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JI/JN Border War Mafia Game Thread


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This is fantastic news. I can't believe we're still here and outnumber the cult. Guess I can trust more of you than I thought. Is it possible that Vito being the roleblocker was able to prevent the cult from converting at some point.

I don't know what happened last night. I protected myself again and would be surprised if the last remaining scum actually took a shot at me. Maybe he thought I was cult or wanted to test if I really am the healer. Maybe too scum can be converted and as Jimmy said there could be none left.

This is interesting. I have to rethink things by the new numbers.

This is unbelievable. There is no way that the scum went after you. The only logical play for scum would to be go after the fags. They could get a 2 for 1 when they know they are severely out numbered.

You are either lying as I suspected all along or we have no more scum left.

Jimmy Conway and Fredo Corleone are the two most suspect people right now, for jumping on the bandwagon. Marcellus and I are innocent, and Tony leading the lynch made sense, since he was one vote from dying anyways.

Fredo bugs me more than Conway does, but Conway has more of a case against him. I'm going to go with Fredo though, he's been riding under the radar untouched for too long.

Vote: Fredo

I am comfortable with this, but then I saw this from the traitor....below...

Reasonable start. Matter of fact, I was going to vote for myself if this game didn't pick up.

Jimmy's case is better but you decided to vote me? im ok with that. I don't know what to think about you and fudgesicle over their. If its ok though, lets not start assuming anyone is innocent.

What about Virgil? The Doc?

Nobody's counterclaim. But I can tell you this. They will.

I have to go to work. I'll be back when I can.

Are you hinting toward something traitor? This is the time to talk about it if you are and it would make sense with what happened last night. We obviously need some conversation around this espcially considering I think Virgil is lying.

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This is unbelievable. There is no way that the scum went after you. The only logical play for scum would to be go after the fags. They could get a 2 for 1 when they know they are severely out numbered.

You are either lying as I suspected all along or we have no more scum left.

I am comfortable with this, but then I saw this from the traitor....below...

Are you hinting toward something traitor? This is the time to talk about it if you are and it would make sense with what happened last night. We obviously need some conversation around this espcially considering I think Virgil is lying.

Traitor? OK. I don't have time to do this now. But think about this Jimmy...

Virgil claimed in a manner to do what?

1. flush out the cult leader

2. flush out the real Dr.

3. help the town

Also Jimmy, who was trying to railroad you with the help of Vito?

Answer these questions and I'll get back a little bit later. Definately tonight after work.

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This is unbelievable. There is no way that the scum went after you. The only logical play for scum would to be go after the fags. They could get a 2 for 1 when they know they are severely out numbered.

You are either lying as I suspected all along or we have no more scum left.

I am not lying. I said I also find it unlikely the scum went after me last night. Who else would I have protected last night but myself.

I don't understand the traitor comment towards Fredo. What are you saying. If you think I'm lying, why is he the traitor. Maybe something else going on between you?

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I am not lying. I said I also find it unlikely the scum went after me last night. Who else would I have protected last night but myself.

I don't understand the traitor comment towards Fredo. What are you saying. If you think I'm lying, why is he the traitor. Maybe something else going on between you?

Virgil I think he was referring to my characters betrayal of his family in the movie. If he isn't, he is obviously retarded and Doggin put two town idiots in this game. Seems like Doggin wanted to put two of a lot of things in this game.

So you protected yourself last night? Nice move.

Im doing my best to sneak on but I am busy, but will definately have time tonight.

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Traitor? OK. I don't have time to do this now. But think about this Jimmy...

Virgil claimed in a manner to do what?

1. flush out the cult leader

2. flush out the real Dr.

3. help the town

Also Jimmy, who was trying to railroad you with the help of Vito?

Answer these questions and I'll get back a little bit later. Definately tonight after work.

There is no suprise here, I think he is lying.

I am not lying. I said I also find it unlikely the scum went after me last night. Who else would I have protected last night but myself.

I don't understand the traitor comment towards Fredo. What are you saying. If you think I'm lying, why is he the traitor. Maybe something else going on between you?

You didnt protect anyone because you are not the Doc.

The traitor comment was from the movie.

