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Star Wars Mafia

Bleedin Green

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Like I said, isn't it possible that JVoR is town with really bad instincts, and Doggin is scum? It's certainly happened before where JVoR convinced himself early on that someone was innocent. Hehe, I'm pretty sure it was you. :P

I said that a few pages back, it's also very likely..

I'm nto really buying the team is slats / jvor / doggin.. but i would believe 2 of them and 1 patsy, and that doggin has some wicked power that he wants to unleash this evening that makes this whole thing worthwhile..

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This sounds like my fraternity meetings... we are just going in circles.


Lets vote, move onto D2.. and see what happens.

Jesus H Christ this is so frustrating and really im a couple pages away from signing off and not coming back for awhile

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From Wiki: Sometimes, successful lynching of the "Village Idiot" results in the mafia being able to kill two people that night.

Its possible. That would be HUGE for the scum team.

There ya go.

Lynch me soon. I can barely take this.

Even if that were the case, you're saying it would be HUGE for the mafia to be trading three players for one extra night kill on N1. Really? Is that the road to success?

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Bleedin' Green is the mod, not Doggin.

If Doggin modded this game your point would have a semblance of relevance. Now, it has none.

He didn't say that Doggin was the mod, he said that Doggin was mod in another game with a win scenario where scum had to die... suggesting that this scenario could be similar.

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Bleedin' Green is the mod, not Doggin.

If Doggin modded this game your point would have a semblance of relevance. Now, it has none.

Unless they talked about it and BG like the idea and decided to riff on it. Like every other mod out there...

I'm out. You guys convince yourselves of whatever you like and enjoy Doggin & Co. laughing at you.

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Look, can we just vote who we want investigated?????

Doggin was already at L1.

I want Doggin. brett wants Doggin. Integ, you want Doggin, right? Who else?

CTM, you have to step up here a little bit, I'm agreeing with on a lot of your opinions but you're not taking any action.

Everyone, no more talk, Who do you want investigated?

If it's DPR I'm fine with that too btw. But just start giving a direct name to JVOR for the love of God.

Doggin has 3 (as I'm assuming Integ is in)

I really can't decide what to do.

Last game i let the brain overrule the gut and paid for it, this time the gut is screaming lynch doggin but i'm talking myself out of it again, cause frankly DPR has been settign off alarms for awhile as well.. this is like deciding between a kick to the nuts or a bat to the face

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He didn't say that Doggin was the mod, he said that Doggin was mod in another game with a win scenario where scum had to die... suggesting that this scenario could be similar.

I know what he said, I can read.

The point is that Bleedin is a completely different mod and it's foolhardy to believe that Bleedin would go through the trouble of putting together this game WITH A FREAKIN' VIDEO SCOLL!!! and have it have a similar scenario to what DPR is suggesting.

What Doggin did as a mod on another site has no relevance to what is going on here for a game under a different mod.

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Go figure, my #1 target, JVOR does another untimely completely unnecessary reveal early in the game. For what?

Dont know what to make of it and dont know what to make of the 2 guys who are 100% onboard. I mean, offcourse Doggin's onboard, but why slats who many of us have already coupled with JVOR. Ugh. What a cluster ****.

And how badass is my muffin top. He's so ****ing badass. Vic is just a wanna be. Dr. Crushlove knows best.

I'm sticking on JVOR. I dont buy it, it doesnt make sense and he had no reason to reveal this role that doesnt really seem all that impressive. His arrogance has led to this and thats never good for the town.

Agreed. And you know what, We are NEVER going to get this investigation.

If I'm in this "supposed role" which is basically town, I'm not revealing Day 1.

**** this. VOTE: JVOR

I'll worry about this whole Doggin vs DPR thing later.

Integ and Dan, I'm not feeling this Town idiot/two killing so I'm worried idea. There is zero evidence to support it.

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I just made the same point to Danx.

I honestly don't think we can trust an investigation of either DPR or Doggin.

On top of that, if Danx is onto something with VJOR being the village idiot... then we are double screwed if we go through with any investigation at all and lynch JVOR afterwards.

I've been thinking the same thing. Both of their play have been screaming for an investigation, which makes me nervous that we wont get accurate results. Especially with Doggin hinting toward some type of Miller role and the thought that DPR is working independently.

