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Big Papi used roids


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Well let's see. Manny tested positive in '03 and then again in '09. I'm sure he was clean in '04 and '07 though. :rolleyes:

These guys know how to mask it. They know how to cycle as to not get caught and many of them take stuff you can't test for like HGH and newer designer roids they haven't developed tests for yet.

Oh, and as a Yankee fan, I couldn't care less what other fans think of me. I have 26 World Championships and 39 Pennants in my back pocket, so blow me.

so manny tests in 03 and 09 so therefore he must have been using in 04 and 07!

I hope that you'll never be in a jury deciding someone's guilt or innocence.

And love the Yankee fan smugness... followed by a "blow me" comment. A classy organization has the biggest bunch of classless fans.

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Eeyone needs to stop lumping Yankee fans into the "arrogant *******" category. You can't just stereotype like that. And honestly? It's all because of jealousy- that is the root of it all. There are millions if Yankee fans. Millions. So don't lump everyone into one category.

There I go being an arrogant Yankee fan. :rolleyes:

Stop acting like arrogant asses and fans will stop calling you arrogant asses.

Are all mets fans yankee haters? No. but thats the perception due to a small base of fans.

Are all phillies fans murdering ass hats? No... but thats the reputation they have.

Guys like Klecko makes you and all other Yankee fans look like assh0les. Stop blaming us and fix your own house.

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Oh, and as a Yankee fan, I couldn't care less what other fans think of me. I have 26 World Championships and 39 Pennants in my back pocket, so blow me.

You don't have **** in your back pocket, unless it's a short rib.

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so manny tests in 03 and 09 so therefore he must have been using in 04 and 07!

I hope that you'll never be in a jury deciding someone's guilt or innocence.

And love the Yankee fan smugness... followed by a "blow me" comment. A classy organization has the biggest bunch of classless fans.

Yanks have the most fans, of course they have the most classless fans. The fact is this isn't a jury trial. It's public opinion and the fact is the league is failing miserably in that regard and they have nobody to blame but themselves.

I'm not going to "convict" Ortiz of cheating. I don't expect him to return his money or his awards and I certainly don't claim that's why the Sox won. IMO there are a ton of guys using PEDs, so I'm not going to sit and whine that the Sox wins were tainted any more than I'd accept anybody whining about the Yanks wins. OTOH, the guy is tainted and I'm not going to pretend to believe him if he says he was clean in '04 or '07. Or '05 or '06 for that matter.

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solid response. Exactly what i expected.

Show me real proof that cheating took place during championship seasons, or i will have to call into question all of the Yankees championships also.

So you're saying DiMaggio and Berra took steroids? Lou Gehrig was on HGH?

Being right doesn't make anyone an ******* unless you're the guy who is dead wrong. :Nuts:

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Baseball isn't a pure sport.

The only stupid thing that deserves a slap over the head are Red Sox fans, I'm not singling out posters here, that had some RIDICULOUS belief that somehow their team existed in a tiny little bubble, untainted from the rest of the world. Some stuck their noses in the air and pounded their chests, others, quietly knew as other people around the league were taken down that their day would come eventually. Those who were quiet are clearly the intelligent fans. The ones pounding their chest that the Sox were oh-so clean deserve a slap over the head.

Baseball is a sport that people tend to romantacize. Baseball is a sport that everyone once viewed as somewhat pure. It's not. It's a game where people get paid money for performing. Whether it's ego's or money that motivate the players, they've done it. Countless #'s of players. On every team in this league.

That is the time, that is the era. So let's not get on our high horses and dance on Ortiz here. The guy only deserves to be laughed at for his comments about people who use PED's should be suspended for a year.

Whoever wants to revel in this I guess enjoy it. It's only a matter of time until something else "shocking" comes to light and it might affect you. I frankly don't care anymore. The sheer # of players using the PED's were probably frightening and we'll never know. There is little to no reason to believe a player was above it then.

I love the game for the game, **** the players and their ego's.

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and yankees fans wonder why everyone loves to see their team lose........it's because of attitudes like this.

When responding to someone who hates the Yankees more than they love their own team, my tendancy is to respond in the only language someone like that understands: douchebagese.

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When responding to someone who hates the Yankees more than they love their own team, my tendancy is to respond in the only language someone like that understands: douchebagese.

i was just saying......that attitude is pretty uniform among a majority of yankees fans...hence why most non-yankees fans like to see the team lose.

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i was just saying......that attitude is pretty uniform among a majority of yankees fans...hence why most non-yankees fans like to see the team lose.

I think most non-Yankees fans want to see the Yankees lose for the same reason I want to see the Pats lose, I hate them and I am sick of them winning. I know cool Pats fans (hard to believe I know) and I know prick Pats fans (the majority of which post incessantly on Jets message boards.) Their fans are not the reason I want them to lose, seeing the prick ones be depressed at their failure would simply be a bonus.

If someone out there is rooting against a team to enjoy the shadenfreude of watching their fanbase suffer, we need to call that person what they are: a douchebag.

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I think most non-Yankees fans want to see the Yankees lose for the same reason I want to see the Pats lose, I hate them and I am sick of them winning. I know cool Pats fans (hard to believe I know) and I know prick Pats fans (the majority of which post incessantly on Jets message boards.) Their fans are not the reason I want them to lose, seeing the prick ones be depressed at their failure would simply be a bonus.

If someone out there is rooting against a team to enjoy the shadenfreude of watching their fanbase suffer, we need to call that person what they are: a douchebag.

Shadenfreude? Fahrvergn

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When responding to someone who hates the Yankees more than they love their own team, my tendancy is to respond in the only language someone like that understands: douchebagese.

