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Mafia Game Thread--The Thing


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My take is that an abnormally low percentage of us are scum at this point, because scum will be converting instead of killing. I think it's something to consider.

I think small team = don't ruffle feathers, stay under radar till team can increase in size.

With that, i'm going:




Solid rationale.

At this point BG is the one ruffling the least feathers. In fact one of his last posts was something to the effect of the scum team will be small, and shouldn't over-involve themselves on day one. Since then... not a peep really.

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You have already voted for 6 different people. AVM would make 7 since he is now on the top of your list. Or wait, what is the count... not sure how many of them were "jokes."

Help us understand why you have once again shifted your focus... and don't think its lost on us that AVM currently has the most aggressively growing train.

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At this point BG is the one ruffling the least feathers.

I was going to start in on him but at this point that's probably what scum wants. If he's around tomorrow I'm sure he'll get the attention he deserves.

IMO starting fresh cases in the midst of trying to come to some sort of consensus could be considered anti-town behavior. I only say this from the standpoint of where we are right now. We're just about 5 days in and spinning our wheels... again probably just what the Dr ordered for the filthy scum.

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What is the deal with Vicious?

I haven't seen a better case than the one I made against him. His voting pattern has been highly suspect. He has now moved on to a 7th potential vote in AVM, with no explanation.

In fact, with 6 going on 7 votes Vicious hasn't made one unique or original case yet. He has either dismissed his votes as jokes - or just followed the case of others in the game.... and he has a clear trend of changing his vote to whomever has the fastest moving train.

He is playing an obviously sloppy game... The thing that concerns me with Vicious is this: "Jester has the objective of convincing the town to kill him, or is required to vote in favor of all proposed lynchings. Sometimes, successful lynching of the "Village Idiot" results in the mafia being able to kill two people that night."

So, not having hunted anything other than regular scum in my first game, what do we do about this?

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well, is it time for everyone to pick their top 3 and we'll widdle it down from there. We're pretty well spread out and i don't see us getting any closer..

Vic, Sharrow, Crusher.

No, those aren't my top three, but they are the three people in the game who don't have a vote anywhere right now. I'd like to see them get on the record before I figure out and post my trio.

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What is the deal with Vicious?

I haven't seen a better case than the one I made against him. His voting pattern has been highly suspect. He has now moved on to a 7th potential vote in AVM, with no explanation.

In fact, with 6 going on 7 votes Vicious hasn't made one unique or original case yet. He has either dismissed his votes as jokes - or just followed the case of others in the game.... and he has a clear trend of changing his vote to whomever has the fastest moving train.

He is playing an obviously sloppy game... The thing that concerns me with Vicious is this: "Jester has the objective of convincing the town to kill him, or is required to vote in favor of all proposed lynchings. Sometimes, successful lynching of the "Village Idiot" results in the mafia being able to kill two people that night."

So, not having hunted anything other than regular scum in my first game, what do we do about this?

Well this is a town and Vic is clearly an idiot. Other than that I'm not sure what to make of your post.

Jokes aside some of the elaborate roles found on Wiki rarely make their way into JI games.. I've never played with a Jester or Village idiot etc. With it being SMC's first time modding and what looks to be a conversion role in place I don't think he's filling the game with the roles you describe.. for example what happens when this idiot is converted? Can the idiot be converted? etc etc... this was why I was thinking talking about exotic roles can lead to more spinning of wheels.

You've been pretty spastic today even though the votes on you are gone... Makes me feel better that I've locked you into 2nd position on my list.

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Being lukewarm is a fair enough point, as I've definitely pulled the I agree/disagree card all of day 1 so far. But your Sharrow point? I kept my vote on him, and tried to get people to come along early on. No one bit...so do you suggest I keep my vote there all of day one or actually be productive and put it elsewhere?

As I said with Sharrow, this is how he plays regardless...and it's very dangerous as scum. He gets deep into games as scum, and is a very smart player. Probably the most underrated of everyone here, IMO. I didn't have a strong read on anyone else at the time, so I suggested going after the low post totals. At the time, it was him and Pac...who already had a couple of votes, and hadn't been very "Pac-like." The rest is history there, as no one jumped on board the Sharrow train.

