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Derek Jeter finally admits stealing part of old Yankee Stadium

By 'Duk

Now it can be told. Four months after actually doing the deed, Derek Jeter is finally admitting that he was able to make a clean getaway with the piece of old Yankee Stadium that he cherished the most.

His target, as reported by Harvey Araton of the New York Times? That would be the "I want to thank the Good Lord for making me a Yankee" sign that hung in the clubhouse tunnel. For years, the Joe DiMaggio quote reminded each pinstriped one of their good fortune on a daily basis

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Royce and Joell are way better than Crooked I.......I'm just saying.

I've heard everything Crooked I has to offer (as in, I got hundreds of his songs) so I'm a bit biased, but I think I can say safely he's the best of the four

Royce was the MAN back in the day, but he's not what he was 5-10 years ago

Crook has been rappin since 95 and keeps getting better

but we all have our own favorites

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This coming from the guy who posts "INNOCENT" whenever, I hate to say this but its true, an African American is arrested for whatever it is, whether it be murder, drugs, traffic violations, whatever.


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