Virgil I think he was referring to my characters betrayal of his family in the movie. If he isn't, he is obviously retarded and Doggin put two town idiots in this game. Seems like Doggin wanted to put two of a lot of things in this game.

So you protected yourself last night? Nice move.

Im doing my best to sneak on but I am busy, but will definately have time tonight.

I probably wont be able to post all night, but I think this game just got more interesting. I am anxious to hear what you have to say.

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Sorry it took me awhile but I had a long day at the office and finally got a chance to sit and type.

I am the Doctor. When Doggin PM'd me my role this is all he said. As the game got started I PM'd doggin and asked if I was able to protect from the cult and all I got back was a very brief PAFO (play and find out).

Not knowing much the first night, I made what now I know was a bad decision and protected myself. Hindsight is 20/20. Obviously after the first night I realized I made a mistake but also figured that the mafia must of had a seeker of some sort. How else would they have gotten our finder, my brother and the vig the first night. The theory that Nicky wasted Michael never sat well with me.

Then Virgil came out claimed Doc and offered his services to the CL. I thought thats a pretty bold play then I realized that either we have two Docs or Virgil is lying. Joe then Told me not to reveal. This is when I started to either worry more about Joe or less. The way he chastised Virgils move made me wonder if it was staged or if Joe really was concerned that Virgil was lying. The thing is I knew he was. Besides the weird presentation Virgil didn't even think it out.

Here is the deal. I am the doctor, I also want to win. I believe it is hopeless for the town.

Cult Leader, tell me who you are and I will give my protection to you tonight if you promise to convert me. At this point revealing who you are, with my protection, poses little risk to you. There are not enough non-cult members to lynch you in the morning, even if the mafia NKs me tonight. Which there is a decent chance they will. But the guarantee of protection for the CL might be worth it to you. The CL must only last through the day phase and then convert again at night.

This is assuming the CL's potential death does not mean the entire cult dies. In that case if saying who you are seems too risky to you, I will protect myself, and you can be guaranteed a successful conversion tonight. The mafia cannot NK me, and not enough guys to lynch me tomorrow either. Better yet, we can hope I retain my protective powers after being converted.

Let me know soon, otherwise I am submitting a protection for myself.

Here Virgil claims Doc and offers to help the cult. Ok, I understand wanting to win but this is douchbaggery at its best.

I realize this may not be believable, but hopefully the fact that the night ended so soon proves to you I was actually trying to help the town.

I submitted my night action a while ago, protecting myself. Because I am the town healer. Meaning I can protect against both NKs and conversions.

Hopefully the cult tried converting me and it failed.

Then he decides that he wants to back tract and broaden his role becoming more appealing or believable.

It was also pretty weird that he decided to change his role and stance right after Joe Died.

I continued to protect myself until the night Joe Cabot died. In the beginning I didn't trust Joe, his role reveal just stunk, but then it started to seem possible. As the game went on and including his contribution on Lefty I felt he was worth the risk. Now here is the weird part, Joe Died that night anyways. I'm not sure exactly what happen, but their you have it.

I have protected myself each night after that. For fear that the mafia blocked me and therefore knew who I was. I also looked up the different Docs and thought maybe I was a weak Doc. But I'm still here so I'm thinking not likely.

I was hoping to get thru this earlier but I had some stuff to take care of after dinner in the real world. I'll be back on later for a bit, but I will answer any questions tomorrow.

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To all of the players in the JI/JN Border War Mafia Game Thread

Just a reminder that despite the nature of the game, personal attacks are not allowed whatsoever. We have received numerous complaints and it's come time for us to act.

Also, while you may be under an alias, we know exactly who you are.

Carlito Brigante is on a 10 day suspension from the site for his inappropriate comments in this thread, as is his other screen name not involved in this thread.

Please police your thread and act accordingly. If further attacks continue, those at fault will get suspended.To the 99% of you just having fun and keeping things under control, thanks for your cooperation.

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To all of the players in the JI/JN Border War Mafia Game Thread

Just a reminder that despite the nature of the game, personal attacks are not allowed whatsoever. We have received numerous complaints and it's come time for us to act.

Also, while you may be under an alias, we know exactly who you are.

