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Hey Dol-fag fans, don't say we didn't warn you


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:rolleyes: I apologize for presenting facts and backing up my well thought out argument. Maybe in ther future I can have an agenda against a person and allow that to skew reality.

You are relentless in defending a moron. there is a fact for you :)

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Our offense scored more then Miami's... Miami went 1-6 when their defense gave up 3 td's or more.

That just tell's me that in 10 games our defense was stiffiling to opposing offenses.

Don't forget out amazing, all pro quarterback.......whoever he may be. :roll:

Chad, or maybe Chad. Don't know yet.

You're absolutely right the Jets should have won those games and that is primarily on Mangini for not being able to properly prep his team.

THE POINT OF THIS ARGUMENT is the Dolphins and the overwhelmingly favorable schedule they had last year.

WE HAD THE SAME SCHEDULE! Except we had to play Baltimore, Arizona in Arizona and Denver in Denver.

Dude, they have no argument, there's no point. They will never admit it no matter how much better we are.

Remember the good old, "Chad Pennington WILL NEVER come into the Meadowlands in December and beat us and Bret Favre?"

Those were funny.

Those days will return my Aqua colored friend, and I weep for the future.

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WE HAD THE SAME SCHEDULE! Except we had to play Baltimore, Arizona in Arizona and Denver in Denver.

I can't wait till you arrogant bastards get what's coming this year.. Your only hope is that the white witch parcells can stave off the inevitable..

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Our Offense SHOULD have scored alot more than Miami's but it didn't. We got better years out of our RBs, we had much better receivers and supposedly a much better QB. We scored 405 points while Miami scored 345. Looks like a big difference, right? Our D/STs scored I42 of those points so our O actually scored 363 while Miami's D/STs scored 16 pts for a total of 329. Per game averages? NYJ 22.7 Mia 20.6, not much of a difference considering the huge talent edge we had. Let's take it a step further. Our O gave up 42 points(INT & Fumble returns) so let's remove that from our total and we have 321 while Miami gave up 16 for a total of 313. per game avg. NYJ 20.1 Mia 19.6.

Let's look at the games the Jets gave up more than 3 TDs:

@SD lost 49-28

Ari Won 56-35

KC won 28-24

@ NE won 34-31

Den lost 34-17

SF lost 24-14

Buf won 31-27

Mia lost 24-17

The Arizona game was never in doubt, our D created 6 TOs in the 2nd qtr. We had 34 pts at the half b/c of it.

KC wouldn't have scored 24 if not for Favre'sNT

@ NE Leon returned a KO for a TD. W/o that the game doesn't go to OT

The D scored in the last 2 mins to give us the win at Buf.

I'd say the difference between 22.7 and 20.6 is huge considering the line of demarcation for the worthless noodle arm QB is 21.

And again, you ignore the tremendous schedule advantage the dolphins had AND the fact the our entire team took 5 weeks off to end the year.. When they hit the snooze button we had one of the top offenses in football.

I'm sure Pennington coluld've went 1-4 down the stretch just as well as Favre, but there's simply no way he would've had us at 8-3 coming off back to back wins in NE and in TN. I haven't seen this team look that good since 1998.

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Brett Favre was ****ing terrible down the stretch and Chad clearly outplayed him. If Chad Pennington was the QB of the NYJ last year, the Jets, not the Dolphins, win the division. I am sorry, but 30 INTs makes a difference. Brett Favre pretty much did nothing all last season, he had some comeback wins because he **** the bed the entire game or in the Pats game for the second half, and the Titans and Cardinals games were all defense. Sure maybe Chad doesn't throw 6 TDs, okay that's fine. So TJ runs in 6, whoop-de-doo. The defense pretty much set up the offense each time. I did a breakdown awhiles back and it turns out the Jets offense, while scoring points, did not rack up yardage. That's because the defense was severely underrated, and kept setting the offense up for scoring opportunities, as well as a great return game. The best, most consistent offense in the league rack up yardage and points. Or they face tough defenses like the Steelers did and just manage to win games. The Jets really did neither, the schedule was weak and the Jets offense just folded like a 2 dollar hooker.

Chad Pennington wins more of those games because he wastes time on offense, rather than spending 30 seconds and then giving the ball back to the other team in favorable field position, as Lord Favre did. Favre was washed up and done, especially down the stretch. Only the Jets could have something like that happen.

Yeah Chad sucks, but you guys fail to realize just how bad Favre was last year. It was an absolute joke. Brett Favre was not an NFL QB the final 5 or so games of the season. And the first 8 or so games everyone just made excuses that he wasn't comfortable yet and didn't know the offense. So basically he gave the Jets 3 freaking games of performance! Games that Chad probably wins too because the defense did plenty, and Chad's lazy ball control style of offense would have made the clock run out quicker (and indeed, Favre was very Chad-esque against the Titans, just look at the numbers). But the difference is Chad wins those games against the ****ty teams that the Jets failed on, and the schedule was full of them. Let's not pretend the Cardinals were a great team, what were they, 8-8? People were saying they didn't even deserve to be in the playoffs.