Still waiting for your response to my response, JVOR.

Alright, I'm gaining nothing on the Sharrow front obv. I want to get competing trains going, as I mentioned earlier, so I will unvote, vote: Integrity. Like I said, the Crusher/slats conversation bothered me not so much for Crusher and slats, but just the immense amount of suspicion about absolutely nothing, along with voting/unvoting so quickly.

The biggest thing that stuck out to me for Integrity was his comment along the lines of his vote was to find out why others were on Crusher. Just seems a little odd to me, when everyone on the first real life day votes for joking reasons.

This, by the way, isn't exactly wishy/washy like you're saying all my posts were. While I agree a lot of my posts are "I agree, but also disagree" posts, and I'm making it easy to lynch me the "scummier" tactic would be to be pushing someone but not pushing someone.

This is what you suggested I did with Sharrow, despite the fact that my vote was on him for an entire day, and aside from Vic voting him then unvoting as soon as Sharrow said "hey I'm here, I'll catch up later," there was no other conversation about Sharrow aside from what I offered up.

As per my top three, right now (with explanations)

Sharrow -- My vote is still on Sharrow now, though I'm willing to move. As I've said, he's got by offering essentially nothing...and building off others cases. He's a very dangerous scum, and it's important to get him talking.

I28 -- I know he gets the "noob" pass still, but I was one of his earlier critics. I don't think we had him close to lynching long enough to get anything out of him (when he was close, he wasn't here last night).

Vic -- I'm very skeptical right now. I had already said a bit about Vic in the past couple of pages, but all the wagon jumping is very odd. At some point we're going to have to put some pressure on him just to figure out what the deal is.

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I have gone overboard proving that I have NOT been bandwagoning... so I would like to here why you still think its a relevant claim. In addition, what am I distancing myself from? That is the first time that claim has been thrown at me...

As I've done with being busy at work.

And earlier you were distancing yourself from Slats and using me to do it. Moves like that make me think someone is scummy when I'm townie.

I already gave my 3. it is still avm, jif, and sharrow.

You have been playing in a very omgus mode this game. Its weird.

What is the deal with Vicious?

I haven't seen a better case than the one I made against him.

You're so modest.

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Looks like AVM, Vic and I28 are hitting the most lists.

AVM - He's been vanilla, but IDK. Seems like everyone just followed JVORs lead for some reason. However, he is playing differently than he did in my game, but he was also the survivor so I understood his play then.

Vic - personally, I just think Vic is bored roleless townie. I think we've seen this from him before and he wasnt too upset cuz at least we didnt get a power role. He's putting up no fight, throwing votes around, kinda indifferent and just applogizing if people dont like his play.

I28 - seems scummy. He's narrowing in on people and making long eloborate cases on a day when there really isnt that much to investigate. Seems very eager to lynch so he's bandwagoning. Just dont have a good feeling about his play right now.

If I had to choose between these 3...I28, AVM, Vic.

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You've been pretty spastic today even though the votes on you are gone... Makes me feel better that I've locked you into 2nd position on my list.

If spastic is taking the time to explain things, when others just throw words like "distancing" and "bandwagoning" out there with no proof, then fine, I am a spazz.

As for Vic and my questions about a Jester, I don't know what kind of roles "usually" are in these games. I am trying to make sure I am not pushing a case that is bad for the town.

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Being lukewarm is a fair enough point, as I've definitely pulled the I agree/disagree card all of day 1 so far. But your Sharrow point? I kept my vote on him, and tried to get people to come along early on. No one bit...so do you suggest I keep my vote there all of day one or actually be productive and put it elsewhere?

As I said with Sharrow, this is how he plays regardless...and it's very dangerous as scum. He gets deep into games as scum, and is a very smart player. Probably the most underrated of everyone here, IMO. I didn't have a strong read on anyone else at the time, so I suggested going after the low post totals. At the time, it was him and Pac...who already had a couple of votes, and hadn't been very "Pac-like." The rest is history there, as no one jumped on board the Sharrow train.