That seems to be the only language you speak.

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So you're saying DiMaggio and Berra took steroids? Lou Gehrig was on HGH?

Being right doesn't make anyone an ******* unless you're the guy who is dead wrong. :Nuts:

yankees bought the world championships before the draft was instituted so they dont count.

so you can have your championships from the 70's... oh wait... they used greenies then too, so those dont count.

and the championships from the 90's are out due to the era...

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When responding to someone who hates the Yankees more than they love their own team, my tendancy is to respond in the only language someone like that understands: douchebagese.

i certainly hope you arent talking about me, because you would be dead wrong.

I dont hate the Yankees. I hate ass hat fans like yourself. I know how to separate the two. You dont.

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Go back and read the thread Thor. Lil bit special included me in an argument I wasn't a part of. He didn't even respond to what I posted. He just acted like a prick so I responded in kind.

excuse me? Please update me on what i missed here.

I was never a prick. I asked for proof. You respond with blow me.

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i certainly hope you arent talking about me, because you would be dead wrong.

I dont hate the Yankees. I hate ass hat fans like yourself. I know how to separate the two. You dont.

Go back and read the thread. I never responded to anything you said until you called me a prick.

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Go back and read the thread. I never responded to anything you said until you called me a prick.

wrong again sunshine. you answered my post about proof for 04 and 07 and included a blow me comment.

and i cant find a post in this thread i called you a prick.....

i did call you classless. but not a prick.

I expect my apology in its own thread.

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excuse me? Please update me on what i missed here.

I was never a prick. I asked for proof. You respond with blow me.

Where there is smoke there is fire. It is incredibly naive to think that Manny did roids in '03, stopped for six years and didn't use again until his positive test a few months ago.

Ortiz is already on record with a lame ready made excuse of drinking milkshakes that might have had steroids in them in the DR.

These guys were juicing in '03, they were juicing in '04 and they were juicing in '07. The only proof that exists for a most of the players named in the Mitchell report is the testimony of a felon yet everybody believes it whenever a Yankee is accused. :rolleyes:

There are now two positive tests on Manny and one on Ortiz. A positive test is physical proof, the word of a felon is not.

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Where there is smoke there is fire. It is incredibly naive to think that Manny did roids in '03, stopped for six years and didn't use again until his positive test a few months ago.

Ortiz is already on record with a lame ready made excuse of drinking milkshakes that might have had steroids in them in the DR.

These guys were juicing in '03, they were juicing in '04 and they were juicing in '07. The only proof that exists for a most of the players named in the Mitchell report is the testimony of a felon yet everybody believes it whenever a Yankee is accused. :rolleyes:

There are now two positive tests on Manny and one on Ortiz. A positive test is physical proof, the word of a felon is not.

smoke doesnt constitute proof. Did they probably use? Of course! But so did somebody on every team since the 80's

But one cannot go and randomly go and decide which championships they deem to be tainted because a guy failed a test in a year they didnt win. Either we * all championships since the mid 80's or we dont. They are all tainted.

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Where there is smoke there is fire. It is incredibly naive to think that Manny did roids in '03, stopped for six years and didn't use again until his positive test a few months ago.

Ortiz is already on record with a lame ready made excuse of drinking milkshakes that might have had steroids in them in the DR.

These guys were juicing in '03, they were juicing in '04 and they were juicing in '07. The only proof that exists for a most of the players named in the Mitchell report is the testimony of a felon yet everybody believes it whenever a Yankee is accused. :rolleyes:

There are now two positive tests on Manny and one on Ortiz. A positive test is physical proof, the word of a felon is not.

BTW... im still waiting for my apology. And proof.

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I think most non-Yankees fans want to see the Yankees lose for the same reason I want to see the Pats lose, I hate them and I am sick of them winning. I know cool Pats fans (hard to believe I know) and I know prick Pats fans (the majority of which post incessantly on Jets message boards.) Their fans are not the reason I want them to lose, seeing the prick ones be depressed at their failure would simply be a bonus.

If someone out there is rooting against a team to enjoy the shadenfreude of watching their fanbase suffer, we need to call that person what they are: a douchebag.

well yeah thats 1/3 of the equation.

1/3 = prick fans

1/3= tired of seeing them winning

1/3= the fact that they spend the msot money and have the most money and the perception that they throw it around to try and buy championships

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Where there is smoke there is fire. It is incredibly naive to think that Manny did roids in '03, stopped for six years and didn't use again until his positive test a few months ago.

Ortiz is already on record with a lame ready made excuse of drinking milkshakes that might have had steroids in them in the DR.

These guys were juicing in '03, they were juicing in '04 and they were juicing in '07. The only proof that exists for a most of the players named in the Mitchell report is the testimony of a felon yet everybody believes it whenever a Yankee is accused. :rolleyes:

There are now two positive tests on Manny and one on Ortiz. A positive test is physical proof, the word of a felon is not.

so i guess you think pettites lame excuse is BS as well right? i mean certainly he didn't just take roids that one time to rehab his elbow.

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defending yourself from what? I never called you a prick.

You made that up.

you told me to blow you.

You called me classless. And as a Yankee fan, I am constantly under attack and apparently not allowed to have an opinion on this site.

If you don't like the way I defended myself, tough.

We get along for the most part. Someone in this conversation is being a little thin skinned and I'm pretty sure it ain't me.

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so i guess you think pettites lame excuse is BS as well right? i mean certainly he didn't just take roids that one time to rehab his elbow.

Andy Pettitte didn't admit to taking steroids. It was HGH. Completely different animal. You should probably know that before you address it.

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