. So what, that's not that impressive to me. The guy can't throw the ball longer than 5 yards more than once a season.

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:rl: Maybe in madden.

You guys crack me up. Chad sh#t the bed this year in every big spot (like he always has) and went 1-9, and he can still lead the Jets to the superbowl? You guys are a cult.

Oh and he has to stay healthy too. LOL.

Im going to be honest...the only reason I open Chad threads still is to see you're response, lol. We'll see who wins the competition in camp. If Clemens cant beat Chad out, then we definately dont want Clemens as QB, and have to look elsewhere for the future IMO.

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The pieces weren't there when he scored three points against Pittsburgh? What was missing? A very good defense? A solid o-line? a running game? It has been proven that he can not win a Superbowl. I call in to evidence every season since 2002 where he hasn't won a Superbowl. There is always excuses for this chad guy and never any results. He looked good in 02 and backed into the playoffs a few times. So what, that's not that impressive to me. The guy can't throw the ball longer than 5 yards more than once a season.

Jets don't have a QB on the roster who can win a SB.

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Jets don't have a QB on the roster who can win a SB.

quarterback is the most overrated position dont need an allstar QB to win the SB look at Trent Dilfer, brad johnson(both winner). Rich gannon went so did rex grossman and i think kellen clemens is better then all of them so is chad better then them.

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well if your not going to watch becos you don't agree that the best quarterback should start, please go be a giants fan.

Clemens in not ready! at all! but you all will see that. and almost all of you will be all for chad then! and say I never doubted him! it's imbarassing somtimes to see how much some of u change your minds, like women! lol

chad will be the starter, so i suggest you start looking for a new team to root for now.

First of all, get Firefox. It has a spell check built it. I'm not a grammar **** or anything like that. It's just very saddening to me to see someone misspell "Because" and "Embarrassing". I don't mean this as an insult. English is obviously not your first language and I'm only trying to help.

Now on to football. You do know that kellen won more games than chad did last year, right? You do know how many 4th quarter int's he threw, right? No one is changing their minds(like women? really, that is just beyond sexist) people are just tired of seeing chad get injured and not get it done. The man has been the starting qb since 02 and has done nothing to make anyone believe he can win a superbowl. The man can't even throw an out pattern without getting picked off. He doesn't have the arm strenght, he doesn't have the mobility, his accuracy isn't as good as it used to be, he has had two career ending type injuries which says a lot for his toughness but not a lot for his durability and the condition of his shoulder. Anyone who still feels chad can win a superbowl is drinking some sort of koolaid.

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