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Not Worried at all....


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To me the score was really 10-10. Sancez accounted for the bad plays. they were ROOKIE mistakes. we moved the ball and lets face it the defense kept us in the game. But Sanchez was prime for a rookie game. Lets see how the kid bounces back. This will be a great test for our team. Its not like we lost to a ****ty team, I mean New Orleans was averaging what 25+ points a game. We spotted them 14. Enough of this that guy sucks its this guys fault. Dont fall back into that tyical Jets fan mentality. Keep it positive and get ready for Miami. Chin up.


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Amen brother, I would like to see a Saints rematch sometime in February. ;)

Imagine that, two teams notorious for getting close enough to give false hope without ACTUALLY getting there both getting there...

Now THAT would be an ultimate feel good story either way.

Unless of course, the Jets lose.

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After 4 games we have an equal or BETTER record than:




(That's our entire division, just to remind you)












That speaks for itself. It was a good 1st quarter of the season for us, especially considering we were up against big time opponents. Too bad we don't have last year's schedule, but whatever... well above expectations so far. Keep it up Jets!

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I'm not worried either. Sanchez **** the bed against an excellent team in an extremely loud dome. He'll get better. The Jets D won't get worse. Play that game in the Meadowlands and it's another world.

I am not worried either. At the same time, I'm not oblivious to reality. The Jets have to play road games the rest of the season. Sanchez had ball control issues even at home last week. And the playcalling was not great. Execution also was bad. The Saints are a great team, and it was a road game.

On my NFL picks, I actually had the Saints winning it. I just looked at all the factors as an objective analyst and I had the Saints favored. I screwed up the Cowboys and Jags games this week but otherwise I was perfect. Who would have thought the Broncos could win so much and the Titans would lose 4 in a row, or whatever terrible record they now have.

Schotty will never be an elite OC. I hope he gets that HC job everyone's always talking about so the Jets can get a better OC. I kind of doubt he will, but well, the Rams, Skins and Browns all will at least be looking so maybe he has a shot. Schott is a pretty good QB coach though, so if he helps Sanchez along that's at least a positive. Sanchez' ball handling is terrible and he doesn't playfake much, I'm hoping that these things are focused on. Really, at this level, to play on offense in the NFL, and especially at QB, the number one thing is to not turn the ball over. INTs will happen, but the fumbles are the really galling thing. It's gotta be corrected. Sanchez looked very uncomfortable today as well. It's a good welcome to the NFL for him, those first 3 defenses really weren't NFL caliber it turns out. And the Jets don't really face another one for awhile either. It's good to get this one out of the way and they give Sanchez time to rebuild confidence, so that's a positive. Come playoff time, he will be facing pressure like this and he needs to figure out how to deal with it.

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The only worry I have is the OC calling passing plays on 3-1 when the rookie QB was already out of his game and not using Greene and Washington more in the running game. Stop throwing the ball to B Smith please, the guy is not a WR he's a running QB.

All in all we should have won that game and I think that we'll bounce back.

I'm putting that loss on Ryan and Schott. Schott called a bad game and Ryan didn't step in when he should have.

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The only worry I have is the OC calling passing plays on 3-1 when the rookie QB was already out of his game and not using Greene and Washington more in the running game. Stop throwing the ball to B Smith please, the guy is not a WR he's a running QB.

All in all we should have won that game and I think that we'll bounce back.

I'm putting that loss on Ryan and Schott. Schott called a bad game and Ryan didn't step in when he should have.

Sanchez didn't have anything to do with it?

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Sanchez didn't have anything to do with it?

Of course but it's the coaches job to give the team the best chance to win and throwing it on 3rd and short when you have two RBs that are getting yards (Washington and Greene) is stupid. Sanchez is a rookie and was having a bad game.

Why put the ball in his hands on 3rd and short?

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Of course but it's the coaches job to give the team the best chance to win and throwing it on 3rd and short when you have two RBs that are getting yards (Washington and Greene) is stupid. Sanchez is a rookie and was having a bad game.

Why put the ball in his hands on 3rd and short?

I actually agree with you. The thing is you are trying to crucify Schottenheimer for this when there are three threads crucifying him for trying to run into the stacked box. Can't have it both ways.

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Of course but it's the coaches job to give the team the best chance to win and throwing it on 3rd and short when you have two RBs that are getting yards (Washington and Greene) is stupid. Sanchez is a rookie and was having a bad game.

Why put the ball in his hands on 3rd and short?

Wasn't Greene already injured by that point. I don't remember everything about the game but when Greene was in it looked like we didn't even have a 3rd down play.

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To me the score was really 10-10. Sancez accounted for the bad plays. they were ROOKIE mistakes. we moved the ball and lets face it the defense kept us in the game. But Sanchez was prime for a rookie game. Lets see how the kid bounces back. This will be a great test for our team. Its not like we lost to a ****ty team, I mean New Orleans was averaging what 25+ points a game. We spotted them 14. Enough of this that guy sucks its this guys fault. Dont fall back into that tyical Jets fan mentality. Keep it positive and get ready for Miami. Chin up.


Well.. the score was really 24-10. :D

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The only worry I have is the OC calling passing plays on 3-1 when the rookie QB was already out of his game and not using Greene and Washington more in the running game. Stop throwing the ball to B Smith please, the guy is not a WR he's a running QB.

All in all we should have won that game and I think that we'll bounce back.

I'm putting that loss on Ryan and Schott. Schott called a bad game and Ryan didn't step in when he should have.

I can kinda agree. I was yelling they should have stuck with the run game on this one but it seemed they kept putting it in Sanchez's hands ala Brett Favre. Greene was running really well. He hits that hole with a lot of power. They should have kept feeding it to him especially on those 3rd & short plays.

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