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Tests confirm Mets' Reyes has overactive thyroid


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Nah, I wouldn't really compare two major contributors to a World Championship team to a guy who has never accomplished a single thing of any significance in this league.

So, players that have been at best "mediocre", who were overly hyped, but supposedly have contributed to a championship club grade out stronger than someone who has been top 5 at his position over the last 4 years?


You sure wouldn't compare.

I believe the Yankees would have won the WS with "average" players to replace Hughes and Joba last year. Just an opinion.

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So, players that have been at best "mediocre", who were overly hyped, but supposedly have contributed to a championship club grade out stronger than someone who has been top 5 at his position over the last 4 years?


You sure wouldn't compare.

I believe the Yankees would have won the WS with "average" players to replace Hughes and Joba last year. Just an opinion.

if Joba was hurt last June and replaced by a clone of Alfredo Acieves then yes nothing would have really changed

but Hughes last year? an ERA of 3.03 in 86 innings...was above average for sure.

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I wouldn't put it past Reyes to have used roids. Thyroid problems are a strong link to juicing, plus there was that sketchy story about how Reyes went to a Canadian doctor (a shady character himself) to "swirl his blood" , even though he could have done it in NY or anywhere else.

Either way, he sucks.

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I wouldn't put it past Reyes to have used roids. Thyroid problems are a strong link to juicing, plus there was that sketchy story about how Reyes went to a Canadian doctor (a shady character himself) to "swirl his blood" , even though he could have done it in NY or anywhere else.

Either way, he sucks.

Reyes has been a very talented player when healthy. But health is again the issue. ANd bigger, the conditioning program or lack thereof of the Mets.

Could be he's juicing , but it also could be naturally-occurring. What I don't understand with the Mets is that teams typically give every player a full physical at the end of the season and have their training staff review and monitor their off season workout program, either in their facility or with updates from the player. As with Beltran, seems like the Mets don't really do this. When you consider the money their organization has tied up in these 2 guys, hard to understand how they pretty much have no idea about such nonsense until Beltran goes his own way, and Reyes shows up with this in March. There's no oversight at all, and this happens every season. Either Minaya is a dolt(and he may be), or more likely the Coupons couldn't run a paper route. This is basic common sense stuff, and the Mets don't really do it.

The Coupons need to either sell, or write Billy Beane a big check and step back.

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Reyes has been a very talented player when healthy. But health is again the issue. ANd bigger, the conditioning program or lack thereof of the Mets.

Could be he's juicing , but it also could be naturally-occurring. What I don't understand with the Mets is that teams typically give every player a full physical at the end of the season and have their training staff review and monitor their off season workout program, either in their facility or with updates from the player. As with Beltran, seems like the Mets don't really do this. When you consider the money their organization has tied up in these 2 guys, hard to understand how they pretty much have no idea about such nonsense until Beltran goes his own way, and Reyes shows up with this in March. There's no oversight at all, and this happens every season. Either Minaya is a dolt(and he may be), or more likely the Coupons couldn't run a paper route. This is basic common sense stuff, and the Mets don't really do it.

The Coupons need to either sell, or write Billy Beane a big check and step back.

You know for a fact that the Mets don't do this? Could this problem have come on between the end of the season and now? I don't know the progression of the ailment.

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You know for a fact that the Mets don't do this? Could this problem have come on between the end of the season and now? I don't know the progression of the ailment.

With what happened with both Reyes and Beltran,hard to understand that if they are doing it they have any idea how to go about it. As with Delgado and others in the past, this has been a recurring feature of Mets spring training. It smacks of incompetence. Players do get hurt in spring training, like Joe Nathan has. But what happens with the Mets is simply unlike and more stupid than anyone else.

Do know that the Mets hierarchy is a mess, and that's because of the Wilpons. That isn't in dispute. It's easy to blame Minaya and Manuel(buffoons they may be)but the main problem remains ownership that doesn't have a command structure at all. Which is how Tony Bernazard is allowed to run around like a lunatic until he totally embarrasses them.Heck, Nelson Doubleday wanted out because he got tired of Fred Wilpon trying to make his son into the GM. And that is still going on right now.

