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New York Jets Mafia Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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This is the 2nd time you've thrown this little statement out there... what can you say 1 vote short of death that you can't say right now? Something you want to share?

Perhaps it can be read into, but personally I think this lines more with last game. We had a couple of speed lynches, so maybe he's asking to avoid that.

However, to be fair...we've avoided that pretty well this game, just look at JB's lynching. I dunno...probably just wants a say.

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Or you want me to say something to screw the town. Scummy behavior.

I wasn't here last game and apparently I've struck a nerve.

I followed CTM's play of pressuring you a bit to see how you'd respond. Calling me scummy for asking questions is interesting though.

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Fascinating in what sense?

I merely wanted to know why you keep intimating that you have pearls of wisdom to share but you'll only do it at the 11th hour.

Your accusations may or may not be off base (as Doggin' usually knows what he's talking about), but your comments just seem a little odd. Asking for a chance to defend yourself isn't necessarily scummy, both townies and scum would ask for that.

I see what Doggin' is sayin....I've just been under the impression scum should keep from melting down/drawing attention to themselves, especially early on. If Vic planned all that to throw us off, dang good play...but I dunno.

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Your accusations may or may not be off base (as Doggin' usually knows what he's talking about), but your comments just seem a little odd. Asking for a chance to defend yourself isn't necessarily scummy, both townies and scum would ask for that.

Yup. What I find curious is he's essentially 'claiming to have a role to claim'... which, as far as I'm concerned could easily be a tactic to get people to not vote for him, so it never gets to that point.

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Yup. What I find curious is he's essentially 'claiming to have a role to claim'... which, as far as I'm concerned could easily be a tactic to get people to not vote for him, so it never gets to that point.

this is what I was getting at.

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Okay guys, I'm outta here for what should be all night. See if I can get on a little bit over coffee tomorrow before I'm back to my usual active self in the afternoon.

Don't talk about me while I'm gone! ;)

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Yup. What I find curious is he's essentially 'claiming to have a role to claim'... which, as far as I'm concerned could easily be a tactic to get people to not vote for him, so it never gets to that point.

I've referenced time and time again last game. Would you rather speed lynch and then find out you lynched the doctor, cop or anyone who can help the town? It's simple logic. I'm not claiming anything, that's what YOU are reading into.

There is plenty to gain from people voting me, again. It'll provide another list of people who have lynched an innocent or built a case against an innocent. In that we may able to find more scum.

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I've referenced time and time again last game. Would you rather speed lynch and then find out you lynched the doctor, cop or anyone who can help the town? It's simple logic. I'm not claiming anything, that's what YOU are reading into.

There is plenty to gain from people voting me, again. It'll provide another list of people who have lynched an innocent or built a case against an innocent. In that we may able to find more scum.

I agree you shouldn't be speed lynched.

But, you're talking about a speed lynch with 1 vote on you.

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Yup. What I find curious is he's essentially 'claiming to have a role to claim'... which, as far as I'm concerned could easily be a tactic to get people to not vote for him, so it never gets to that point.

How is this different from SMC's role/roll move? That one, most people (including you) seemed to buy immediately. And SMC only had two votes on him when he made the supposedly intentional misspelling.

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I agree you shouldn't be speed lynched.

But, you're talking about a speed lynch with 1 vote on you.

Yup, I am. It's just a request. Dont' forget I'm on pacific time and I might not be on till tomorrow 7:30 AM PST. A lynch can happen in between then and there for sure. Forgive me for being proactive.

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How is this different from SMC's role/roll move? That one, most people (including you) seemed to buy immediately. And SMC only had two votes on him when he made the supposedly intentional misspelling.

Because SMC had heat from Doggin and I, both pushing agressively on him.

Vic's got a vote, it screams of, 'dont make me get there'.

He's essentially role claimed now, or he's faking. I'm starting to believe we should find out which it is.

And if he just wants a chance to talk, as a roleless town, he can just as easily say what he needs to say now.