My apologies, didn't ignore it on purpose. My main issue with you is that you are not nearly as probing or as proactive as last game. Though admitedly you were 3rd party, the reason you looked so innocent to me last game was your more confrontational demeanor. This with the wishy washy agreeing and picking the inactive guy to go after made me suspicious.

That said sharrow is at the top of my list too so it is possible to me that you feel he is scum. That was not my main reasoning though just secondary. You just seem like you are not looking to mix things up with other people really.

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Solid rationale.

At this point BG is the one ruffling the least feathers. In fact one of his last posts was something to the effect of the scum team will be small, and shouldn't over-involve themselves on day one. Since then... not a peep really.

I struggled deciding between sharrow and BG, but didn't want to give BG any more reason to hate me..lol

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As I've done with being busy at work.

And earlier you were distancing yourself from Slats and using me to do it. Moves like that make me think someone is scummy when I'm townie.

Earlier when? I have too many people just saying I've been doing this, or I've been doing that and not backing it up with tangible examples. Show me.

You're so modest.

I have no problem standing by my vote on Vic, because I've taken the time to dig up and build a case. All I've seen from everyone else is votes and accusations, without substance to back them up. Got nothing to do with being modest.

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From my phone I wasn't able to easily explain myself about AVM.

At the beginning, I noticed he was maintaining a fairly high post count without contributing much substance-wise. He was helping to keep tabs on vote/post counts, and it always stands out to me when the person paying attention to post counts is racking up a ton of fluff posts.

He's also been daintier than normal when voicing his suspicions. I was watching to see if it kept up, but once JVoR mentioned it, I figured I should come forward with my observations, too.

Posts like these in particular ...

Vic and BG are players I naturally see as clean...but, something about Vic this game sticks out. Something about his play reminds me of last game. I can't exactly find one thing or another, but it's something about his voting/explanations. Could just be that he was scum last game, and so I'm feeling like he is playing the same style. Could be nothing, but I dunno. Just a very light FOS IMO.

In regards to I28, I actually slightly agree/disagree with you about Vic. Something sticks out to me that reminds me of when I was getting fooled so badly last game (I would have sworn he was town).

That's a lot of very gentle nudging and ambiguous wording. What does it even mean to "slightly agree/disagree"? Haha.

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Looks like AVM, Vic and I28 are hitting the most lists.

AVM - He's been vanilla, but IDK. Seems like everyone just followed JVORs lead for some reason. However, he is playing differently than he did in my game, but he was also the survivor so I understood his play then.

Vic - personally, I just think Vic is bored roleless townie. I think we've seen this from him before and he wasnt too upset cuz at least we didnt get a power role. He's putting up no fight, throwing votes around, kinda indifferent and just applogizing if people dont like his play.

I28 - seems scummy. He's narrowing in on people and making long eloborate cases on a day when there really isnt that much to investigate. Seems very eager to lynch so he's bandwagoning. Just dont have a good feeling about his play right now.

If I had to choose between these 3...I28, AVM, Vic.

The reason you have Vic on your list, is because of the case I have put in front of everyone... yet you include me in your list because I took the time to build that very case????

And once again, you are throwing "bandwagoning" out there without examples.

Frankly I think you are full of crapola.

You haven't done anything since I called you out, and you "coincidentally" decided to come to the thread and contribute 5 posts later but sling "bandwagoning" and "distancing" at me without showing anyone where it actually took place.

My vote on Crusher was the 2nd. My vote on Pac was his 1st. My vote on Vic was his 2nd (and my case was entirely different than that of Dan X). I have placed 3 votes. Probably among the least in the game right now considering all the switching around people are doing.

Explain to me, and everyone else, how is that bandwagoning?

Oh, this will be the 2nd or 3rd time I've asked for you to back up your finger pointing... I don't expect you will deliver, again.

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Earlier when? I have too many people just saying I've been doing this, or I've been doing that and not backing it up with tangible examples. Show me.


