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JN Mafia Thread: Superheroes Unite!

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If anything, I would think some of these slip-ups would've been coached out of them if they were scum, but who knows.

This is my take on it as well. When I first started playing mafia, I was made a newbie scum with some veteran players, and they coached me as to what I should say and not say. I feel like a slip-up the size of Crusher's was likely genuine.

Then again, I've never played with him before Doggin's last game, so I might be way off base. I'm trying to soak in all the metagame info from you guys, but I'm trying to avoid using that as a basis for a vote. This results in me feeling like I'm a step behind.

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Then again, I've never played with him before Doggin's last game, so I might be way off base. I'm trying to soak in all the metagame info from you guys, but I'm trying to avoid using that as a basis for a vote. This results in me feeling like I'm a step behind.

The flipside of that is that we're not all that familiar with guys like you or LAout, and you get to fly under the radar while the rest of us get all involved with our inbred feuding.

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That is what Arsis was trying to do and people jumped down my throat. All you guys who accused me of role fishing or being dirty for rattling a few cages are on my list.

Accusing people just because they are accusing you? You just gave me another reason to vote for you. I would have backed off because of your previous explanation, which did make some sense, but then you got all defensive on me. I'm staying with my vote for now.

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The flipside of that is that we're not all that familiar with guys like you or LAout, and you get to fly under the radar while the rest of us get all involved with our inbred feuding.

Totally true, and I really have no defense against that. That's why all I can do is toss in my thoughts. Not only do I not know what buttons to push if I'm trying to case somebody, I also don't know the potential tells that you all might have as scum....and that's why I feel a step behind.

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Accusing people just because they are accusing you? You just gave me another reason to vote for you. I would have backed off because of your previous explanation, which did make some sense, but then you got all defensive on me. I'm staying with my vote for now.

If I'm reading Arsis' hints correctly, you are barking up the wrong tree. If you're implying he's pulling an OMGUS without the actual vote, then I disagree.

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Irish needs to post more, too. I keep thinking back to the two precinct game where he was nailed by EY day one, and I'm wondering if he's lying particularly low this time out just to avoid trapping himself again.

Agreed. He is making me nervous in a big way. Cant tell if its, "i f'ed up that last time I was scum, so I'm going to lay low" or "Am I the only one without a cool role, then I dont care"....type of play.

Accusing people just because they are accusing you? You just gave me another reason to vote for you. I would have backed off because of your previous explanation, which did make some sense, but then you got all defensive on me. I'm staying with my vote for now.

You are wasting a vote.

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Accusing people just because they are accusing you? You just gave me another reason to vote for you. I would have backed off because of your previous explanation, which did make some sense, but then you got all defensive on me. I'm staying with my vote for now.

You have pretty poor readingcomphrension skills there. Way to miss the point. Unless you are scum anddid it on purpose. I'm the cleanest person in this game. Arsis laughs at your silly logic. However, arsis has grown weary of this game and would not mind being voted out. There are some trolls in some other threads that need to be slain.

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Today's vote is Pac2566. This is not a case of OMGUS.

First, if Pac was the vig, I'd have been attacked by now. 2nd, if pac were the cop, he'd have investigated me by now. If that were the case, he'd have gotten an innocent and not be attacking me.

I know you have to trust me to believe that, but there's a safeguard. If Pac claims cop. If this is the case, I trust we can have a real cop counterclaim, as there is no chance I'd get a guilty. Yes, there is a chance I am the godfather, but that is 5% and going on that number versus the fact that smc and smash were both based on sound logic, as JiF points out, is the smarter play.

Then, there is the fact that we have two groups. Pac is apart of neither. He's not an avenger, as I know the final member, Im also confident that capt america is in the game, as someone who knows the avengers but they don't know him. This player made two posts hinting towards knowledge of Doggin that he otherwise was unlikely to make. That player is not Pac.

Smashmouth, a member of the fantastic 4, went after Pac, now, we can't be certain that this group knows each other, but there is one player, who defended smash, who also fits the mold of the fantastic 4. Irish Jet is the invisible woman. At one point he said, 'I can't get into this game, can someone vote for me?'. On the surface, does that me vote for me, or vote for (in lieu of me). Irish, the Invisible Woman, votes in secret... It explains the 10 votes on SMC. Irish, you said you disagree that I'm innocent, and I assume you're secretly voting for me... I ask you to reconsider. There is another player who didn't see it on Smash but I'm not 100 sure he's a member yet.