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Train 1: Vicious

1: Doggin - Tues, 11:22am

2: CTM - Wed: 11:08am

3: Slats - Wed: 11:43am

4: SMC - Wed: 11:56am

5: Vicious Wed: 11:57 - then unvotes Wed. 12:18pm before

5: Norway 12:28pm - Slats 1:20 & Norway 3:37 unvote before:

4: EY 4:21pm - then unvotes 5:36pm before

4: Jets Babe 9:10- then unvotes 10:52 before

4: EY 11:08

Doggin, Chan unvote, train dies, Jets Babe dies.

Train 2: Jets Babe

1: AVM - Wed, 3:51pm

2: DanX Wed: 4:14

3: Norway (on both trains) Wed: 4:39

4: Slats 5:32

5: Vicious 8:39

6: Pac

7: JVoR

8: Woody - then Norway unvotes before:

8: Doggin

9: CTM

Here's the thing that sticks out to me - Vicious' train was hovering around 4-5 votes, he's acting scummy and the clubhouse leader to be lynched. Slats jumps on early, then jumps off "because he doesn't want vicious lynched while Slats is out", putting vicious back down to 4 votes. Nothing else happens for a few hours, and Norway jumps off the bandwagon and goes for Sharrow. Just after he does that, a rival train on JB gets started - and Slats and Norway soon jump on. The train on vicious becomes a memory, and JB goes down.

It looks, to me, like there's a possibility that Slats, Norway and Vicious - or at least 2 of them (vicious and either slats/norway) are scum teammates; that Slats/Norway put their initial vote on vicious as a distancing vote when his lynching had momentum, and then jumped off when it became apparent that they could get a townie lynched instead.

All of this, of course, relies on vicious being guilty. And since he was acting scummy anyway, I'm comfortable enough to vote:Vicious. Vic, if you're a townie, I'm sorry - but your death could provide us with some key info, and thats what day 1/2 lynches are all about. You've got to go.

I'll check in again Monday night.

Ok, I've probably read this over 10 times trying to digest everything. So Doggin is saying that he imagines either Slats or Norway would be Vicious's teammate, but not both. Since Slats and Norway train-hopped in very different ways, I think it's worth thinking about that.

Slats voted for Vicious to put more pressure on him. Norway voted for Vicious saying he didn't actually think Vicious was guilty (he just enjoyed his tantrums) ... so I'm not sure how tightly the "distancing" argument holds there for Norway, while it does for Slats.

Slats then voted for Jets Babe for pretty much the same reasons I did and continued to express his suspicion of her. Norway voted for Jets Babe without giving a reason (except to say he'd accept pics from her).

Both Slats and Vicious were consistent in their perception of JB's guilt. Norway (who, again, may have voted for her without actually thinking she was guilty) unvoted and requested a response deadline, then dropped the subject altogether. So in this case, I see more distancing from Norway than from Slats. (Vicious was also the next to vote for JB after Slats did.)

Where does it make more sense to distance oneself from a teammate? I'm not really sure, but right now I'm leaning towards Slats as the scummier of the two. I suppose it makes more sense to actually vote for a teammate as though you suspect them, which could clear you later on when you both decide to vote for an innocent.

Although I can also see it the other way, with Norway voting for Vicious for show while also subtly suggesting his teammate's innocence. Then distancing himself by not sharing in the lynching of an innocent.

Of course, Doggin's theory assumes that Vicious is guilty. Which I am not certain of ... but I haven't experienced his "tantrums" before so don't really know how extreme his behavior has been.

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Because SMC had heat from Doggin and I, both pushing agressively on him.

Vic's got a vote, it screams of, 'dont make me get there'.

He's essentially role claimed now, or he's faking. I'm starting to believe we should find out which it is.

And if he just wants a chance to talk, as a roleless town, he can just as easily say what he needs to say now.