Carlito Brigante is on a 10 day suspension from the site for his inappropriate comments in this thread, as is his other screen name not involved in this thread.

Please police your thread and act accordingly. If further attacks continue, those at fault will get suspended.To the 99% of you just having fun and keeping things under control, thanks for your cooperation.

I told you he should have been the cop, lol. Again, no offense to Dan X.

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Sorry it took me awhile but I had a long day at the office and finally got a chance to sit and type.

I am the Doctor. When Doggin PM'd me my role this is all he said. As the game got started I PM'd doggin and asked if I was able to protect from the cult and all I got back was a very brief PAFO (play and find out).

Not knowing much the first night, I made what now I know was a bad decision and protected myself. Hindsight is 20/20. Obviously after the first night I realized I made a mistake but also figured that the mafia must of had a seeker of some sort. How else would they have gotten our finder, my brother and the vig the first night. The theory that Nicky wasted Michael never sat well with me.

Then Virgil came out claimed Doc and offered his services to the CL. I thought thats a pretty bold play then I realized that either we have two Docs or Virgil is lying. Joe then Told me not to reveal. This is when I started to either worry more about Joe or less. The way he chastised Virgils move made me wonder if it was staged or if Joe really was concerned that Virgil was lying. The thing is I knew he was. Besides the weird presentation Virgil didn't even think it out.

Here Virgil claims Doc and offers to help the cult. Ok, I understand wanting to win but this is douchbaggery at its best.

Then he decides that he wants to back tract and broaden his role becoming more appealing or believable.

It was also pretty weird that he decided to change his role and stance right after Joe Died.

I continued to protect myself until the night Joe Cabot died. In the beginning I didn't trust Joe, his role reveal just stunk, but then it started to seem possible. As the game went on and including his contribution on Lefty I felt he was worth the risk. Now here is the weird part, Joe Died that night anyways. I'm not sure exactly what happen, but their you have it.

I have protected myself each night after that. For fear that the mafia blocked me and therefore knew who I was. I also looked up the different Docs and thought maybe I was a weak Doc. But I'm still here so I'm thinking not likely.

I was hoping to get thru this earlier but I had some stuff to take care of after dinner in the real world. I'll be back on later for a bit, but I will answer any questions tomorrow.

While I wouldn't be surprised at us having two doctors in a game with a cult, it is very odd to me that Doggin would not tell you whether you can protect against the cult or not, since he told me.

The reason I "backtracked and broadened" my role was because my goal was to get the cult to waste a conversion attempt on me. If I had come out and said I was the town healer, able to protect against both, how would that have served my purpose. I immediately explained my real role when the night phase ended. This isn't something I've tried to gradually spin as the days pass.

As for Joe dying when you supposedly protected him, it is possible Vito blocked you. However I find it odd you don't know the extent of your role cult-wise.

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While I wouldn't be surprised at us having two doctors in a game with a cult, it is very odd to me that Doggin would not tell you whether you can protect against the cult or not, since he told me.

The reason I "backtracked and broadened" my role was because my goal was to get the cult to waste a conversion attempt on me. If I had come out and said I was the town healer, able to protect against both, how would that have served my purpose. I immediately explained my real role when the night phase ended. This isn't something I've tried to gradually spin as the days pass.

As for Joe dying when you supposedly protected him, it is possible Vito blocked you. However I find it odd you don't know the extent of your role cult-wise.

May be odd to you and I appreciate that. But this is the second time I was the doc in a game and pretty much the same thing. Though first time with the cult involved.

At first when you revealed I thought we where possibly both Docs as well. Even later with the whole sibling concept with the fags and my brother and Nicky in the beginning.

I just think our reveal was hideous and can't figure how it would serve the town.

Reading your strategy about trying to get the Cult to waste a conversion on you is underdstandble. But do you realize that about ten hours passed and Doggin already warned he was waiting for a night action. You never figured that maybe they didn't need ten hours to act? Or is it possible you thought we we're at end game and decided to save the town on your own by trying to become cult?

You ask for alot to be overlooked.

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May be odd to you and I appreciate that. But this is the second time I was the doc in a game and pretty much the same thing. Though first time with the cult involved.