Ok, now, Klecko.... Spiderman. He roleblocks by catching people in his web, preventing them from using their powers. Makes too much sense.... Even if the reveal was untimely. Now, if I were working with Klecko, I couldn't make that up, because spiderman is in this game, no doubt...

So, that leaves us with very little for pac. The only out I can see is if he is wolverine, the vig, and did not shoot me... Do we believe that? Or he is the cop, and I am godfather... Both are significantly less likely than scum.

As for Crusher, the train is moving too fast, and as Dan pointed out, at my suggestion. Guys, I made some mistakes, but they we're mistakes backed by solid logic. Losing SMC sucked, but he didn't defend himself... Fortunately, as good guys die, the noose tightens. I think it may have just caught Pac.

2) Barmacral/JiF

3) Dan X

4) Slats

5) Crusher

6) Klecko (SPIDERMAN)


8) Arsis

9) Pac



15) LAout


17) EY

18) bleedin' green

19) shutout

20) Norway

It's 11 on 5. We have 3 members of the F4 remaining, I believe Irish is one of them, that leaves 2 spaces, and smash listed Pac as a top suspect, so likely out there.

He's not an avenger, as it's painfully obvious who those are... So, that removes 5 innocent slots... and we're down to 6.

Klecko has to be spiderman, leaving us 5. 5 vs 5.

If you believe I'm innocent, there has to be 4.

You should believe that, because there would be a cop screaming bloody murder about me, and that would not be Pac. 3.

Wolverine would have taken a swipe at me today already if it were Pac. 2.

So, now we have 2 innocent heros unknown, and 5 scum slots. I like my odds.

Vote Pac

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2) Barmacral/JiF

3) Dan X

4) Slats

5) Crusher

6) Klecko (SPIDERMAN)


8) Arsis

9) Pac



15) LAout


17) EY

18) bleedin' green

19) shutout

20) Norway

I'd like to add, looking at this another way, I have 8 potential bad guys for 5 potential spots. After todays lynch, I will release all those names, and we should be able to pick people off.

Tomorrow it will likely be 6 potential bad guys, with 5 bad guys, or 6 potential bad guys with 4 bad guys... Either way, we are in strong shape.

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Today's vote is Pac2566. This is not a case of OMGUS.

First, if Pac was the vig, I'd have been attacked by now. 2nd, if pac were the cop, he'd have investigated me by now. If that were the case, he'd have gotten an innocent and not be attacking me.

I know you have to trust me to believe that, but there's a safeguard. If Pac claims cop. If this is the case, I trust we can have a real cop counterclaim, as there is no chance I'd get a guilty. Yes, there is a chance I am the godfather, but that is 5% and going on that number versus the fact that smc and smash were both based on sound logic, as JiF points out, is the smarter play.

Then, there is the fact that we have two groups. Pac is apart of neither. He's not an avenger, as I know the final member, Im also confident that capt america is in the game, as someone who knows the avengers but they don't know him. This player made two posts hinting towards knowledge of Doggin that he otherwise was unlikely to make. That player is not Pac.

Smashmouth, a member of the fantastic 4, went after Pac, now, we can't be certain that this group knows each other, but there is one player, who defended smash, who also fits the mold of the fantastic 4. Irish Jet is the invisible woman. At one point he said, 'I can't get into this game, can someone vote for me?'. On the surface, does that me vote for me, or vote for (in lieu of me). Irish, the Invisible Woman, votes in secret... It explains the 10 votes on SMC. Irish, you said you disagree that I'm innocent, and I assume you're secretly voting for me... I ask you to reconsider. There is another player who didn't see it on Smash but I'm not 100 sure he's a member yet.

Ok, now, Klecko.... Spiderman. He roleblocks by catching people in his web, preventing them from using their powers. Makes too much sense.... Even if the reveal was untimely. Now, if I were working with Klecko, I couldn't make that up, because spiderman is in this game, no doubt...

So, that leaves us with very little for pac. The only out I can see is if he is wolverine, the vig, and did not shoot me... Do we believe that? Or he is the cop, and I am godfather... Both are significantly less likely than scum.