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Would the Yankees have made the playoffs last year without Hughes and Chamberlain, if they were replaced by "average" players?

Would "average" players have cost the Yankees at least 9 games in the standings?

If the answer is "no", what exactly did Hughes or Chamberlain contribute to the championship in the playoffs?

Any honest answer would be "not much" and the Yanks would have won without them.

So to call them "contributors" is a stretch. They went a long for the ride, which is fine.

Guido was overstating things

I am absolutely not overtstating things. My comment is that Jose Reyes is and has been consistently overrated in this league. When it comes to Joba and Hughes, there is no comparison because there has never once been a claim that either is "top 5 at his position". They're much younger and are expected to player smaller roles. Reyes' expectations seem to be that he is an MVP-type. Reality is that he isn't even close.

Reyes, while talented, is extremely overhyped as a result of his "electric" speed and he fact that he plays for the Mets in a time where they have no real standout superstar. Meanwhile, he can't stay on the field, and even when he is, he doesn't get on base enough, doesn't play basic fundamental baseball, or hit or field with any level of consistency. He is clearly focused on being flashy and dancing in the dugout than being a player who helps his team win games.

I've said it for years, the Mets would have been best served trading this guy long ago. He has the talent and the name that other teams would jump on that overhyped bandwagon and give the Mets some strong prospects in return. If they could get some pitching, that would be a start in the right direction for this franchise. It's still not too late.

But they'll hold on to him, and wallow away in mediocrity for years because they fall in love with guys like that and stay with them too long.

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I am absolutely not overtstating things. My comment is that Jose Reyes is and has been consistently overrated in this league. When it comes to Joba and Hughes, there is no comparison because there has never once been a claim that either is "top 5 at his position". They're much younger and are expected to player smaller roles. Reyes' expectations seem to be that he is an MVP-type. Reality is that he isn't even close.

Reyes, while talented, is extremely overhyped as a result of his "electric" speed and he fact that he plays for the Mets in a time where they have no real standout superstar. Meanwhile, he can't stay on the field, and even when he is, he doesn't get on base enough, doesn't play basic fundamental baseball, or hit or field with any level of consistency. He is clearly focused on being flashy and dancing in the dugout than being a player who helps his team win games.

I've said it for years, the Mets would have been best served trading this guy long ago. He has the talent and the name that other teams would jump on that overhyped bandwagon and give the Mets some strong prospects in return. If they could get some pitching, that would be a start in the right direction for this franchise. It's still not too late.

But they'll hold on to him, and wallow away in mediocrity for years because they fall in love with guys like that and stay with them too long.

Overrated is a subjective statement. What standard are you judging him by?

Do you fee;l that Joba and Hughes have lived up to their hype?

You would need to define "much" younger. There is not that great a discrepancy in their age.

Obviously, Reyes was hurt last year, but if you even bothered to look at his numbers for the 3 prior years, you WOULD find consistency, you would find that he ranked at or near the top of his position.

You mention "fundamentals", but fail to give any substance. You come off as someone who does not watch him consistently, and just is looking to throw out intangibles.

Last year was the first year in 5 that he missed time. Tell us where his numbers have been "inconsistent" in those years.

He is not my favorite player, but you come off as speaking to an agenda you don't understand.

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Here are the 2005-2008 numbers. I would be interested in Guido's take on where the inconsistencies lie. Keep in mind he was 22 in 2005

2005 NYM 161 696 99 190 24 17 7 58 27 78 60 15 .273 .300 .386 .687

2006 NYM 153 647 122 194 30 17 19 81 53 81 64 17 .300 .354 .487 .841

2007 NYM 160 681 119 191 36 12 12 57 77 78 78 21 .280 .354 .421 .775

2008 NYM 159 688 113 204 37 19 16 68 66 82 56 15 .297 .358 .475 .833

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Overrated is a subjective statement. What standard are you judging him by?

