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Team needs as of all the FA additions


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Our team has undergone a major overhaul. What were our major weaknesses last year (OL/DL)could turn out to be our strength. The OL has 2 new faces, and only Brandon Moore left from the duhHerm era. If Jenkins reaches his potential at NT, Coleman and Ellis are going to benefit greatly, as will the entire D for that matter. So now, looking over the team, here are what I consider areas of weakness needing immediate upgrade as well as some that would be nice to improve upon:

Must improve:

WR-Brad Smith is not a good #3 receiver, at least not yet. We also have to start looking towards the future and replacing Coles. A solid WR in the draft would be a big step in the right direction.

CB-Barrett is a problem. He's not as bad as the rap he gets though. I think his problem is alot more mental than anything else. If he makes a bad play early in the game you can be sure another, and another will come. If not, he'll employ his signature "15 yard cushion" move. We tend to forget that Justin Miller is still on the team, and the coaches really liked him at CB before his injury. He was starting at CB and he was playing well. He might be the answer which is why I have WR ahead of CB as positions of need.

Would be nice to improve:

SS-Smith and Elam are serviceable, but it would be nice to improve the position and have some depth in case (god forbid) Rhodes goes down.

OG-Brandon Moore is serviceable, but part of me would love to see the last piece of the horribly neglected Bradway/DuhHerm OL gone. I love the idea of Brandon Albert if he's there in the 2nd round.

DE-Ellis is getting up in age and hasn't performed in a while now. While I think Jenkins will help revitalize him, we need to consider his replacement. Sedrick Ellis might be the answer.

OLB-Bryan Thomas disappeared last season. He's not the brightest guy around and I honestly don't think he's very focused which is why his play dropped IMO. Gholston or Groves would be nice in the draft, although I think we have to give Thomas one more year to prove himself.

ILB-Eric Barton has quietly (minus some very big personal foul penalties) played decent football for us, but he's a journeyman type of guy at best. Maybe take a mid late round prospect and groom him behind Barton and Harris.

QB-Chad is not the answer for this team. Quite frankly I think his presence hurts more than it helps simply because the Chadinettes and meadi will call for Clemens' head every moment he does something wrong. Clemens struggled alot last year. The OL was atrocious, but nobody can absolutely claim that Clemens is or isn't the answer. Personally I think we go into this season and see what he's got. With the exception of Richardson, all the FA's are here long enough that if Clemens doesn't work out we can move on through next year's draft.

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OG-Brandon Moore is serviceable, but part of me would love to see the last piece of the horribly neglected Bradway/DuhHerm OL gone. I love the idea of Brandon Albert if he's there in the 2nd round.

DE-Ellis is getting up in age and hasn't performed in a while now. While I think Jenkins will help revitalize him, we need to consider his replacement. Sedrick Ellis might be the answer.

booz - great write-up. i was thinking the same thing with ellis @ 6. if the jets can't move down they are probably looking at gholston or ellis. ellis at DE would add to the front 7 and probably make this ellis last season.

i think the other option for the jets is to draft an OT and move woody back to OG either in 08 or 09. having moore as a backup would be great for this OL and give the jets some flexibility if there was an injury.

WR is a crapshoot in the draft. rookies always seem to struggle and take some time to develop. i can see the jets drafting one in rd 2 or 4.

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I look at the #6 pick like this - With the roster improvements we have and will make this off season it's likely that we won't see a pick this high for years to come (keep your negative comments to yourself for the time being). So, is there a player, at #6, who is the kind of exceptional talent that we will not get another shot at for years to come?

Some say McFadden. But Mike Mayock's "dead legs" statement rings pretty loudly against him being a once-in-a-decade player. Besides, how many superbowl winners did it with a RB who was a top 10 draft pick?

Gholston? He might be great, but I think OLB's can be gotten cheaper or via free agency.

Sedrick Ellis? Is he a NT or a DE? I think we could get a guy like him another year at a lower pick.

Chris Long? Yeah, he's a legit #6 worthy talent. But he'll most likely be gone by then.

Jake Long? Ditto

Glenn Dorsey? I'd like to have him. But where does he fit in 3/4 D?

Matt Ryan? QB's with his talent, size, heart and leadership qualities are never made available via free agency or trades. Hoping for a Romo or a Brady from deeper in the draft is not very realistic. I think this is the guy who would be hardest to duplicate in future years. He might very well be gone by #6 also, but if he's there I think we should grab him. I don't hear many others thinking this way, so I thought I'd throw this out as another way to look at the #6 draft pick.

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I agree with everything you wrote B-76 except I think we're doing OK at safety-I'm tellin' you, I liked what I saw from Eric Smith last season-he's a smart player too bad we can't combine Elam's hitting with Eric's brains THEN we would have some safety. Brad Smith? I'm about to give up on THAT experiment-the guy can't catch a football. I also highly doubt Chansi Stuckey has what it takes to compete on this level-Bryant Johnson is a future star in this league I wonder if we can somehow get him?

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I think:

Must Improve:

DE-What do we have Ellis and Coleman backed up by Devito and Brown? I dont follow College to much,(rely on what I read here and at various draft sites) Is Johnny Dingle any good?

Defensive end Scouts say: Chris Long, Virginia.

I say: Johnny Dingle, West Virginia.