As for Crusher, the train is moving too fast, and as Dan pointed out, at my suggestion. Guys, I made some mistakes, but they we're mistakes backed by solid logic. Losing SMC sucked, but he didn't defend himself... Fortunately, as good guys die, the noose tightens. I think it may have just caught Pac.

2) Barmacral/JiF

3) Dan X

4) Slats

5) Crusher

6) Klecko (SPIDERMAN)


8) Arsis

9) Pac



15) LAout


17) EY

18) bleedin' green

19) shutout

20) Norway

It's 11 on 5. We have 3 members of the F4 remaining, I believe Irish is one of them, that leaves 2 spaces, and smash listed Pac as a top suspect, so likely out there.

He's not an avenger, as it's painfully obvious who those are... So, that removes 5 innocent slots... and we're down to 6.

Klecko has to be spiderman, leaving us 5. 5 vs 5.

If you believe I'm innocent, there has to be 4.

You should believe that, because there would be a cop screaming bloody murder about me, and that would not be Pac. 3.

Wolverine would have taken a swipe at me today already if it were Pac. 2.

So, now we have 2 innocent heros unknown, and 5 scum slots. I like my odds.

Vote Pac

The only suprise about this OMGUS vote is that you waited a day to do it. My guess is you didn't want to look too obvious.

I'm not naieve... as soon as I voted for you I knew I was the next stop on your grand tour of horrible case making.

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The only suprise about this OMGUS vote is that you waited a day to do it. My guess is you didn't want to look too obvious.

I'm not naieve... as soon as I voted for you I knew I was the next stop on your grand tour of horrible case making.

So, your defense is that you saw it coming...

Not that there's a flaw in it.

You're time's up.

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The only suprise about this OMGUS vote is that you waited a day to do it. My guess is you didn't want to look too obvious.

I'm not naieve... as soon as I voted for you I knew I was the next stop on your grand tour of horrible case making.

What is your case against EY other than he was wrong?

You've never been wrong in a game of mafia? You're wrong about me. And you're wrong about EY.

Who else do you think is scum. I can bet you're wrong about all five because you are one of the best suspects we have.

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The only suprise about this OMGUS vote is that you waited a day to do it. My guess is you didn't want to look too obvious.

I'm not naieve... as soon as I voted for you I knew I was the next stop on your grand tour of horrible case making.

Other then EY "leading the town" to innocent lynchings...whats your case on him?

You do realize he needed 10+ people to agree with him....right?

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Something tells me you arent lying. JiF feels votes on Arsis and Klecko are useless and we need to refocus because JiF feels pretty certain those votes on Cruser and EY are useless as well.

It should be obvious to you all that the scum is lying back and letting the town pick each other apart. I suggest a very talented team of scum. Guy that are perfect for the role because they are low profile mixed with 1 or 2 active yet passive aggressive types. And then that d-bag Pac.

You act like you have never played with EY before, how is this any different then he normally plays when he's innocent? When he is scum, he is much more inclined to follow others thoughts and letting theories evolve, which he is not doing this game.

Its posts like this, that make me most suspicious of you. You are acting like you have never played this game before...and you are quickly becoming my favorite target and its got nothing to do with a personal vandedeta...you are just playing scummy.

I feel asleep last night when I was going to form a couple of case ideas. Pac is a target for the reasons I've stated...he has been playing the most scummy of everyone, but as someone mentioned, that hasnt worked for us thus far. Thus why I havent voted him yet.

Fellas, we really need to refocus. The scum is lying low and we need to out one of them this lynch. Its not going to get any easier, especially with what the scum KNOWS at this time.

Crusher's train is moving very easily...has anyone stopped to ask why?

I really see this as the strongest case right now, and I think Pac's defense last night was weak. I like JiF's instincts, too (and I can't imagine JVoR putting an ex-Avenger back into the game as scum). I'm still wary of a few other people, but Pac got my attention last night ... I'll read through EY's long post, though, before casting my vote.

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That's a neat trick you did with Kleck coming in to pile on so quickly... does he rollover too?

So you're back on the I am guilty because I'm not acting like myself kick?

