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Curt Schilling opens his big fat annoying mouth again -- at Kobe Bryant


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Gotta love this response: :rl:

Hey Curt: There is no bigger sissy than a hit-and-run blogger

Curt Schilling is gutless. He sits courtside in Boston for Game 2, eavesdropping on the Lakers' bench

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He's bascially confirming what everyone knows, Kobe is a d*ck.

I think Schill is an idiot half the time, but part of me loves it because everything he does that garners attention annoys the poop out of that schmuck Dan Shaughnessy. So, for me, this is great.

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One of these days something will comeback/stick on Shilling....I wanna know who made this guy so 'high and mighty'. Everyone knows kobe is a spoiled little crybaby, and a horrible teammate when things don't go his way.

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Gotta love that LA is booing Kobe to start the season and blowing him the next. If Curt Schilling is some random guy in LA with a blog, this is a non-story. In the end, who cares?

They boo'd him one game because he requested a trade. I'm sorry, but if a player as good as Kobe wants a trade, the fans are going to be upset.

You're right, if you want to play the "IF" game. Too bad for you, Schilling isn't and he should shut his mouth. When you're in the spotlight like that, you shouldn't be talking. End of discussion.

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Does anybody actually like this big fat annoying a-hole? When will he ever learn to keep his mouth shut? Curt Schilling talking Basketball is like Bill Parcells talking Swimming. Shut the hell up.

Was anything Schilling wrote false? Nope.

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Yes. He basically said Pau Gasol was bad.

He hasn't exactly been playing that well so far. He is averaging 13 points per game, down from 18 per game in the regular season.

He has also been disappearing for long stretches in the 2nd half of the games.

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Schilling is basically saying the same exact thing Phil Jackson said in his book "The Last Season" in 2004. (and further proof that the L.A. Lakers orgaization - and the city is represents - are absolute frauds)

Here's some tidbits from the book:

"Last spring, during a particularly acrimonious team meeting, Rick Fox complained to Kobe and Shaq. 'The thing that hurts about this season,' Fox said, 'is that you have both acted like you're apart from us, and that we're not any good.' ... Shaq, clearly affected, began to respond when Kobe cut him off. 'Quit your crying,' Kobe said. I then jumped in. 'Kobe, you're as much to blame as Shaq is, if not more.' "

After the gun sounded, Kobe went over to Devean, berating him for not calling timeout when the play broke down. Kobe was right, but he was wrong to reprimand his teammate on the court, in front of the crowd and cameras."

"The woman who answered the phone at [Kobe's] home in Newport Beach said he was resting. Privately, the Laker organization, which includes myself, was furious. This was not the way for a professional athlete to behave."

"Despite our recurring conflicts over our four years together, I was genuinely concerned for [Kobe], concerned about how this young man could, in the soul-consuming NBA world, become a mature adult. "

"I recognized how easily the whole situation could escalate. [Kobe] rebels against authority. With the new, powerful authority figures in his life -- the police, the prosecutors, etc. -- I was quite certain he would look for a way to rebel more than ever, doing and saying things that would not be in his interest."

"'You're not gonna believe this,' [Mitch Kupchak] said, telling me about Kobe and the rape allegations in Colorado. Was I surprised? Yes, but not entirely. Kobe can be consumed with surprising anger, which he's displayed toward me and his teammates."

"'You can't make that pass,' I told Kobe when he came off the court on the next timeout. 'Well, you better teach those motherf------ how to run the offense,' he said. I sat him down on the spot. 'Watch your mouth,' I said."

"We convened in the locker room, everyone on time except for Kobe, who, when he did arrive, began to fiddle with the mobile phone in his locker. ... When I asked Kobe to stop his habit of screaming at his teammates on the court because it creates insecurity, he came right back at me. 'That's bulls---,' he said. 'You're the one that's causing them to be anxious.'"

"We have agreed ... to cover a percentage of [Kobe's] private plane expenses to and from Colorado for court hearings. This will cost thousands of dollars. Kobe was unhappy with the type of plane that was selected; he wanted one with higher status. He should feel fortunate he's not footing the whole bill himself."

"This is another example of the basic difference between [shaq] and Kobe. Ask Shaq to do something and he'll say: 'No, I don't want to do that.' But after a little pouting, he will do it. Ask Kobe and he'll say, 'OK,' and then he will do whatever he wants."

"'Are you feeling like you're coming back to the team next season?' Jeanie asked me. 'Well, not if Kobe Bryant is on the team next year,' I told her. 'He's too complex of a person. I don't need this.'"

"Now I was the one who was angry. I went upstairs to see Mitch in his office. Wasting no time, I went off on a tirade about the need to deal Kobe before the trading deadline in mid-February. 'I won't coach this team next year if he's still here,' I said emphatically. 'He won't listen to anyone. I've had it with this kid.'"

"[Kobe] was angry about the allowances the Lakers afford Shaq, failing to note the hypocrisy in his accusation. Nobody this year, or any year I've coached, has received more 'allowances' than Kobe Bryant."

"Moments later a cell phone went off, a clear violation of team policy. ... The phone that was ringing belonged to Kobe. I couldn't believe it. Worse yet I couldn't believe he answered it and started talking in a hushed voice. We were about to go on the court for our most important game of the year, and Kobe was allowing himself to be distracted by a phone call. I didn't ask who he was talking to and I didn't care. He shouldn't have been talking to anyone."

"'Will Shaq's presence on this team color your decision to come back or not?'" I asked him.

'Yes, it does,' he said.

