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People get confused and wonder why this is a rivalry...This guy just called into 1050 Citing that the pats have whooped on us for ages. It is not like Red Sox v Yankees that are evenly matched. People are running with the stat that we have not won at home for 8 years. Take aside the front office hatred and players being swapped. This is an important game because we are tied for overall games. 49-49-1... After Sunday we will be 50-49-1.

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Blah blah blah.

Well he is right!

We were never rivals until the Baby era. Mainly because the Pats sucked and didn't have passionate fans.

I have M******* family members and 8-10 years ago I don't even think they sold Patriot merchandise. That soon will happen again and all you front runner fans will be wearing whoever wins over the next few years.

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Well he is right!

We were never rivals until the Baby era. Mainly because the Pats sucked and didn't have passionate fans.

I have M******* family members and 8-10 years ago I don't even think they sold Patriot merchandise. That soon will happen again and all you front runner fans will be wearing whoever wins over the next few years.


Give it a a rest. 8 years agos, the Patriots were the same woeful franchise the Jets are today. After 42 years of failure, they were on an 8 year run of sellouts that continue to this day. If you do not think that is an accomplishment, imagine going to a $hitty stadium with one way in, 20 odd miles outside of Boston.

This became a rivalry in 1997 when Par$ells defected.

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Give it a a rest. 8 years agos, the Patriots were the same woeful franchise the Jets are today. After 42 years of failure, they were on an 8 year run of sellouts that continue to this day. If you do not think that is an accomplishment, imagine going to a $hitty stadium with one way in, 20 odd miles outside of Boston.

This became a rivalry in 1997 when Par$ells defected.

Not the beginning of 01, Drew Bledsoe wouldn't have brought you anywhere and without Belichet, Brady wouldn't have either.

There was no rivalry after Parcells, I know I didn't care about the Pats. The Dolphins are our true rivals once Tom Baby takes his ball and goes home the Patriots will be forget once again.

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Past decade it has been sort of one sided.

Do the Dolphins own the Patriots? The regular season record is Fins 48-36.

Is Pats/Colts one sided? Pats have that series 42-27.

Also for many of those 100 games the outcome determined which team would be 4th in the division and which would be 5th. Great rivlaries stem from two teams competing for 1st and 2nd.

It is a rivalry...but I consider the Colts and Steelers then Jets when listing rivals. Jets have a chance to change that this year, but it hasn't happened yet.

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Not the beginning of 01, Drew Bledsoe wouldn't have brought you anywhere and without Belichet, Brady wouldn't have either.

There was no rivalry after Parcells, I know I didn't care about the Pats. The Dolphins are our true rivals once Tom Baby takes his ball and goes home the Patriots will be forget once again.

You young 'uns obviously don't remember '78 and '79 when those ****suckers dropped the double nickel on us two years in a row in Foxboro.

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You young 'uns obviously don't remember '78 and '79 when those ****suckers dropped the double nickel on us two years in a row in Foxboro.

78 & 79 the Jet weren't in the race. It was Dolphins and Patriots. A healthy rivalry is between a #1 and #2. Not between #2 & #3. Long term Dolphins are more of a rivalry for the Jets because in most of the years were the Jets had a shot at the AFCE and came up a game or two short it was the Dolphins that were denying you and the Pats weren't in the hunt. Likewise most of the time the Pats were stopped by the Dolphins not the Jets when the Pats were close.

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78 & 79 the Jet weren't in the race. It was Dolphins and Patriots. A healthy rivalry is between a #1 and #2. Not between #2 & #3. Long term Dolphins are more of a rivalry for the Jets because in most of the years were the Jets had a shot at the AFCE and came up a game or two short it was the Dolphins that were denying you and the Pats weren't in the hunt. Likewise most of the time the Pats were stopped by the Dolphins not the Jets when the Pats were close.

up until bellichick i hated the dolphins relentlessly....the pats i really didn't care as much about. now it's even........i really hate both teams. the fact that the phins have become mostly irrelevant hasn't lessened my hatred towards them. only team i don't hate now is the bills. alot of the hatred comes from having to deal with the obnoxious fans. one of the reasons i hate the yankees too. growing up in new york i had to deal with obnoxious yankees fans every day.