At first when you revealed I thought we where possibly both Docs as well. Even later with the whole sibling concept with the fags and my brother and Nicky in the beginning.

I just think our reveal was hideous and can't figure how it would serve the town.

Reading your strategy about trying to get the Cult to waste a conversion on you is underdstandble. But do you realize that about ten hours passed and Doggin already warned he was waiting for a night action. You never figured that maybe they didn't need ten hours to act? Or is it possible you thought we we're at end game and decided to save the town on your own by trying to become cult?

You ask for alot to be overlooked.

If this is your first time being doctor with the cult involved then it's not really the same thing. I just don't see why Doggin would tell me in my role PM that I can protect against cult conversions and then say PAFO to you.

I acknowledge my plan may not have been the most effective. I made my offer so late because I didn't have access to the internet until then, and seeing as how there were still 6 hours left (and I thought we might be at end game) I figured it was better late than never.

I know for sure that not everyone had submitted their night actions yet anyway. Because as I said, I submitted mine (protecting myself) as soon as I was back at the computer. I had PMed Doggin about my plan, and he responded, but the night phase didn't end until later. I believe he also responded in the thread saying the Cult Leader would not be able to PM me. Meaning mine wasn't the last night action submitted unless Doggin was just chilling out and letting time go by for no reason.

I am aware I'm asking for a lot of faith here, and I understand why guys would be wary of me. I'd say I hope no one thinks I'd really be such a tool as to want to be converted for the sake of winning...but the basis of my plan was after all banking on people buying my douchebaggery. On the bright side I'm glad the situation wasn't as dire as I feared.

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WTF happened here....I really thought Carlito was SMC and he was just fooling...that was harsh Carlito.

We have a couple of problems here...

1) I dont believe we have 2 Doc's. Which make sense because Virgils double reveal stinks. But then I have some questions around Fredo's reveal as well. Virgil brings up a good point about the PAFO if Fredo can block cult. However, in comparison, Fredo's reveal seems much more believable than Virgils.

2) We have a guy that is not allowed to post for 10 days.

3) We have 2 players that if we are lucky post once a day and we havent seen either since we got Vito that scumbagPOS.

I guess we need to hear from our Mod about how we are going to proceed. And I would also like Fredo to talk more about the PAFO if he can block cult recruits. And it would be neat if Big Man and Ace would post something, anything.

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If this is your first time being doctor with the cult involved then it's not really the same thing. I just don't see why Doggin would tell me in my role PM that I can protect against cult conversions and then say PAFO to you.

I acknowledge my plan may not have been the most effective. I made my offer so late because I didn't have access to the internet until then, and seeing as how there were still 6 hours left (and I thought we might be at end game) I figured it was better late than never.

I know for sure that not everyone had submitted their night actions yet anyway. Because as I said, I submitted mine (protecting myself) as soon as I was back at the computer. I had PMed Doggin about my plan, and he responded, but the night phase didn't end until later. I believe he also responded in the thread saying the Cult Leader would not be able to PM me. Meaning mine wasn't the last night action submitted unless Doggin was just chilling out and letting time go by for no reason.

I am aware I'm asking for a lot of faith here, and I understand why guys would be wary of me. I'd say I hope no one thinks I'd really be such a tool as to want to be converted for the sake of winning...but the basis of my plan was after all banking on people buying my douchebaggery. On the bright side I'm glad the situation wasn't as dire as I feared.

I was pretty frustrated with the answer as well. This was compounded by never being in a game with cult before, and not understanding the mechanics completely,but I can't explain to you why Doggin did what he did.

The nights I protected myself I wasn't converted and obviously I wasn't killed. Yet, the night I protected Joe he died anyways. So I can tell you this hasn't been alot of fun for mw. Really sorta pissed me off.

Did you protect anyone and recieve any information if a conversion attempt was foiled or not? I know you said Doggin said the cult leader could not PM you on that particular night, but did doggin ever share with you any information on your night actions.?

The night Joe died I got nothing but a body of a townie the next morning. Again I asked Doggin what was up and again I got (PAFO). The only conclusion I could draw is Doggin hates me and it's going to be a long game. Seems I may be right on both.