'I meant what I said the other night after the [final] game, that the two of you could co-exist and play well together,' I went on.

'There's no doubt about that,' he said. 'I've done that for eight years with him, but I'm tired of being a sidekick.'"

"'It's not that I'm enamored with Kobe's character,' [Dr. Jerry Buss] said. 'But he is 26 in August. The seven years ahead are the prime years of his career.' Of course, neither of us brought up the possibility of those years being spent in prison. 'Besides,' Dr. Buss added, 'aren't all superstars like that?'

'No,' I told him. 'Not all of them.'"

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Was anything Schilling wrote false? Nope.

That isn't the point if it is false or not.

Curt Schilling plays... no wait, acts like he plays professional Baseball. He is not a Basketball fan, he is there to be noticed in the Boston market, flashing his World Series ring. Nice replica jersey of Bird that probably still had the tags tucked in.

He is a pro athlete playing another sport and he should keep his mouth shut about the NBA. He wants to talk MLB? Fine, go right ahead. Keep your mouth shut Schilling. Do something with your career post 2004 instead of coloring your sock red with food coloring or whatever was used.

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That isn't the point if it is false or not.

Curt Schilling plays... no wait, acts like he plays professional Baseball. He is not a Basketball fan, he is there to be noticed in the Boston market, flashing his World Series ring. Nice replica jersey of Bird that probably still had the tags tucked in.

He is a pro athlete playing another sport and he should keep his mouth shut about the NBA. He wants to talk MLB? Fine, go right ahead. Keep your mouth shut Schilling. Do something with your career post 2004 instead of coloring your sock red with food coloring or whatever was used.

So who can post a blog? Would you care if someone not named Schilling posted the same thing?

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So who can post a blog? Would you care if someone not named Schilling posted the same thing?

Like I said, he's a PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL PLAYER. Stay out of the NBA. You wan't to attend the games and act like a fan? Fine, go ahead. Don't bash NBA players when you know nothing about the sport and are there just to be there.

And to answer your question that I thought I already answered:

Basketball players - NCAA and or Pro - and people who are not professional athletes.

Schilling is annoying as **** with this garbage.

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Like I said, he's a PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL PLAYER. Stay out of the NBA. You wan't to attend the games and act like a fan? Fine, go ahead. Don't bash NBA players when you know nothing about the sport and are there just to be there.

And to answer your question that I thought I already answered:

Basketball players - NCAA and or Pro - and people who are not professional athletes.

Schilling is annoying as **** with this garbage.

You don't like Schilling. I get that.

He has had a blog for a couple of years and he speaks his mind on all topics. It's not his fault Kobe is a selfish douchebag.

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Selfish douchebag? Really? :rl:

It is Schilling's fault that he opens his mouth when he is a public figure.

Who cares if Schilling is a "public figure?" He simply stated on his blog what happened during Game 2.

You must admit that Kobe is a selfish bastard. Phil Jackson stated that in his book (see Garb's post). The guy is indefensible.

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Who cares if Schilling is a "public figure?" He simply stated on his blog what happened during Game 2.

You must admit that Kobe is a selfish bastard. Phil Jackson stated that in his book (see Garb's post). The guy is indefensible.

For good reason. He's one of the best and for a few years there was playing with a bunch of scrubs. Finally they've come around and the Lakers have added pieces to help him.

Schilling should keep his mouth shut. Stick to rehabbing Curt.

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Does anybody actually like this big fat annoying a-hole? When will he ever learn to keep his mouth shut? Curt Schilling talking Basketball is like Bill Parcells talking Swimming. Shut the hell up.

I'm a Red Sox fan and even I just want Schilling to STFU. He's got NO BUSINESS with **** like that. Worry about your own house a-hule.

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I'm a Red Sox fan and even I just want Schilling to STFU. He's got NO BUSINESS with **** like that. Worry about your own house a-hule.

So you're a Lakers fan and a Saux fan? Are you a Jets fan? Strange combination, no? Just wondering, no offense.

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I'm a Red Sox fan and even I just want Schilling to STFU. He's got NO BUSINESS with **** like that. Worry about your own house a-hule.

Curt Schilling has never shut his mouth in his entire life. I just hope one day, Schilling opens his mouth to the wrong person, and he'll regret it.

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So you're a Lakers fan and a Saux fan? Are you a Jets fan? Strange combination, no? Just wondering, no offense.

None taken. Grew up watching Laker hoops waaaay back, pre Jerry West. Just liked the team name. They were in Minneapolis then. Always hated the Celtics because of the way they'd always seem to find a way to beat the Lakers. Till Magic came along. I became a Jets fan when Joe Willie was drafted by them. Baseball it was always Sox in the AL and Mets in the NL. In 86', when I had to choose ,I rooted for the Mets in that great series. I'm so glad for the recent Sox run of World Championships after FINALLY breaking the curse of the Bambino. ;)

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It's just annoying, thats all.

OK. I was just curious. All the teams I root for I started when I was young and all have/had one thing in common. Traditional underdogs. Mets and Jets still are but it's really great when they DO have that one truly outstanding year like the RedSox have recently . Still waiting for the Jets return to the winners circle, it's been quite awhile. :biggrin:

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Someone who continually opens his mouth at horrible times, and generally you get an idea he has no idea what he's talking about....

Are we talking about Schilling or ol' Hank here? :P

****wad Curt is who we're talking about. The attention whore who has to have a blog to spew the dribble that pours out of his head. I can't wait for him to get back on the mound. Seems a lot of pitchers are getting balls hit back at their head this year. One could only hope to see him on the ground with a mouth full of leather.

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