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Thanks! I figured, I bet the Colts have it up on us too.

I know Lil Bit, I was just curious. ;)

Colts have it up on you too....Jets regular season records.....

Houston Texans 4-0-0

Tampa Bay Buccaneers 8-1-0

Minnesota Vikings 7-1-0

Green Bay Packers 8-2-0

Arizona Cardinals 5-2-0

Cincinnati Bengals 13-7-0

Miami Dolphins 46-39-1

New England Patriots 49-47-1

New Orleans Saints 5-5-0

Kansas City Chiefs 16-16-1

Carolina Panthers 2-2-0

Seattle Seahawks 8-9-0

Denver Broncos 14-16-1

Buffalo Bills 44-52-0

Detroit Lions 5-6-0

Atlanta Falcons 4-5-0

Tennessee Titans 16-21-1

Oakland Raiders 14-20-2

Indianapolis Colts 25-40-0

Cleveland Browns 7-12-0

San Diego Chargers 11-19-1

New York Giants 4-7-0

Chicago Bears 3-6-0

Jacksonville Jaguars 2-5-0

St. Louis Rams 3-9-0

Dallas Cowboys 2-7-0

San Francisco 49ers 2-9-0

Pittsburgh Steelers 3-15-0

Baltimore Ravens 1-5-0

Washington Redskins 1-8-0

Philadelphia Eagles 0-8-0

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That`s the point you`ve only soldout the last 8 years ,we`ve always soldout!

Wrong. If you read my statement and interpreted it correctly, by that time they had 8 years in a row. They have been sold out since Par$ells came on board.

AGain, selling out every game in a metro area with a populationin excess of 10 million is not that impressive irregardless of the Jets' ineptitude.

You young 'uns obviously don't remember '78 and '79 when those ****suckers dropped the double nickel on us two years in a row in Foxboro.

I remember. :cheers:

I know in 79 the Jets came back and won the second game putting a major dent in a Patriots playiff drive. :bag:

I'll always hate the fish more than I hate the Pats.

That said, this would be a damn good week to beat those rooster-suckers at home.

Same here.

The Phins were the bane of the Patriots existence the first 20 years I watched them. Too many dreams were crushed in the Miami heat.

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Give it a a rest. 8 years agos, the Patriots were the same woeful franchise the Jets are today. After 42 years of failure, they were on an 8 year run of sellouts that continue to this day. If you do not think that is an accomplishment, imagine going to a $hitty stadium with one way in, 20 odd miles outside of Boston.

This became a rivalry in 1997 when Par$ells defected.

Yeah but this just proves that you guys have more frontrunners than true fans. We've sucked since the 70's and we always sell out.

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Yeah but this just proves that you guys have more frontrunners than true fans. We've sucked since the 70's and we always sell out.


Again, NY metro area has how many people? 18+ million.

Boston's metro area is like a fourth of that. The Jets should sell out every game.

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People get confused and wonder why this is a rivalry...This guy just called into 1050 Citing that the pats have whooped on us for ages. It is not like Red Sox v Yankees that are evenly matched. People are running with the stat that we have not won at home for 8 years. Take aside the front office hatred and players being swapped. This is an important game because we are tied for overall games. 49-49-1... After Sunday we will be 50-49-1.

"It's not like the Yankees/Red Sox" I'm not a Yankees fan, but the Yankees/Red Sox rivalry is so far from EVENLY MATCHED it's not funny. Maybe since 2004 it's been even, but history shows the Yankees have won 26 Championships and the Red Sox have won 2 in the last 80 years? Sorry, but that's not evenly matched.

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Again, NY metro area has how many people? 18+ million.

Boston's metro area is like a fourth of that. The Jets should sell out every game.

What's that got to do with selling out games? You guys are frontrunner's. Green Bay sells out, they are smaller market than NE.

Might want to start using the pass tense on that. Patriots are sold out for the season this year, Jets are not.

Yeah, those PSL's killed everything in this economy. Its not because the general interest isnt there or because our fans all of a sudden gave up on the team. We just have an assbag for an owner.

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