Do you fee;l that Joba and Hughes have lived up to their hype?

You would need to define "much" younger. There is not that great a discrepancy in their age.

Obviously, Reyes was hurt last year, but if you even bothered to look at his numbers for the 3 prior years, you WOULD find consistency, you would find that he ranked at or near the top of his position.

You mention "fundamentals", but fail to give any substance. You come off as someone who does not watch him consistently, and just is looking to throw out intangibles.

Last year was the first year in 5 that he missed time. Tell us where his numbers have been "inconsistent" in those years.

He is not my favorite player, but you come off as speaking to an agenda you don't understand.

I'm judging him by the standard of claims that he is an MVP-type player. Or even a "top 5" shortstop, as you just claimed. I'm clearly not the one misunderstanding if you are willing to lump him into a category of guys like Hanley Ramirez, Troy Tulowitzki, Derek Jeter, Jimmy Rollins or even a Jason Bartlett or kid like Stephen Drew. Reyes is a great fantasy player. He's good, but he isn't a superstar in this league, as many Mets followers would like to believe. Like I said, his biggest value to the Mets would come in the form of a trade.

As far as consistency, how did Reyes perform down the stretch of the 2007 season after a hot start when needed most? Look at his entire 2nd half. Same question for 2008?

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Overrated is a subjective statement. What standard are you judging him by?

Do you fee;l that Joba and Hughes have lived up to their hype?

You would need to define "much" younger. There is not that great a discrepancy in their age.

Obviously, Reyes was hurt last year, but if you even bothered to look at his numbers for the 3 prior years, you WOULD find consistency, you would find that he ranked at or near the top of his position.

You mention "fundamentals", but fail to give any substance. You come off as someone who does not watch him consistently, and just is looking to throw out intangibles.

Last year was the first year in 5 that he missed time. Tell us where his numbers have been "inconsistent" in those years.

He is not my favorite player, but you come off as speaking to an agenda you don't understand.

Concede that neither Hughes nor Joba has lived up to the hype, thoguh both have had flashes and Hughes was very effective coming out of the pen alte in the regular season(the postseason for both was forgettable to lousy). Yet mostly they have been on the field,and their injuries and problems have been dealt with professionally. Arguaby in Joba's case there isn't a more monitored player in MLB. You could say that might be bad thing, but there's nothing like that in the total dysfunction of the Mets as an organization. Seems like the Mets players despite being paid big bucks do what ever they want.

Admit being a Yankee fan, but the baseball season is better when both teams are competitive and that is not going to be the case with the Mets in 2010. they have a chance to win every day Santana pitches, and afetr that who knows.

Not sure we are in disagreement. the Yankees have a clear chain of command, the mets don't. The Yankees are run professionally, the Mets do everything on the fly. Would like nothing better than the Wilpons selling, or bringing in Billy Beane or someone like that, because this is a joke. It gets clearer every day that the Wilpons are the problem.

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I'm judging him by the standard of claims that he is an MVP-type player. Or even a "top 5" shortstop, as you just claimed. I'm clearly not the one misunderstanding if you are willing to lump him into a category of guys like Hanley Ramirez, Troy Tulowitzki, Derek Jeter, Jimmy Rollins or even a Jason Bartlett or kid like Stephen Drew. Reyes is a great fantasy player. He's good, but he isn't a superstar in this league, as many Mets followers would like to believe. Like I said, his biggest value to the Mets would come in the form of a trade.

As far as consistency, how did Reyes perform down the stretch of the 2007 season after a hot start when needed most? Look at his entire 2nd half. Same question for 2008?

Wait, you rate Troy Tulowitki AHEAD of Reyes (even though Reyes has done it longer and better), but you talk about inconsistent months? Have you looked Tulowitki's numbers and splits. You are being a hypocrite.

Reyes has gotten decent MVP support most of those years. I am not saying that he SHOULD have gotten it.