NOTE: If SMC isn't Carlito, that was a terrible post (just for the record)

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WTF happened here....I really thought Carlito was SMC and he was just fooling...that was harsh Carlito.

We have a couple of problems here...

1) I dont believe we have 2 Doc's. Which make sense because Virgils double reveal stinks. But then I have some questions around Fredo's reveal as well. Virgil brings up a good point about the PAFO if Fredo can block cult. However, in comparison, Fredo's reveal seems much more believable than Virgils.

2) We have a guy that is not allowed to post for 10 days.

3) We have 2 players that if we are lucky post once a day and we havent seen either since we got Vito that scumbagPOS.

I guess we need to hear from our Mod about how we are going to proceed. And I would also like Fredo to talk more about the PAFO if he can block cult recruits. And it would be neat if Big Man and Ace would post something, anything.

Jimmy I gave Virgil all I have on the (PAFO) answer, unless I can start channeling Doggin, I don't have much more to give.

As far as knowing if I could block cult or not... I could tell you that the nights I protected myself I was not contacted by any cult nor contacted by Doggin in either a positive nor negative manner. Meaning I wasn't told I was converted, nor was I told an attempt was made or failed. Just like I said earlier, when I protected Joe he wasn't converted, but killed.

Wish I had more to give on that subject but I don't.

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Jimmy I gave Virgil all I have on the (PAFO) answer, unless I can start channeling Doggin, I don't have much more to give.

As far as knowing if I could block cult or not... I could tell you that the nights I protected myself I was not contacted by any cult nor contacted by Doggin in either a positive nor negative manner. Meaning I wasn't told I was converted, nor was I told an attempt was made or failed. Just like I said earlier, when I protected Joe he wasn't converted, but killed.

Wish I had more to give on that subject but I don't.

Gotcha...its makes sense and since we already know Doggin is a twisted SOB, I dont doubt this at all. If you are not going to be notified if the cult tried to convert you or if you successfully blocked a conversion, then it really does you no good to know ahead of time if you have that capability.

F U Doggin.

Virgil, this isnt looking good for you. You havent done anything to help the town whatsoever. Your role reveal was quite honestly one the douchiest things I have ever seen and you continually push for innocent lynches. Plus, why would the cult try to convert you last night and why would the scum try to kill you when you stated several times that you have been protecting yourself.

I still dont understand why the scum didnt go for the fags when they had a shot at getting a 2 for 1. Maybe there isnt scum left. Either way, I wasnt feeling good about you before Fredo's reveal and now you look worse.

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I was pretty frustrated with the answer as well. This was compounded by never being in a game with cult before, and not understanding the mechanics completely,but I can't explain to you why Doggin did what he did.

The nights I protected myself I wasn't converted and obviously I wasn't killed. Yet, the night I protected Joe he died anyways. So I can tell you this hasn't been alot of fun for mw. Really sorta pissed me off.

Did you protect anyone and recieve any information if a conversion attempt was foiled or not? I know you said Doggin said the cult leader could not PM you on that particular night, but did doggin ever share with you any information on your night actions.?

The night Joe died I got nothing but a body of a townie the next morning. Again I asked Doggin what was up and again I got (PAFO). The only conclusion I could draw is Doggin hates me and it's going to be a long game. Seems I may be right on both.

NOTE: If SMC isn't Carlito, that was a terrible post (just for the record)

I've only protected myself and never received information on if a conversion attempt on me failed. When Jimmy asked about this earlier, Doggin confirmed to me that I would not be notified of conversion attempts.

Are you saying when Doggin PMed you your role, he only said you were the doctor, with no description of your abilities? That would seem odd to me. Even townies are told something like, you must use your wits to get rid of all scum.

I'm also questioning why you chose to protect Joe that night. The only night I considered protecting him was immediately following his reveal, because I knew I could confirm that at least he was not converted that night. Even then, it seemed too risky considering the holes in his story. What was it for you that made him worth it to protect that night. I'm surprised Jimmy doesn't have a problem with this, considering how adamantly he believed Joe to be our biggest threat.