If EY's right, either me or JiF are dead after the next night phase anyway. JiF is doubtful as scum upon re-entering the game and if I've been successfully outed, the mafia needs to get rid of me.

I'm not lasting to the end, but at least I can make sure you're gone before me.

Vote: Pac

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If EY is scum this game is lost and he is playing circles around everyone. If he is a townie the game is won and he is playing circles around everyone.

He's only playing circles around those that are letting him.

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He's only playing circles around those that are letting him.

No, if EY is scum and you see it and are not good enough to convince us. He has played circles around you and has merely fooled the rest of us. Arsis is a fair man. Take your time a write out your defense and case against EY in a logical and cohearent manner and he will be an impartial judge of it's merits. If you convince me arsis will go to war with you. However, as of right now you are looking scummy.

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Today's vote is Pac2566. This is not a case of OMGUS.

First, if Pac was the vig, I'd have been attacked by now. 2nd, if pac were the cop, he'd have investigated me by now. If that were the case, he'd have gotten an innocent and not be attacking me.

I know you have to trust me to believe that, but there's a safeguard. If Pac claims cop. If this is the case, I trust we can have a real cop counterclaim, as there is no chance I'd get a guilty. Yes, there is a chance I am the godfather, but that is 5% and going on that number versus the fact that smc and smash were both based on sound logic, as JiF points out, is the smarter play.

Then, there is the fact that we have two groups. Pac is apart of neither. He's not an avenger, as I know the final member, Im also confident that capt america is in the game, as someone who knows the avengers but they don't know him. This player made two posts hinting towards knowledge of Doggin that he otherwise was unlikely to make. That player is not Pac.

Smashmouth, a member of the fantastic 4, went after Pac, now, we can't be certain that this group knows each other, but there is one player, who defended smash, who also fits the mold of the fantastic 4. Irish Jet is the invisible woman. At one point he said, 'I can't get into this game, can someone vote for me?'. On the surface, does that me vote for me, or vote for (in lieu of me). Irish, the Invisible Woman, votes in secret... It explains the 10 votes on SMC. Irish, you said you disagree that I'm innocent, and I assume you're secretly voting for me... I ask you to reconsider. There is another player who didn't see it on Smash but I'm not 100 sure he's a member yet.

Ok, now, Klecko.... Spiderman. He roleblocks by catching people in his web, preventing them from using their powers. Makes too much sense.... Even if the reveal was untimely. Now, if I were working with Klecko, I couldn't make that up, because spiderman is in this game, no doubt...

So, that leaves us with very little for pac. The only out I can see is if he is wolverine, the vig, and did not shoot me... Do we believe that? Or he is the cop, and I am godfather... Both are significantly less likely than scum.

As for Crusher, the train is moving too fast, and as Dan pointed out, at my suggestion. Guys, I made some mistakes, but they we're mistakes backed by solid logic. Losing SMC sucked, but he didn't defend himself... Fortunately, as good guys die, the noose tightens. I think it may have just caught Pac.

2) Barmacral/JiF

3) Dan X

4) Slats

5) Crusher

6) Klecko (SPIDERMAN)


8) Arsis

9) Pac



15) LAout


17) EY

18) bleedin' green

19) shutout

20) Norway

It's 11 on 5. We have 3 members of the F4 remaining, I believe Irish is one of them, that leaves 2 spaces, and smash listed Pac as a top suspect, so likely out there.

He's not an avenger, as it's painfully obvious who those are... So, that removes 5 innocent slots... and we're down to 6.

Klecko has to be spiderman, leaving us 5. 5 vs 5.

If you believe I'm innocent, there has to be 4.

You should believe that, because there would be a cop screaming bloody murder about me, and that would not be Pac. 3.

Wolverine would have taken a swipe at me today already if it were Pac. 2.

So, now we have 2 innocent heros unknown, and 5 scum slots. I like my odds.

Vote Pac

I agree it's a sign in your favor that so few people are on your case. I'd imagine a cop would investigate you pretty early in the game, and right now we just have Pac after you, and Crusher FOS'ing you.

I'm not entirely sold on the idea of two mason teams because of the way Smashmouth's death scene was worded ... and one team has post restrictions while the other doesn't? Irish as a secret voter makes sense, though. So let's hope that's the case.