You said he is OVERRATED. Overrated compared to what or whom? You have never given your measure. If it is to be MVP every year, that is a hard measurement.

Hanley is obviously better. I am willing to give a slight edge to Rollins. Jeter gets it for clutch (I am being kind).

That you even mention Bartlett or Drew in this conversation shows you are reaching.

Name 4 SS better than him in terms of what they have done on the field for the past 5 years. Please don't embarrass yourself with Steven Drew.

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Concede that neither Hughes nor Joba has lived up to the hype, thoguh both have had flashes and Hughes was very effective coming out of the pen alte in the regular season(the postseason for both was forgettable to lousy). Yet mostly they have been on the field,and their injuries and problems have been dealt with professionally. Arguaby in Joba's case there isn't a more monitored player in MLB. You could say that might be bad thing, but there's nothing like that in the total dysfunction of the Mets as an organization. Seems like the Mets players despite being paid big bucks do what ever they want.

Admit being a Yankee fan, but the baseball season is better when both teams are competitive and that is not going to be the case with the Mets in 2010. they have a chance to win every day Santana pitches, and afetr that who knows.

Not sure we are in disagreement. the Yankees have a clear chain of command, the mets don't. The Yankees are run professionally, the Mets do everything on the fly. Would like nothing better than the Wilpons selling, or bringing in Billy Beane or someone like that, because this is a joke. It gets clearer every day that the Wilpons are the problem.

I won't argue anything you have said, but it has NOTHING to do with Reyes as a player, where Guido is quickly exposing himself.

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Wait, you rate Troy Tulowitki AHEAD of Reyes (even though Reyes has done it longer and better), but you talk about inconsistent months? Have you looked Tulowitki's numbers and splits. You are being a hypocrite.

Reyes has gotten decent MVP support most of those years. I am not saying that he SHOULD have gotten it.

You said he is OVERRATED. Overrated compared to what or whom? You have never given your measure. If it is to be MVP every year, that is a hard measurement.

Hanley is obviously better. I am willing to give a slight edge to Rollins. Jeter gets it for clutch (I am being kind).

That you even mention Bartlett or Drew in this conversation shows you are reaching.

Name 4 SS better than him in terms of what they have done on the field for the past 5 years. Please don't embarrass yourself with Steven Drew.

No discussion is worth having if you are going to argue that Jose Reyes is more valuable to his team than Troy Tulowitzki

Bottom line: Reyes has never been a cornerstone player on a team that has accomplished anything of worth.

He's clearly more suited to be a future Dancing With The Stars contestant. If he can stay healthy.

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No discussion is worth having if you are going to argue that Jose Reyes is more valuable to his team than Troy Tulowitzki

Bottom line: Reyes has never been a cornerstone player on a team that has accomplished anything of worth.

He's clearly more suited to be a future Dancing With The Stars contestant. If he can stay healthy.

Is it totally Jose Reyes' determination for outcomes of games? Is he coming out of the bullpen too? I could use the same analysis with Don Mattingly and say he was overrated.

Career stats:

In met wins- Reyes hits .324 with an OPS of .888

In Met losses- Reyes hits .241 with an OPS of .632

Sound like a player that a team revolves around.

You have show a total incapability of supporting your premise that he is overrated, or even saying what he is being rated to.

Can you display a little substantive dialogue?

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reyes has been a really good player. he's a very good defensive ss. i have to agree that he's been overrated somewhat....and he's had some injury issues...early in his career and now again. do i think he's one of the best ss in the game when healthy? yes. but he's not quite as great as he has been made out to be and i for one wish he had been traded....

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Is it totally Jose Reyes' determination for outcomes of games? Is he coming out of the bullpen too? I could use the same analysis with Don Mattingly and say he was overrated.

Career stats:

In met wins- Reyes hits .324 with an OPS of .888

In Met losses- Reyes hits .241 with an OPS of .632

Sound like a player that a team revolves around.