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Gotcha...its makes sense and since we already know Doggin is a twisted SOB, I dont doubt this at all. If you are not going to be notified if the cult tried to convert you or if you successfully blocked a conversion, then it really does you no good to know ahead of time if you have that capability.

F U Doggin.

Virgil, this isnt looking good for you. You havent done anything to help the town whatsoever. Your role reveal was quite honestly one the douchiest things I have ever seen and you continually push for innocent lynches. Plus, why would the cult try to convert you last night and why would the scum try to kill you when you stated several times that you have been protecting yourself.

I still dont understand why the scum didnt go for the fags when they had a shot at getting a 2 for 1. Maybe there isnt scum left. Either way, I wasnt feeling good about you before Fredo's reveal and now you look worse.

I disagree, I think it is very helpful to know ahead of time if you can protect against cult conversions. For example if Nicky and Michael had not died the first night, I could have protected one of them with the guarantee that they would not die and would not be converted that night (unless the roleblocker targeted me). That's better than knowing you protect against NKs but not knowing whether you protected someone only to have him join the cult.

I don't know why you have such a problem with me and my "not helping the town" and why apparently I'm the only one in your book who hasn't. I'd like to think I've contributed more than people like Marcellus and Ace, for starters. And it's weird to me you'd give Soprano a free ride for doing the same thing you supposedly lynched Vito for doing (telling people who to vote for). Even if my plan was in vain, I've at least been trying to help the town, which is more than I can say for some others.

Who are the innocent lynches I've "pushed for"? As I explained to you a while ago - and at the time you seemed to concede I was right, but you change your mind often - I was part of lynching Henry (is that such a surprise), and advocated putting more pressure on Sonny when he had been gone over a week and we had more than enough time before the deadline. I repeatedly said I'd switch my vote back to Joe if it neared deadline, but in my absence six other guys voted him without me singling people out and pressuring them to. Other than, what remains to be seen is you and Soprano, who again, I'm surprised you're so willing to overlook.

At any rate, let's see how helpful you look for leading the attack on the town healer, probably the most powerful town-sided role left in the game.

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Gotcha...its makes sense and since we already know Doggin is a twisted SOB, I dont doubt this at all. If you are not going to be notified if the cult tried to convert you or if you successfully blocked a conversion, then it really does you no good to know ahead of time if you have that capability.

F U Doggin.

Virgil, this isnt looking good for you. You havent done anything to help the town whatsoever. Your role reveal was quite honestly one the douchiest things I have ever seen and you continually push for innocent lynches. Plus, why would the cult try to convert you last night and why would the scum try to kill you when you stated several times that you have been protecting yourself.

I still dont understand why the scum didnt go for the fags when they had a shot at getting a 2 for 1. Maybe there isnt scum left. Either way, I wasnt feeling good about you before Fredo's reveal and now you look worse.

To add, am I claiming the mafia targeted me last night? No. I'm saying I protected myself, and I'd like to know why that's so unbelievable to you. You and I both have been willing to consider there may be no scum left.

If I were scum, why wouldn't I shoot someone last night? Unless you're claiming I tried to shoot Fredo. If I were cult, I'd again have no control over what the scum does at night, so maybe you should stop asking me why no one died and try asking an actual scum member.

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Gotcha...its makes sense and since we already know Doggin is a twisted SOB, I dont doubt this at all. If you are not going to be notified if the cult tried to convert you or if you successfully blocked a conversion, then it really does you no good to know ahead of time if you have that capability.

F U Doggin.

Virgil, this isnt looking good for you. You havent done anything to help the town whatsoever. Your role reveal was quite honestly one the douchiest things I have ever seen and you continually push for innocent lynches. Plus, why would the cult try to convert you last night and why would the scum try to kill you when you stated several times that you have been protecting yourself.

I still dont understand why the scum didnt go for the fags when they had a shot at getting a 2 for 1. Maybe there isnt scum left. Either way, I wasnt feeling good about you before Fredo's reveal and now you look worse.

I have a really good feeling that they did. I'm gonna leave at that for now til I see what happens with my butt buddy.

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I've only protected myself and never received information on if a conversion attempt on me failed. When Jimmy asked about this earlier, Doggin confirmed to me that I would not be notified of conversion attempts.