In any event, nothing has changed my mind about Pac since last night. His case on you is weak, and his defense has been poor. I wonder if he and his teammates are frantically PMing right now, hence the promises to get back to us soon. :P

Vote: Pac

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No, if EY is scum and you see it and are not good enough to convince us. He has played circles around you and has merely fooled the rest of us. Arsis is a fair man. Take your time a write out your defense and case against EY in a logical and cohearent manner and he will be an impartial judge of it's merits. If you convince me arsis will go to war with you. However, as of right now you are looking scummy.

I'm beginning to understand why Smash and SMC flipped their lids.

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I'm beginning to understand why Smash and SMC flipped their lids.

Lol.. it's tempting to pile on just to see you lose it..

But, I don't know why we are moving away from crusher though. I get the case on pac, he was my favorite yesterday, but it feels like history repeating itself, again. Maybe third time is a charm, but I'd still like to hear more from fluffy butt before lookign elswhere..

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Something tells me you arent lying. JiF feels votes on Arsis and Klecko are useless and we need to refocus because JiF feels pretty certain those votes on Cruser and EY are useless as well.

It should be obvious to you all that the scum is lying back and letting the town pick each other apart. I suggest a very talented team of scum. Guy that are perfect for the role because they are low profile mixed with 1 or 2 active yet passive aggressive types. And then that d-bag Pac.

You act like you have never played with EY before, how is this any different then he normally plays when he's innocent? When he is scum, he is much more inclined to follow others thoughts and letting theories evolve, which he is not doing this game.

Its posts like this, that make me most suspicious of you. You are acting like you have never played this game before...and you are quickly becoming my favorite target and its got nothing to do with a personal vandedeta...you are just playing scummy.

I feel asleep last night when I was going to form a couple of case ideas. Pac is a target for the reasons I've stated...he has been playing the most scummy of everyone, but as someone mentioned, that hasnt worked for us thus far. Thus why I havent voted him yet.

Fellas, we really need to refocus. The scum is lying low and we need to out one of them this lynch. Its not going to get any easier, especially with what the scum KNOWS at this time.

Crusher's train is moving very easily...has anyone stopped to ask why?

No they haven't Boopsie. Just like they haven;'t listen to a thing I have said about CTM and EY in cahoots. Boith of these players lead the town astray in every game they play. Unless EY slips up and decides he wants to be modkilled or Pac decides to slap CTM around like the little briany b1tch he is.

So Im the next logical choice because of my spat with Smash and my slow 2nd day, because packing a family of 7 to the beach for a week might not take some of my time.

Anyhow, Im going to continue to catch up on this thread becore I go play thunder frisbee with my sons.

By the way Speedos' rule!!!!!

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because they were arrogant and lazy and can't take the ten minutes to fully spell out and elaborate on their cases? EY is convincing because of the manner in which he presents his case seems logical and thought out and based in reason. Jif is based on intuition and reading people smc smash and yourselfs arguments are based on emotion, insults and laziness. How hard is it to write a post saying " ey is guilty and here is why... and then list at least 2-3 examples of his scummy behavior" stop assuming things are and should be obvious. Not everyone shares your perspective. Arsis sure does not.

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If I'm reading Arsis' hints correctly, you are barking up the wrong tree. If you're implying he's pulling an OMGUS without the actual vote, then I disagree.

You are wasting a vote.

You have pretty poor readingcomphrension skills there. Way to miss the point. Unless you are scum anddid it on purpose. I'm the cleanest person in this game. Arsis laughs at your silly logic. However, arsis has grown weary of this game and would not mind being voted out. There are some trolls in some other threads that need to be slain.

Would one of you then care to point to the post that will convince me otherwise then?

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I didn't quite get thru it yet, but have to go play with my sons. I hope Im still in the game when I get back, if Im not then you guys suck. Anyhow, I will get on tonight to read and go thru things.

My toes look like fat fat hawians that are wearing black hairy hula skirts.

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The only suprise about this OMGUS vote is that you waited a day to do it. My guess is you didn't want to look too obvious.

I'm not naieve... as soon as I voted for you I knew I was the next stop on your grand tour of horrible case making.

After all of what he posted thisis your response? This seems like the old "if I ignore it, maybe it'll go away" ploy. It definitely doesn't help me feel any better about your level of scuminess.

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