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National Anthem Destroyed Last Night


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Did anyone see last nights game? Some chick destroyed the National Anthem and then got booed!


Poor thing. It's so sad when a vocalist thinks they are better

than they really are. I don't blame her though. I blame her family and

friends for encouraging this tone deaf young lady. This is a perfect

example of what happens when you lie to your children and tell them

they do something well when they really don't. In the end, the child

just ends up getting embarrassed. My advice to parents: Don't

encourage your children if they suck at something. You never know if

they may one day be asked to perform the National Anthem in front of

millions of people only to F it up!

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I blame Disney channel. And Oprah. It convinces all women that they are these great and talented singers and actresses that everyone wants to pay to sing and dance. It's all the more galling with the fat and ugly ones.

I don't have as much a problem with a hot chick dancing around. But when the average ones start putting up these attitudes, we've got problems. We gotta drive the price of ***** back down to the price of Smizzy.

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just nerves

I bet if you had to sing in front of all those people you would wet your pants and cry

I would not bet on that. I am a professional musician and have played in front of over 5,000 people opening for national acts. I have never had soggy pants or cried. Nerves don't make you sing out of key or act like a pompous whore. You either suck or you don't. She sucks...end of story.

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