Are you saying when Doggin PMed you your role, he only said you were the doctor, with no description of your abilities? That would seem odd to me. Even townies are told something like, you must use your wits to get rid of all scum.

I'm also questioning why you chose to protect Joe that night. The only night I considered protecting him was immediately following his reveal, because I knew I could confirm that at least he was not converted that night. Even then, it seemed too risky considering the holes in his story. What was it for you that made him worth it to protect that night. I'm surprised Jimmy doesn't have a problem with this, considering how adamantly he believed Joe to be our biggest threat.

Truth is I didn't like Joe's reveal in the beginning more than I disliked yours. I didn't like the way he set it up so it reasonably couldn't be countered. But as time went on two things made me start second guessing myself. The first was when he gave us 100% gurantee on Lefty and the second was when he told me not to reveal after your claim. After the absolute beating we took the first night I figured we needed to do everything we could to keep anyone around who could help us. At the time we had no idea how fast the cult was growing.

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To all of the players in the JI/JN Border War Mafia Game Thread

Just a reminder that despite the nature of the game, personal attacks are not allowed whatsoever. We have received numerous complaints and it's come time for us to act.

Also, while you may be under an alias, we know exactly who you are.

Carlito Brigante is on a 10 day suspension from the site for his inappropriate comments in this thread, as is his other screen name not involved in this thread.

Please police your thread and act accordingly. If further attacks continue, those at fault will get suspended.To the 99% of you just having fun and keeping things under control, thanks for your cooperation.

The only thing I can do here, I think, is extend the deadline for the day until Carlito is back. He's voted for Fredo; he won't be able to unvote unless the day runs long. If it's cut short, I will PM him on the other site for any further actions required of him and to ask him to vote, but other than that, he'll be effectively silenced for the 10 day period, however many game days/nights that lasts.

Up to you guys how much you want to wait for him.

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Virgil, first off, I am concerned with why Fredo chose to protect Joe. However, Joe flipped innocent, that was probably my only misjudgment this entire game besides Rooney on day 1. So its hard for me to blame him in hindsight. And I am not trying to be ****y, just sayin.

Secondly, I have a problem with you not helping the town, because you havent helped the town. You made an outrageous claim and called for the CL to convert you. Why do think we should just ignore that and believe your story? You are asking me what innocents you pushed for, let me ask you this, have you been part of a successful lynch?

Stop trying to push the focus away from you. I have already stated a case against Tony S. I dont like that we havent heard from him either, he has been pretty active up to this point. He might be sitting back and calculating his next move. But, this new twist, is a little more concerning to me than him right now. And here you go again trying to tie us together and deflect when he isnt even around and we just had a counter claim.

As for the knowing ahead of time for Fredo, it really doesnt make a difference. If Doggin isnt going to notify you of your action, then why tell you, Doggin likes playing mind games and then that role would be extremely powerful. The PAFO has been all over this game and its more reasonable then your double reveal.

I never said the mafia targeted you...it wouldnt make sense to target you and I have said that numerous times. I am also the one that came up with the idea that there is possibly no scum left. And I am not feeling like you are mafia, more so I think you are cult. And Im not asking you specifically why no one was killed, I am asking everyone to talk about it.

Here's the thing about pushing for the town "healer". I think you are lying and you are cult, outside chance scum who tried to kill Fredo last night knowing that Tony and I would be under the gun today. At first I thought you were the CL. I dont see that anymore, I think you are the CL's bitch and he told you to make that ridiculous claim and bargin to put your neck on the line if he ever feels heat or he has you to help take this town for a ride. Also, FREDO JUST COUNTER CLAIMED!!!

One of you is lying, there is no way Doggin put 2 Doc's in the game, 1 a healer and 1 a straight Doc. Look at the 2 reveals from our perspective, who would you believe?

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I have a really good feeling that they did. I'm gonna leave at that for now til I see what happens with my butt buddy.

WTF??? You have been hinting at **** since your reveal...WTF is going on in this game? Do you have an extra power or what?

Are you now saying that one of you fags have the ability to protect or one of you is a Doc?

This is crazy. I am so ****ing lost.

