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And I thought MagicBizkit was Harsh


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Have a look @ the collective meltdown of "The Nation"

Just when I thought MagicBizkit was the whiniest fan ever I stumbled upon this:

MIght be a good time to make note that a no-no by Sabathia might be the best thing to happen to the Red Sox. They are so pathetic collectively with their hitting that it might get them moving going forward. I wouldnt want to be the pitcher or team they paly when (and if) they break out of this.

Francona feels he has a good group. A good group of minor leaguers. He is a apologiist for a bunch of stiffs. why doesn't he call these overpaid players out?

Heard something interesting on Epsteins recent moves, he doesnt get a thrid starter or a needed short stop, we are over loaded with first basemen and catchers now, so when Martinez and Kotchman play, two other good players have to sit. Where were these moves planned at the Carnival.

A new stadium cheapie?

If their homers are so cheap why haven't the Red Sox hit any?

Stick a fork in "em". The chokers are done. They simply are showing their true colors. Can't beat good teams. No pitching, no hitting and no guts. As I have predicted all season this team will watch the post season on tv. Truly an unlikeable bunch of gag artists. This is the Red Sux I am used to. Thank you Theo. Ya built a good one this year. You should be real proud.

With men on base Pedroia thinks hes he ****ing second comming of Hank Aaron what the hell was he thinking swinging for the downs every damn at bat? Jesus a single wins it but he wants to hit the 3 run jack and ends up with a lazy fly to right everytime. Francona blew this game numerous times just like he blew the game pitching to Longoria. Team has 3 hits and he plays like they are knocking the cover off the ball


This edition of the 2009 Red Sox is simply pathetic. Terry Francona is a great guy but an idiot for a baseball manager. Can we trade him for Joe Maddon of the Rays? Francona does everything contrary to what you are taught in Little League. Why is Jason Bay sitting on the bench and Woodward batting? Why can't Papelbon pitch more than 1.1 innings? For the money he is making, it is a crime. Ortiz needs to be benched. Mike Lowell, I love you, but it is time to retire.

Anyone else have the suspicion that players besides Papi may have been using, its sad enough about him, but how do you explain this lineups offensive failures lately. We all demand a complete investigation, I want the frauds to stop for the good of baseball Salary limits as well.

:rl: :rl: :rl:

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tootalljones wrote:

i think the red Sox need a new gm.This team has more holes in it than a pound of swiss cheese.THEO EPSTEIN (AKA BOY WONDER) NEEDS TO BE FIRED and replaced by DAVE DOMBROWSKI of the tigers he has built excellant organizations in Montreal, Florida and now Detroit.THAT IS THREE TEAMS !! the sorry state of the Red Sox is theo's fault and he has to pay the price for it.

Trpt2Dr wrote:

Wow I sure am relieved he got a hold of Chris Woodward. That should really solve the problems of driving in runners left on base!! Thank Goodness Theo knows what he is doing.

Blomie wrote:

"I definitely was a little bit careless," Ortiz said Saturday. "I was buying supplements and vitamins over the counter ... but I never buy steroids or use steroids." <-- yeah sure, we believe you, uh huh, right...

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I'll never count the Red Sox out. Too many bad memories. But right now they look terrible.

I do agree with that Theo did a bad job at the trade deadline by not getting another starter.

From what I heard everyone was asking for Bard and they didn't want to get rid of him. You can't fault him for that.

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I'll never count the Red Sox out. Too many bad memories. But right now they look terrible.

I do agree with that Theo did a bad job at the trade deadline by not getting another starter.

I'm sure he tried Otter. Picking up Martinez was a great move since they needed another bat in their lineup.

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"Heard something interesting on Epsteins recent moves, he doesnt get a thrid starter or a needed short stop, we are over loaded with first basemen and catchers now, so when Martinez and Kotchman play, two other good players have to sit. Where were these moves planned at the Carnival. "

great points

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I'm sure he tried Otter. Picking up Martinez was a great move since they needed another bat in their lineup.

IMO that was by far the worst move Thea has ever made

If Masterson was on the Sawx, you might have won Friday and Saturdays games.....you probably don't use Traber, Tazawa or Gonzo

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Wow. I might as well be talking to the wall, but the wall would have better arguing points.

Horrible? Come on. Holding the Yankees to 2 runs in that stadium last night was impressive. He pitched yesterday like he's capable of.

jason bay in the last 121 at-bats: .190/.344/.306 5 doubles 3 HR 42 K

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Yeah. Losing Wakefield hurt too. He was effective and ate innings. Hope he's back soon.

Highly unlikely he will pitch at an All-Star level again this year. Those back injuries are so tricky, especially for a 40-something pitcher.

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10.5 game swing in 38 games

That proves that anything can happen. There are still over 50 games left.

The Sox need to get someone back quickly or make a trade quickly and hope something sticks, because they can't survive with Buchholz as their third starter, and Penny and Smoltz after him.

They sort of remind me of the '04 Yankees who had all offense and no pitching, except those Yankees didn't really have a single guy who could pitch.

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