If he hadn't already gotten so much heat the other day, then yes. But I disagree with your interpretation of his statement because this isn't the first time he's said it. It's possible he's just repeating what he said the last time, since he foresees another train leaving the station. And apparently, he's known for overreactions (as evidenced by his reaction to CTM on Day 1, again when he wasn't anywhere near being lynched).

Plus, I personally think SMC's role/roll statement (along with the rest of his over-the-top behavior) was so much more ridiculous than asking to have a final say before being lynched.

But it also does make me very concerned that Vicious is going to fake a role, just as I was very concerned that SMC was faking his role. I can see how Vicious might be setting the stage for something like that. And it frustrates me because I'm worried we could have a lot to lose by lynching Vicious. Which is his goal, if he's faking this.

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drats! Jvor was on the short list for me.. Anyway good shot SK/Vig. So it looks like another player went into complain. Teams player rep maybe? Who is that? I have to think it's a vigilanti, and I think I know who it might be..

As far as the scum, I have a few leans, but am going to back off slats for now, feels like a set up to me. I know I'm wifom'ing with him, but I'm going to go with my gut. I'd like hear more from Dan and SMC.

Dan for obv reasons, and SMC was curious to me the way he dragged his feet on voting for Jets Babe, and said something to the effect that he would vote Jets Babe if I voted her first. I don't know SMC to play townie like that, and if he's scum he knew she was innocent and could've blamed me for his vote..

I meant to comment on this before. I thought your reluctance to vote for Jets Babe was also interesting. You seemed pretty certain of her innocence, even apologizing to her outright when you cast the final vote. That's certainly a convenient cover for you when she flipped innocent.

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Because SMC had heat from Doggin and I, both pushing agressively on him.

Vic's got a vote, it screams of, 'dont make me get there'.

He's essentially role claimed now, or he's faking. I'm starting to believe we should find out which it is.

And if he just wants a chance to talk, as a roleless town, he can just as easily say what he needs to say now.

I have nothing to say right now. It's just curious you and Pac are pushing the case consider JVoR was the only one pushing it last time.

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I have nothing to say right now. It's just curious you and Pac are pushing the case consider JVoR was the only one pushing it last time.

Pacs on the top of my list, he's acting like a moron.

But you've basically role-claimed with one vote on you. That's unsettling to me.

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Pacs on the top of my list, he's acting like a moron.

But you've basically role-claimed with one vote on you. That's unsettling to me.

This plus super-early meltdown have me thinking Vic, but I'm still not 100% sure. slats and Dan are also on my radar. Going to spend the majority of my morning tomorrow reading back a bunch of pages (working from home) but the aforementioned three are sketch IMO. Sex (with wife or hand) and then bed.

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I really think you guys are making WAAAAY too much out of this. I asked for it last round, JB asked for it last round. It really doesn't go any further OR deeper then it screwed us last game. I understand Doggins logic, but I'm allowed to put together a final statement that may OR may not help the town. If I flip innocent and say "Well I think that Pac is guilty for the way he has been playing and pushing for my information" it might steer you guys in the right direction.

JB requested and she said she was a roleless townie and that was that. I understand the suspicions and will try and address them but at this point, my request goes no deeper then how I've explained above.

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On the double NKs: lets look at the math. 16 players usually have 4 mafia. If there's a SK, that's 5 baddies which is high. The alternative is that it's a vigilante and the mafia has a power role.

On why JiF: guaranteed kill. If the mafia prefers to get the guaranteed kill rather than take out an important townie who may be protected by the doc and, thus, the mafia loses out on a NK, then kill someone random. JiF is a good as choice as any.

On JB: For a quick explanation, CTM misinterpreted my post on dropping the hammer on JB. I noted that it was ridiculous that she just dissappeared and asked how long we should give her. CTM said until 11 pm. Guess what? She posted before or at that time. Thus, I was not going to vote for her. In other words, I was only going to vote for her and drop the hammer if she failed to show back up. She showed back up and CTM still voted for her.