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I never said the mafia targeted you...it wouldnt make sense to target you and I have said that numerous times. I am also the one that came up with the idea that there is possibly no scum left. And I am not feeling like you are mafia, more so I think you are cult. And Im not asking you specifically why no one was killed, I am asking everyone to talk about it.

Yes you did, which is very interesting since we were told at the beginning of the game there were 4 JI team members...

Fredo or Virgil as doc? Is it possible that one of you can only protect against NK's and the other can only protect against conversions? I know Virgil said he was told he could do both but is it possible he was told one thing and assumed he had both?

I'd say thats stretching it, so which is lying? His reveal is more suspicious and scummy than Fredo's, but if he knows he can protect against conversion you can at least somewhat justify it. On the other hand I could only see Doggin responding "PAFO" in regards to the doc protecting against cult in thread. I find it hard to believe he wouldn't give the doc that kind of info unless there was some far fetched catch like a scum Dr. AND a cult Dr. If there's only 1 I really don't believe they wouldn't know what they can and cannot prevent.

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Yes you did, which is very interesting since we were told at the beginning of the game there were 4 JI team members....

Doggin never said the 4 were specifically mafia or a team, he just uses the word "they" to describe the group.

It's been a weird few days on JetNation. Post counts have been higher, discussions have been lively, friendly and informative, but . . . something seems off. And then, a little bird whispers some frightening information in your ear. Your source won't say how he knows, but he knows. Seems that four JI posters and mods, enjoying some good Jets conversation, have infiltrated JetNation using fake SNs. Yes, it seems like PaulieC, Warfish, Jetswin and Chesapeake are here just to have fun . . . but they're from JI! They're probably working on some devious plan to destroy the site. You can't let this stand. They must be hunted down.

He also says that there is "almost" a cult, if you will.

But that's not the end of it. It seems that there's been a certain increase in religious posting here at the Nation, almost a cult, if you will, slowly coalescing among the membership. And, against all odds, it seems to be growing. If you don't stop it . . . well, everyone loses.

So, who knows what the **** is going on.

Fredo or Virgil as doc? Is it possible that one of you can only protect against NK's and the other can only protect against conversions? I know Virgil said he was told he could do both but is it possible he was told one thing and assumed he had both?

I'd say thats stretching it, so which is lying? His reveal is more suspicious and scummy than Fredo's, but if he knows he can protect against conversion you can at least somewhat justify it. On the other hand I could only see Doggin responding "PAFO" in regards to the doc protecting against cult in thread. I find it hard to believe he wouldn't give the doc that kind of info unless there was some far fetched catch like a scum Dr. AND a cult Dr. If there's only 1 I really don't believe they wouldn't know what they can and cannot prevent.

I dont know Ace, I find it really hard to believe there are 2 Doc's in the game. And for right now, I like Fredo's story much more...I have never felt good about Virgil's.

However, I find it interesting Tony S. hasnt commented on anything considering he was very active and then all of sudden, not a peep.

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Doggin never said the 4 were specifically mafia or a team, he just uses the word "they" to describe the group.

He also says that there is "almost" a cult, if you will.

So, who knows what the **** is going on.

Don't have much time right now but had a thought. Is it possible one of the four names given started as the Cult Leader, and the other three were scum.

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I'd say thats stretching it, so which is lying? His reveal is more suspicious and scummy than Fredo's, but if he knows he can protect against conversion you can at least somewhat justify it. On the other hand I could only see Doggin responding "PAFO" in regards to the doc protecting against cult in thread. I find it hard to believe he wouldn't give the doc that kind of info unless there was some far fetched catch like a scum Dr. AND a cult Dr. If there's only 1 I really don't believe they wouldn't know what they can and cannot prevent.

Ace when I first got the response back I was definately like WTF. The thing is, why would you really need to know? Remember this, we're not told if a protection worked or not except in the case where a player died. Ie Joe. But, whenever you protect someone your not told if that person had an attemtp and if it failed. I believe Virgil and I both agreeed on that.

Now if I new for sure if I could only protect one or the other that may cause me to choose a player that is most likely the target of the group I can protect from, but all I was told is that I get to protect a player each night and this would include myself.

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