The skinny: Look, I'm not an idiot. Long looks the part, and he's a tireless worker. But Dingle, when properly motivated, can be special. He's not an end in the 4-3 scheme, but he fits perfectly in the 50 defense (3-4 scheme) as an outside rusher. He's not the most focused player, but he oozes athletic ability. If the right coach can push the right buttons, he'll be a beast.


WR-"We also have to start looking towards the future and replacing Coles. A solid WR in the draft would be a big step in the right direction." I think you are right here, when you talk about replacing Coles, but not the solid receiver part, we need a #1 wr sooner than later as wrs typically take some time to develop. Hopefully Stuckey is ok and can bring something to the table this year.

OG\OT: I think after what the Giants did to the Pats in the superbowl, many teams are going to try to put alot of pressure on the QB, and we need to make sure we have quality depth. I think we need to either go after a tackle early to move woody inside to play guard or get a guard with upside in the latter rounds. Faneca being 31, and Woody being 30 tells me we need to have some being groomed to step in. If we dont go for a tackle, I saw this writeup on Shawn Murphy, hes projected to go in the latter rounds, maybe someone like him could fit the bill.


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QB-Chad is not the answer for this team.

Clemens struggled alot last year.

if Clemens doesn't work out we can move on through next year's draft.

We get it, you want to have KC's child, and hate Penny

Do you have any new matrial

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I look at the #6 pick like this - With the roster improvements we have and will make this off season it's likely that we won't see a pick this high for years to come (keep your negative comments to yourself for the time being).

1st, I agree with this statement and have always felt that the best way to take advantage of the high draft position is to trade it for as much value as you can get. Think about how much more talent we would have been able to acquire in recent years if we hadnt traded up for Robertson, and we traded down instead of drafting Dbrick, and we trade down again this year. I think trading down and stockpiling picks in the current and future drafts is the best way to go as it allows you to acquire cheap quality young players through the draft and then acquire free agents as needed to help put you over the top. The question is we never know how easy is it to find trade partners.

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i think the other option for the jets is to draft an OT and move woody back to OG either in 08 or 09. having moore as a backup would be great for this OL and give the jets some flexibility if there was an injury.

That's what I was going to say. Woody has played less than half a season at RT. What he provides is the opportunity to take the best available player on the line and swing Woody to wherever is weakest.

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And a pass rusher, we need a damn pass rusher more than anything else IMO.

I agree, we need another pass rusher from the outside inorder to be a feared defense.

Gholston is my #1 choice, I would love McFadden but we NEED Gholston more than an exciting back. Gholston could complete the Pace signing.

Just my thoughts

#1 3-4 OLB (1st round)

Yes we need a Slot WR, but a #2 CB is more important than a slot WR because a #2 CB is always on the field on Defense, a slot WR is simply on the field when we line up in a 3 or 4 WR set.

#2 CB next to Revis with Rhodes and Elam in the secondary. (2nd Round)

#3 Slot WR with Coles and Cotchery (4th Round)

#4 IMLB next to Harris (4th Round)

#5 Some more deph on the O-Line and D-Line (6th and 7th rounds)

This team is almost complete, but we still have some ways to go

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I agree, we need another pass rusher from the outside inorder to be a feared defense.

Gholston is my #1 choice, I would love McFadden but we NEED Gholston more than an exciting back. Gholston could complete the Pace signing.

Just my thoughts

#1 3-4 OLB (1st round)

Yes we need a Slot WR, but a #2 CB is more important than a slot WR because a #2 CB is always on the field on Defense, a slot WR is simply on the field when we line up in a 3 or 4 WR set.

#2 CB next to Revis with Rhodes and Elam in the secondary. (2nd Round)

#3 Slot WR with Coles and Cotchery (4th Round)

#4 IMLB next to Harris (4th Round)

#5 Some more deph on the O-Line and D-Line (6th and 7th rounds)

This team is almost complete, but we still have some ways to go

Your list of needs is pretty good (as are Boozer's, I'd rate an additional OT or G much higher) but actually drafting strictly according to need is a recipe for disaster.

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#3 Slot WR with Coles and Cotchery (4th Round)

I think we need more than a slot receiver. We need somebody who turns FG's into TD's in the red zone. Im tired of seeing fades to Coles and Cotchery fall incomplete and trotting the FG unit out.

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I agree, we need another pass rusher from the outside inorder to be a feared defense.

Gholston is my #1 choice, I would love McFadden but we NEED Gholston more than an exciting back. Gholston could complete the Pace signing.

Just my thoughts

#1 3-4 OLB (1st round)

Yes we need a Slot WR, but a #2 CB is more important than a slot WR because a #2 CB is always on the field on Defense, a slot WR is simply on the field when we line up in a 3 or 4 WR set.

#2 CB next to Revis with Rhodes and Elam in the secondary. (2nd Round)

#3 Slot WR with Coles and Cotchery (4th Round)

#4 IMLB next to Harris (4th Round)

#5 Some more deph on the O-Line and D-Line (6th and 7th rounds)

This team is almost complete, but we still have some ways to go

Very good post, agree totally.

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Chad will be the starter next year IMO and will probably play well with this new team . I think he'll get us to the playoffs next season.

He's not the long term answer though, I doubt Clemens is either.

I totally agree. Chad will do fine with our revamped O-line and hopefully Coles will grow a brain and shut up and play football.

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