On Vicious' asking for something to say: I don't think it's scummy either way. I don't think it adds to the suspicion compared to how over-the-top he was the 1st day. I voted for him based on that and that really hasn't gone. I see Doggin's post on it and the new vote for him. I'll join in that to see how it plays out:

Vote: Vicious

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I really think you guys are making WAAAAY too much out of this. I asked for it last round, JB asked for it last round. It really doesn't go any further OR deeper then it screwed us last game. I understand Doggins logic, but I'm allowed to put together a final statement that may OR may not help the town. If I flip innocent and say "Well I think that Pac is guilty for the way he has been playing and pushing for my information" it might steer you guys in the right direction.

JB requested and she said she was a roleless townie and that was that. I understand the suspicions and will try and address them but at this point, my request goes no deeper then how I've explained above.

Last game you were so against giving Irish one final post before he was killed. All of a sudden you want that for yourself. Weird.

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Last game you were so against giving Irish one final post before he was killed. All of a sudden you want that for yourself. Weird.

Irish was the first kill who was then, scum. But we made some missteps in killing off some important role players and I've said it again and again that this is based on the LAST game. So yes, retrospectively it would've been wiser to allow people to speak. You're not allowed to change opinions game to game?

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I meant to comment on this before. I thought your reluctance to vote for Jets Babe was also interesting. You seemed pretty certain of her innocence, even apologizing to her outright when you cast the final vote. That's certainly a convenient cover for you when she flipped innocent.

Well, I almost always drag my feet and extend days, and had 0 reason to think Jets babe was scum. SMC on the other hand is less cautious with his votes then I am typically..

Further, I didn't like the passive aggressive approach you and slats continually took to push the train. The only thing that's stopping me from being convinced one or both of you is guilty, is that both of you are too smart to do something so obviously scummy. Do me a favor, go examine slats passive approach to pushing the JB lynch, and his need to always clarify why he was doing it. Then do the same for your posts. Both of you worked hard to push that train without ever being definitive.

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Last game you were so against giving Irish one final post before he was killed. All of a sudden you want that for yourself. Weird.

hmm... and his whole diatribe was about how he's a roleless townie. He self voted too, and now he's hinting at being rolled..

I don't know but I feel like Vic's becoming a male Jets babe. Horribly contradictory play that makes him an easy lynch for scum....

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hmm... and his whole diatribe was about how he's a roleless townie. He self voted too, and now he's hinting at being rolled..

I don't know but I feel like Vic's becoming a male Jets babe. Horribly contradictory play that makes him an easy lynch for scum....

YOU guys are hinting.

- I never said I'm anything this round. I went off about how I'm not SCUM. How I haven't gotten the opportunity to play as one. I never alluded to being roleless or having a roll.

- The self vote came because I was honestly so infuriated and annoyed with the whole set up and yet again, NOT being scum that I wanted to self-vote and literally sign off and let you all kill me.

Go ahead and look back at those posts. I never said I was pissed about being a "roleless townie."

I understand the questioning coming here so I'll try and address it the best I can.

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Pacs on the top of my list, he's acting like a moron.

But you've basically role-claimed with one vote on you. That's unsettling to me.

How sweet. I knew you liked me.

My "moronic" behavior can be attributed to following up on day 1 suspicions. Apparently mafia protocol prohibits anyone from asking players why they're hinting at a role.

are you trying to rile me up cause it's starting to work.

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YOU guys are hinting.

- I never said I'm anything this round. I went off about how I'm not SCUM. How I haven't gotten the opportunity to play as one. I never alluded to being roleless or having a roll.

- The self vote came because I was honestly so infuriated and annoyed with the whole set up and yet again, NOT being scum that I wanted to self-vote and literally sign off and let you all kill me.

Go ahead and look back at those posts. I never said I was pissed about being a "roleless townie."

I understand the questioning coming here so I'll try and address it the best I can.

I reread and I think I interpreted your claims of mod favoritism to mean you were roleless. I did not see you ever said you were roleless as I suggested.

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