Just because you addressed it doesnt mean I'm good with it. Still looked like a distancing move. Again, this is what is sticking out at me along with a couple of other things. Dont have much to go on right now. But I rather go with what concerns me, then join a nonesense train.

And why are you so defensive? I've yet to vote you.

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The reason you have Vic on your list, is because of the case I have put in front of everyone... yet you include me in your list because I took the time to build that very case????

And once again, you are throwing "bandwagoning" out there without examples.

Frankly I think you are full of crapola.

You haven't done anything since I called you out, and you "coincidentally" decided to come to the thread and contribute 5 posts later but sling "bandwagoning" and "distancing" at me without showing anyone where it actually took place.

My vote on Crusher was the 2nd. My vote on Pac was his 1st. My vote on Vic was his 2nd (and my case was entirely different than that of Dan X). I have placed 3 votes. Probably among the least in the game right now considering all the switching around people are doing.

Explain to me, and everyone else, how is that bandwagoning?

Oh, this will be the 2nd or 3rd time I've asked for you to back up your finger pointing... I don't expect you will deliver, again.


I havent even put a vote on you.

I'm out for a little while. I'll address this doodoo when I get back.

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Looks like AVM, Vic and I28 are hitting the most lists.

AVM - He's been vanilla, but IDK. Seems like everyone just followed JVORs lead for some reason. However, he is playing differently than he did in my game, but he was also the survivor so I understood his play then.

Vic - personally, I just think Vic is bored roleless townie. I think we've seen this from him before and he wasnt too upset cuz at least we didnt get a power role. He's putting up no fight, throwing votes around, kinda indifferent and just applogizing if people dont like his play.

I28 - seems scummy. He's narrowing in on people and making long eloborate cases on a day when there really isnt that much to investigate. Seems very eager to lynch so he's bandwagoning. Just dont have a good feeling about his play right now.

If I had to choose between these 3...I28, AVM, Vic.

you shut up..

that's not how this works..

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Just because you addressed it doesnt mean I'm good with it. Still looked like a distancing move. Again, this is what is sticking out at me along with a couple of other things. Dont have much to go on right now. But I rather go with what concerns me, then join a nonesense train.

And why are you so defensive? I've yet to vote you.


Have you not paid attention to anything I have said since then?

I'm defensive because I have been asked repeatedly to defend an early game move that I thought was a good way to sort through your pattycake bull****.

In hindsight, I wish I knew you guys would all act like a bunch of ****ing homos for the first 8 pages... I would have just ignored it.

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Left side is the vote getter, right side is who voted and in what order...

JVOR ------ Jif, Pac

i28 ------ Jif, Vic, Pac, AVM

DanX ------ Jif

AVM ------ CTM, Vic, JVOR, Pac, Dan

Sharrow ------ CTM, JVOR, AVM

Vic ------ CTM, Dan, AVM

Jif ------ Vic, JVOR

Crusher - ----- Dan,

Everyone check your names... still waiting for lists from: Sharrow, Slats, i28, Crusher, Bleedin

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you shut up..

that's not how this works..

Wow... so his list of 3, is the top 3 names to show up on everyone ELSE's list?

And he says I am the one bandwagoning. :rolleyes:

JIF's play reeks.

Quick to accuse, and quicker to side-step explanation.

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From my phone I wasn't able to easily explain myself about AVM.

At the beginning, I noticed he was maintaining a fairly high post count without contributing much substance-wise. He was helping to keep tabs on vote/post counts, and it always stands out to me when the person paying attention to post counts is racking up a ton of fluff posts.

He's also been daintier than normal when voicing his suspicions. I was watching to see if it kept up, but once JVoR mentioned it, I figured I should come forward with my observations, too.

Posts like these in particular ...

That's a lot of very gentle nudging and ambiguous wording. What does it even mean to "slightly agree/disagree"? Haha.

you and jvor's post about is exactly why i'm voting avm.. completely different player. Even though I knew he was innocent last game, i meant it when I said it tha the play was very obviously innocent.. this game, not so much

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JVoR (3) -- Bleedin' Green, JiF, Pac

Vicious (1) -- Integrity

AVM (3) -- JVoR, CTM, DanX

Sharrow (1) -- AVM

JiF (1) -- slats

With 12 Research Team Members, it takes 7 to torch.