Bottom line, JVOR has ****ed us again. He's totally thrown the game into cluster **** doing something he knows was stupid and unnecessary because his arrogance got in the way. He got all offended that people were after him and made a dumb decision, unless offcourse, he's scum. IDK - his bandwagon vote was the most concerning thing to me thus far and now he does this...dont know what to think anymore...but I dont like his plan because I dont trust him.

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This sounds like my fraternity meetings... we are just going in circles.


Lets vote, move onto D2.. and see what happens.

Jesus H Christ this is so frustrating and really im a couple pages away from signing off and not coming back for awhile

electronic high 5

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Fine, if we're all picking sides without coming to a consensus then vote: DPR. I'll switch if everyone wants Doggin instead.

ugg.. hate terms like that in thse situations..

jvor: can you confirm whether or not i need to vote doggin to get him back to L-1?

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Unless they talked about it and BG like the idea and decided to riff on it. Like every other mod out there...

I'm out. You guys convince yourselves of whatever you like and enjoy Doggin & Co. laughing at you.

Actually, I'm just laughing at you.

You come here to impart your vast knowledge of mafiadom, but then all you do is end up playing patty cake with Doggin, the only player you know here.

Your assumptions here are laughable. Bleedin, the mod, is going to talk about Doggin's setup from another site and then cast Doggin in that same game. That's on top of your magical 3 scum tell in voting for you.

The bottom line is that you have no idea who Bleedin is or how he mods and you're just talking out your ass and trying to pass it off as insight.

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I know what he said, I can read.

The point is that Bleedin is a completely different mod and it's foolhardy to believe that Bleedin would go through the trouble of putting together this game WITH A FREAKIN' VIDEO SCOLL!!! and have it have a similar scenario to what DPR is suggesting.

What Doggin did as a mod on another site has no relevance to what is going on here for a game under a different mod.

... and what BG did with Youtube has no relevance on the win scenarios that could be part of the game. :rolleyes:

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ugg.. hate terms like that in thse situations..

jvor: can you confirm whether or not i need to vote doggin to get him back to L-1?

It's just frustrating because that's what this game has become, and every time someone tries to convince me one way, another goes in the other direction. Ha, I bet scum are loving this!

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... and what BG did with Youtube has no relevance on the win scenarios that could be part of the game. :rolleyes:

I think it goes to show he put some effort in, and there's probably not a short cut win scenario that's going to cut all his effort short.

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ugg.. hate terms like that in thse situations..

jvor: can you confirm whether or not i need to vote doggin to get him back to L-1?

No I'm positive you don't/ JVOR stated it a couple of time earlier. Please don't ask me to find though. There is waaay too many page already.

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... and what BG did with Youtube has no relevance on the win scenarios that could be part of the game. :rolleyes:

It has relevance to the effort Bleedin' put into this game in order for you to believe that he'd have it end on a gimmick. Get it?

Besides, what sense is having a Rebellion vs. Galactic Empire game where Vader et al's goal is to die?

Explain that.

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since doggin was already at L-1, i don't need to vote him, i assume

also, i'd hope someone with a night action takes a lot at dpr tonight..

Me thinks thats what DPR wants...hence his play...but IDK his style. When I have a role that I want someone to come after me...I play his style. But its hard to read newbies even when they are experienced.

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Me thinks thats what DPR wants...hence his play...but IDK his style. When I have a role that I want someone to come after me...I play his style. But its hard to read newbies even when they are experienced.

I wouldn't be opposed to a vig shot :D

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Me thinks thats what DPR wants...hence his play...but IDK his style. When I have a role that I want someone to come after me...I play his style. But its hard to read newbies even when they are experienced.

He liked to talk about watchers and trackers, he could have one watch himself.

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Fine, if we're all picking sides without coming to a consensus then vote: DPR. I'll switch if everyone wants Doggin instead.

good i was starting to worry about you. I have to admit I was half expecting you to pile on me too but this makes me feel better about you being town. Being confused about how to proceed is more of a towntell imo. At least at this stage of it. For you guys with less info i mean from your perspective not mine obviously.

Hess, there really are no words. You're finding it better to not even attempt an investigation and instead just lynch me now without one. I offered my head on a platter already what the hell are you even thinking.

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Do you see this JVOR? That's 4 people who want you to invesetigate Doggin.

Who else?

Also My (lynch) vote is on JVOR until he investigates Doggin.

Make me 5.

Frankly would you be surprised to see dpr come back scum or doggin innocent considering all the posturing today.

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