The real culprits were probably Mangini and Favre. They're both gone now. Hollywood Kerry didn't help matters much either imo for all the talk he does. Now they are allegedly having "fun" again. **** that, Brett Favre talked all year about having "fun" too, and look how that turned out. These band of losers need to man up and win games. The coaches need to coach and gameplan, and the players need to execute and play with intensity.

The Dolphins won the division last year, and Pennington was better than Favre, period. Deal with it. It happened. No excuses for the Jets schedule or any of that garbage.

I expect the Fins to stumble pathetically this year if they stick with Pennington. Doesn't change what happened last year.

You are scapegoating Favre. Maybe you don't remember how bad the defense was those last 5 weeks. Or how Mangini couldn't get offense or defense prepared to play out west. Or how Mangini was out adjusted every god damn game last year.

This idea that pluggin Chad into out offense would've drastically changed last seasons results is ridiculous. Did you watch Miami? Did you see how often gimicks went for big plays or how Henning had a knack for getting receivers wide open all over the place? Heck, Miami's season was dead int he water till the WildCat injected some life into it.

As to the bolded, if you want to gloss things over and examine the NFL to the depth of an ashtray, be my guest. But it certainly isn't "garbage" or excuse making to examine things a little more closely.

For an example of how simplistic it is, take each teams SD game. The Jets went into SD for a Monday night game. SD was 0-2, and just got robbed by the ref against Denver. The predictable happened as they proceeded to beat the Jets down to the tune of 48-29. The Dolphins on the other hand hosted SD, at 1pm their time. Remember that 1pm their time means West Coast team's are probably waking up around 5am by their body clock. (SD was something like 1-5 playing at 1pm est) SD also had "righted" the ship, sitting at 2-2, and seemingly looking past the Miami game to the bout with hated NE the following week (who they also crushed at home). What happens? Miami sneaks up on them, beats them 17-10 as the Miami DEFENSE holds SD's vaunted offense to 10 pts and shuts them out on 4th and goal from the 1.

Is there any legitimate point that anyone could make as to how putting Chad on the Jets would've altered the outcome of that game? Or even how letting us host SD at 1pm and Miami go to SD for a night game wouldn't have altered the outcomes of those 2 games?

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I can't wait till you arrogant bastards get what's coming this year.. Your only hope is that the white witch parcells can stave off the inevitable..

Whoa, whoa, whoa... Come on, man. What's coming to us? We hadn't been to the post-season in six years; we are excited that we are competitve again.

And I thought you and I were buds.

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The Dolphins and Patriots are the class of the division. The Bills and Jets are the unknowns.


Because of one good season, when Tom Brady made the difference of who won the division, Miami is the class of the divison? Get ****ing real, Travis.

There is New England and New England's three bitches.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa... Come on, man. What's coming to us? We hadn't been to the post-season in six years; we are excited that we are competitve again.

And I thought you and I were buds.

WE are buds.. I dont' like that cretin CJ ;)

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Didn't you say Clemens would win 10-11 games?

Anyways, The Jets will not suck this season. The Jets are a playoff team.

10 or 11 wins doesn't guarentee you a playoff spot in the AFC.

There are 20 "Suck" Teams each season

10 Good/Okay teams

1 Pretty Good team

1 Champion

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Can it AquaQueer. He's happy as a Jet fan. You'll be the one switching teams come January.

Then is he a true fan? I think not. Being a Jets ' fan is to lead a miserable fan existence.

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Obviously not anymore . I remember some years when 8-8 made it.

You can make the playoffs with an 8-8 record in todays NFL too, you just have to be in the NFC.\

Its amazing the difference between conferences. New England goes 11-5 and doesn't get in, yet the 9-7 Cardinals win their division and reach the Super Bowl.

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I was a Jets fan for a week last year --- it was a miserable experience that ended badly. My sympothies to those who are Jets fans full time.

Its easier for the Jet fans who double as Met fans.

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I doubt there will be an 11 win team not making the PO's this year.

It happened the Pats last season but it's very rare. It wont in the AFC East anyways, not with that schedule.

I can't see it happening either . That was quite a fluke last year.

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You are relentless in defending a moron. there is a fact for you :)

I am relentless in defending the truth which I will always do. Never once have I said Herm was a great coach but he did a good job for us and people act like he was Kotite.

I'd say the difference between 22.7 and 20.6 is huge considering the line of demarcation for the worthless noodle arm QB is 21.

And again, you ignore the tremendous schedule advantage the dolphins had AND the fact the our entire team took 5 weeks off to end the year.. When they hit the snooze button we had one of the top offenses in football.

I'm sure Pennington coluld've went 1-4 down the stretch just as well as Favre, but there's simply no way he would've had us at 8-3 coming off back to back wins in NE and in TN. I haven't seen this team look that good since 1998.

We played the same teams for the most part. We had some advantages and Miami had some advantages, it shouldn't have resulted in a 2 game difference especially considering Favre is supposedly so much better than Chad and the talent edge we had over Miami.

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