You have show a total incapability of supporting your premise that he is overrated, or even saying what he is being rated to.

Can you display a little substantive dialogue?

Now consider how much winning the Mets do, and I thank you for strengthening the case.

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reyes has been a really good player. he's a very good defensive ss. i have to agree that he's been overrated somewhat....and he's had some injury issues...early in his career and now again. do i think he's one of the best ss in the game when healthy? yes. but he's not quite as great as he has been made out to be and i for one wish he had been traded....

All I'm trying to say.

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Now consider how much winning the Mets do, and I thank you for strengthening the case.

How is this laid at the feet of one player?

When Reyes hits, the Mets win. That makes him a positive catalyst.

What player hits all of the time.

You seem to always ignore the question of "what are the expectations of Reyes".

In order to be over hyped, one must describe what the hype is. Care to do that subjective exercise?

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This statement...

How is this laid at the feet of one player?

...and this one...

When Reyes hits, the Mets win. That makes him a positive catalyst.

are in direct conflict with one another.

Since you can't seem to put 1 and 1 together, I'll do it for you. If he is a positive catalyst such that his team wins when he performs and he is also as consistent as you claim, then the Mets would win more consistently.

What player hits all of the time.

You seem to always ignore the question of "what are the expectations of Reyes".

In order to be over hyped, one must describe what the hype is. Care to do that subjective exercise?

Let me ask you, does the bitter rage that builds up inside you every time a Yankees fan submits an opinion about the Mets just completely blind you to simple things like the fact that I addressed this already? Several times?

It seems you just want to debate the definition of the word "overrated". But everyone seems to understand what that means but you. One Met fan here even agreed with the concept.

Being overrated is not necessarily always a bad thing anyway.

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This statement...

...and this one...

are in direct conflict with one another.

Since you can't seem to put 1 and 1 together, I'll do it for you. If he is a positive catalyst such that his team wins when he performs and he is also as consistent as you claim, then the Mets would win more consistently.

Let me ask you, does the bitter rage that builds up inside you every time a Yankees fan submits an opinion about the Mets just completely blind you to simple things like the fact that I addressed this already? Several times?

It seems you just want to debate the definition of the word "overrated". But everyone seems to understand what that means but you. One Met fan here even agreed with the concept.

Being overrated is not necessarily always a bad thing anyway.

No bitter rage, just trying to get a sensible debate. Which you seem to b e unable to supply.

Witness adding Bartlett and Drew as SS comparison to Reyes. You were reaching.

I guess you are left to admit that Reyes is at the very least, in the top 4 SS of the game for the last 4 years?

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No bitter rage, just trying to get a sensible debate. Which you seem to b e unable to supply.

Witness adding Bartlett and Drew as SS comparison to Reyes. You were reaching.

I guess you are left to admit that Reyes is at the very least, in the top 4 SS of the game for the last 4 years?

Like I said, if you really think you can compare Reyes to the likes of Jeter, Tulowitzki, Rollins or Ramirez, you are only strengthening my case for him being overrated.

As for Bartlett, he just posted a higher AVG, OBP, SLG and OPS all in a single season than Reyes ever has in his career. In a tougher league. And isn't coming off one major injury and now has new health questions. Yeah, that's a real reach :rolleyes:

Given that, any sensible person would take Bartlett over Reyes right now.

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Like I said, if you really think you can compare Reyes to the likes of Jeter, Tulowitzki, Rollins or Ramirez, you are only strengthening my case for him being overrated.

As for Bartlett, he just posted a higher AVG, OBP, SLG and OPS all in a single season than Reyes ever has in his career. In a tougher league. And isn't coming off one major injury and now has new health questions. Yeah, that's a real reach :rolleyes:

Given that, any sensible person would take Bartlett over Reyes right now.

So one career year trumps a 5 year average? What kind of silly logic is that.

You said Reyes is INCONSISTENT? What numbers are inconsistent? Bartlett is the poster boy for inconsistency. When has he ever played a full season?

You are all over the board

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