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Wow... so his list of 3, is the top 3 names to show up on everyone ELSE's list?

And he says I am the one bandwagoning. :rolleyes:

JIF's play reeks.

Quick to accuse, and quicker to side-step explanation.

everything about jif reeks. Wear a clothespin when interacting with him.. that's what i do

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Left side is the vote getter, right side is who voted and in what order...

JVOR ------ Jif, Pac

i28 ------ Jif, Vic, Pac, AVM

DanX ------ Jif

AVM ------ CTM, Vic, JVOR, Pac, Dan

Sharrow ------ CTM, JVOR, AVM

Vic ------ CTM, Dan, AVM

Jif ------ Vic, JVOR

Crusher - ----- Dan,

Everyone check your names... still waiting for lists from: Sharrow, Slats, i28, Crusher, Bleedin

Vicious - for the reasons stated throughout the past day as I put his case together.

Jif - he's been quick to accuse, as long as there are pre-existing cases, and slow to explain anything. He is doing a lot of talking and not really saying anything - just side-stepping.

BG - he said it himself, scum shoudl stay out of the fray.

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Left side is the vote getter, right side is who voted and in what order...

JVOR ------ Jif, Pac

i28 ------ Jif, Vic, Pac, AVM

DanX ------ Jif

AVM ------ CTM, Vic, JVOR, Pac, Dan

Sharrow ------ CTM, JVOR, AVM

Vic ------ CTM, Dan, AVM, i28

Jif ------ Vic, JVOR, i28

Crusher ------ Dan,

Bleedin ------i28

Everyone check your names... still waiting for lists from: Sharrow, Slats, Crusher, Bleedin

edited to correct a mistake..

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This, by the way, isn't exactly wishy/washy like you're saying all my posts were. While I agree a lot of my posts are "I agree, but also disagree" posts, and I'm making it easy to lynch me the "scummier" tactic would be to be pushing someone but not pushing someone.

This is exactly what I think you've been doing with Vicious ... pushing but not really pushing. (See my previous post for examples.) Bringing up his name and saying something indescribable feels maybe slightly scummy.

Similar thing I noticed here ...

Indeed, FOS: JiF for sure. For the record, tonight is the night you'll be gone, correct?

And then never touched on again. But very agreeable, to be sure.

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Left side is the vote getter, right side is who voted and in what order...

JVOR ------ Jif, Pac

i28 ------ Jif, Vic, Pac, AVM

DanX ------ Jif

AVM ------ CTM, Vic, JVOR, Pac, Dan

Sharrow ------ CTM, JVOR, AVM

Vic ------ CTM, Dan, AVM, i28

Jif ------ Vic, JVOR, i28

Crusher ------ Dan,

Bleedin ------i28

Everyone check your names... still waiting for lists from: Sharrow, Slats, i28, Crusher, Bleedin

How do people want to do this, just tally up how many people included someone in their Top 3? Weighting our top suspects (#1 = 3 pts., #2 = 2 pts., etc.)? Or narrowing it down to the most popular candidates and having everyone choose one?

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How do people want to do this, just tally up how many people included someone in their Top 3? Weighting our top suspects (#1 = 3 pts., #2 = 2 pts., etc.)? Or narrowing it down to the most popular candidates and having everyone choose one?

Don't be so quick to let that putz call the shots. I participated in his dog and pony show to see what everyone was thinking but I certainly don't plan on letting him dictate (emphasis on dick) my actions.

I wouldn't mind seeing the cute little graph he comes up with but I hope people don't plan on making that the bible.

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Don't be so quick to let that putz call the shots. I participated in his dog and pony show to see what everyone was thinking but I certainly don't plan on letting him dictate (emphasis on dick) my actions.

I wouldn't mind seeing the cute little graph he comes up with but I hope people don't plan on making that the bible.

You have a way with words. This post made me laugh. :P

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